Example #1
File: client.go Project: jkary/core
// PrivateAddress implements the server side of Client.PrivateAddress.
func (c *Client) PrivateAddress(p params.PrivateAddress) (results params.PrivateAddressResults, err error) {
	switch {
	case names.IsMachine(p.Target):
		machine, err := c.api.state.Machine(p.Target)
		if err != nil {
			return results, err
		addr := instance.SelectInternalAddress(machine.Addresses(), false)
		if addr == "" {
			return results, fmt.Errorf("machine %q has no internal address", machine)
		return params.PrivateAddressResults{PrivateAddress: addr}, nil

	case names.IsUnit(p.Target):
		unit, err := c.api.state.Unit(p.Target)
		if err != nil {
			return results, err
		addr, ok := unit.PrivateAddress()
		if !ok {
			return results, fmt.Errorf("unit %q has no internal address", unit)
		return params.PrivateAddressResults{PrivateAddress: addr}, nil
	return results, fmt.Errorf("unknown unit or machine %q", p.Target)
Example #2
func (c *RemoveMachineCommand) Init(args []string) error {
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no machines specified")
	for _, id := range args {
		if !names.IsMachine(id) {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid machine id %q", id)
	c.MachineIds = args
	return nil
Example #3
// Init initializes the command for running.
func (a *MachineAgent) Init(args []string) error {
	if !names.IsMachine(a.MachineId) {
		return fmt.Errorf("--machine-id option must be set, and expects a non-negative integer")
	if err := a.AgentConf.CheckArgs(args); err != nil {
		return err
	a.runner = newRunner(isFatal, moreImportant)
	a.upgradeComplete = make(chan struct{})
	a.workersStarted = make(chan struct{})
	return nil
Example #4
// ParsePlacement attempts to parse the specified string and create a
// corresponding Placement structure.
// If the placement directive is non-empty and missing a scope,
// ErrPlacementScopeMissing will be returned as well as a Placement
// with an empty Scope field.
func ParsePlacement(directive string) (*Placement, error) {
	if directive == "" {
		return nil, nil
	if colon := strings.IndexRune(directive, ':'); colon != -1 {
		scope, directive := directive[:colon], directive[colon+1:]
		if scope == "" {
			return nil, ErrPlacementScopeMissing
		// Sanity check: machine/container scopes require a machine ID as the value.
		if (scope == MachineScope || isContainerType(scope)) && !names.IsMachine(directive) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value %q for %q scope: expected machine-id", directive, scope)
		return &Placement{Scope: scope, Directive: directive}, nil
	if names.IsMachine(directive) {
		return &Placement{Scope: MachineScope, Directive: directive}, nil
	if isContainerType(directive) {
		return &Placement{Scope: directive}, nil
	return nil, ErrPlacementScopeMissing