func (s *memStorage) LastLog(logID string) (string, error) { logData, ok :=[logID] if !ok { err := errors.NewErr("LogData %s not found", logID) return "", &err } sizeOfLog := len(logData) if sizeOfLog == 0 { return "", errors.New("LogData is empty") } lastLog := logData[sizeOfLog-1] return lastLog, nil }
// WrapWithDeserializationError constructs a new DeserializationError with the // specified message, and sets the location and returns a new error with the // full error stack set including the error passed in. func WrapWithDeserializationError(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { message := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) // We want the deserialization error message to include the error text of the // previous error, but wrap it in the new type. derr := &DeserializationError{Err: errors.NewErr(message + ": " + err.Error())} derr.SetLocation(1) wrapped := errors.Wrap(err, derr) // We want the location of the wrapped error to be the caller of this function, // not the line above. if errType, ok := wrapped.(*errors.Err); ok { // We know it is because that is what Wrap returns. errType.SetLocation(1) } return wrapped }
func (a *ActivityWorker) handleActivityTask(activityTask *swf.PollForActivityTaskOutput) { a.ActivityInterceptor.BeforeTask(activityTask) handler := a.handlers[*activityTask.ActivityType.Name] if handler == nil { err := errors.NewErr("no handler for activity: %s", LS(activityTask.ActivityType.Name)) a.ActivityInterceptor.AfterTaskFailed(activityTask, &err), &err) return } var deserialized interface{} if activityTask.Input != nil { switch handler.Input.(type) { case string: deserialized = *activityTask.Input default: deserialized = handler.ZeroInput() err := a.Serializer.Deserialize(*activityTask.Input, deserialized) if err != nil { a.ActivityInterceptor.AfterTaskFailed(activityTask, err), errors.Annotate(err, "deserialize")) return } } } else { deserialized = nil } result, err := handler.HandlerFunc(activityTask, deserialized) result, err = a.ActivityInterceptor.AfterTask(activityTask, result, err) if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(ActivityTaskCanceledError); ok { a.ActivityInterceptor.AfterTaskCanceled(activityTask, e.details) a.canceled(activityTask, e.Details()) } else { a.ActivityInterceptor.AfterTaskFailed(activityTask, err), errors.Annotate(err, "handler")) } } else { a.ActivityInterceptor.AfterTaskComplete(activityTask, result) a.result(activityTask, result) } }
// NewInvalidConfigValue returns a new InvalidConfigValue for the given // info. If the provided reason is an error then Reason is set to that // error. Otherwise a non-nil value is treated as a string and Reason is // set to a non-nil value that wraps it. func NewInvalidConfigValue(key string, value, reason interface{}) error { var underlying error switch reason := reason.(type) { case error: underlying = reason default: if reason != nil { underlying = errors.Errorf("%v", reason) } } err := &InvalidConfigValue{ cause: errors.NewNotValid(underlying, "GCE config value"), Key: key, Value: value, Reason: underlying, } err.Err = errors.NewErr("config value") err.Err.SetLocation(1) return err }
func newEmbed(format string, args ...interface{}) *embed { err := &embed{errors.NewErr(format, args...)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
func minVersionError(minver, jujuver version.Number) error { err := errors.NewErr("charm's min version (%s) is higher than this juju environment's version (%s)", minver, jujuver) err.SetLocation(1) return minJujuVersionErr{&err} }
// NoAddressf returns an error which satisfies IsNoAddress(). func NoAddressf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { newErr := errors.NewErr(format+" no address", args...) newErr.SetLocation(1) return &noAddress{newErr} }
// NewDeserializationError constructs a new DeserializationError and sets the location. func NewDeserializationError(format string, args ...interface{}) error { err := &DeserializationError{Err: errors.NewErr(format, args...)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
// NewUnsupportedVersionError constructs a new UnsupportedVersionError and sets the location. func NewUnsupportedVersionError(format string, args ...interface{}) error { err := &UnsupportedVersionError{Err: errors.NewErr(format, args...)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
// NewUnexpectedError constructs a new UnexpectedError and sets the location. func NewUnexpectedError(err error) error { uerr := &UnexpectedError{Err: errors.NewErr("unexpected: %v", err)} uerr.SetLocation(1) return errors.Wrap(err, uerr) }
// NewNoMatchError constructs a new NoMatchError and sets the location. func NewNoMatchError(message string) error { err := &NoMatchError{Err: errors.NewErr(message)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
// NewCannotCompleteError constructs a new CannotCompleteError and sets the location. func NewCannotCompleteError(message string) error { err := &CannotCompleteError{Err: errors.NewErr(message)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
// NewPermissionError constructs a new PermissionError and sets the location. func NewPermissionError(message string) error { err := &PermissionError{Err: errors.NewErr(message)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
// NewBadRequestError constructs a new BadRequestError and sets the location. func NewBadRequestError(message string) error { err := &BadRequestError{Err: errors.NewErr(message)} err.SetLocation(1) return err }
// NotAvailable returns an error which satisfies IsNotAvailable. func NotAvailable(thing string) error { return ¬Available{ errors.NewErr(thing + " is not available"), } }
// NoAddressError returns an error which satisfies IsNoAddressError(). The given // addressKind specifies what kind of address is missing, usually "private" or // "public". func NoAddressError(addressKind string) error { newErr := errors.NewErr("no %s address", addressKind) newErr.SetLocation(1) return &noAddress{newErr} }