Example #1
func ex_make_cmd_subcmd2() *commander.Command {
	cmd := &commander.Command{
		UsageLine: "subcmd2",
		Short:     "subcmd2 subcommand. does subcmd2 thingies (help list)",
		List:      commander.HelpTopicsList,
		Subcommands: []*commander.Command{
		Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("my-cmd-subcmd2", flag.ExitOnError),
	return cmd
Example #2
func ex_make_cmd_subcmd2_cmd1() *commander.Command {
	cmd := &commander.Command{
		Run:       ex_run_cmd_subcmd2_cmd1,
		UsageLine: "cmd1 [options]",
		Short:     "runs cmd1 and exits",
		Long: `
runs cmd1 and exits.

 $ my-cmd subcmd2 cmd1
		Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("my-cmd-subcmd2-cmd1", flag.ExitOnError),
	cmd.Flag.Bool("q", true, "only print error and warning messages, all other output will be suppressed")
	return cmd
Example #3
var cmdIpfsRefs = &commander.Command{
	UsageLine: "refs",
	Short:     "List link hashes from an object.",
	Long: `ipfs refs <ipfs-path> - List link hashes from an object..

    Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-path> and displays the link
    hashes it contains, with the following format:

    <link base58 hash>

    Note: list all refs recursively with -r.

	Run:  refCmd,
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("ipfs-refs", flag.ExitOnError),

func init() {
	cmdIpfsRefs.Flag.Bool("r", false, "recursive: list refs recursively")
	cmdIpfsRefs.Flag.Bool("u", false, "unique: list each ref only once")

func refCmd(c *commander.Command, inp []string) error {
	if len(inp) < 1 {
		return nil

	n, err := localNode(false)
	if err != nil {
Example #4
	config "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/config"
	ci "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/crypto"
	identify "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/identify"
	u "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/util"

var cmdIpfsInit = &commander.Command{
	UsageLine: "init",
	Short:     "Initialize ipfs local configuration",
	Long: `ipfs init

	Initializes ipfs configuration files and generates a
	new keypair.
	Run:  initCmd,
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("ipfs-init", flag.ExitOnError),

func init() {
	cmdIpfsInit.Flag.Int("b", 4096, "number of bits for keypair")
	cmdIpfsInit.Flag.String("p", "", "passphrase for encrypting keys")
	cmdIpfsInit.Flag.Bool("f", false, "force overwrite of existing config")

func initCmd(c *commander.Command, inp []string) error {
	filename, err := config.Filename(config.DefaultConfigFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Couldn't get home directory path")
	fi, err := os.Lstat(filename)
	force := c.Flag.Lookup("f").Value.Get().(bool)
Example #5
    ipfs config --show         - Show config file
    ipfs config --edit         - Edit config file in $EDITOR


  Get the value of the 'datastore.path' key:

      ipfs config datastore.path

  Set the value of the 'datastore.path' key:

      ipfs config datastore.path ~/.go-ipfs/datastore

	Run:  configCmd,
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("ipfs-config", flag.ExitOnError),

func init() {
	cmdIpfsConfig.Flag.Bool("edit", false, "Edit config file in $EDITOR")
	cmdIpfsConfig.Flag.Bool("show", false, "Show config file")

func configCmd(c *commander.Command, inp []string) error {

	// todo: implement --config filename flag.
	filename, err := config.Filename("")
	if err != nil {
		return err
Example #6

var cmd_cmd1 = &commander.Command{
	Run:       ex_run_cmd_cmd1,
	UsageLine: "cmd1 [options]",
	Short:     "runs cmd1 and exits",
	Long: `
runs cmd1 and exits.

$ my-cmd cmd1
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("my-cmd-cmd1", flag.ExitOnError),

func init() {
	cmd_cmd1.Flag.Bool("q", true, "only print error and warning messages, all other output will be suppressed")

func ex_run_cmd_cmd1(cmd *commander.Command, args []string) error {
	name := "my-cmd-" + cmd.Name()
	quiet := cmd.Flag.Lookup("q").Value.Get().(bool)
	fmt.Printf("%s: hello from cmd1 (quiet=%v)\n", name, quiet)
	return nil

// EOF
Example #7
	rofs "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/fuse/readonly"
	u "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/util"

var cmdIpfsMount = &commander.Command{
	UsageLine: "mount",
	Short:     "Mount an ipfs read-only mountpoint.",
	Long: `ipfs mount <os-path> - Mount an ipfs read-only mountpoint.

    Mount ipfs at a read-only mountpoint on the OS. All ipfs objects
    will be accessible under that directory. Note that the root will
    not be listable, as it is virtual. Accessing known paths directly.

	Run:  mountCmd,
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("ipfs-mount", flag.ExitOnError),

func mountCmd(c *commander.Command, inp []string) error {
	u.Debug = true
	if len(inp) < 1 || len(inp[0]) == 0 {
		return nil

	n, err := localNode(true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
Example #8
// Error indicating the max depth has been exceded.
var ErrDepthLimitExceeded = fmt.Errorf("depth limit exceeded")

var cmdIpfsAdd = &commander.Command{
	UsageLine: "add",
	Short:     "Add an object to ipfs.",
	Long: `ipfs add <path>... - Add objects to ipfs.

    Adds contents of <path> to ipfs. Use -r to add directories.
    Note that directories are added recursively, to form the ipfs
    MerkleDAG. A smarter partial add with a staging area (like git)
    remains to be implemented.
	Run:  addCmd,
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("ipfs-add", flag.ExitOnError),

func init() {
	cmdIpfsAdd.Flag.Bool("r", false, "add objects recursively")

func addCmd(c *commander.Command, inp []string) error {
	if len(inp) < 1 {
		return nil

	cmd := daemon.NewCommand()
	cmd.Command = "add"
Example #9

var cmd_subcmd1_cmd2 = &commander.Command{
	Run:       ex_run_cmd_subcmd1_cmd2,
	UsageLine: "cmd2 [options]",
	Short:     "runs cmd2 and exits",
	Long: `
runs cmd2 and exits.

$ my-cmd subcmd1 cmd2
	Flag: *flag.NewFlagSet("my-cmd-subcmd1-cmd2", flag.ExitOnError),

func init() {
	cmd_subcmd1_cmd2.Flag.Bool("q", true, "only print error and warning messages, all other output will be suppressed")

func ex_run_cmd_subcmd1_cmd2(cmd *commander.Command, args []string) error {
	name := "my-cmd-subcmd1-" + cmd.Name()
	quiet := cmd.Flag.Lookup("q").Value.Get().(bool)
	fmt.Printf("%s: hello from subcmd1-cmd2 (quiet=%v)\n", name, quiet)
	return nil

// EOF