// Returns a list of all Daemon Set model objects in the cluster, based on all Kubernetes
// Daemon Set and Service API objects.
// The function processes all Daemon Set API objects and finds matching Services for them.
func getDaemonSetList(daemonSets []extensions.DaemonSet, pods []api.Pod,
	events []api.Event) *DaemonSetList {

	daemonSetList := &DaemonSetList{DaemonSets: make([]DaemonSet, 0)}

	for _, daemonSet := range daemonSets {

		matchingPods := make([]api.Pod, 0)
		for _, pod := range pods {
			if pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace == daemonSet.ObjectMeta.Namespace &&
				common.IsLabelSelectorMatching(pod.ObjectMeta.Labels, daemonSet.Spec.Selector) {
				matchingPods = append(matchingPods, pod)
		podInfo := getDaemonSetPodInfo(&daemonSet, matchingPods)
		podErrors := event.GetPodsEventWarnings(events, matchingPods)

		podInfo.Warnings = podErrors

		daemonSetList.DaemonSets = append(daemonSetList.DaemonSets,
				ObjectMeta:      common.NewObjectMeta(daemonSet.ObjectMeta),
				TypeMeta:        common.NewTypeMeta(common.ResourceKindDaemonSet),
				Pods:            podInfo,
				ContainerImages: common.GetContainerImages(&daemonSet.Spec.Template.Spec),

	return daemonSetList
// Returns all services that target the same Pods (or subset) as the given Daemon Set.
func getMatchingServicesforDS(services []api.Service,
	daemonSet *extensions.DaemonSet) []api.Service {

	var matchingServices []api.Service
	for _, service := range services {
		if service.ObjectMeta.Namespace == daemonSet.ObjectMeta.Namespace &&
			common.IsLabelSelectorMatching(service.Spec.Selector, daemonSet.Spec.Selector) {

			matchingServices = append(matchingServices, service)
	return matchingServices