Example #1
func (s *providerRegistrySuite) TestSupportedEnvironCommonProviders(c *gc.C) {
	for _, envProvider := range environs.RegisteredProviders() {
		for storageProvider := range provider.CommonProviders() {
			c.Logf("Checking storage provider %v is registered for env provider %v", storageProvider, envProvider)
			c.Assert(registry.IsProviderSupported(envProvider, storageProvider), jc.IsTrue)
Example #2
func (s StubNetwork) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
	providers := environs.RegisteredProviders()
	for _, name := range providers {
		if name == StubProviderType {

	ProviderInstance.Zones = []providercommon.AvailabilityZone{
		&FakeZone{"zone1", true},
		&FakeZone{"zone2", false},
		&FakeZone{"zone3", true},
		&FakeZone{"zone4", false},
		&FakeZone{"zone4", false}, // duplicates are ignored
	ProviderInstance.Subnets = []network.SubnetInfo{{
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "sn-zadf00d",
		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
		AllocatableIPLow:  net.ParseIP(""),
		AllocatableIPHigh: net.ParseIP(""),
	}, {
		CIDR:              "2001:db8::/32",
		ProviderId:        "sn-ipv6",
		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1", "zone3"},
	}, {
		// no CIDR or provider id -> cached, but cannot be added
		CIDR:       "",
		ProviderId: "",
	}, {
		// no CIDR, just provider id -> cached, but can only be added by id
		CIDR:       "",
		ProviderId: "sn-empty",
	}, {
		// invalid CIDR and provider id -> cannot be added, but is cached
		CIDR:       "invalid",
		ProviderId: "sn-invalid",
	}, {
		// incorrectly specified CIDR, with provider id -> cached, cannot be added
		CIDR:       "",
		ProviderId: "sn-awesome",
	}, {
		// no zones, no provider-id -> cached, but can only be added by CIDR
		CIDR: "",
	}, {
		// with zones, duplicate provider-id -> overwritten by the last
		// subnet with the same provider id when caching.
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "sn-deadbeef",
		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1", "zone2"},
	}, {
		// no zones
		CIDR:       "",
		ProviderId: "sn-42",
	}, {
		// in an unavailable zone, duplicate CIDR -> cannot be added, but is cached
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "sn-deadbeef",
		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone2"},
	}, {
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "vlan-42",
		VLANTag:           42,
		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone3"},

	environs.RegisterProvider(StubProviderType, ProviderInstance)