Example #1
// Feature returns the Node as a *geojson.Feature.
func (n *Node) Feature() (f *geojson.Feature) {
	// Set the properties.
	properties := make(map[string]interface{}, 6)
	properties["OwnerName"] = n.OwnerName
	properties["Status"] = n.Status

	if len(n.Contact) != 0 {
		properties["Contact"] = n.Contact
	if len(n.PGP) != 0 {
		properties["PGP"] = n.PGP.String()
	if len(n.Details) != 0 {
		properties["Details"] = n.Details
	if n.SourceID != 0 {
		properties["SourceID"] = n.SourceID

	// Create and return the feature.
	return geojson.NewFeature(
Example #2
func SpaceToFeature(space Space) *geojson.Feature {
	infra := spaceToInfra(space)
	lng := geojson.CoordType(infra.Point_.Lng)
	lat := geojson.CoordType(infra.Point_.Lat)
	c := geojson.Coordinate{lng, lat}
	geom := geojson.NewPoint(c)
	prop := map[string]interface{}{spaceValueName: infra.Value_, "createAt": infra.CreateAt_.Unix()}
	return geojson.NewFeature(geom, prop, nil)
Example #3
func EncodeMultiPointsIntoLineString(points []*Point) *geojson.Feature {
	var coordinates = make(geojson.Coordinates, len(points))
	for i := range points {
		var c geojson.Coordinate
		c[0] = geojson.CoordType(points[i].Lng)
		c[1] = geojson.CoordType(points[i].Lat)
		coordinates[i] = c
	lineString := geojson.NewLineString(coordinates)
	return geojson.NewFeature(lineString, nil, nil)
Example #4
func EncodeMultiPointsIntoFeature(points []*Point) *geojson.Feature {
	var coordinates = make(geojson.Coordinates, len(points))
	for i := range points {
		var c geojson.Coordinate
		c[0] = geojson.CoordType(points[i].Lng)
		c[1] = geojson.CoordType(points[i].Lat)
		coordinates[i] = c
	multiPoint := geojson.NewMultiPoint(coordinates)
	return geojson.NewFeature(multiPoint, nil, nil)
Example #5
 *  or free docks, or an error if that was not possible.
 *  @see getFreeDocksNear
 *  @see getBikesNear
func writeDockingStations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, filter_type string) {

	lat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.URL.Query().Get("lat"), 64)
	lon, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.URL.Query().Get("lon"), 64)
	x0, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.URL.Query().Get("x0"), 64)
	y0, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.URL.Query().Get("y0"), 64)
	x1, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.URL.Query().Get("x1"), 64)
	y1, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.URL.Query().Get("y1"), 64)

	var dockingStations DockingStations
	var err error
	var ret []byte

	if filter_type == "bikes" {
		err = dockingStations.GetBikesNear(lat, lon, 4)

	if filter_type == "freedocks" {
		err = dockingStations.GetBikesNear(lat, lon, 4)

	if filter_type == "stations" {
		err = dockingStations.GetStationsInside(x0, y0, x1, y1)

	if err == nil {
		features := []*gj.Feature{}
		for _, dockingStationStatus := range dockingStations.DockingStationStatuses {
			properties := map[string]interface{}{"name": dockingStationStatus.Name, "i": dockingStationStatus.DockId, "bikes": dockingStationStatus.Bikes, "docks": dockingStationStatus.Docks, "updated": dockingStationStatus.Time}
			lat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(dockingStationStatus.Lat, 64)
			lon, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(dockingStationStatus.Lon, 64)
			p := gj.NewPoint(gj.Coordinate{gj.CoordType(lon), gj.CoordType(lat)})
			f := gj.NewFeature(p, properties, nil)
			features = append(features, f)

		ret, err = json.Marshal(features)

	if err != nil {
		//@todo set return code
		logger.Log("msg", "There was an error retrieving docking stations", "err", err)
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
		w.Write([]byte("{msg: \"There was an error\"}"))

	w.Header().Set("Server", "bikefinder")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

Example #6
// isOtherGeo searches for non-standard geo data in the given json map. It looks for the presence
// of lat/lng (and a few variations thereof) or x/y values in the object as well as a distance/radius/accuracy
// field and creates a geojson point out of it and returns that, along with a boolean value
// representing whether or not it found any geo data in the object. It will also look for
// any keys that hold an array of two numbers with a key name that suggests that it might
// be a lng/lat array.
// The following keys will be detected as Latitude:
//	"lat", "latitude"
//	"y"
// The following keys will be detected as Longitude:
//	"lng", "lon", "long", "longitude"
//	"x"
// The following keys will be used to fill the "radius" property of the resulting geojson:
//	"dist", "distance"
//	"rad", "radius"
//	"acc", "accuracy"
// The following keys will be searched for a long/lat pair:
//	"geo"
//	"loc" or "location"
//	"coord", "coords", "coordinate" or "coordinates"
func isOtherGeo(o map[string]interface{}) (bool, *Geo) {
	var foundLat, foundLng, foundDst bool
	var lat, lng, dst float64

	for k, v := range o {
		switch strings.ToLower(k) {
		case "lat", "latitude", "y":
			lat, foundLat = v.(float64)
		case "lng", "lon", "long", "longitude", "x":
			lng, foundLng = v.(float64)
		case "dst", "dist", "distance", "rad", "radius", "acc", "accuracy":
			dst, foundDst = v.(float64)
		case "geo", "loc", "location", "coord", "coordinate", "coords", "coordinates":
			g, ok := v.([]float64)
			if !ok || len(g) != 2 {

			lng, lat = g[0], g[1]
			foundLat, foundLng = true, true

	if foundLat && foundLng && latIsValid(lat) && lngIsValid(lng) {
		p := gj.NewPoint(gj.Coordinate{gj.CoordType(lng), gj.CoordType(lat)})
		pstr, _ := gj.Marshal(p)
		var geo map[string]interface{}
		json.Unmarshal([]byte(pstr), &geo)
		debugLog("Found other geo:", geo)
		g := &Geo{
			Geo: geo,
		if foundDst {
			g.Radius = dst
		return true, g

	return false, nil
Example #7
func EncodePoint(point *Point) *geojson.Point {
	var c geojson.Coordinate
	c[0] = geojson.CoordType(point.Lng)
	c[1] = geojson.CoordType(point.Lat)
	return geojson.NewPoint(c)
Example #8
// @todo genericize this processor to be a general-purpose *.shp processor
// and make it archive format-agnostic
func MTTurkeyProcessor(ds DataSource) (geoCol *geojson.GeometryCollection, err error) {
	// download the source archive
	fmt.Printf("Downloading %s...", ds.URL)
	resp, err := http.Get(ds.URL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	tmpZip, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), ds.Attribution+"_zip")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	n, err := io.Copy(tmpZip, resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	fmt.Printf("done! (%d bytes)\n", n)

	// search the zip file
	fmt.Printf("Searching archive for %s files:\n", ds.Filetype)
	r, err := zip.OpenReader(tmpZip.Name())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer r.Close()

	shpMatcher := regexp.MustCompile(".*[.]shp$")
	matched := false
	// iterate through the files in the archive and process any .shp files
	geoCol = geojson.NewGeometryCollection(nil)
	for _, f := range r.File {
		if !shpMatcher.MatchString(f.Name) {
		matched = true

		fmt.Printf(">> Extracting %s...", f.Name)
		shpData, err := f.Open()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		tmpSHP, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), ds.Attribution+"_shp")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		n, err = io.Copy(tmpSHP, shpData)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		fmt.Printf("done! (%d bytes)\n", n)

		// @todo remove this hack when the library authors remove theirs
		// the shp library currently replaces the last three filename
		// characters with "shp" for some reason...
		err = os.Rename(tmpSHP.Name(), tmpSHP.Name()[0:len(tmpSHP.Name())-3]+"shp")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		fmt.Printf(">> Processing %s...", f.Name)
		shape, err := shp.Open(tmpSHP.Name())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		defer shape.Close()

		shapeCnt := 0
		for shape.Next() {
			_, p := shape.Shape()
			bb := p.BBox()
			//fmt.Printf("Adding %s: %s", reflect.TypeOf(p).Elem(), bb)

			minX, maxX, minY, maxY := geojson.CoordType(bb.MinX), geojson.CoordType(bb.MaxX),
				geojson.CoordType(bb.MinY), geojson.CoordType(bb.MaxY)
			// @todo more correct and complete conversion from shp to geojson
			// right now we're just deriving a square polygon from the bounding box
			coords := []geojson.Coordinates{
				// left line
					{minX, minY},
					{minX, maxY},
				// top line
					{minX, maxY},
					{maxX, maxY},
				// right line
					{maxX, maxY},
					{maxX, minY},
				// bottom line
					{maxX, minY},
					{minX, minY},
			poly := geojson.NewPolygon(coords)
		fmt.Printf("done! (loaded %d shapes)\n", shapeCnt)
	if !matched {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find any %s files", ds.Filetype)

	return geoCol, nil