Example #1
func (x *residue) ReadFrom(r *ogg.BitReader) error {
	x.residueType = r.Read16(16)
	if x.residueType > 2 {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	x.begin = r.Read32(24)
	x.end = r.Read32(24)
	x.partitionSize = r.Read32(24) + 1
	x.classifications = r.Read8(6) + 1
	x.classbook = r.Read8(8)
	x.cascade = make([]uint8, x.classifications)
	for i := range x.cascade {
		highBits := uint8(0)
		lowBits := r.Read8(3)
		if r.ReadBool() {
			highBits = r.Read8(5)
		x.cascade[i] = highBits*8 + lowBits

	x.books = make([][8]uint8, x.classifications)
	for i := range x.books {
		for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
			if x.cascade[i]&(1<<uint(j)) != 0 {
				x.books[i][j] = r.Read8(8)
			} else {
				x.books[i][j] = 0xFF //unused

	return nil
Example #2
func (f *floor1) Decode(r *ogg.BitReader, books []codebook, n uint32) []uint32 {
	if !r.ReadBool() {
		return nil

	range_ := [4]uint32{256, 128, 86, 64}[f.multiplier-1]
	y := make([]uint32, 0, len(f.xList))
	y = append(y, r.Read32(ilog(int(range_)-1)), r.Read32(ilog(int(range_)-1)))
	for _, classIndex := range f.partitionClassList {
		class := f.classes[classIndex]
		cdim := class.dimension
		cbits := class.subclass
		csub := (uint32(1) << cbits) - 1
		cval := uint32(0)
		if cbits > 0 {
			cval = books[class.masterbook].DecodeScalar(r)
		for j := 0; j < int(cdim); j++ {
			book := class.subclassBooks[cval&csub]
			cval >>= cbits
			if book != 0xFF {
				y = append(y, books[book].DecodeScalar(r))
			} else {
				y = append(y, 0)
	return y
Example #3
func (i *identification) ReadFrom(r *ogg.BitReader) error {
	if r.Read8(8) != headerTypeIdentification {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	if r.Read64(48) != pattern {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	if r.Read32(32) != 0 {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	i.audioChannels = r.Read8(8)
	i.audioSampleRate = r.Read32(32)
	i.bitrateMaximum = r.Read32(32)
	i.bitrateNominal = r.Read32(32)
	i.bitrateMinimum = r.Read32(32)
	i.blocksize0 = uint16(1) << r.Read8(4)
	i.blocksize1 = uint16(1) << r.Read8(4)
	if !r.ReadBool() {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	return nil
Example #4
func (s *setup) ReadFrom(r *ogg.BitReader) error {
	if r.Read8(8) != headerTypeSetup {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	if r.Read64(48) != pattern {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream

	s.codebooks = make([]codebook, r.Read16(8)+1)
	for i := range s.codebooks {
		err := s.codebooks[i].ReadFrom(r)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	transformCount := r.Read8(6) + 1
	for i := 0; i < int(transformCount); i++ {
		if r.Read16(16) != 0 {
			return ogg.ErrCorruptStream

	s.floors = make([]floor, r.Read8(6)+1)
	for i := range s.floors {
		var err error
		switch r.Read16(16) {
		case 0:
			// TODO
			// floor0 is not supported right now, also I haven't found any files that use it.
			/*var f floor0
			err = f.ReadFrom(r)
			s.floors[i] = &f*/
		case 1:
			f := new(floor1)
			err = f.ReadFrom(r)
			s.floors[i] = f
			err = ogg.ErrCorruptStream
		if err != nil {
			return err

	s.residues = make([]residue, r.Read8(6)+1)
	for i := range s.residues {
		err := s.residues[i].ReadFrom(r)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	s.mappings = make([]mapping, r.Read8(6)+1)
	for i := range s.mappings {
		m := &s.mappings[i]
		if r.Read16(16) != 0 {
			return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
		if r.ReadBool() {
			m.submaps = make([]mappingSubmap, r.Read8(4)+1)
		} else {
			m.submaps = make([]mappingSubmap, 1)
		if r.ReadBool() {
			m.couplingSteps = r.Read16(8) + 1
			m.magnitude = make([]uint8, m.couplingSteps)
			m.angle = make([]uint8, m.couplingSteps)
			for i := range m.magnitude {
				m.magnitude[i] = r.Read8(ilog(s.channels - 1))
				m.angle[i] = r.Read8(ilog(s.channels - 1))
		if r.Read8(2) != 0 {
			return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
		m.mux = make([]uint8, s.channels)
		if len(m.submaps) > 1 {
			for i := range m.mux {
				m.mux[i] = r.Read8(4)
		for i := range m.submaps {
			m.submaps[i].floor = r.Read8(8)
			m.submaps[i].residue = r.Read8(8)

	s.modes = make([]mode, r.Read8(6)+1)
	for i := range s.modes {
		m := &s.modes[i]
		m.blockflag = r.Read8(1)
		if r.Read16(16) != 0 {
			return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
		if r.Read16(16) != 0 {
			return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
		m.mapping = r.Read8(8)

	if !r.ReadBool() {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	return nil
Example #5
func (c *codebook) ReadFrom(r *ogg.BitReader) error {
	if r.Read32(24) != codebookPattern {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	c.dimensions = r.Read32(16)
	numEntries := r.Read32(24)
	c.entries = make(huffmanTable, numEntries*2-2)
	ordered := r.ReadBool()
	if !ordered {
		sparse := r.ReadBool()
		for i := uint32(0); i < numEntries; i++ {
			if !sparse || r.ReadBool() {
				c.entries.Put(i, r.Read8(5)+1)
	} else {
		currentEntry := uint32(0)
		currentLength := r.Read8(5) + 1
		for currentEntry < numEntries {
			num := r.Read32(ilog(int(numEntries - currentEntry)))
			for i := currentEntry; i < currentEntry+num; i++ {
				c.entries.Put(i, currentLength)
			currentEntry += num

	lookupType := r.Read8(4)
	if lookupType == 0 {
		return nil
	if lookupType > 2 {
		return ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	minimumValue := float32Unpack(r.Read32(32))
	deltaValue := float32Unpack(r.Read32(32))
	valueBits := r.Read8(4) + 1
	sequenceP := r.ReadBool()
	var multiplicands []uint32
	if lookupType == 1 {
		multiplicands = make([]uint32, lookup1Values(int(numEntries), c.dimensions))
	} else {
		multiplicands = make([]uint32, int(numEntries)*int(c.dimensions))
	for i := range multiplicands {
		multiplicands[i] = r.Read32(uint(valueBits))
	c.values = make([]float32, numEntries*c.dimensions)
	for entry := 0; entry < int(numEntries); entry++ {
		index := entry * int(c.dimensions)
		if lookupType == 1 {
			last := float32(0)
			indexDivisor := 1
			for i := 0; i < int(c.dimensions); i++ {
				multiplicandOffset := (entry / indexDivisor) % len(multiplicands)
				c.values[index+i] = float32(multiplicands[multiplicandOffset])*deltaValue + minimumValue + last
				if sequenceP {
					last = c.values[index+i]
				indexDivisor *= len(multiplicands)
		} else if lookupType == 2 {
			last := float32(0)
			for i := 0; i < int(c.dimensions); i++ {
				c.values[index+i] = float32(multiplicands[index+i])*deltaValue + minimumValue + last
				if sequenceP {
					last = c.values[index+i]
	return nil
Example #6
func (s *setup) decodePacket(r *ogg.BitReader, prev [][]float32) ([][]float32, [][]float32, error) {
	if r.ReadBool() {
		return nil, nil, ogg.ErrCorruptStream
	modeNumber := r.Read8(ilog(len(s.modes) - 1))
	mode := s.modes[modeNumber]
	// decode window type
	blocktype := mode.blockflag
	longWindow := mode.blockflag == 1
	blocksize := s.blocksize[blocktype]
	spectrumSize := uint32(blocksize / 2)
	windowPrev, windowNext := false, false
	window := windowType{blocksize, blocksize, blocksize}
	if longWindow {
		windowPrev = r.ReadBool()
		windowNext = r.ReadBool()
		if !windowPrev {
			window.prev = s.blocksize[0]
		if !windowNext {
			window.next = s.blocksize[0]

	mapping := &s.mappings[mode.mapping]
	floors := make([]floorData, s.channels)
	residueVectors := make([][]float32, s.channels)
	for ch := range residueVectors {
		residueVectors[ch] = s.residueBuffer[ch][:spectrumSize]
		for i := range residueVectors[ch] {
			residueVectors[ch][i] = 0

	s.decodeFloors(r, floors, mapping, spectrumSize)
	s.decodeResidue(r, residueVectors, mapping, floors, spectrumSize)
	s.inverseCoupling(mapping, residueVectors)
	s.applyFloor(floors, residueVectors)

	// inverse MDCT
	out := make([][]float32, s.channels)
	for ch := range out {
		out[ch] = make([]float32, blocksize)
		imdct(s.lookup[blocktype], residueVectors[ch], out[ch])

	// apply window and overlap
	s.applyWindow(&window, out)
	center := blocksize / 2
	offset := s.blocksize[1]/4 - s.blocksize[0]/4
	final := make([][]float32, s.channels)
	next := make([][]float32, s.channels)
	if longWindow {
		for ch := range out {
			start := 0
			end := blocksize
			if !windowPrev {
				start += offset
			if !windowNext {
				end -= offset
			final[ch], next[ch] = out[ch][start:center], out[ch][center:end]
			if prev != nil {
				for i := range prev[ch] {
					final[ch][i] += prev[ch][i]
	} else /*short window*/ {
		for ch := range out {
			if prev != nil && len(prev[ch]) > center {
				final[ch], next[ch] = prev[ch], out[ch][center:]
				for i := offset; i < len(final[ch]); i++ {
					final[ch][i] += out[ch][i-offset]
			} else {
				final[ch], next[ch] = out[ch][:center], out[ch][center:]
				if prev != nil {
					for i := range final[ch] {
						final[ch][i] += prev[ch][i]
	return final, next, nil