Example #1
// auth connection
func connAuth(s *nc.SocketServer, conn net.Conn, line string) error {
	if strings.HasPrefix(line, "AUTH:") {
		arr := strings.Split(line[5:], "#") // AUTH:API_ID#SECRET#VERSION
		if len(arr) == 3 {
			var af nc.AuthFunc = func() (int, error) {
				merchantId := dps.MerchantService.GetMerchantIdByApiId(arr[0])
				apiInfo := dps.MerchantService.GetApiInfo(merchantId)
				if apiInfo != nil && apiInfo.ApiSecret == arr[1] {
					if apiInfo.Enabled == 0 {
						return merchantId, errors.New("api has exipres")
				return merchantId, nil

			if err := s.Auth(conn, af); err != nil {
				return err

			s.Printf("[ CLIENT] - Version = %s", arr[2])
			return nil
	return errors.New("conn reject")
Example #2
// push member summary to tcp client
func pushMemberSummary(s *nc.SocketServer, connList []net.Conn, memberId int) {
	s.Printf("[ TCP][ NOTIFY] - notify member update - %d", memberId)
	sm := GetMemberSummary(memberId, 0)
	if d, err := json.Marshal(sm); err == nil {
		d = append([]byte("MSUM:"), d...)
		for _, conn := range connList {
			conn.Write(append(d, '\n'))
Example #3
// push member summary to tcp client
func pushMemberAccount(s *nc.SocketServer, connList []net.Conn, memberId int) {
	s.Printf("[ TCP][ NOTIFY] - notify account update - %d", memberId)
	sm := getMemberAccount(memberId, 0)
	if sm != nil {
		if d, err := json.Marshal(sm); err == nil {
			d = append([]byte("MACC:"), d...)
			for _, conn := range connList {
				conn.Write(append(d, '\n'))
Example #4
func MemberSummaryNotifyJob(s *nc.SocketServer) {
	conn := core.GetRedisConn()
	defer conn.Close()
	for {
		values, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("BLPOP",
			variable.KvMemberUpdateTcpNotifyQueue, 0))
		if err == nil {
			id, err := strconv.Atoi(string(values[1].([]byte)))
			if err == nil {
				connList := s.GetConnections(id)
				if len(connList) > 0 {
					go pushMemberSummary(s, connList, id)
Example #5
// Handle command of client sending.
func handleCommand(s *nc.SocketServer, ci *nc.Client, cmd string) ([]byte, error) {
	if time.Now().Sub(ci.LatestConnectTime) > disconnectDuration { //主动关闭没有活动的连接
		//s.Print("--disconnect ---",ci.Addr.String())
		return nil, nil
	if !strings.HasPrefix(cmd, "PING") {
		s.Printf("[ CLIENT][ MESSAGE] - send by %d ; %s", ci.Source, cmd)
		ci.LatestConnectTime = time.Now()
	i := strings.Index(cmd, ":")
	if i != -1 {
		plan := cmd[i+1:]
		if v, ok := handlers[cmd[:i]]; ok {
			return v(ci, plan)
	return nil, errors.New("unknown command:" + cmd)
Example #6
// member auth,command like 'MAUTH:jarrysix#3234234242342342'
func memberAuth(s *nc.SocketServer, id *nc.Client, param string) ([]byte, error) {
	var err error
	arr := strings.Split(param, "#")
	if len(arr) == 2 {

		f := func() (int, error) {
			memberId, _ := strconv.Atoi(arr[0])
			authOk := util.CompareMemberApiToken(gof.CurrentApp.Storage(),
				memberId, arr[1])
			if !authOk {
				return memberId, errors.New("auth fail")
			return memberId, nil

		if err = s.UAuth(id.Conn, f); err == nil { //验证成功
			return []byte("ok"), nil
	return nil, err
Example #7
func NewServe(output bool) *nc.SocketServer {
	var s *nc.SocketServer
	r := func(conn net.Conn, b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
		cmd := string(b)
		id, ok := s.GetCli(conn)
		if !ok {
			// not join,auth first!
			if err := connAuth(s, conn, cmd); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return []byte("ok"), nil
		if strings.HasPrefix(cmd, "MAUTH:") {
			//auth member
			return memberAuth(s, id, cmd[6:])
		return handleCommand(s, id, cmd)

	s = nc.NewSocketServer(r)
	s.ReadDeadLine = defaultReadDeadLine
	if !output {
	return s