func TestValidateDvsniNotSane(t *testing.T) {
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(true)
	va.DNSResolver = core.NewDNSResolver(time.Second*5, []string{""})
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	challDvsni := core.DvsniChallenge()
	challDvsni.R = "boulder" // Not a sane thing to do.

	waitChanDvsni := make(chan bool, 1)
	stopChanDvsni := make(chan bool, 1)
	ar, _ := core.B64dec(challDvsni.R)
	as, _ := core.B64dec(challDvsni.S)
	go dvsniSrv(t, ar, as, stopChanDvsni, waitChanDvsni)

	// Let them start

	// shutdown cleanly
	defer func() {
		stopChanDvsni <- true

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     ident,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{challDvsni},
	va.validate(authz, 0)

	test.AssertEquals(t, core.StatusInvalid, mockRA.lastAuthz.Challenges[0].Status)
func TestValidateDvsni(t *testing.T) {
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(true)
	va.DNSResolver = &mocks.MockDNS{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	challDvsni := core.DvsniChallenge()
	challDvsni.S = challDvsni.R

	waitChanDvsni := make(chan bool, 1)
	stopChanDvsni := make(chan bool, 1)
	ar, _ := core.B64dec(challDvsni.R)
	as, _ := core.B64dec(challDvsni.S)
	go dvsniSrv(t, ar, as, stopChanDvsni, waitChanDvsni)

	// Let them start

	// shutdown cleanly
	defer func() {
		stopChanDvsni <- true

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     ident,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{challDvsni},
	va.validate(authz, 0)

	test.AssertEquals(t, core.StatusValid, mockRA.lastAuthz.Challenges[0].Status)
Example #3
func (va ValidationAuthorityImpl) validateDvsni(identifier core.AcmeIdentifier, input core.Challenge) (core.Challenge, error) {
	challenge := input

	if identifier.Type != "dns" {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Identifier type for DVSNI was not DNS")
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		return challenge, err

	const DVSNI_SUFFIX = ".acme.invalid"
	nonceName := challenge.Nonce + DVSNI_SUFFIX

	R, err := core.B64dec(challenge.R)
	if err != nil {
		va.log.Debug("Failed to decode R value from DVSNI challenge")
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		return challenge, err
	S, err := core.B64dec(challenge.S)
	if err != nil {
		va.log.Debug("Failed to decode S value from DVSNI challenge")
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		return challenge, err
	RS := append(R, S...)

	z := sha256.Sum256(RS)
	zName := fmt.Sprintf("%064x.acme.invalid", z)

	// Make a connection with SNI = nonceName

	hostPort := identifier.Value + ":443"
	if va.TestMode {
		hostPort = "localhost:5001"
	va.log.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("Attempting to validate DVSNI for %s %s %s",
		identifier, hostPort, zName))
	conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", hostPort, &tls.Config{
		ServerName:         nonceName,
		InsecureSkipVerify: true,

	if err != nil {
		va.log.Debug("Failed to connect to host for DVSNI challenge")
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		return challenge, err
	defer conn.Close()

	// Check that zName is a dNSName SAN in the server's certificate
	certs := conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates
	if len(certs) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("No certs presented for DVSNI challenge")
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		return challenge, err
	for _, name := range certs[0].DNSNames {
		if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(name), []byte(zName)) == 1 {
			challenge.Status = core.StatusValid
			return challenge, nil

	err = fmt.Errorf("Correct zName not found for DVSNI challenge")
	challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
	return challenge, err
Example #4
func (va ValidationAuthorityImpl) validateDvsni(identifier core.AcmeIdentifier, input core.Challenge) (core.Challenge, error) {
	challenge := input

	if identifier.Type != "dns" {
		challenge.Error = &core.ProblemDetails{
			Type:   core.MalformedProblem,
			Detail: "Identifier type for DVSNI was not DNS",
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		va.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("DVSNI [%s] Identifier failure", identifier))
		return challenge, challenge.Error

	const DVSNIsuffix = ".acme.invalid"
	nonceName := challenge.Nonce + DVSNIsuffix

	R, err := core.B64dec(challenge.R)
	if err != nil {
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		challenge.Error = &core.ProblemDetails{
			Type:   core.MalformedProblem,
			Detail: "Failed to decode R value from DVSNI challenge",
		va.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("DVSNI [%s] R Decode failure: %s", identifier, err))
		return challenge, err
	S, err := core.B64dec(challenge.S)
	if err != nil {
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		challenge.Error = &core.ProblemDetails{
			Type:   core.MalformedProblem,
			Detail: "Failed to decode S value from DVSNI challenge",
		va.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("DVSNI [%s] S Decode failure: %s", identifier, err))
		return challenge, err
	RS := append(R, S...)

	z := sha256.Sum256(RS)
	zName := fmt.Sprintf("%064x.acme.invalid", z)

	// Make a connection with SNI = nonceName
	hostPort := identifier.Value + ":443"
	if va.TestMode {
		hostPort = "localhost:5001"
	va.log.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("DVSNI [%s] Attempting to validate DVSNI for %s %s",
		identifier, hostPort, zName))
	conn, err := tls.DialWithDialer(&net.Dialer{Timeout: 5 * time.Second}, "tcp", hostPort, &tls.Config{
		ServerName:         nonceName,
		InsecureSkipVerify: true,

	if err != nil {
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		challenge.Error = &core.ProblemDetails{
			Type:   parseHTTPConnError(err),
			Detail: "Failed to connect to host for DVSNI challenge",
		va.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("DVSNI [%s] TLS Connection failure: %s", identifier, err))
		return challenge, err
	defer conn.Close()

	// Check that zName is a dNSName SAN in the server's certificate
	certs := conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates
	if len(certs) == 0 {
		challenge.Error = &core.ProblemDetails{
			Type:   core.UnauthorizedProblem,
			Detail: "No certs presented for DVSNI challenge",
		challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
		return challenge, challenge.Error
	for _, name := range certs[0].DNSNames {
		if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(name), []byte(zName)) == 1 {
			challenge.Status = core.StatusValid
			return challenge, nil

	challenge.Error = &core.ProblemDetails{
		Type:   core.UnauthorizedProblem,
		Detail: "Correct zName not found for DVSNI challenge",
	challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
	return challenge, challenge.Error