Example #1
func (s *upgradeSuite) TestUpgradeOperationsOrdered(c *gc.C) {
	var previous version.Number
	for i, utv := range (*upgrades.UpgradeOperations)() {
		vers := utv.TargetVersion()
		if i > 0 {
			c.Check(previous.Compare(vers), gc.Equals, -1)
		previous = vers
Example #2
func checkUpgradeInfoSanity(st *State, machineId string, previousVersion, targetVersion version.Number) (bson.D, error) {
	if previousVersion.Compare(targetVersion) != -1 {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot sanely upgrade from %s to %s", previousVersion, targetVersion)
	controllerInfo, err := st.ControllerInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot read controllers")
	validIds := set.NewStrings(controllerInfo.MachineIds...)
	if !validIds.Contains(machineId) {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("machine %q is not a controller", machineId)
	return assertExpectedVersions(previousVersion, targetVersion), nil
Example #3
File: list.go Project: bac/juju
// Newest returns the greatest version in src, and the tools with that version.
func (src List) Newest() (version.Number, List) {
	var result List
	var best version.Number
	for _, tools := range src {
		if best.Compare(tools.Version.Number) < 0 {
			// Found new best number; reset result list.
			best = tools.Version.Number
			result = append(result[:0], tools)
		} else if tools.Version.Number == best {
			result = append(result, tools)
	return best, result
Example #4
func newOpsIterator(from, to version.Number, ops []Operation) *opsIterator {
	// If from is not known, it is 1.16.
	if from == version.Zero {
		from = version.MustParse("1.16.0")

	// Clear the version tag of the target release to ensure that all
	// upgrade steps for the release are run for alpha and beta
	// releases.
	// ...but only do this if the agent version has actually changed,
	// lest we trigger upgrade mode unnecessarily for non-final
	// versions.
	if from.Compare(to) != 0 {
		to.Tag = ""

	return &opsIterator{
		from:    from,
		to:      to,
		allOps:  ops,
		current: -1,
Example #5
func isCompatibleVersion(v1, v2 version.Number) bool {
	v1.Build = 0
	v2.Build = 0
	return v1.Compare(v2) == 0
Example #6
// IsDev returns whether the version represents a development version. A
// version with a tag or a nonzero build component is considered to be a
// development version.  Versions older than or equal to 1.19.3 (the switch
// over time) check for odd minor versions.
func IsDev(v semversion.Number) bool {
	if v.Compare(switchOverVersion) <= 0 {
		return isOdd(v.Minor) || v.Build > 0
	return v.Tag != "" || v.Build > 0