func (this *CoinbasePayment) callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cfg := lobster.GetConfig() requestBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(err, "coinbase callback read error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s", r.RemoteAddr)) w.WriteHeader(500) return } var data CoinbaseData err = json.Unmarshal(requestBytes, &data) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(err, "coinbase callback decoding error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; raw request: %s", r.RemoteAddr, requestBytes)) w.WriteHeader(400) return } if data.Order.TotalNative.CurrencyIso != cfg.Billing.Currency { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid currency %s", data.Order.TotalNative.CurrencyIso), "coinbase callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; raw request: %s", r.RemoteAddr, requestBytes)) w.WriteHeader(200) return } else if !strings.HasPrefix(data.Order.Custom, "lobster") { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid payment with custom=%s", data.Order.Custom), "coinbase callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; raw request: %s", r.RemoteAddr, requestBytes)) w.WriteHeader(200) return } userIdStr := strings.Split(data.Order.Custom, "lobster")[1] userId, err := strconv.Atoi(userIdStr) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid payment with custom=%s", data.Order.Custom), "coinbase callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; raw request: %s", r.RemoteAddr, requestBytes)) w.WriteHeader(200) return } if data.Order.Status == "completed" { lobster.TransactionAdd(userId, "coinbase", data.Order.Id, "Bitcoin transaction: "+data.Order.Transaction.Id, int64(data.Order.TotalNative.Cents)*lobster.BILLING_PRECISION/100, 0) } else if data.Order.Status == "mispaid" { lobster.MailWrap(-1, "coinbaseMispaid", CoinbaseMispaidEmail{OrderId: data.Order.Id}, false) } w.WriteHeader(200) }
func (this *CoinbasePayment) Payment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, frameParams lobster.FrameParams, userId int, username string, amount float64) { cfg := lobster.GetConfig() if cfg.Default.Debug { log.Printf("Creating Coinbase button for %s (id=%d) with amount $%.2f", username, userId, amount) } params := &coinbase.Button{ Name: lobster.L.T("credit_for_username", username), PriceString: fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amount), PriceCurrencyIso: cfg.Billing.Currency, Custom: fmt.Sprintf("lobster%d", userId), Description: fmt.Sprintf("Credit %s", lobster.L.T("currency_format", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amount))), Type: "buy_now", Style: "buy_now_large", CallbackUrl: cfg.Default.UrlBase + "/coinbase_callback_" + this.callbackSecret, } cli := coinbase.ApiKeyClient(this.apiKey, this.apiSecret) button, err := cli.CreateButton(params) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(err, "failed to create Coinbase button", fmt.Sprintf("username=%s, amount=%.2f", username, amount)) lobster.RedirectMessage(w, r, "/panel/billing", lobster.L.FormattedError("try_again_later")) return } http.Redirect(w, r, ""+button.Code, 303) }
func (this *PaypalPayment) Callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cfg := lobster.GetConfig() requestBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(err, "paypal callback read error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s", r.RemoteAddr)) w.WriteHeader(403) return } // decode the post data manually since there may be encoding issues requestParts := strings.Split(string(requestBytes), "&") myPost := make(map[string]string) for _, part := range requestParts { keyval := strings.Split(part, "=") if len(keyval) == 2 { myPost[keyval[0]], _ = url.QueryUnescape(keyval[1]) } } // post back to Paypal system to validate the IPN data validateReq := "cmd=_notify-validate" for key, value := range myPost { validateReq += fmt.Sprintf("&%s=%s", key, url.QueryEscape(value)) } resp, err := http.Post(PAYPAL_URL, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", bytes.NewBufferString(validateReq)) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(err, "paypal callback validation error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, myPost)) w.WriteHeader(403) return } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(err, "paypal callback validation error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, myPost)) w.WriteHeader(403) return } if string(body) != "VERIFIED" || myPost["payment_status"] == "" || myPost["mc_gross"] == "" || myPost["mc_currency"] == "" || myPost["txn_id"] == "" || myPost["receiver_email"] == "" || myPost["payment_status"] == "" || myPost["payer_email"] == "" || myPost["custom"] == "" { lobster.ReportError(errors.New("missing field or not verified"), "paypal callback bad input or validation", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; verify body: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, body, myPost)) w.WriteHeader(403) return } w.WriteHeader(200) if myPost["payment_status"] != "Completed" { return } else if !strings.HasPrefix(myPost["custom"], "lobster") { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid payment with custom=%s", myPost["custom"]), "paypal callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, myPost)) return } else if strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(myPost["receiver_email"])) != strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower( { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid payment with receiver_email=%s", myPost["receiver_email"]), "paypal callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, myPost)) return } else if myPost["mc_currency"] != cfg.Billing.Currency { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid payment with currency=%s", myPost["mc_currency"]), "paypal callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, myPost)) return } paymentAmount, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(myPost["mc_gross"], 64) transactionId := myPost["txn_id"] userIdStr := strings.Split(myPost["custom"], "lobster")[1] userId, err := strconv.Atoi(userIdStr) if err != nil { lobster.ReportError(fmt.Errorf("invalid payment with custom=%s", myPost["custom"]), "paypal callback error", fmt.Sprintf("ip: %s; requestmap: %v", r.RemoteAddr, myPost)) return } lobster.TransactionAdd(userId, "paypal", transactionId, "Transaction "+transactionId, int64(paymentAmount*lobster.BILLING_PRECISION), 0) }