Example #1
// Delegate marks the given ComputedKeyInfos object that the given kid is now
// delegated, as of time tm, in sigid, as signed by signingKid, etc.
func (cki *ComputedKeyInfos) Delegate(kid keybase1.KID, tm *KeybaseTime, sigid keybase1.SigID, signingKid, parentKID keybase1.KID, pgpHash string, isSibkey bool, ctime, etime time.Time) (err error) {
	G.Log.Debug("ComputeKeyInfos::Delegate To %s with %s at sig %s", kid.String(), signingKid, sigid.ToDisplayString(true))
	info, found := cki.Infos[kid]
	if !found {
		newInfo := NewComputedKeyInfo(false, false, KeyUncancelled, ctime.Unix(), etime.Unix(), pgpHash)
		newInfo.DelegatedAt = tm
		info = &newInfo
		cki.Infos[kid] = info
	} else {
		info.Status = KeyUncancelled
		info.CTime = ctime.Unix()
		info.ETime = etime.Unix()
	info.Delegations[sigid] = signingKid
	info.Sibkey = isSibkey
	cki.Sigs[sigid] = info

	// If it's a subkey, make a pointer from it to its parent,
	// and also from its parent to it.
	if parentKID.Exists() {
		info.Parent = parentKID
		if parent, found := cki.Infos[parentKID]; found {
			parent.Subkey = kid

Example #2
func PostDeviceLKS(sr SessionReader, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, deviceType string, serverHalf []byte,
	ppGen PassphraseGeneration,
	clientHalfRecovery string, clientHalfRecoveryKID keybase1.KID) error {
	if len(serverHalf) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("PostDeviceLKS: called with empty serverHalf")
	if ppGen < 1 {
		G.Log.Warning("PostDeviceLKS: ppGen < 1 (%d)", ppGen)
	arg := APIArg{
		Endpoint:    "device/update",
		NeedSession: true,
		Args: HTTPArgs{
			"device_id":       S{Val: deviceID.String()},
			"type":            S{Val: deviceType},
			"lks_server_half": S{Val: hex.EncodeToString(serverHalf)},
			"ppgen":           I{Val: int(ppGen)},
			"lks_client_half": S{Val: clientHalfRecovery},
			"kid":             S{Val: clientHalfRecoveryKID.String()},
		SessionR: sr,
	_, err := G.API.Post(arg)
	return err
Example #3
func LoadPGPKeyFromLocalDB(k keybase1.KID, g *GlobalContext) (*PGPKeyBundle, error) {
	dbobj, err := g.LocalDb.Get(DbKey{
		Typ: DBPGPKey,
		Key: k.String(),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if dbobj == nil {
		return nil, nil
	return GetOneKey(dbobj)
Example #4
// Load takes a blessed KID and returns, if possible, the GenericKey
// associated with that KID, for signature verification. If the key isn't
// found in memory or on disk (in the case of PGP), then it will attempt
// to fetch the key from the keybase server.
func (sk *SpecialKeyRing) Load(kid keybase1.KID) (GenericKey, error) {

	sk.G().Log.Debug("+ SpecialKeyRing.Load(%s)", kid)

	if !sk.IsValidKID(kid) {
		err := UnknownSpecialKIDError{kid}
		return nil, err

	if key, found := sk.keys[kid]; found {
		sk.G().Log.Debug("- SpecialKeyRing.Load(%s) -> hit inmem cache", kid)
		return key, nil

	key, err := LoadPGPKeyFromLocalDB(kid, sk.G())

	if err != nil || key == nil {

		sk.G().Log.Debug("| Load(%s) going to network", kid)
		var res *APIRes
		res, err = sk.G().API.Get(APIArg{
			Endpoint:    "key/special",
			NeedSession: false,
			Args: HTTPArgs{
				"kid": S{kid.String()},
			Contextified: NewContextified(sk.G()),
		var w *Warnings
		if err == nil {
			key, w, err = GetOneKey(res.Body.AtKey("bundle"))
		if err == nil {

			if e2 := key.StoreToLocalDb(sk.G()); e2 != nil {
				sk.G().Log.Warning("Failed to store key: %s", e2)
	} else {
		sk.G().Log.Debug("| Load(%s) hit DB-backed cache", kid)

	if err == nil && key != nil {
		sk.keys[kid] = key

	sk.G().Log.Debug("- SpecialKeyRing.Load(%s)", kid)

	return key, err
func makeKeyArgs(sigID keybase1.SigID, sig []byte, delType libkb.DelegationType, key libkb.GenericKey, eldestKID, signingKID keybase1.KID) (*libkb.HTTPArgs, error) {
	pub, err := key.Encode()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	args := libkb.HTTPArgs{
		"sig_id_base":     libkb.S{Val: sigID.ToString(false)},
		"sig_id_short":    libkb.S{Val: sigID.ToShortID()},
		"sig":             libkb.S{Val: string(sig)},
		"type":            libkb.S{Val: string(delType)},
		"is_remote_proof": libkb.B{Val: false},
		"public_key":      libkb.S{Val: pub},
		"eldest_kid":      libkb.S{Val: eldestKID.String()},
		"signing_kid":     libkb.S{Val: signingKID.String()},
	return &args, nil
Example #6
// FindActiveEncryptionSubkey takes a given KID and finds the corresponding
// active encryption subkey in the current key family.  If for any reason it
// cannot find the key, it will return an error saying why.  Otherwise, it will
// return the key.  In this case either key is non-nil, or err is non-nil.
func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveEncryptionSubkey(kid keybase1.KID) (GenericKey, error) {
	ki, err := ckf.getCkiIfActiveNow(kid)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if ki.Sibkey {
		return nil, BadKeyError{fmt.Sprintf("The key '%s' was delegated as a sibkey", kid.String())}
	key, err := ckf.FindKeyWithKIDUnsafe(kid)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !CanEncrypt(key) {
		return nil, BadKeyError{fmt.Sprintf("The key '%s' cannot encrypt", kid.String())}
	return key, nil
Example #7
func (e *loginProvision) uidByKID(kid keybase1.KID) (keybase1.UID, error) {
	var nilUID keybase1.UID
	arg := libkb.APIArg{
		Endpoint:     "key/owner",
		NeedSession:  false,
		Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(e.G()),
		Args:         libkb.HTTPArgs{"kid": libkb.S{Val: kid.String()}},
	res, err := e.G().API.Get(arg)
	if err != nil {
		return nilUID, err
	suid, err := res.Body.AtPath("uid").GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nilUID, err
	return keybase1.UIDFromString(suid)
Example #8
func (k SKBKeyringFile) SearchWithComputedKeyFamily(ckf *ComputedKeyFamily, ska SecretKeyArg) []*SKB {
	var kid keybase1.KID
	G.Log.Debug("+ SKBKeyringFile.SearchWithComputedKeyFamily")
	defer func() {
		var res string
		if kid.Exists() {
			res = kid.String()
		} else {
			res = "<nil>"
		G.Log.Debug("- SKBKeyringFile.SearchWithComputedKeyFamily -> %s\n", res)
	G.Log.Debug("| Searching %d possible blocks", len(k.Blocks))
	var blocks []*SKB
	for i := len(k.Blocks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		G.Log.Debug("| trying key index# -> %d", i)
		if key, err := k.Blocks[i].GetPubKey(); err == nil && key != nil {
			kid = key.GetKID()
			active := ckf.GetKeyRole(kid)
			G.Log.Debug("| Checking KID: %s -> %d", kid, int(active))
			if !ska.KeyType.nonDeviceKeyMatches(key) {
				G.Log.Debug("| Skipped, doesn't match type=%s", ska.KeyType)
			} else if !KeyMatchesQuery(key, ska.KeyQuery, ska.ExactMatch) {
				G.Log.Debug("| Skipped, doesn't match query=%s", ska.KeyQuery)

			} else if active != DLGSibkey {
				G.Log.Debug("| Skipped, active=%d", int(active))
			} else {
				blocks = append(blocks, k.Blocks[i])
		} else {
			G.Log.Debug("| failed --> %v", err)
	return blocks
Example #9
func (e *LoginProvision) loadUserByKID(kid keybase1.KID) (*libkb.User, error) {
	arg := libkb.APIArg{
		Endpoint:     "key/owner",
		NeedSession:  false,
		Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(e.G()),
		Args:         libkb.HTTPArgs{"kid": libkb.S{Val: kid.String()}},
	res, err := e.G().API.Get(arg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	suid, err := res.Body.AtPath("uid").GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	uid, err := keybase1.UIDFromString(suid)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	e.G().Log.Debug("key/owner result uid: %s", uid)
	loadArg := libkb.NewLoadUserArg(e.G())
	loadArg.UID = uid
	return libkb.LoadUser(loadArg)