func TestNewRegistration(t *testing.T) {
	_, sa, ra, _, cleanUp := initAuthorities(t)
	defer cleanUp()
	mailto, _ := core.ParseAcmeURL("mailto:[email protected]")
	input := core.Registration{
		Contact:   []*core.AcmeURL{mailto},
		Key:       AccountKeyB,
		InitialIP: net.ParseIP(""),

	result, err := ra.NewRegistration(input)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("could not create new registration: %s", err)

	test.Assert(t, core.KeyDigestEquals(result.Key, AccountKeyB), "Key didn't match")
	test.Assert(t, len(result.Contact) == 1, "Wrong number of contacts")
	test.Assert(t, mailto.String() == result.Contact[0].String(),
		"Contact didn't match")
	test.Assert(t, result.Agreement == "", "Agreement didn't default empty")

	reg, err := sa.GetRegistration(result.ID)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to retrieve registration")
	test.Assert(t, core.KeyDigestEquals(reg.Key, AccountKeyB), "Retrieved registration differed.")
func TestNewRegistrationNoFieldOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
	_, _, _, ra := initAuthorities(t)
	mailto, _ := url.Parse("mailto:[email protected]")
	input := core.Registration{
		ID:            23,
		Key:           AccountKeyC,
		RecoveryToken: "RecoverMe",
		Contact:       []core.AcmeURL{core.AcmeURL(*mailto)},
		Agreement:     "I agreed",

	result, err := ra.NewRegistration(input)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not create new registration")

	test.Assert(t, result.ID != 23, "ID shouldn't be set by user")
	// TODO: Enable this test case once we validate terms agreement.
	//test.Assert(t, result.Agreement != "I agreed", "Agreement shouldn't be set with invalid URL")
	test.Assert(t, result.RecoveryToken != "RecoverMe", "Recovery token shouldn't be set by user")

	result2, err := ra.UpdateRegistration(result, core.Registration{
		ID:            33,
		Key:           ShortKey,
		RecoveryToken: "RecoverMe2",
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not update registration")
	test.Assert(t, result2.ID != 33, "ID shouldn't be overwritten.")
	test.Assert(t, !core.KeyDigestEquals(result2.Key, ShortKey), "Key shouldn't be overwritten")
	test.Assert(t, result2.RecoveryToken != "RecoverMe2", "Recovery token shouldn't be overwritten by user")
func TestNewRegistrationNoFieldOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
	_, _, _, ra, cleanUp := initAuthorities(t)
	defer cleanUp()
	mailto, _ := core.ParseAcmeURL("mailto:[email protected]")
	input := core.Registration{
		ID:        23,
		Key:       AccountKeyC,
		Contact:   []*core.AcmeURL{mailto},
		Agreement: "I agreed",

	result, err := ra.NewRegistration(input)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not create new registration")

	test.Assert(t, result.ID != 23, "ID shouldn't be set by user")
	// TODO: Enable this test case once we validate terms agreement.
	//test.Assert(t, result.Agreement != "I agreed", "Agreement shouldn't be set with invalid URL")

	id := result.ID
	result2, err := ra.UpdateRegistration(result, core.Registration{
		ID:  33,
		Key: ShortKey,
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not update registration")
	test.Assert(t, result2.ID != 33, fmt.Sprintf("ID shouldn't be overwritten. expected %d, got %d", id, result2.ID))
	test.Assert(t, !core.KeyDigestEquals(result2.Key, ShortKey), "Key shouldn't be overwritten")
func TestAddRegistration(t *testing.T) {
	sa, clk, cleanUp := initSA(t)
	defer cleanUp()

	jwk := satest.GoodJWK()

	contact, err := core.ParseAcmeURL("mailto:[email protected]")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to parse contact link: %s", err)
	contacts := []*core.AcmeURL{contact}
	reg, err := sa.NewRegistration(core.Registration{
		Key:       jwk,
		Contact:   contacts,
		InitialIP: net.ParseIP(""),
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't create new registration: %s", err)
	test.Assert(t, reg.ID != 0, "ID shouldn't be 0")
	test.AssertDeepEquals(t, reg.Contact, contacts)

	_, err = sa.GetRegistration(0)
	test.AssertError(t, err, "Registration object for ID 0 was returned")

	dbReg, err := sa.GetRegistration(reg.ID)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't get registration with ID %v", reg.ID))

	expectedReg := core.Registration{
		ID:        reg.ID,
		Key:       jwk,
		InitialIP: net.ParseIP(""),
		CreatedAt: clk.Now(),
	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.ID, expectedReg.ID)
	test.Assert(t, core.KeyDigestEquals(dbReg.Key, expectedReg.Key), "Stored key != expected")

	u, _ := core.ParseAcmeURL("")

	newReg := core.Registration{
		ID:        reg.ID,
		Key:       jwk,
		Contact:   []*core.AcmeURL{u},
		InitialIP: net.ParseIP(""),
		Agreement: "yes",
	err = sa.UpdateRegistration(newReg)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't get registration with ID %v", reg.ID))
	dbReg, err = sa.GetRegistrationByKey(jwk)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't get registration by key")

	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.ID, newReg.ID)
	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.Agreement, newReg.Agreement)

	var anotherJWK jose.JsonWebKey
	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(anotherKey), &anotherJWK)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "couldn't unmarshal anotherJWK")
	_, err = sa.GetRegistrationByKey(anotherJWK)
	test.AssertError(t, err, "Registration object for invalid key was returned")
Example #5
func (sa *MockSA) GetRegistrationByKey(jwk jose.JsonWebKey) (core.Registration, error) {
	var test1KeyPublic jose.JsonWebKey
	var test2KeyPublic jose.JsonWebKey

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(jwk, test1KeyPublic) {
		return core.Registration{ID: 1, Key: jwk}, nil

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(jwk, test2KeyPublic) {
		// No key found
		return core.Registration{ID: 2}, sql.ErrNoRows

	// Return a fake registration
	return core.Registration{ID: 1, Agreement: "yup"}, nil
Example #6
// GetRegistrationByKey is a mock
func (sa *MockSA) GetRegistrationByKey(jwk jose.JsonWebKey) (core.Registration, error) {
	var test1KeyPublic jose.JsonWebKey
	var test2KeyPublic jose.JsonWebKey

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(jwk, test1KeyPublic) {
		return core.Registration{ID: 1, Key: jwk, Agreement: agreementURL}, nil

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(jwk, test2KeyPublic) {
		// No key found
		return core.Registration{ID: 2}, sql.ErrNoRows

	// Return a fake registration. Make sure to fill the key field to avoid marshaling errors.
	return core.Registration{ID: 1, Key: test1KeyPublic, Agreement: agreementURL}, nil
Example #7
func main() {
	issuerFile := flag.String("issuer", "", "Issuer certificate (PEM)")
	responderFile := flag.String("responder", "", "OCSP responder certificate (DER)")
	targetFile := flag.String("target", "", "Certificate whose status is being reported (PEM)")
	pkcs11File := flag.String("pkcs11", "", pkcs11Usage)
	outFile := flag.String("out", "", "File to which the OCSP response will be written")
	thisUpdateString := flag.String("thisUpdate", "", "Time for ThisUpdate field, RFC3339 format (e.g. 2016-09-02T00:00:00Z)")
	nextUpdateString := flag.String("nextUpdate", "", "Time for NextUpdate field, RFC3339 format")
	status := flag.Int("status", 0, "Status for response (0 = good, 1 = revoked)")
	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage)

	if len(*outFile) == 0 {
		cmd.FailOnError(fmt.Errorf("No output file provided"), "")
	thisUpdate, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, *thisUpdateString)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Parsing thisUpdate flag")
	nextUpdate, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, *nextUpdateString)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Parsing nextUpdate flag")

	issuer, responder, target, pkcs11, err := readFiles(*issuerFile, *responderFile, *targetFile, *pkcs11File)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to read files")

	// Instantiate the private key from PKCS11
	priv, err := pkcs11key.New(pkcs11.Module, pkcs11.TokenLabel, pkcs11.PIN, pkcs11.PrivateKeyLabel)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load PKCS#11 key")

	// Populate the remaining fields in the template
	template := ocsp.Response{
		SerialNumber: target.SerialNumber,
		Certificate:  responder,
		Status:       *status,
		ThisUpdate:   thisUpdate,
		NextUpdate:   nextUpdate,

	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(responder.PublicKey, priv.Public()) {
		cmd.FailOnError(fmt.Errorf("PKCS#11 pubkey does not match pubkey "+
			"in responder certificate"), "loading keys")

	// Sign the OCSP response
	responseBytes, err := ocsp.CreateResponse(issuer, responder, template, priv)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to sign OCSP response")

	_, err = ocsp.ParseResponse(responseBytes, nil)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to parse signed response")

	responseBytesBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(responseBytes) + "\n"

	// Write the OCSP response to stdout
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(*outFile, []byte(responseBytesBase64), 0666)
	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to write output file")
func TestNewRegistration(t *testing.T) {
	_, _, sa, ra := initAuthorities(t)
	mailto, _ := url.Parse("mailto:[email protected]")
	input := core.Registration{
		Contact: []core.AcmeURL{core.AcmeURL(*mailto)},
		Key:     AccountKeyB,

	result, err := ra.NewRegistration(input)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not create new registration")

	test.Assert(t, core.KeyDigestEquals(result.Key, AccountKeyB), "Key didn't match")
	test.Assert(t, len(result.Contact) == 1, "Wrong number of contacts")
	test.Assert(t, mailto.String() == result.Contact[0].String(),
		"Contact didn't match")
	test.Assert(t, result.Agreement == "", "Agreement didn't default empty")
	test.Assert(t, result.RecoveryToken != "", "Recovery token not filled")

	reg, err := sa.GetRegistration(result.ID)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to retrieve registration")
	test.Assert(t, core.KeyDigestEquals(reg.Key, AccountKeyB), "Retrieved registration differed.")
// UpdateAuthorization updates an authorization with new values.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) UpdateAuthorization(base core.Authorization, challengeIndex int, response core.Challenge) (authz core.Authorization, err error) {
	// Refuse to update expired authorizations
	if base.Expires == nil || base.Expires.Before(ra.clk.Now()) {
		err = core.NotFoundError("Expired authorization")

	// Copy information over that the client is allowed to supply
	authz = base
	if challengeIndex >= len(authz.Challenges) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid challenge index: %d", challengeIndex))

	authz.Challenges[challengeIndex].KeyAuthorization = response.KeyAuthorization

	// At this point, the challenge should be sane as a complete challenge
	if !authz.Challenges[challengeIndex].IsSane(true) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Response does not complete challenge")

	// Store the updated version
	if err = ra.SA.UpdatePendingAuthorization(authz); err != nil {
		// This can pretty much only happen when the client corrupts the Challenge
		// data.
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Challenge data was corrupted")
	ra.stats.Inc("RA.NewPendingAuthorizations", 1, 1.0)

	// Look up the account key for this authorization
	reg, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(authz.RegistrationID)
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())

	// Reject the update if the challenge in question was created
	// with a different account key
	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(reg.Key, authz.Challenges[challengeIndex].AccountKey) {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("Challenge cannot be updated with a different key")

	// Dispatch to the VA for service
	ra.VA.UpdateValidations(authz, challengeIndex)

	ra.stats.Inc("RA.UpdatedPendingAuthorizations", 1, 1.0)
Example #10
func loadIssuer(issuerConfig cmd.IssuerConfig) (crypto.Signer, *x509.Certificate, error) {
	cert, err := core.LoadCert(issuerConfig.CertFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	signer, err := loadSigner(issuerConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(signer.Public(), cert.PublicKey) {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Issuer key did not match issuer cert %s", issuerConfig.CertFile)
	return signer, cert, err
Example #11
func TestAddRegistration(t *testing.T) {
	sa := initSA(t)

	var jwk jose.JsonWebKey
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(theKey), &jwk)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("JSON unmarshal error: %+v", err)

	reg, err := sa.NewRegistration(core.Registration{
		Key: jwk,
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't create new registration")
	test.Assert(t, reg.ID != 0, "ID shouldn't be 0")

	_, err = sa.GetRegistration(0)
	test.AssertError(t, err, "Registration object for ID 0 was returned")

	dbReg, err := sa.GetRegistration(reg.ID)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't get registration with ID %v", reg.ID))

	expectedReg := core.Registration{
		ID:  reg.ID,
		Key: jwk,
	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.ID, expectedReg.ID)
	test.Assert(t, core.KeyDigestEquals(dbReg.Key, expectedReg.Key), "Stored key != expected")

	uu, err := url.Parse("")
	u := core.AcmeURL(*uu)

	newReg := core.Registration{ID: reg.ID, Key: jwk, RecoveryToken: "RBNvo1WzZ4oRRq0W9", Contact: []core.AcmeURL{u}, Agreement: "yes"}
	err = sa.UpdateRegistration(newReg)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't get registration with ID %v", reg.ID))

	dbReg, err = sa.GetRegistrationByKey(jwk)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't get registration by key")

	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.ID, newReg.ID)
	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.RecoveryToken, newReg.RecoveryToken)
	test.AssertEquals(t, dbReg.Agreement, newReg.Agreement)

	jwk.KeyID = "bad"
	_, err = sa.GetRegistrationByKey(jwk)
	test.AssertError(t, err, "Registration object for invalid key was returned")
Example #12
// UpdateAuthorization updates an authorization with new values.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) UpdateAuthorization(base core.Authorization, challengeIndex int, response core.Challenge) (authz core.Authorization, err error) {
	// Copy information over that the client is allowed to supply
	authz = base
	if challengeIndex >= len(authz.Challenges) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid challenge index: %d", challengeIndex))
	authz.Challenges[challengeIndex] = authz.Challenges[challengeIndex].MergeResponse(response)

	// Store the updated version
	if err = ra.SA.UpdatePendingAuthorization(authz); err != nil {
		// This can pretty much only happen when the client corrupts the Challenge
		// data.
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Challenge data was corrupted")

	// Look up the account key for this authorization
	reg, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(authz.RegistrationID)
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())

	// Reject the update if the challenge in question was created
	// with a different account key
	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(reg.Key, authz.Challenges[challengeIndex].AccountKey) {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("Challenge cannot be updated with a different key")

	// Dispatch to the VA for service
	ra.VA.UpdateValidations(authz, challengeIndex)

Example #13
// NewCertificate requests the issuance of a certificate.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) NewCertificate(ctx context.Context, req core.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (cert core.Certificate, err error) {
	emptyCert := core.Certificate{}
	var logEventResult string

	// Assume the worst
	logEventResult = "error"

	// Construct the log event
	logEvent := certificateRequestEvent{
		ID:            core.NewToken(),
		Requester:     regID,
		RequestMethod: "online",
		RequestTime:   ra.clk.Now(),

	// No matter what, log the request
	defer func() {
		ra.log.AuditObject(fmt.Sprintf("Certificate request - %s", logEventResult), logEvent)

	if regID <= 0 {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid registration ID: %d", regID))
		return emptyCert, err

	registration, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(ctx, regID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Verify the CSR
	csr := req.CSR
	if err := csrlib.VerifyCSR(csr, ra.maxNames, &ra.keyPolicy, ra.PA, ra.forceCNFromSAN, regID); err != nil {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(err.Error())
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.CommonName = csr.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.Names = csr.DNSNames

	// Validate that authorization key is authorized for all domains
	names := make([]string, len(csr.DNSNames))
	copy(names, csr.DNSNames)

	if len(names) == 0 {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has no names in it")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(csr.PublicKey, registration.Key) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Certificate public key must be different than account key")
		return emptyCert, err

	// Check rate limits before checking authorizations. If someone is unable to
	// issue a cert due to rate limiting, we don't want to tell them to go get the
	// necessary authorizations, only to later fail the rate limit check.
	err = ra.checkLimits(ctx, names, registration.ID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	err = ra.checkAuthorizations(ctx, names, &registration)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Mark that we verified the CN and SANs
	logEvent.VerifiedFields = []string{"subject.commonName", "subjectAltName"}

	// Create the certificate and log the result
	if cert, err = ra.CA.IssueCertificate(ctx, *csr, regID); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	if ra.publisher != nil {
		go func() {
			// Since we don't want this method to be canceled if the parent context
			// expires, pass a background context to it and run it in a goroutine.
			_ = ra.publisher.SubmitToCT(context.Background(), cert.DER)

	err = ra.MatchesCSR(cert, csr)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate([]byte(cert.DER))
	if err != nil {
		// InternalServerError because the certificate from the CA should be
		// parseable.
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	now := ra.clk.Now()
	logEvent.SerialNumber = core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.CommonName = parsedCertificate.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.NotBefore = parsedCertificate.NotBefore
	logEvent.NotAfter = parsedCertificate.NotAfter
	logEvent.ResponseTime = now

	logEventResult = "successful"

	ra.stats.Inc("NewCertificates", 1)
	return cert, nil
Example #14
// NewCertificate requests the issuance of a certificate.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) NewCertificate(req core.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (cert core.Certificate, err error) {
	emptyCert := core.Certificate{}
	var logEventResult string

	// Assume the worst
	logEventResult = "error"

	// Construct the log event
	logEvent := certificateRequestEvent{
		ID:            core.NewToken(),
		Requester:     regID,
		RequestMethod: "online",
		RequestTime:   time.Now(),

	// No matter what, log the request
	defer func() {
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		ra.log.AuditObject(fmt.Sprintf("Certificate request - %s", logEventResult), logEvent)

	if regID <= 0 {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid registration ID: %d", regID))
		return emptyCert, err

	registration, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(regID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Verify the CSR
	csr := req.CSR
	if err = core.VerifyCSR(csr); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("Invalid signature on CSR")
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.CommonName = csr.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.Names = csr.DNSNames

	// Validate that authorization key is authorized for all domains
	names := make([]string, len(csr.DNSNames))
	copy(names, csr.DNSNames)
	if len(csr.Subject.CommonName) > 0 {
		names = append(names, csr.Subject.CommonName)

	if len(names) == 0 {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has no names in it")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	csrPreviousDenied, err := ra.SA.AlreadyDeniedCSR(names)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err
	if csrPreviousDenied {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has already been revoked/denied")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(csr.PublicKey, registration.Key) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Certificate public key must be different than account key")
		return emptyCert, err

	// Check that each requested name has a valid authorization
	now := time.Now()
	earliestExpiry := time.Date(2100, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	for _, name := range names {
		authz, err := ra.SA.GetLatestValidAuthorization(registration.ID, core.AcmeIdentifier{Type: core.IdentifierDNS, Value: name})
		if err != nil || authz.Expires.Before(now) {
			// unable to find a valid authorization or authz is expired
			err = core.UnauthorizedError(fmt.Sprintf("Key not authorized for name %s", name))
			logEvent.Error = err.Error()
			return emptyCert, err

		if authz.Expires.Before(earliestExpiry) {
			earliestExpiry = *authz.Expires

	// Mark that we verified the CN and SANs
	logEvent.VerifiedFields = []string{"subject.commonName", "subjectAltName"}

	// Create the certificate and log the result
	if cert, err = ra.CA.IssueCertificate(*csr, regID, earliestExpiry); err != nil {
		// While this could be InternalServerError for certain conditions, most
		// of the failure reasons (such as GoodKey failing) are caused by malformed
		// requests.
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Certificate request was invalid")
		return emptyCert, err

	err = cert.MatchesCSR(csr, earliestExpiry)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate([]byte(cert.DER))
	if err != nil {
		// InternalServerError because the certificate from the CA should be
		// parseable.
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.SerialNumber = core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.CommonName = parsedCertificate.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.NotBefore = parsedCertificate.NotBefore
	logEvent.NotAfter = parsedCertificate.NotAfter
	logEvent.ResponseTime = time.Now()

	logEventResult = "successful"
	return cert, nil
Example #15
// RevokeCertificate is used by clients to request the revocation of a cert.
func (wfe *WebFrontEndImpl) RevokeCertificate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
	logEvent := wfe.populateRequestEvent(request)
	defer wfe.logRequestDetails(&logEvent)

	// We don't ask verifyPOST to verify there is a correponding registration,
	// because anyone with the right private key can revoke a certificate.
	body, requestKey, registration, err := wfe.verifyPOST(request, false, core.ResourceRevokeCert)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		wfe.sendError(response, malformedJWS, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
	logEvent.Requester = registration.ID
	logEvent.Contacts = registration.Contact

	type RevokeRequest struct {
		CertificateDER core.JSONBuffer `json:"certificate"`
	var revokeRequest RevokeRequest
	if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &revokeRequest); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		wfe.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't unmarshal in revoke request %s", string(body)))
		wfe.sendError(response, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)
	providedCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(revokeRequest.CertificateDER)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		wfe.log.Debug("Couldn't parse cert in revoke request.")
		wfe.sendError(response, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)

	serial := core.SerialToString(providedCert.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.Extra["ProvidedCertificateSerial"] = serial
	cert, err := wfe.SA.GetCertificate(serial)
	if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(cert.DER, revokeRequest.CertificateDER) {
		wfe.sendError(response, "No such certificate", err, http.StatusNotFound)
	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cert.DER)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		// InternalServerError because this is a failure to decode from our DB.
		wfe.sendError(response, "Invalid certificate", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateSerial"] = core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateDNSNames"] = parsedCertificate.DNSNames
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateEmailAddresses"] = parsedCertificate.EmailAddresses
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateIPAddresses"] = parsedCertificate.IPAddresses

	certStatus, err := wfe.SA.GetCertificateStatus(serial)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		wfe.sendError(response, "Certificate status not yet available", err, http.StatusNotFound)
	logEvent.Extra["CertificateStatus"] = certStatus.Status

	if certStatus.Status == core.OCSPStatusRevoked {
		logEvent.Error = "Certificate already revoked"
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent.Error, "", http.StatusConflict)

	// TODO: Implement method of revocation by authorizations on account.
	if !(core.KeyDigestEquals(requestKey, parsedCertificate.PublicKey) ||
		registration.ID == cert.RegistrationID) {
		logEvent.Error = "Revocation request must be signed by private key of cert to be revoked"
		wfe.log.Debug("Key mismatch for revoke")

	err = wfe.RA.RevokeCertificate(*parsedCertificate)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		wfe.sendError(response, "Failed to revoke certificate", err, statusCodeFromError(err))
	} else {
		wfe.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Revoked %v", serial))
		// incr revoked cert stat
		wfe.Stats.Inc("RevokedCertificates", 1, 1.0)
// NewCertificate requests the issuance of a certificate.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) NewCertificate(req core.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (cert core.Certificate, err error) {
	emptyCert := core.Certificate{}
	var logEventResult string

	// Assume the worst
	logEventResult = "error"

	// Construct the log event
	logEvent := certificateRequestEvent{
		ID:            core.NewToken(),
		Requester:     regID,
		RequestMethod: "online",
		RequestTime:   ra.clk.Now(),

	// No matter what, log the request
	defer func() {
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		ra.log.AuditObject(fmt.Sprintf("Certificate request - %s", logEventResult), logEvent)

	if regID <= 0 {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid registration ID: %d", regID))
		return emptyCert, err

	registration, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(regID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Verify the CSR
	csr := req.CSR
	if err = core.VerifyCSR(csr); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("Invalid signature on CSR")
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.CommonName = csr.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.Names = csr.DNSNames

	// Validate that authorization key is authorized for all domains
	names := make([]string, len(csr.DNSNames))
	copy(names, csr.DNSNames)
	if len(csr.Subject.CommonName) > 0 {
		names = append(names, csr.Subject.CommonName)

	if len(names) == 0 {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has no names in it")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	csrPreviousDenied, err := ra.SA.AlreadyDeniedCSR(names)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err
	if csrPreviousDenied {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has already been revoked/denied")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(csr.PublicKey, registration.Key) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Certificate public key must be different than account key")
		return emptyCert, err

	// Check rate limits before checking authorizations. If someone is unable to
	// issue a cert due to rate limiting, we don't want to tell them to go get the
	// necessary authorizations, only to later fail the rate limit check.
	err = ra.checkLimits(names, registration.ID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	err = ra.checkAuthorizations(names, &registration)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Mark that we verified the CN and SANs
	logEvent.VerifiedFields = []string{"subject.commonName", "subjectAltName"}

	// Create the certificate and log the result
	if cert, err = ra.CA.IssueCertificate(*csr, regID); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	err = ra.MatchesCSR(cert, csr)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate([]byte(cert.DER))
	if err != nil {
		// InternalServerError because the certificate from the CA should be
		// parseable.
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.SerialNumber = core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.CommonName = parsedCertificate.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.NotBefore = parsedCertificate.NotBefore
	logEvent.NotAfter = parsedCertificate.NotAfter
	logEvent.ResponseTime = ra.clk.Now()

	logEventResult = "successful"

	ra.stats.Inc("RA.NewCertificates", 1, 1.0)
	return cert, nil
// MatchesCSR tests the contents of a generated certificate to make sure
// that the PublicKey, CommonName, and DNSNames match those provided in
// the CSR that was used to generate the certificate. It also checks the
// following fields for:
//		* notBefore is not more than 24 hours ago
//		* BasicConstraintsValid is true
//		* IsCA is false
//		* ExtKeyUsage only contains ExtKeyUsageServerAuth & ExtKeyUsageClientAuth
//		* Subject only contains CommonName & Names
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) MatchesCSR(cert core.Certificate, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (err error) {
	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate([]byte(cert.DER))
	if err != nil {

	// Check issued certificate matches what was expected from the CSR
	hostNames := make([]string, len(csr.DNSNames))
	copy(hostNames, csr.DNSNames)
	if len(csr.Subject.CommonName) > 0 {
		hostNames = append(hostNames, csr.Subject.CommonName)
	hostNames = core.UniqueLowerNames(hostNames)

	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(parsedCertificate.PublicKey, csr.PublicKey) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate public key doesn't match CSR public key")
	if len(csr.Subject.CommonName) > 0 &&
		parsedCertificate.Subject.CommonName != strings.ToLower(csr.Subject.CommonName) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate CommonName doesn't match CSR CommonName")
	// Sort both slices of names before comparison.
	parsedNames := parsedCertificate.DNSNames
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(parsedNames, hostNames) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate DNSNames don't match CSR DNSNames")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(parsedCertificate.IPAddresses, csr.IPAddresses) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate IPAddresses don't match CSR IPAddresses")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(parsedCertificate.EmailAddresses, csr.EmailAddresses) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate EmailAddresses don't match CSR EmailAddresses")
	if len(parsedCertificate.Subject.Country) > 0 || len(parsedCertificate.Subject.Organization) > 0 ||
		len(parsedCertificate.Subject.OrganizationalUnit) > 0 || len(parsedCertificate.Subject.Locality) > 0 ||
		len(parsedCertificate.Subject.Province) > 0 || len(parsedCertificate.Subject.StreetAddress) > 0 ||
		len(parsedCertificate.Subject.PostalCode) > 0 || len(parsedCertificate.Subject.SerialNumber) > 0 {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate Subject contains fields other than CommonName or Names")
	now := ra.clk.Now()
	if now.Sub(parsedCertificate.NotBefore) > time.Hour*24 {
		err = core.InternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("Generated certificate is back dated %s", now.Sub(parsedCertificate.NotBefore)))
	if !parsedCertificate.BasicConstraintsValid {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate doesn't have basic constraints set")
	if parsedCertificate.IsCA {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate can sign other certificates")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(parsedCertificate.ExtKeyUsage, []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth}) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Generated certificate doesn't have correct key usage extensions")

Example #18
// RevokeCertificate is used by clients to request the revocation of a cert.
func (wfe *WebFrontEndImpl) RevokeCertificate(logEvent *requestEvent, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

	// We don't ask verifyPOST to verify there is a correponding registration,
	// because anyone with the right private key can revoke a certificate.
	body, requestKey, registration, err := wfe.verifyPOST(logEvent, request, false, core.ResourceRevokeCert)
	if err != nil {
		// verifyPOST handles its own setting of logEvent.Errors
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, malformedJWS, err, statusCodeFromError(err))

	type RevokeRequest struct {
		CertificateDER core.JSONBuffer `json:"certificate"`
	var revokeRequest RevokeRequest
	if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &revokeRequest); err != nil {
		logEvent.AddError(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't unmarshal in revoke request %s", string(body)))
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)
	providedCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(revokeRequest.CertificateDER)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.AddError("unable to parse revoke certificate DER: %s", err)
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)

	serial := core.SerialToString(providedCert.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.Extra["ProvidedCertificateSerial"] = serial
	cert, err := wfe.SA.GetCertificate(serial)
	if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(cert.DER, revokeRequest.CertificateDER) {
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "No such certificate", err, http.StatusNotFound)
	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cert.DER)
	if err != nil {
		// InternalServerError because this is a failure to decode from our DB.
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "Invalid certificate", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateSerial"] = core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateDNSNames"] = parsedCertificate.DNSNames
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateEmailAddresses"] = parsedCertificate.EmailAddresses
	logEvent.Extra["RetrievedCertificateIPAddresses"] = parsedCertificate.IPAddresses

	certStatus, err := wfe.SA.GetCertificateStatus(serial)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.AddError("unable to get certificate status: %s", err)
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "Certificate status not yet available", err, http.StatusNotFound)
	logEvent.Extra["CertificateStatus"] = certStatus.Status

	if certStatus.Status == core.OCSPStatusRevoked {
		logEvent.AddError("Certificate already revoked: %#v", serial)
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "Certificate already revoked", "", http.StatusConflict)

	// TODO: Implement method of revocation by authorizations on account.
	if !(core.KeyDigestEquals(requestKey, parsedCertificate.PublicKey) ||
		registration.ID == cert.RegistrationID) {
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent,
			"Revocation request must be signed by private key of cert to be revoked, or by the account key of the account that issued it.",

	// Use revocation code 0, meaning "unspecified"
	err = wfe.RA.RevokeCertificateWithReg(*parsedCertificate, 0, registration.ID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.AddError("failed to revoke certificate: %s", err)
		wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, "Failed to revoke certificate", err, statusCodeFromError(err))
	} else {
		wfe.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Revoked %v", serial))
Example #19
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) NewCertificate(req core.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (core.Certificate, error) {
	emptyCert := core.Certificate{}
	var err error
	var logEventResult string

	// Assume the worst
	logEventResult = "error"

	// Construct the log event
	logEvent := certificateRequestEvent{
		ID:            core.NewToken(),
		Requester:     regID,
		RequestMethod: "online",
		RequestTime:   time.Now(),

	// No matter what, log the request
	defer func() {
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		ra.log.AuditObject(fmt.Sprintf("Certificate request - %s", logEventResult), logEvent)

	if regID <= 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid registration ID")
		return emptyCert, err

	// Verify the CSR
	// TODO: Verify that other aspects of the CSR are appropriate
	csr := req.CSR
	if err = core.VerifyCSR(csr); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("Invalid signature on CSR")
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.CommonName = csr.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.Names = csr.DNSNames

	csrPreviousDenied, err := ra.SA.AlreadyDeniedCSR(append(csr.DNSNames, csr.Subject.CommonName))
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err
	if csrPreviousDenied {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has already been revoked/denied")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	registration, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(regID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(csr.PublicKey, registration.Key) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Certificate public key must be different than account key")
		return emptyCert, err

	// Gather authorized domains from the referenced authorizations
	authorizedDomains := map[string]bool{}
	verificationMethodSet := map[string]bool{}
	now := time.Now()
	for _, url := range req.Authorizations {
		id := lastPathSegment(url)
		authz, err := ra.SA.GetAuthorization(id)
		if err != nil || // Couldn't find authorization
			authz.RegistrationID != registration.ID ||
			authz.Status != core.StatusValid || // Not finalized or not successful
			authz.Expires.Before(now) || // Expired
			authz.Identifier.Type != core.IdentifierDNS {
			// XXX: It may be good to fail here instead of ignoring invalid authorizations.
			//      However, it seems like this treatment is more in the spirit of Postel's
			//      law, and it hides information from attackers.

		for _, challenge := range authz.Challenges {
			if challenge.Status == core.StatusValid {
				verificationMethodSet[challenge.Type] = true

		authorizedDomains[authz.Identifier.Value] = true
	verificationMethods := []string{}
	for method, _ := range verificationMethodSet {
		verificationMethods = append(verificationMethods, method)
	logEvent.VerificationMethods = verificationMethods

	// Validate that authorization key is authorized for all domains
	names := csr.DNSNames
	if len(csr.Subject.CommonName) > 0 {
		names = append(names, csr.Subject.CommonName)

	// Validate all domains
	for _, name := range names {
		if !authorizedDomains[name] {
			err = core.UnauthorizedError(fmt.Sprintf("Key not authorized for name %s", name))
			logEvent.Error = err.Error()
			return emptyCert, err

	// Mark that we verified the CN and SANs
	logEvent.VerifiedFields = []string{"subject.commonName", "subjectAltName"}

	// Create the certificate and log the result
	var cert core.Certificate
	if cert, err = ra.CA.IssueCertificate(*csr, regID); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, nil

	cert.ParsedCertificate, err = x509.ParseCertificate([]byte(cert.DER))

	logEvent.SerialNumber = cert.ParsedCertificate.SerialNumber
	logEvent.CommonName = cert.ParsedCertificate.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.NotBefore = cert.ParsedCertificate.NotBefore
	logEvent.NotAfter = cert.ParsedCertificate.NotAfter
	logEvent.ResponseTime = time.Now()

	logEventResult = "successful"
	return cert, nil
Example #20
// UpdateAuthorization updates an authorization with new values.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) UpdateAuthorization(ctx context.Context, base core.Authorization, challengeIndex int, response core.Challenge) (authz core.Authorization, err error) {
	// Refuse to update expired authorizations
	if base.Expires == nil || base.Expires.Before(ra.clk.Now()) {
		err = core.NotFoundError("Expired authorization")

	authz = base
	if challengeIndex >= len(authz.Challenges) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid challenge index: %d", challengeIndex))

	ch := &authz.Challenges[challengeIndex]

	// Copy information over that the client is allowed to supply
	ch.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = response.ProvidedKeyAuthorization

	if response.Type != "" && ch.Type != response.Type {
		// TODO(riking): Check the rate on this, uncomment error return if negligible
		ra.stats.Inc("RA.StartChallengeWrongType", 1, 1.0)
		// err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid update to challenge - provided type was %s but actual type is %s", response.Type, ch.Type))
		// return

	// Recompute the key authorization field provided by the client and
	// check it against the value provided
	expectedKeyAuthorization, err := ch.ExpectedKeyAuthorization()
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Could not compute expected key authorization value")
	if expectedKeyAuthorization != ch.ProvidedKeyAuthorization {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Response does not complete challenge")

	// Double check before sending to VA
	if !ch.IsSaneForValidation() {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Response does not complete challenge")

	// Store the updated version
	if err = ra.SA.UpdatePendingAuthorization(ctx, authz); err != nil {
		// This can pretty much only happen when the client corrupts the Challenge
		// data.
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Challenge data was corrupted")
	ra.stats.Inc("RA.NewPendingAuthorizations", 1, 1.0)

	// Look up the account key for this authorization
	reg, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(ctx, authz.RegistrationID)
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())

	// Reject the update if the challenge in question was created
	// with a different account key
	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(reg.Key, ch.AccountKey) {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("Challenge cannot be updated with a different key")

	// Dispatch to the VA for service

	vaCtx := context.Background()
	if !ra.useNewVARPC {
		// TODO(#1167): remove
		_ = ra.VA.UpdateValidations(vaCtx, authz, challengeIndex)
		ra.stats.Inc("RA.UpdatedPendingAuthorizations", 1, 1.0)
	} else {
		go func() {
			records, err := ra.VA.PerformValidation(vaCtx, authz.Identifier.Value, authz.Challenges[challengeIndex], authz)
			var prob *probs.ProblemDetails
			if p, ok := err.(*probs.ProblemDetails); ok {
				prob = p
			} else if err != nil {
				prob = probs.ServerInternal("Could not communicate with VA")
				ra.log.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Could not communicate with VA: %s", err))

			// Save the updated records
			challenge := &authz.Challenges[challengeIndex]
			challenge.ValidationRecord = records

			if !challenge.RecordsSane() && prob == nil {
				prob = probs.ServerInternal("Records for validation failed sanity check")

			if prob != nil {
				challenge.Status = core.StatusInvalid
				challenge.Error = prob
			} else {
				challenge.Status = core.StatusValid
			authz.Challenges[challengeIndex] = *challenge

			err = ra.OnValidationUpdate(vaCtx, authz)
			if err != nil {
				ra.log.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Could not record updated validation: err=[%s] regID=[%d]", err, authz.RegistrationID))
		ra.stats.Inc("RA.UpdatedPendingAuthorizations", 1, 1.0)

Example #21
func (wfe *WebFrontEndImpl) RevokeCertificate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
	if request.Method != "POST" {
		wfe.sendError(response, "Method not allowed", request.Method, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)

	body, requestKey, reg, err := wfe.verifyPOST(request, false)
	if err != nil {
		wfe.sendError(response, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)
	if reg.Agreement == "" {
		wfe.sendError(response, "Must agree to subscriber agreement before any further actions", nil, http.StatusForbidden)

	type RevokeRequest struct {
		CertificateDER core.JsonBuffer `json:"certificate"`
	var revokeRequest RevokeRequest
	if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &revokeRequest); err != nil {
		wfe.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't unmarshal in revoke request %s", string(body)))
		wfe.sendError(response, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)
	providedCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(revokeRequest.CertificateDER)
	if err != nil {
		wfe.log.Debug("Couldn't parse cert in revoke request.")
		wfe.sendError(response, "Unable to read/verify body", err, http.StatusBadRequest)

	serial := core.SerialToString(providedCert.SerialNumber)
	certDER, err := wfe.SA.GetCertificate(serial)
	if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(certDER, revokeRequest.CertificateDER) {
		wfe.sendError(response, "No such certificate", err, http.StatusNotFound)
	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certDER)
	if err != nil {
		wfe.sendError(response, "Invalid certificate", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)

	certStatus, err := wfe.SA.GetCertificateStatus(serial)
	if err != nil {
		wfe.sendError(response, "No such certificate", err, http.StatusNotFound)

	if certStatus.Status == core.OCSPStatusRevoked {
		wfe.sendError(response, "Certificate already revoked", "", http.StatusConflict)

	// TODO: Implement other methods of validating revocation, e.g. through
	// authorizations on account.
	if !core.KeyDigestEquals(requestKey, parsedCertificate.PublicKey) {
		wfe.log.Debug("Key mismatch for revoke")
			"Revocation request must be signed by private key of cert to be revoked",

	err = wfe.RA.RevokeCertificate(*parsedCertificate)
	if err != nil {
			"Failed to revoke certificate",
	} else {
		wfe.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Revoked %v", serial))
		// incr revoked cert stat
		wfe.Stats.Inc("RevokedCertificates", 1, 1.0)