func main() { optProduction := flag.Bool("production", false, "use production settings") optDevelopment := flag.Bool("development", false, "use development settings") optDebug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "use debug settings") optWidth := flag.Float64("width", 2100, "width of output") optHeight := flag.Float64("height", 900.0, "height of the output") optScale := flag.Float64("scale", 0.5, "scale of the output, [0.0,1.0)") optPrettyPrint := flag.Bool("pretty", true, "pretty print RIB output") optFine := flag.Bool("fine", false, "fine render, adjusts the max samples") optEffects := flag.Bool("effects", false, "use camera effects") optBunnies := flag.Bool("bunnies", false, "show other bunnies") flag.Parse() production := *optProduction development := *optDevelopment debug := *optDebug fine := *optFine effects := *optEffects width := *optWidth height := *optHeight scale := *optScale prettyPrint := *optPrettyPrint bunnies := *optBunnies if !production && !development && !debug { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "need to specify at least one rendering option\n\n") /* TODO: add flag output */ os.Exit(1) } /* Rendering Options : * * Production - PxrPathTracer * Development - PxrDirectLighting | PxrDefault * Debug - PxrVisualizer | PxrDebugShadingContext */ pipe := rigo.DefaultFilePipe() shaders := NewPrefixShaderUniqueGenerator("shader_") lights := NewPrefixLightUniqueGenerator("light_") mgr := rigo.NewHandleManager(nil, lights, shaders) ctx := rigo.NewContext(pipe, mgr, &rigo.Configuration{PrettyPrint: prettyPrint}) ri := rigo.RI(ctx) ris := rigo.RIS(ctx) /* Bxdf Shaders */ pattern, err := ris.Pattern("PxrFractal", "-") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error reading pattern shader -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } hero, err := ris.Bxdf("PxrDisney", "-") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error reading bxdf shader -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } hero.SetValue("roughness", RtFloat(0.1)) hero.SetValue("specular", RtFloat(0.2)) hero.SetValue("clearcoatGloss", RtFloat(0.5)) hero.SetValue("metallic", RtFloat(0.1)) hero.SetValue("clearcoat", RtFloat(0.2)) hero.SetValue("baseColor", RtColor{0.9, 0.9, 0.9}) hero.SetValue("sheenTint", RtFloat(0.2)) if err := hero.SetReferencedValue("specular", pattern.ReferenceOutput("resultF")); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error referencing resultF value -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } bunny, err := ris.Bxdf("PxrDisney", "-") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error reading bxdf shader -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } bunny.SetValue("baseColor", RtColor{0.95, 0.95, 0.95}) minSamples := RtInt(16) maxSamples := RtInt(32) heroModel := RtString("bunny_res4.rib") bunnyModel := RtString("bunny_res4.rib") if production { minSamples = RtInt(32) maxSamples = RtInt(64) heroModel = RtString("bunny_res2.rib") bunnyModel = RtString("bunny_res2.rib") if fine { minSamples = RtInt(64) maxSamples = RtInt(128) } } if err := ri.Begin("bunny.rib"); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error beginning -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } curuser, err := user.Current() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error reading current user -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "Scene %s", Scene) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "Creator %s", Author) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "CreationDate %s", time.Now()) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "For %s", curuser.Username) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "Frames %d", 1) ri.Option("searchpath", RtToken("string shader"), RtString("./shaders:@")) ri.Option("searchpath", RtToken("string texture"), RtString("./textures:@")) ri.Option("searchpath", RtToken("string archive"), RtString("./archives:@")) ri.Option("shading", RtToken("int directlightinglocalizedsampling"), RtInt(3)) ri.Option("bucket", RtToken("string order"), RtString("horizontal")) ri.Clipping(0.1, 100) ri.Display("rabbit.tiff", "file", "rgba") fmt.Printf("Format %dx%d\n", int(width*scale), int(height*scale)) ri.Format(RtInt(int(width*scale)), RtInt(int(height*scale)), 1) ri.ShadingRate(1) ri.ShadingInterpolation("smooth") ri.Attribute("trace", RtToken("int maxspeculardepth"), RtInt(3), RtToken("int displacements"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int maxdiffusedepth"), RtInt(3)) ri.PixelFilter(GaussianFilter, RtFloat(5), RtFloat(5)) ri.PixelVariance(0.001) /* declare some of the parameters */ ri.Declare("minsamples", "int") ri.Declare("maxsamples", "int") ri.Declare("incremental", "int") ri.Declare("aperture", "float[4]") ri.Declare("integrationmode", "string") if err := ri.Hider("raytrace", RtToken("maxsamples"), maxSamples, RtToken("minsamples"), minSamples, RtToken("incremental"), RtInt(12), RtToken("aperture"), RtFloatArray{0, 0, 0, 0}, RtToken("integrationmode"), RtString("path")); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "hider error -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } if production { fmt.Printf("Setting Production -- PxrPathTracer\n") ri.Integrator("PxrPathTracer", "production", RtToken("int maxPathLength"), RtInt(20), RtToken("string sampleMod"), RtString("bxdf"), RtToken("int rouletteDepth"), RtInt(12), RtToken("float rouletteThreshold"), RtFloat(0.2), RtToken("int clampDepth"), RtInt(2), RtToken("int clampLuminance"), RtInt(10)) } if development { fmt.Printf("Setting Development -- PxrDirectLighting\n") ri.Integrator("PxrDirectLighting", "development") /* TODO */ } if debug { fmt.Printf("Setting Debug -- PxrVisualizer\n") ri.Integrator("PxrVisualizer", "debug") /* TODO */ } ri.Imager("background", RtToken("color color"), RtColor{.45, .45, .45}, RtToken("float alpha"), RtFloat(1)) if effects { ri.Projection("PxrCamera", RtToken("float fov"), RtFloat(40), RtToken("float natural"), RtFloat(1), RtToken("float radial1"), RtFloat(-0.01)) } else { ri.Projection("PxrCamera", RtToken("float fov"), RtFloat(40)) } ri.Translate(0, -2, 20) ri.Rotate(-50, 1, 0, 0) ri.Rotate(-20, 0, 1, 0) ri.WorldBegin() ri.AttributeBegin() ri.Attribute("identifier", RtToken("string name"), RtString("sky")) ri.Attribute("visibility", RtToken("int camera"), RtInt(0)) ri.Translate(0, 20, 0) ri.ShadingRate(1) sky, err := ri.AreaLightSource("PxrStdEnvDayLight", RtToken("float importance"), RtFloat(2), RtToken("float exposure"), RtFloat(1), RtToken("vector directionVector"), RtVector{0, 1, 0}, RtToken("color specAmount"), RtColor{.5, .5, .5}, RtToken("float haziness"), RtFloat(1.7), RtToken("float enableShadows"), RtFloat(1)) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unable to create sky light -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } ri.Bxdf("PxrLightEmission", RtShaderHandle(sky)) ri.Geometry("envsphere", RtToken("constant float[2] resolution"), RtFloatArray{1024, 1024}) ri.AttributeEnd() ri.Illuminate(sky, true) ri.AttributeBegin() ri.Attribute("identifier", RtToken("name"), RtString("hero")) ri.Attribute("visibility", RtToken("int camera"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int transmission"), RtInt(1)) ri.Translate(0, -2, 0) ri.Rotate(-125, 0, 1, 0) ri.Pattern(pattern.Name(), pattern.Handle()) ri.Bxdf(hero.Name(), hero.Handle()) ri.Scale(50, 50, 50) if err := ri.Procedural2("DelayedReadArchive2", "SimpleBound", RtToken("string filename"), heroModel, RtToken("float[6] bound"), RtFloatArray{-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}); err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } ri.AttributeEnd() if bunnies { ri.AttributeBegin() ri.Attribute("identifier", RtToken("string name"), RtString("bunny_1")) ri.Attribute("visibility", RtToken("int camera"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int transmission"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int indirect"), RtInt(1)) ri.Translate(-5, -1, 0) ri.Rotate(-75, 0, 1, 0) ri.Bxdf(bunny.Name(), bunny.Handle()) ri.Scale(20, 20, 20) ri.Procedural2("DelayedReadArchive2", "SimpleBound", RtToken("string filename"), bunnyModel, RtToken("float[6] bound"), RtBound{-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}) ri.AttributeEnd() ri.AttributeBegin() ri.Attribute("identifier", RtToken("string name"), RtString("bunny_2")) ri.Attribute("visibility", RtToken("int camera"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int transmission"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int indirect"), RtInt(1)) ri.Translate(-5, -1, 3) ri.Rotate(25, 0, 1, 0) ri.Bxdf(bunny.Name(), bunny.Handle()) ri.Scale(20, 20, 20) ri.Procedural2("DelayedReadArchive2", "SimpleBound", RtToken("string filename"), bunnyModel, RtToken("float[6] bound"), RtFloatArray{-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}) ri.AttributeEnd() } /* end bunnies */ ri.AttributeBegin() ri.Attribute("identifier", RtToken("string name"), RtString("painted_floor")) ri.Attribute("visibility", RtToken("int camera"), RtInt(1), RtToken("int transmission"), RtInt(1)) ri.Rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) ri.Pattern("PxrTexture", "floor_pattern", RtToken("string filename"), RtString("ratGrid.tex"), RtToken("int invertT"), RtInt(0)) ri.Bxdf("PxrDiffuse", "floor", RtToken("reference color diffuseColor"), RtString("floor_pattern:resultRGB")) ri.Scale(20, 20, 20) ri.Patch("bilinear", RtToken("vertex point P"), RtFloatArray{-1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0}) ri.AttributeEnd() ri.WorldEnd() if err := ri.End(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error ending -- %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } p := pipe.GetByName(rigo.PipeToStats{}.Name()) if p == nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Pipe Stats not found!\n") os.Exit(1) } s, ok := p.(*rigo.PipeToStats) if !ok { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Pipe Stats not found\n") os.Exit(1) } p = pipe.GetByName(rigo.PipeTimer{}.Name()) if p == nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Pipe Timer not found\n") os.Exit(1) } t, ok := p.(*rigo.PipeTimer) if !ok { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Pipe Timer not found\n") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Printf("%s\n\n%s\n\n", s, t) }
func Test_RISExamples(t *testing.T) { Convey("RIS Examples", t, func() { Convey("PxrConstant -- bxdf shader", func() { cuser, err := user.Current() So(err, ShouldBeNil) pipe := DefaultFilePipe() So(pipe, ShouldNotBeNil) ctx := NewContext(pipe, nil, &Configuration{PrettyPrint: true}) ri := RI(ctx) ri.Begin("output/risBxdfPxrConstant.rib") ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "Scene Bxdf Constant") ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "Creator %s", Author) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "CreationDate %s", time.Now()) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "For %s", cuser.Username) ri.ArchiveRecord("structure", "Frames 1") ri.Display("risbxdf_sphere.tif", "file", "rgb") ri.Format(320, 240, 1) ri.PixelFilter(GaussianFilter, 4, 4) ri.Imager("background", RtToken("color color"), RtColor{.6, .6, .6}, RtToken("float alpha"), RtFloat(1)) ri.Projection(PERSPECTIVE, RtToken("fov"), RtFloat(30)) ri.Translate(0, 0, 6) ri.WorldBegin() ri.Color(RtColor{1, 0, 0}) /* wrap the context with the RIS interface */ ris := RIS(ctx) /* first we setup a pattern RIS */ pattern, err := ris.Pattern("PxrHSL", "-") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(pattern, ShouldNotBeNil) So(pattern.Name(), ShouldEqual, "PxrHSL") w := pattern.Widget("inputRGB") So(w, ShouldNotBeNil) So(w.SetValue(RtColor{0, 0, 0.3}), ShouldBeNil) ri.Pattern(pattern.Name(), pattern.Handle(), RtToken("inputRGB"), RtColor{0, 0, 0.3}) /* load the PxrConstant bxdf shader, $RMANTREE/lib/RIS/bxdf/Args/PxrConstant.args is parsed * for the constant shader. */ constant, err := ris.Bxdf("PxrConstant", "-") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(constant, ShouldNotBeNil) /* we want to manipulate the emit color of the shader so we * ask the shader for the widget interface */ w = constant.Widget("emitColor") So(w, ShouldNotBeNil) /* set the color via the widget; SetValue(Rter) */ So(w.SetValue(RtColor{0.3, 0.2, 0.1}), ShouldBeNil) /* we know it's a color so we can convert directly to the * RtColorWidget concrete type */ cw, ok := w.(*RtColorWidget) So(ok, ShouldBeTrue) So(cw, ShouldNotBeNil) /* we can directly set the color via our RtColorWidget : * overriding our previous SetValue */ So(cw.Set(RtColor{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}), ShouldBeNil) /* As the widget (w & cw) is linked to the shader (constant), we can override * what we set with the widget directly at the shader */ So(constant.SetValue(RtToken("emitColor"), RtColor{0.45, 0.45, 0.45}), ShouldBeNil) /* The widget should be in sync with what we set at the shader */ So(cw.Value().Equal(RtColor{0.45, 0.45, 0.45}), ShouldBeTrue) /* Here we over the shader again by including the emitColor inline; the constant.Handle() * includes the handle created for the shader */ ri.Bxdf("PxrConstant", constant.Handle(), RtToken("color emitColor"), RtColor{1, 0.25, 0.25}) /* now instead we can reference the pattern we set earlier and replace the emitColor with a reference */ refid := pattern.ReferenceOutput("resultRGB") So(refid, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("%s:resultRGB", string(pattern.Handle()))) So(constant.SetReferencedValue("emitColor", refid), ShouldBeNil) /* this is another way of writing our shader : using the emitColor that we actually set above */ ri.Bxdf(constant.Name(), constant.Handle()) ri.Sphere(1, -1, 1, 360) ri.WorldEnd() So(ri.End(), ShouldBeNil) /* gather and print the statistics and time the * pipe took */ p := pipe.GetByName(PipeToStats{}.Name()) So(p, ShouldNotBeNil) s, ok := p.(*PipeToStats) So(s, ShouldNotBeNil) So(ok, ShouldBeTrue) p = pipe.GetByName(PipeTimer{}.Name()) So(p, ShouldNotBeNil) t, ok := p.(*PipeTimer) So(t, ShouldNotBeNil) So(ok, ShouldBeTrue) fmt.Printf("%s%s", s, t) }) }) }