func AddPost(requesterID string, post *types.Post) httperr.Error { jsonFields, err := json.Marshal(post.Fields) if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO posts "+ "(p_postid, p_userid_creator, p_channelname, p_title, p_thumbnail, p_time, p_location, p_fields) "+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ST_MakePoint(?,?), ?)", post.ID, post.CreatorID, post.Channel, post.Title, post.Thumbnail, post.Time, post.Location.Longitude, post.Location.Latitude, jsonFields).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
func AddComment(requesterID string, comment *types.Comment) httperr.Error { err := db.Create(comment).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
func RemoveComment(requesterID, commentID string) httperr.Error { err := db.Where("cmd_commentid = ?", commentID).Delete(&types.Comment{}).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
func AddChannel(channel *types.Channel) httperr.Error { err := db.Create(channel).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
// AddUser adds the given User to the database, or returns an error if the // insertion was unsuccessful. func AddUser(user *types.User) httperr.Error { err := db.Create(user).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
func GetComments(requesterID, postID string) ([]*types.Comment, httperr.Error) { var comments []*types.Comment err := db.Where("cmt_postid = ?", postID).Order("cmt_time").Find(&comments).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return comments, nil }
func IsCommentCreator(requesterID, userID, commentID string) (bool, httperr.Error) { var comment types.Comment err := db.Where("cmt_commentid = ?", commentID).First(&comment).Error if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return false, nil } else if err != nil { return false, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return true, nil }
// GetComment returns a comment with the given ID, or nil if it does not exist. // An error is returned if some issue occurred with the database. func GetComment(requesterID, commentID string) (*types.Comment, httperr.Error) { var comment types.Comment err := db.Where("cmt_commentid = ?", commentID).First(&comment).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return &comment, nil }
// GetUserByID returns the user with the given ID if one exists, nil otherwise. // Returns an error if some error occurs within the database. func GetUserByID(userID string) (*types.User, httperr.Error) { var user types.User err := db.Where("u_userid = ?", userID).First(&user).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return &user, nil }
func GetChannels(requesterID string) ([]*types.PersonalizedChannelInfo, httperr.Error) { var channels []*types.PersonalizedChannelInfo err := db.Table("channels"). Joins("LEFT JOIN user_subscriptions ON (ch_channelname = us_channelname AND us_userid = ?)", requesterID). Joins("LEFT JOIN users ON (u_userid = ch_userid_creator)"). Select("*, (us_channelname IS NOT NULL) AS subscribed"). Order("ch_channelname").Find(&channels).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return channels, nil }
func GetPost(requesterID, postID string) (*types.PersonalizedPost, httperr.Error) { var post types.PersonalizedPost err := db.Table("posts"). Where("p_postid = ?", postID). Joins("LEFT JOIN user_favorites ON (p_postid = uf_postid AND uf_userid = ?)", requesterID). Joins("LEFT JOIN users ON (u_userid = p_userid_creator)"). Select("*, (uf_postid IS NOT NULL) AS favorited, ST_AsText(p_location) AS location"). First(&post).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return &post, nil }
// RemoveFavorite removes the given post from the user with ID userID's set of // favorites. This transaction is executed under the permission level of the // requester. Returns an error if the requester does not have sufficient // permission, or if some other error occurs within the database. func RemoveFavorite(requesterID, userID, postID string) httperr.Error { permission, httpErr := CanModifyFavorites(requesterID, userID) if httpErr != nil { return httpErr } else if !permission { return ErrInsufficientPermission } err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM user_favorites WHERE uf_userid = ? AND uf_postid = ?", requesterID, postID).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
// AddFavorite adds the given post to the set of favorites for the user with ID // userID. This transaction is executed under the permission level of the // requester. Returns an error if the requester does not have sufficient // permission, or if some other error occurs within the database. func AddFavorite(requesterID, userID, postID string) httperr.Error { permission, httpErr := CanModifyFavorites(requesterID, userID) if httpErr != nil { return httpErr } else if !permission { return ErrInsufficientPermission } err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO user_favorites (uf_userid, uf_postid) VALUES (?, ?)", requesterID, postID).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
func RemoveSubscription(requesterID, userID, channelname string) httperr.Error { permission, httpErr := CanModifySubscriptions(requesterID, userID) if httpErr != nil { return httpErr } else if !permission { return ErrInsufficientPermission } err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM user_subscriptions WHERE us_userid = ? AND us_channelname = ?", requesterID, channelname).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
// RemoveBan removes the user with ID userID from the ban list for the given // channel. This transaction is executed under the permission level of the given // requester. Returns an error if the requester does not have sufficient // permission, or if some other error occurs within the database. func RemoveBan(requesterID, userID, channelname string) error { permission, httpErr := CanModifyBans(requesterID, channelname) if httpErr != nil { return httpErr } else if !permission { return ErrInsufficientPermission } err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM channel_bans WHERE chb_userid = ? and chb_channelname = ?", userID, channelname).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
func AddSubscription(requesterID, userID, channelname string) httperr.Error { permission, httpErr := CanModifySubscriptions(requesterID, userID) if httpErr != nil { return httpErr } else if !permission { return ErrInsufficientPermission } err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO user_subscriptions (us_userid, us_channelname) VALUES (?, ?)", requesterID, channelname).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
// AddBan adds the user with ID userID to the ban list for the given channel. // This transaction is executed under the permission level of the given // requester. Returns an error if the requester does not have sufficient // permission, or if some other error occurs within the database. func AddBan(requesterID, userID, channelname string) httperr.Error { permission, httpErr := CanModifyBans(requesterID, channelname) if httpErr != nil { return httpErr } else if !permission { return ErrInsufficientPermission } err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO channel_bans (chb_userid, chb_channelname) VALUES (?, ?);", userID, channelname).Error if err != nil { return httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil }
// GetBans returns the list of users which are banned from the given channel. // This transaction is executed under the permission level of the given // requester. Returns an error if the requester does not have sufficient // permission, or if some other error occurs within the database. func GetBans(requesterID, channelname string) ([]string, httperr.Error) { permission, httpErr := CanViewBans(requesterID, channelname) if httpErr != nil { return nil, httpErr } else if !permission { return nil, ErrInsufficientPermission } var bans []string err := db.Table("channel_bans").Select("chb_userid").Where("chb_channelname = ?", channelname).Scan(&bans).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return bans, nil }
func GetChannel(requesterID, channelname string) (*types.PersonalizedChannel, httperr.Error) { // TODO: Account for requester permission var channel types.PersonalizedChannel err := db.Table("channels"). Joins("LEFT JOIN user_subscriptions ON (ch_channelname = us_channelname AND us_userid = ?)", requesterID). Joins("LEFT JOIN users ON (u_userid = ch_userid_creator)"). Select("*, (us_channelname IS NOT NULL) AS subscribed"). Where("ch_channelname = ?", channelname). First(&channel).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return &channel, nil }
func GetPosts(requesterID string, postQueryParams *PostQueryParams) ([]*types.PersonalizedPostInfo, httperr.Error) { var posts []*types.PersonalizedPostInfo query := db.Table("posts"). Joins("LEFT JOIN user_favorites ON (p_postid = uf_postid AND uf_userid = ?)", requesterID). Joins("LEFT JOIN user_subscriptions ON (p_channelname = us_channelname AND us_userid = ?)", requesterID). Joins("LEFT JOIN users ON (u_userid = p_userid_creator)"). Select("*, (uf_postid IS NOT NULL) AS favorited, ST_AsText(p_location) AS location, (us_channelname IS NOT NULL) AS subscribed"). Order("p_time desc") if postQueryParams.Flags != nil { if postQueryParams.Flags.Mine { query = query.Where("p_userid_creator = ?", requesterID) } if postQueryParams.Flags.Favorites { query = query.Where("uf_postid IS NOT NULL") } if postQueryParams.Flags.Subscriptions { query = query.Where("us_channelname IS NOT NULL") } } if postQueryParams.LocationRange != nil { query = query.Where("p_location && ST_MakeEnvelope (?,?,?,?)", postQueryParams.LocationRange.Min.Longitude, postQueryParams.LocationRange.Min.Latitude, postQueryParams.LocationRange.Max.Longitude, postQueryParams.LocationRange.Max.Latitude) } if postQueryParams.TimeRange != nil { query = query.Where("p_time > ? AND p_time < ?", postQueryParams.TimeRange.Min, postQueryParams.TimeRange.Max) } if postQueryParams.Limit != nil { query = query.Limit(*postQueryParams.Limit) } if postQueryParams.Offset != nil { query = query.Offset(*postQueryParams.Offset) } err := query.Find(&posts).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return posts, nil }
// GetFavorites returns the set of favorites for the user with ID userID. This // transaction is executed under the permission level of the requester. Returns // an error if the requester does not have sufficient permission, or if some // other error occurs within the database. func GetFavorites(requesterID, userID string) ([]string, httperr.Error) { permission, httpErr := CanViewFavorites(requesterID, userID) if httpErr != nil { return nil, httpErr } else if !permission { return nil, ErrInsufficientPermission } var favorites []struct { PostID string `gorm:"column:uf_postid"` } err := db.Table("user_favorites").Where("uf_userid = ?", userID).Find(&favorites).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } postIDs := make([]string, len(favorites)) for i, favorite := range favorites { postIDs[i] = favorite.PostID } return postIDs, nil }
func GetSubscriptions(requesterID, userID string) ([]string, httperr.Error) { permission, httpErr := CanViewSubscriptions(requesterID, userID) if httpErr != nil { return nil, httpErr } else if !permission { return nil, ErrInsufficientPermission } var subscriptions []struct { PostID string `gorm:"column:us_channelname"` } err := db.Table("user_subscriptions"). Where("us_userid = ?", userID). Find(&subscriptions).Error if err != nil { return nil, httperr.New(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } channelnames := make([]string, len(subscriptions)) for i, subscription := range subscriptions { channelnames[i] = subscription.PostID } return channelnames, nil }
import ( "fmt" "net/http" "" "" "" // This is not imported in main to keep all logic about the database inside the transactions package _ "" ) var db *gorm.DB var ErrInsufficientPermission = httperr.New("Insufficient permission.", http.StatusForbidden) var ErrNotImplemented = httperr.New("function has not yet been implemented", http.StatusInternalServerError) // Init opens a connection to the database based on the information in the // given config. Returns an error if the connection could not be established. func Init(config *config.Config) (err error) { arguments := "" if len(config.Database.Host) > 0 { arguments += fmt.Sprintf("host=%s ", config.Database.Host) } if len(config.Database.Database) > 0 { arguments += fmt.Sprintf("dbname=%s ", config.Database.Database) } if len(config.Database.User) > 0 { arguments += fmt.Sprintf("user=%s ", config.Database.User) }