Example #1
func (s *CertUpdaterSuite) TestStartStop(c *gc.C) {
	var initialAddresses []string
	setter := func(info params.StateServingInfo, dying <-chan struct{}) error {
		// Only care about first time called.
		if len(initialAddresses) > 0 {
			return nil
		srvCert, err := cert.ParseCert(info.Cert)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		initialAddresses = make([]string, len(srvCert.IPAddresses))
		for i, ip := range srvCert.IPAddresses {
			initialAddresses[i] = ip.String()
		return nil
	changes := make(chan struct{})
	certChangedChan := make(chan params.StateServingInfo)
	worker := certupdater.NewCertificateUpdater(
		&mockMachine{changes}, s, &mockConfigGetter{}, &mockAPIHostGetter{}, setter, certChangedChan,
	c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil)
	// Initial cert addresses initialised to cloud local ones.
	c.Assert(initialAddresses, jc.DeepEquals, []string{""})
Example #2
func (s *CertUpdaterSuite) TestStartStop(c *gc.C) {
	setter := func(info params.StateServingInfo, dying <-chan struct{}) error {
		return nil
	changes := make(chan struct{})
	certChangedChan := make(chan params.StateServingInfo)
	worker := certupdater.NewCertificateUpdater(
		&mockMachine{changes}, &mockStateServingGetter{}, &mockConfigGetter{}, setter, certChangedChan,
	c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil)
Example #3
func (s *CertUpdaterSuite) TestAddressChange(c *gc.C) {
	var srvCert *x509.Certificate
	updated := make(chan struct{})
	setter := func(info params.StateServingInfo, dying <-chan struct{}) error {
		s.stateServingInfo = info
		var err error
		srvCert, err = cert.ParseCert(info.Cert)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		sanIPs := make([]string, len(srvCert.IPAddresses))
		for i, ip := range srvCert.IPAddresses {
			sanIPs[i] = ip.String()
		sanIPsSet := set.NewStrings(sanIPs...)
		if sanIPsSet.Size() == 2 && sanIPsSet.Contains("") && sanIPsSet.Contains("") {
		return nil
	changes := make(chan struct{})
	certChangedChan := make(chan params.StateServingInfo)
	worker := certupdater.NewCertificateUpdater(
		&mockMachine{changes}, s, &mockConfigGetter{}, &mockAPIHostGetter{}, setter, certChangedChan,
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	changes <- struct{}{}
	// Certificate should be updated with the address value.
	select {
	case <-updated:
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for certificate to be updated")

	// The server certificates must report "juju-apiserver" as a DNS
	// name for backwards-compatibility with API clients. They must
	// also report "juju-mongodb" because these certicates are also
	// used for serving MongoDB connections.
	c.Assert(srvCert.DNSNames, jc.SameContents,
		[]string{"localhost", "juju-apiserver", "juju-mongodb", "anything"})
Example #4
func (s *CertUpdaterSuite) TestAddressChangeNoCAKey(c *gc.C) {
	updated := make(chan struct{})
	setter := func(info params.StateServingInfo, dying <-chan struct{}) error {
		return nil
	changes := make(chan struct{})
	worker := certupdater.NewCertificateUpdater(
		&mockMachine{changes}, &mockStateServingGetterNoCAKey{}, &mockConfigGetter{}, &mockAPIHostGetter{}, setter,
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	changes <- struct{}{}
	// Certificate should not be updated with the address value.
	select {
	case <-time.After(coretesting.ShortWait):
	case <-updated:
		c.Fatalf("set state serving info unexpectedly called")