Example #1
// NewRebootAPI creates a new server-side RebootAPI facade.
func NewRebootAPI(st *state.State, resources *common.Resources, auth common.Authorizer) (*RebootAPI, error) {
	if !auth.AuthMachineAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm

	tag, ok := auth.GetAuthTag().(names.MachineTag)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("Expected names.MachineTag, got %T", auth.GetAuthTag())
	machine, err := st.Machine(tag.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	canAccess := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return auth.AuthOwner, nil

	return &RebootAPI{
		RebootActionGetter: common.NewRebootActionGetter(st, canAccess),
		RebootRequester:    common.NewRebootRequester(st, canAccess),
		RebootFlagClearer:  common.NewRebootFlagClearer(st, canAccess),
		st:                 st,
		machine:            machine,
		resources:          resources,
		auth:               auth,
	}, nil
Example #2
// NewAgentAPIV0 returns an object implementing version 0 of the Agent API
// with the given authorizer representing the currently logged in client.
func NewAgentAPIV0(st *state.State, resources *common.Resources, auth common.Authorizer) (*AgentAPIV0, error) {
	// Agents are defined to be any user that's not a client user.
	if !auth.AuthMachineAgent() && !auth.AuthUnitAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getCanChange := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return auth.AuthOwner, nil
	return &AgentAPIV0{
		PasswordChanger:   common.NewPasswordChanger(st, getCanChange),
		RebootFlagClearer: common.NewRebootFlagClearer(st, getCanChange),
		st:                st,
		auth:              auth,
	}, nil