Example #1
// Join copies data between local and remote connections.
// It reads from one connection and writes to the other.
// It's a building block for ProxyFunc implementations.
func Join(local, remote net.Conn, log logging.Logger) {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	transfer := func(side string, dst, src net.Conn) {
		log.Debug("proxing %s -> %s", src.RemoteAddr(), dst.RemoteAddr())

		n, err := io.Copy(dst, src)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("%s: copy error: %s", side, err)

		if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Debug("%s: close error: %s", side, err)

		// not for yamux streams, but for client to local server connections
		if d, ok := dst.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
			if err := d.CloseWrite(); err != nil {
				log.Debug("%s: closeWrite error: %s", side, err)

		log.Debug("done proxing %s -> %s: %d bytes", src.RemoteAddr(), dst.RemoteAddr(), n)

	go transfer("remote to local", local, remote)
	go transfer("local to remote", remote, local)

Example #2
// UninstallCommand configures the Uninstall struct and calls it based on the
// given codegangsta/cli context.
// TODO: remove all artifacts, ie bolt db, ssh keys, kd etc.
func UninstallCommand(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) (string, int) {
	warnings := []string{}

	// Ensure /etc/kite/kite.key is migrated to konfig.bolt before
	// old klient gets uninstalled. The endpoint/config package
	// performs lazy migrations, so it's enough to call any of
	// its methods and disregard the result.
	_ = configcli.List()

	s, err := newService(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warning("Failed creating Service for uninstall. err:%s", err)
		warnings = append(warnings, FailedUninstallingKlientWarn)

	uninstaller := &Uninstall{
		ServiceUninstaller: s,
		KlientName:         config.KlientName,
		KlientctlName:      config.Name,
		KlientctlPath:      filepath.Join(KlientctlDirectory, KlientctlBinName),
		// TODO: Store the klient directory structure(s) somewhere
		KlientParentDirectory: "/opt",
		KlientDirectory:       "kite/klient",
		KlientFilename:        "klient",
		KlientshFilename:      "klient.sh",
		remover:               os.Remove,
		warnings:              warnings,
		log:                   log,

	return uninstaller.Uninstall()
Example #3
// NewMachine initializes a new Machine struct with any internal vars created.
func NewMachine(meta MachineMeta, log logging.Logger, t Transport) (*Machine, error) {
	log = MachineLogger(meta, log)

	// Create our Pingers, to be used in the PingTrackers
	kitePinger := kitepinger.NewKitePinger(t)
	httpPinger, err := kitepinger.NewKiteHTTPPinger(meta.URL)
	if err != nil {
			"Unable to create HTTPPinger from meta.URL. url:%s, err:%s", meta.URL, err,
		return nil, err

	m := &Machine{
		MachineMeta: meta,
		Log:         log,
		KiteTracker: kitepinger.NewPingTracker(kitePinger),
		HTTPTracker: kitepinger.NewPingTracker(httpPinger),
		Transport:   t,
		discover:    discover.NewClient(),
		mountLocker: util.NewMutexWithState(),

	m.discover.Log = m.Log.New("discover")

	// Start our http pinger, to give online/offline statuses for all machines.

	return m, nil
Example #4
func NewStatus(log logging.Logger, mg MachineGetter) *Status {
	return &Status{
		Log:           log.New("status"),
		MachineGetter: mg,
		HTTPClient:    defaultHTTPClient,
Example #5
// NewAddresses fetches EC2 IP address list from each region.
// If log is nil, defaultLogger is used instead.
func NewAddresses(clients *amazon.Clients, log logging.Logger) *Addresses {
	if log == nil {
		log = defaultLogger
	a := newAddresses()
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var mu sync.Mutex // protects a.m
	for region, client := range clients.Regions() {
		go func(region string, client *amazon.Client) {
			defer wg.Done()
			addresses, err := client.Addresses()
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("[%s] fetching IP addresses error: %s", region, err)
			log.Info("[%s] fetched %d addresses", region, len(addresses))
			var ok bool
			if _, ok = a.m[client]; !ok {
				a.m[client] = addresses
			if ok {
				panic(fmt.Errorf("[%s] duplicated client=%p: %+v", region, client, addresses))
		}(region, client)
	return a
Example #6
// NewMultiInstances fetches EC2 instance list from each region.
func NewMultiInstances(clients *amazon.Clients, log logging.Logger) *MultiInstances {
	if log == nil {
		log = defaultLogger
	var m = newMultiInstances()
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var mu sync.Mutex // protects m.m
	for region, client := range clients.Regions() {
		go func(region string, client *amazon.Client) {
			defer wg.Done()
			instances, err := client.Instances()
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("[%s] fetching instances error: %s", region, err)
			log.Info("[%s] fetched %d instances", region, len(instances))
			i := make(Instances, len(instances))
			for _, instance := range instances {
				i[aws.StringValue(instance.InstanceId)] = instance
			var ok bool
			if _, ok = m.m[client]; !ok {
				m.m[client] = i
			if ok {
				panic(fmt.Errorf("[%s] duplicated client=%p: %+v", region, client, i))
		}(region, client)
	return m
Example #7
func CreateMetrics(appName string, log logging.Logger, outputMetrics bool) (*kodingmetrics.Metrics, *kodingmetrics.DogStatsD) {
	metric := kodingmetrics.New(appName)

	// if outputMetrics, do print output to the console
	if outputMetrics {
		// change those loggers
		// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/37df06ff62a7d8b4473b48d355008c838da87561/log.go
		// get those numbers from config
		// output metrics every 1 minutes
		go metrics.Log(metric.Registry, 6e10, slog.New(os.Stderr, "metrics: ", slog.Lmicroseconds))

	// Left here for future reference

	// for Mac
	syslogPath := "/var/run/syslog"
	if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
		// for linux
		syslogPath = "/dev/log"

	w, err := syslog.Dial("unixgram", syslogPath, syslog.LOG_INFO, "socialapi-metrics")
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Err while initing syslog for metrics, metrics wont be in the syslog %s", err.Error())
	} else {
		go metrics.Syslog(metric.Registry, 30e10, w)

	statsd, err := kodingmetrics.NewDogStatsD(appName)
	if err == nil {
		go kodingmetrics.Collect(metric.Registry, statsd, 24e10)

	return metric, statsd
Example #8
// MachineListCommand returns list of remote machines belonging to the user or
// that can be accessed by her.
func MachineListCommand(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) (int, error) {
	// List command doesn't support identifiers.
	idents, err := getIdentifiers(c)
	if err != nil {
		return 1, err
	if err := identifiersLimit(idents, 0, 0); err != nil {
		return 1, err

	opts := &machine.ListOptions{
		Log: log.New("machine:list"),

	infos, err := machine.List(opts)
	if err != nil {
		return 1, err

	if c.Bool("json") {
		enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
		enc.SetIndent("", "\t")
		return 0, nil

	tabFormatter(os.Stdout, infos)
	return 0, nil
Example #9
func NewErrorCommand(stdout io.Writer, log logging.Logger, err error, msg string) *ErrorCommand {
	return &ErrorCommand{
		Stdout:  util.NewFprint(stdout),
		Log:     log.New("errorCommand"),
		Message: msg,
		Error:   err,
Example #10
// NewRecordManager creates a RecordManager
func NewRecordManager(session *session.Session, log logging.Logger, region string, hostedZoneConf HostedZone) *RecordManager {
	return &RecordManager{
		route53:        route53.New(session),
		log:            log.New("recordmanager"),
		region:         region,
		hostedZoneConf: hostedZoneConf,
Example #11
func NewPagerduty(pc *PagerdutyConfig, log logging.Logger) (*Pagerduty, error) {

	return &Pagerduty{
		publicURL:      pc.PublicURL,
		integrationURL: pc.IntegrationURL,
		log:            log.New(PAGERDUTY),
	}, nil
Example #12
func NewDefaultHealthChecker(l kodinglogging.Logger) *HealthChecker {
	return &HealthChecker{
		Log:                  l.New("HealthChecker"),
		HTTPClient:           defaultClient,
		LocalKlientAddress:   config.Konfig.Endpoints.Klient.Private.String(),
		KontrolAddress:       config.Konfig.Endpoints.Kontrol().Public.String(),
		InternetCheckAddress: config.Konfig.Endpoints.KlientLatest.Public.String(),
		TunnelKiteAddress:    config.Konfig.Endpoints.Tunnel.Public.String(),
Example #13
// RestartCommand stops and starts klient. If Klient is not running to begin
// with, it *just* starts klient.
func RestartCommand(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) int {
	if len(c.Args()) != 0 {
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "restart")
		return 1

	log = log.New("cmd:restart")

	s, err := newService(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error creating Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	fmt.Printf("Restarting the %s, this may take a moment...\n", config.KlientName)

	klientWasRunning := IsKlientRunning(config.Konfig.Endpoints.Klient.Private.String())

	if klientWasRunning {
		// If klient is running, stop it, and tell the user if we fail
		if err := s.Stop(); err != nil {
			log.Error("Error stopping Service. err:%s", err)
			return 1
	} else {
		// If klient appears to not be running, try to stop it anyway. However,
		// because it may not actually be running, don't inform the user if we fail here.

	err = WaitUntilStopped(config.Konfig.Endpoints.Klient.Private.String(), CommandAttempts, CommandWaitTime)
	if err != nil {
			"Timed out while waiting for Klient to start. attempts:%d, err:%s",
			5, err,
		return 1

	if klientWasRunning {
		fmt.Println("Stopped successfully.")

	// No UX message needed, startKlient will do that itself.
	if err := startKlient(log, s); err != nil {
		log.Error("failed to start klient: %s", err)
		return 1

	fmt.Printf("Successfully restarted %s\n", config.KlientName)
	return 0
Example #14
func newCommand(cwd string, log logging.Logger) *command {
	cmd := &command{
		cwd: cwd,

	if log != nil {
		cmd.log = log.New(cwd)

	return cmd
Example #15
func NewPivotal(pc *PivotalConfig, log logging.Logger) (*Pivotal, error) {
	if pc.ServerURL == "" {
		pc.ServerURL = PivotalServerURL

	return &Pivotal{
		serverURL:      pc.ServerURL,
		publicURL:      pc.PublicURL,
		integrationURL: pc.IntegrationURL,
		log:            log.New(PIVOTAL),
	}, nil
Example #16
// NewLifeCycle creates a new lifecycle management system, everything begins
// with an autoscaling resource, we are listening to any change on that
// resource, to be able to listen them we are attaching a notification
// configuration to given autoscaling resource, notification configuration works
// with a TopicARN, which is basically a SNS Topic, to be able to listen from a
// Topic ARN we need a SQS, SQS is attached to Notification Topic and configured
// to pass events as soon as they occur, it also has re- try mechanism. One
// event only be handled by one manager, there wont be any race condition on
// processing that particular message. Manager is idempotent, if any given
// resource doesnt exist in the given AWS system, it will create or re-use the
// previous ones
func NewLifeCycle(session *session.Session, log logging.Logger, asgName string) *LifeCycle {
	return &LifeCycle{
		closed:      false,
		closeChan:   make(chan chan struct{}),
		ec2:         ec2.New(session),
		sqs:         sqs.New(session),
		sns:         sns.New(session),
		autoscaling: autoscaling.New(session),
		asgName:     &asgName,
		log:         log.New("lifecycle"),
Example #17
// fetchHostedZone fetches all hosted zones from account and iterates over them
// until it finds the respective one
func (r *RecordManager) fetchHostedZone(hostedZoneLogger logging.Logger) error {
	const maxIterationCount = 100
	iteration := 0

	// for pagination
	var nextMarker *string

	// try to get our hosted zone
	for {
		// just be paranoid about remove api calls, dont harden too much
		if iteration == maxIterationCount {
			return errors.New("iteration terminated")

		log := hostedZoneLogger.New("iteration", iteration)


		log.Debug("Fetching hosted zone")
		listHostedZonesResp, err := r.route53.ListHostedZones(
				Marker: nextMarker,
			}, // we dont have anything to filter
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if listHostedZonesResp == nil || listHostedZonesResp.HostedZones == nil {
			return errors.New("malformed response - reponse or hosted zone is nil")

		for _, hostedZone := range listHostedZonesResp.HostedZones {
			if hostedZone == nil || hostedZone.CallerReference == nil {

			if *hostedZone.CallerReference == r.hostedZoneConf.CallerReference {
				r.hostedZone = hostedZone
				return nil

		// if our result set is truncated we can try to fetch again, but if we
		// reach to end, nothing to do left
		if listHostedZonesResp.IsTruncated == nil || !*listHostedZonesResp.IsTruncated {
			return errHostedZoneNotFound

		// assign next marker
		nextMarker = listHostedZonesResp.NextMarker
Example #18
func New(log logging.Logger, client algoliasearch.Client, indexSuffix string) *Controller {
	// TODO later on listen channel_participant_added event and remove this koding channel fetch
	c := models.NewChannel()
	q := request.NewQuery()
	q.GroupName = "koding"
	q.Name = "public"
	q.Type = models.Channel_TYPE_GROUP

	channel, err := c.ByName(q)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Could not fetch koding channel: %s:", err)
	var channelId string
	if channel.Id != 0 {
		channelId = strconv.FormatInt(channel.Id, 10)

	controller := &Controller{
		log:    log,
		client: client,
		indexes: &IndexSet{
			IndexTopics: &IndexSetItem{
				Index: client.InitIndex(IndexTopics + indexSuffix),
				Settings: &Settings{
					// empty slice means all properties will be searchable
					AttributesToIndex: []string{},
			IndexAccounts: &IndexSetItem{
				Index: client.InitIndex(IndexAccounts + indexSuffix),
				Settings: &Settings{
					AttributesToIndex: []string{
					UnretrievableAttributes: []string{"email"},
			IndexMessages: &IndexSetItem{
				Index: client.InitIndex(IndexMessages + indexSuffix),
				Settings: &Settings{
					AttributesToIndex: []string{},
		kodingChannelId: channelId,

	return controller
Example #19
// New creates a new terraformer
func New(conf *Config, log logging.Logger) (*Terraformer, error) {
	ls, err := storage.NewFile(conf.LocalStorePath, log)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while creating local store: %s", err)

	var rs storage.Interface
	if conf.AWS.Key != "" && conf.AWS.Secret != "" && conf.AWS.Bucket != "" {
		s3, err := storage.NewS3(conf.AWS.Key, conf.AWS.Secret, conf.AWS.Bucket, log)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while creating remote store: %s", err)

		rs = s3
	} else {
		remotePath := filepath.Dir(conf.LocalStorePath)
		if conf.AWS.Bucket != "" {
			remotePath = filepath.Join(remotePath, conf.AWS.Bucket)
		} else {
			remotePath = filepath.Join(remotePath, filepath.Base(conf.LocalStorePath)+".remote")

		local, err := storage.NewFile(remotePath, log)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while creating remote store on local: %s", err)

		log.Info("no S3 credentials, using local storage: %s", remotePath)

		rs = local

	c, err := kodingcontext.New(ls, rs, log, conf.Debug)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	t := &Terraformer{
		Log:       log,
		Metrics:   common.MustInitMetrics(Name),
		Debug:     conf.Debug,
		Context:   c,
		Config:    conf,
		closeChan: make(chan struct{}),


	return t, nil
Example #20
// FactoryCompletion implements codeganstas cli.Command's bash completion field
func FactoryCompletion(factory CommandFactory, log logging.Logger, cmdName string) cli.BashCompleteFunc {
	return func(c *cli.Context) {
		cmd := factory(c, log, cmdName)

		// If the command implements AutocompleteCommand, run the autocomplete.
		if aCmd, ok := cmd.(AutocompleteCommand); ok {
			if err := aCmd.Autocomplete(c.Args()...); err != nil {
					"Autocompletion of a command encountered error. command:%s, err:%s",
					cmdName, err,
Example #21
// ExitErrAction implements a cli.Command's Action field for an ExitingErrCommand
func ExitErrAction(f ExitingErrCommand, log logging.Logger, cmdName string) cli.ActionFunc {
	return func(c *cli.Context) error {
		exit, err := f(c, log, cmdName)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("ExitErrAction encountered error. err:%s", err)
			// Print error message to the user.
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error executing %q command: %s\n", cmdName, err)


		return nil
Example #22
// provisionData creates the base64-json-encoded userdata.Value to be sent
// altogether with create request.
func (cmd *VagrantCreate) provisionData(log logging.Logger) (string, error) {
	kiteID := uuid.NewV4().String()

	keycreator := &keycreator.Key{
		KontrolURL:        cmd.KontrolURL,
		KontrolPrivateKey: defaultPrivateKey,
		KontrolPublicKey:  defaultPublicKey,

	kiteKey, err := keycreator.Create(cmd.Username, kiteID)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	data := &puser.Value{
		Username:        cmd.Username,
		Groups:          []string{"sudo"},
		Hostname:        cmd.Username,
		KiteKey:         kiteKey,
		LatestKlientURL: cmd.KlientURL,
		RegisterURL:     cmd.RegisterURL,
		KontrolURL:      cmd.KontrolURL,

	log.Debug("provision data: %+v", data)

	p, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(p), nil
Example #23
// NewBadRequestWithLogger is creating a new http response with predifined http
// response properties, it uses a special logger for outputting callstack
// properly
func NewBadRequestWithLogger(l logging.Logger, err error) (int, http.Header, interface{}, error) {
	if err == nil {
		err = errors.New("request is not valid")

	// make sure errors are outputted
	l.Debug("Bad Request: %s", err)

	// do not expose errors to the client
	env := config.MustGet().Environment

	// do not expose errors to the client.
	if env != "dev" && env != "test" && socialApiEnv != "wercker" {
		err = genericError

	return http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil, BadRequest{err}
Example #24
func (r *Remote) createNewMachineFromKite(c *KodingClient, log logging.Logger) error {
	var host string
	host, err := r.hostFromClient(c.Client)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Unable to extract host from *kite.Client. err:%s", err)
		return err

	// For backwards compatibility, check if the host already has a name
	// in the cache.
	// If the name does not exist in the host the string will be empty, and
	// Machines.Add() will create a new unique name.
	// If the string *does* exist then we use that, remove it from the map,
	// and save the map to avoid dealing with this next time.
	name, ok := r.machineNamesCache[host]
	if ok {
			"Using legacy name, and removing it from database. name:%s, host:%s",
			name, host,
		delete(r.machineNamesCache, host)
		// Should't bother exiting here, not a terrible error.. but not good, either.
		// Log it for knowledge, and move on.
		if err := r.saveMachinesNames(); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to save machine names. err:%s", err)

	// Name can be empty here, since Machines.Add() will handle creation
	// of the name.
	machineMeta := machine.MachineMeta{
		URL:          c.URL,
		IP:           host,
		Hostname:     c.Hostname,
		Username:     c.Username,
		Name:         name,
		MachineLabel: c.MachineLabel,
		Teams:        c.Teams,

	newMachine, err := machine.NewMachine(machineMeta, r.log, c.Client)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = r.machines.Add(newMachine); err != nil {
		log.Error("Unable to Add new machine to *machine.Machines. err:%s", err)
		return err

	return nil
Example #25
func registerSignalHandler(l *asgd.LifeCycle, log logging.Logger) chan struct{} {
	done := make(chan struct{}, 1)

	go func() {
		signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)

		signal := <-signals
		switch signal {
		case syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGSTOP, syscall.SIGKILL:
			log.Info("recieved exit signal, closing...")
			err := l.Close()
			if err != nil {

	return done
Example #26
// StopCommand stop local klient. Requires sudo.
func StopCommand(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) int {
	if len(c.Args()) != 0 {
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "stop")
		return 1

	s, err := newService(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error creating Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	if err := s.Stop(); err != nil {
		log.Error("Error stopping Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	err = WaitUntilStopped(config.Konfig.Endpoints.Klient.Private.String(), CommandAttempts, CommandWaitTime)
	if err != nil {
			"Timed out while waiting for Klient to start. attempts:%d, err:%s",
			5, err,
		return 1

	fmt.Printf("Successfully stopped %s\n", config.KlientName)
	return 0
Example #27
// NewSSHCommand is the required initializer for SSHCommand.
func NewSSHCommand(log logging.Logger, opts SSHCommandOpts) (*SSHCommand, error) {
	usr, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	klientKite, err := klient.CreateKlientWithDefaultOpts()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := klientKite.Dial(); err != nil {
		log.New("NewSSHCommand").Error("Dialing local klient failed. err:%s", err)
		return nil, ErrLocalDialingFailed

	k := klient.NewKlient(klientKite)

	return &SSHCommand{
		Klient: k,
		Log:    log.New("SSHCommand"),
		Ask:    opts.Ask,
		Debug:  opts.Debug,
		SSHKey: &SSHKey{
			Log:            log.New("SSHKey"),
			Debug:          opts.Debug,
			RemoteUsername: opts.RemoteUsername,
			KeyPath:        path.Join(usr.HomeDir, config.SSHDefaultKeyDir),
			KeyName:        config.SSHDefaultKeyName,
			Klient:         k,
	}, nil
Example #28
func (l *LifeCycle) createQueue(sqsLogger logging.Logger, queueName string) error {
	if l.sqs == nil {
		return errSQSNotSet

	// CreateQueue is idempotent, if it is already created returns existing one
	// all Attributes should be same with consecutive calls
	createQueueResp, err := l.sqs.CreateQueue(
			QueueName:  aws.String(queueName), // Required
			Attributes: attributes,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	l.queueURL = createQueueResp.QueueUrl // dont forget to assign queue url

	sqsLogger.Debug("SQS Queue is created")
	return nil
Example #29
// FactoryAction implements a cli.Command's Action field.
func FactoryAction(factory CommandFactory, log logging.Logger, cmdName string) cli.ActionFunc {
	return func(c *cli.Context) error {
		cmd := factory(c, log, cmdName)
		exit, err := cmd.Run()

		// For API reasons, we may return an error but a zero exit code. So we want
		// to check and log both.
		if exit != 0 || err != nil {
				"Command encountered error. command:%s, exit:%d, err:%s",
				cmdName, exit, err,
			// Print error message to the user.
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error executing %q command: %s\n", cmdName, err)


		return nil
Example #30
// MachineSSHCommand allows to SSH into remote machine.
func MachineSSHCommand(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) (int, error) {
	// SSH command must have only one identifier.
	idents, err := getIdentifiers(c)
	if err != nil {
		return 1, err
	if err := identifiersLimit(idents, 1, 1); err != nil {
		return 1, err

	opts := &machine.SSHOptions{
		Identifier: idents[0],
		Username:   c.String("username"),
		Log:        log.New("machine:ssh"),

	if err := machine.SSH(opts); err != nil {
		return 1, err

	return 0, nil