Example #1
File: lexer.go Project: jmank88/gql
// The readSpread method lexs a spread ("...") into the token t.
// It is the caller's responsibility to set t.Start and to assert that l.last == '.'.
func (l *lexer) readSpread(t *token.Token) (err error) {
	expectDot := func() error {
		if !l.advance() {
			return l.err
		if l.eof {
			return &SyntaxError{t.Start, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")}
		if l.scanner.Rune() != '.' {
			return &SyntaxError{t.Start, fmt.Errorf("unexpected character: %U", l.scanner.Rune())}
		return nil

	// Expect 2 more dots.
	if err = expectDot(); err != nil {
	if err = expectDot(); err != nil {

	t.Kind = token.Spread
	t.End = t.Start + 3
	t.Value = "..."

	if !l.advance() {
		return l.err
Example #2
File: lexer.go Project: jmank88/gql
// The Lex method lexs the next token into t, or returns an error.
// Implements the Lexer interface.
func (l *lexer) Lex(t *token.Token) error {
	// Skip past whitespace, comments, etc.
	if !l.advanceToNextToken() {
		return l.err

	t.Start = l.lastIndex

	if l.eof {
		t.Kind = token.EOF
		t.End = t.Start
		return nil

	r := l.scanner.Rune()

	if k, exists := token.RunePunctuators[r]; exists {
		t.Kind = k
		t.End = t.Start + 1
		t.Value = string(r)
		if !l.advance() {
			return l.err
		return nil

	switch {
	case r == '_', l.isUpperLetter(), l.isLowerLetter():
		return l.readName(t)
	case r == '-', l.isDigit():
		return l.readNumber(t)
	case r < token.SPACE && r != token.TAB && r != token.LF && r != token.CR:
		return &SyntaxError{t.Start, fmt.Errorf("invalid character: %U", r)}

	switch r {
	case '"':
		return l.readString(t)
	case '.':
		return l.readSpread(t)
		return &SyntaxError{t.Start, fmt.Errorf("unexpected character: %U", r)}
Example #3
File: lexer.go Project: jmank88/gql
// The readName method lexs a name into the token t.
// It is the caller's responsibility to set t.Start and assert that l.last is a valid first character.
func (l *lexer) readName(t *token.Token) error {
	t.Kind = token.Name

	for l.advance() {
		if l.scanner.Rune() == '_' || l.isDigit() || l.isUpperLetter() || l.isLowerLetter() {
		} else {
			t.End = l.lastIndex - 1
			t.Value = l.scanner.EndTail()
			return nil
	return l.err
Example #4
File: lexer.go Project: jmank88/gql
// The readString methods lexs a string surrounding by double-quotes (") into the token t.
// Any escaped or unicode characters will be replaced in t.Value.
// It is the caller's responsibility to set t.Start and to assert that l.last == '"'.
func (l *lexer) readString(t *token.Token) error {
	t.Kind = token.String

	var value bytes.Buffer

	for l.advance() {
		r := l.scanner.Rune()
		switch {
		case l.eof, r == token.LF, r == token.CR:
			return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("unterminated string %q, encountered %U", value.String(), r)}
		case r == '"':
			t.End = l.lastIndex
			t.Value = value.String()
			if !l.advance() {
				return l.err
			return nil
		case r < token.SPACE && r != token.TAB:
			return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("Invalid character within String: %U", r)}
		case r != '\\':
			if !l.advance() {
				return l.err
			switch l.scanner.Rune() {
			case '"':
			case '/':
			case '\\':
			case 'b':
			case 'f':
			case 'n':
			case 'r':
			case 't':
			case 'u':
				var uRunes [4]rune
				for i, _ := range uRunes {
					if !l.advance() {
						return l.err
					if l.eof {
						return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("invalid unicode; unexpected EOF")}
					uRunes[i] = l.scanner.Rune()
				b, err := hex.DecodeString(string(uRunes[:]))
				if err != nil {
					return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, err}
				charCode := rune(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b))
				if charCode < 0 {
					return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("Invalid character escape sequence: \\u%s", string(uRunes[:]))}
				return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("Invalid character escape sequence: \\%s", string(l.scanner.Rune()))}
	return l.err
Example #5
File: lexer.go Project: jmank88/gql
// The readNumber method lexs a number into the token t.
// It is the caller's responsibility to set t.Start and assert that l.last is a valid first character.
// Int: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)
// Float: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?((E|e)(+|-)?[0-9]+)?
func (l *lexer) readNumber(t *token.Token) error {

	t.Kind = token.Int

	if l.scanner.Rune() == '-' {
		if !l.advance() {
			return l.err
		if l.eof {
			return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("invalid number; unexpected EOF following sign")}
	if l.scanner.Rune() == '0' {
		if !l.advance() {
			return l.err
		if l.eof {
			return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("invalid number; unexpected EOF following '0'")}
		if l.isDigit() {
			return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: %U", l.scanner.Rune())}
	} else {
		if !l.advanceDigits() {
			return l.err
		if l.eof {
			t.End = l.lastIndex - 1
			t.Value = l.scanner.EndTail()
			return nil

	// Decimal
	if l.scanner.Rune() == '.' {
		t.Kind = token.Float
		if !l.advanceDigits() {
			return l.err
		if l.eof {
			return nil

	// Exponent
	if l.scanner.Rune() == 'E' || l.scanner.Rune() == 'e' {
		t.Kind = token.Float

		if !l.advance() {
			return l.err
		if l.eof {
			return nil
		switch {
		case l.scanner.Rune() == '+', l.scanner.Rune() == '-', l.isDigit():
			if !l.advanceDigits() {
				return l.err
			return &SyntaxError{l.lastIndex, fmt.Errorf("unterminated number; expected sign or digit but found %U", l.scanner.Rune())}

	t.End = l.lastIndex - 1
	t.Value = l.scanner.EndTail()

	return nil