func main() { args := os.Args if 1 == len(args) { log.Fatal("usage: nolo-ganglia path-to-plugin") } name := args[1] out, err := exec.Command(name).Output() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } basename := filepath.Base(name) plugin := nolo.Parse(basename, string(out)) gIP := net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1) gangliaPort := 1234 host := "" spoofHost := "" gm := gmetric.Gmetric{ Host: host, Spoof: spoofHost, } gm.AddServer(gmetric.Server{gIP, gangliaPort}) for _, metric := range plugin.Metrics { m_name := metric.Identifier m_value := metric.Value m_units := "" m_type := uint32(gmetric.VALUE_UNSIGNED_INT) m_slope := uint32(gmetric.SLOPE_BOTH) m_grp := plugin.Identifier m_interval := uint32(300) go gm.SendMetric( m_name, m_value, m_type, m_units, m_slope, m_interval, m_interval, m_grp) } }
func main() { log.Printf("Initializing test") gIP := net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1) gangliaPort := 1234 gm := gmetric.Gmetric{ Host: "", Spoof: "", } gm.AddServer(gmetric.Server{gIP, gangliaPort}) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { log.Printf("Sending packet for some_metric_%d", i) gm.SendMetric(fmt.Sprintf("some_metric_%d", i), "8675309", gmetric.VALUE_UNSIGNED_INT, "units", gmetric.SLOPE_BOTH, 300, 600, "GROUP") } }
func NewGmetric() (*gmetric.Gmetric, error) { b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(GmondConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } stanzas := gmondChannelRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(b), -1) if len(stanzas) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("No udp_send_channel stanzas found in %s", GmondConfig) } servers := make([]gmetric.Server, 0) for _, stanza := range stanzas { var host, port string for _, match := range gmondHostPortRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(stanza[1], 2) { if match[1] == "host" { host = match[2] } else if match[1] == "port" { port = match[2] } } if host == "" || port == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing host or port from %s stanza %q", GmondConfig, stanza[0]) } portNum, err := strconv.Atoi(port) if err != nil { return nil, err } ips, err := net.LookupIP(host) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, ip := range ips { vlog.VLogf("Reporting to Ganglia server at %s:%d", ip, portNum) servers = append(servers, gmetric.Server{ip, portNum}) } } // see hostname, _ := os.Hostname() spoofName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", hostname, hostname) gm := gmetric.Gmetric{Spoof: spoofName} for _, server := range servers { gm.AddServer(server) } return &gm, nil }
func submit() { var clientGraphite net.Conn if *graphiteAddress != "" { var err error clientGraphite, err = net.Dial(TCP, *graphiteAddress) if clientGraphite != nil { // Run this when we're all done, only if clientGraphite was opened. defer clientGraphite.Close() } if err != nil { log.Printf(err.Error()) } } var useGanglia bool var gm gmetric.Gmetric gmSubmit := func(name string, value uint32) { if useGanglia { if *debug { log.Println("Ganglia send metric %s value %d\n", name, value) } m_value := fmt.Sprint(value) m_units := "count" m_type := uint32(gmetric.VALUE_UNSIGNED_INT) m_slope := uint32(gmetric.SLOPE_BOTH) m_grp := "statsd" m_ival := uint32(*flushInterval * int64(2)) go gm.SendMetric(name, m_value, m_type, m_units, m_slope, m_ival, m_ival, m_grp) } } gmSubmitFloat := func(name string, value float64) { if useGanglia { if *debug { log.Println("Ganglia send float metric %s value %f\n", name, value) } m_value := fmt.Sprint(value) m_units := "count" m_type := uint32(gmetric.VALUE_DOUBLE) m_slope := uint32(gmetric.SLOPE_BOTH) m_grp := "statsd" m_ival := uint32(*flushInterval * int64(2)) go gm.SendMetric(name, m_value, m_type, m_units, m_slope, m_ival, m_ival, m_grp) } } if *gangliaAddress != "" { gm = gmetric.Gmetric{ Host: *gangliaSpoofHost, Spoof: *gangliaSpoofHost, } gm.SetVerbose(false) if strings.Contains(*gangliaAddress, ",") { segs := strings.Split(*gangliaAddress, ",") for i := 0; i < len(segs); i++ { gIP, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip4", segs[i]) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } gm.AddServer(gmetric.GmetricServer{gIP.IP, *gangliaPort}) } } else { gIP, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip4", *gangliaAddress) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } gm.AddServer(gmetric.GmetricServer{gIP.IP, *gangliaPort}) } useGanglia = true } else { useGanglia = false } numStats := 0 now := time.Now() buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("") for s, c := range counters { value := float64(c) / float64((float64(*flushInterval)*float64(time.Second))/float64(1e3)) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.%s %d %d\n", s, value, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_%s", s), value) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats_counts.%s %d %d\n", s, c, now) gmSubmit(fmt.Sprintf("stats_counts_%s", s), uint32(c)) counters[s] = 0 numStats++ } for i, g := range gauges { value := int64(g) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.%s %d %d\n", i, value, now) gmSubmit(fmt.Sprintf("stats_%s", i), uint32(value)) numStats++ } for u, t := range timers { if len(t) > 0 { sort.Float64s(t) min := float64(t[0]) max := float64(t[len(t)-1]) mean := float64(min) maxAtThreshold := float64(max) count := len(t) if len(t) > 1 { var thresholdIndex int thresholdIndex = ((100 - *percentThreshold) / 100) * count numInThreshold := count - thresholdIndex values := t[0:numInThreshold] sum := float64(0) for i := 0; i < numInThreshold; i++ { sum += values[i] } mean = float64(sum) / float64(numInThreshold) } var z []float64 timers[u] = z fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.mean %f %d\n", u, mean, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_mean", u), mean) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.upper %f %d\n", u, max, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_upper", u), max) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.upper_%d %f %d\n", u, *percentThreshold, maxAtThreshold, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_upper_%d", u, *percentThreshold), maxAtThreshold) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.lower %f %d\n", u, min, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_lower", u), min) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.count %d %d\n", u, count, now) gmSubmit(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_count", u), uint32(count)) } else { // Need to still submit timers as zero fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.mean %f %d\n", u, 0, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_mean", u), 0) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.upper %f %d\n", u, 0, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_upper", u), 0) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.upper_%d %f %d\n", u, *percentThreshold, 0, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_upper_%d", u, *percentThreshold), 0) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.lower %f %d\n", u, 0, now) gmSubmitFloat(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_lower", u), 0) fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "stats.timers.%s.count %d %d\n", u, 0, now) gmSubmit(fmt.Sprintf("stats_timers_%s_count", u), uint32(0)) } numStats++ } fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "statsd.numStats %d %d\n", numStats, now) gmSubmit("statsd_numStats", uint32(numStats)) if clientGraphite != nil { if *debug { log.Println("Send to graphite: [[[%s]]]\n", string(buffer.Bytes())) } clientGraphite.Write(buffer.Bytes()) } }