Example #1
// Install installs a vendor directory based on an existing Glide configuration.
func Install(installer *repo.Installer, stripVendor bool) {

	base := "."
	// Ensure GOPATH
	conf := EnsureConfig()

	// Lockfile exists
	if !gpath.HasLock(base) {
		msg.Info("Lock file (glide.lock) does not exist. Performing update.")
		Update(installer, false, stripVendor)
	// Load lockfile
	lock, err := cfg.ReadLockFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile))
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not load lockfile.")
	// Verify lockfile hasn't changed
	hash, err := conf.Hash()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not load lockfile.")
	} else if hash != lock.Hash {
		fmt.Println(hash, lock.Hash)
		foo, _ := conf.Marshal()
		msg.Warn("Lock file may be out of date. Hash check of YAML failed. You may need to run 'update'")

	// Install
	newConf, err := installer.Install(lock, conf)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to install: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Setting references.")

	// Set reference
	if err := repo.SetReference(newConf, installer.ResolveTest); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to set references: %s (Skip to cleanup)", err)

	err = installer.Export(newConf)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Unable to export dependencies to vendor directory: %s", err)

	if stripVendor {
		msg.Info("Removing nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories...")
		err := gpath.StripVendor()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Unable to strip vendor directories: %s", err)
Example #2
// Get fetches one or more dependencies and installs.
// This includes resolving dependency resolution and re-generating the lock file.
func Get(names []string, installer *repo.Installer, insecure, skipRecursive, strip, stripVendor, nonInteract bool) {
	if installer.UseCache {

	base := gpath.Basepath()
	conf := EnsureConfig()
	glidefile, err := gpath.Glide()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not find Glide file: %s", err)

	// Add the packages to the config.
	if count, err2 := addPkgsToConfig(conf, names, insecure, nonInteract); err2 != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to get new packages: %s", err2)
	} else if count == 0 {
		msg.Warn("Nothing to do")

	// Fetch the new packages. Can't resolve versions via installer.Update if
	// get is called while the vendor/ directory is empty so we checkout
	// everything.
	err = installer.Checkout(conf, false)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to checkout packages: %s", err)

	// Prior to resolving dependencies we need to start working with a clone
	// of the conf because we'll be making real changes to it.
	confcopy := conf.Clone()

	if !skipRecursive {
		// Get all repos and update them.
		// TODO: Can we streamline this in any way? The reason that we update all
		// of the dependencies is that we need to re-negotiate versions. For example,
		// if an existing dependency has the constraint >1.0 and this new package
		// adds the constraint <2.0, then this may re-resolve the existing dependency
		// to be between 1.0 and 2.0. But changing that dependency may then result
		// in that dependency's dependencies changing... so we sorta do the whole
		// thing to be safe.
		err = installer.Update(confcopy)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Could not update packages: %s", err)

	// Set Reference
	if err := repo.SetReference(confcopy); err != nil {
		msg.Err("Failed to set references: %s", err)

	// VendoredCleanup
	// When stripping VCS happens this will happen as well. No need for double
	// effort.
	if installer.UpdateVendored && !strip {

	// Write YAML
	if err := conf.WriteFile(glidefile); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to write glide YAML file: %s", err)
	if !skipRecursive {
		// Write lock
		if stripVendor {
			confcopy = godep.RemoveGodepSubpackages(confcopy)
		writeLock(conf, confcopy, base)
	} else {
		msg.Warn("Skipping lockfile generation because full dependency tree is not being calculated")

	if strip {
		msg.Info("Removing version control data from vendor directory...")

	if stripVendor {
		msg.Info("Removing nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories...")
		err := gpath.StripVendor()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Unable to strip vendor directories: %s", err)
Example #3
// Install installs a vendor directory based on an existing Glide configuration.
func Install(installer *repo.Installer, strip, stripVendor bool) {
	if installer.UseCache {

	base := "."
	// Ensure GOPATH
	conf := EnsureConfig()

	// Lockfile exists
	if !gpath.HasLock(base) {
		msg.Info("Lock file (glide.lock) does not exist. Performing update.")
		Update(installer, false, strip, stripVendor)
	// Load lockfile
	lock, err := LoadLockfile(base, conf)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not load lockfile.")

	// Delete unused packages
	if installer.DeleteUnused {
		// It's unclear whether this should operate off of the lock, or off
		// of the glide.yaml file. I'd think that doing this based on the
		// lock would be much more reliable.

	// Install
	newConf, err := installer.Install(lock, conf)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to install: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Setting references.")

	// Set reference
	if err := repo.SetReference(newConf); err != nil {
		msg.Err("Failed to set references: %s (Skip to cleanup)", err)

	// VendoredCleanup. This should ONLY be run if UpdateVendored was specified.
	// When stripping VCS happens this will happen as well. No need for double
	// effort.
	if installer.UpdateVendored && !strip {

	if strip {
		msg.Info("Removing version control data from vendor directory...")

	if stripVendor {
		msg.Info("Removing nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories...")
		err := gpath.StripVendor()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Unable to strip vendor directories: %s", err)
Example #4
// Update updates repos and the lock file from the main glide yaml.
func Update(installer *repo.Installer, skipRecursive, strip, stripVendor bool) {
	if installer.UseCache {

	base := "."
	conf := EnsureConfig()

	// Delete unused packages
	if installer.DeleteUnused {

	// Try to check out the initial dependencies.
	if err := installer.Checkout(conf, false); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to do initial checkout of config: %s", err)

	// Set the versions for the initial dependencies so that resolved dependencies
	// are rooted in the correct version of the base.
	if err := repo.SetReference(conf); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to set initial config references: %s", err)

	// Prior to resolving dependencies we need to start working with a clone
	// of the conf because we'll be making real changes to it.
	confcopy := conf.Clone()

	if !skipRecursive {
		// Get all repos and update them.
		err := installer.Update(confcopy)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Could not update packages: %s", err)

		// TODO: There is no support here for importing Godeps, GPM, and GB files.
		// I think that all we really need to do now is hunt for these files, and then
		// roll their version numbers into the config file.

		// Set references. There may be no remaining references to set since the
		// installer set them as it went to make sure it parsed the right imports
		// from the right version of the package.
		msg.Info("Setting references for remaining imports")
		if err := repo.SetReference(confcopy); err != nil {
			msg.Err("Failed to set references: %s (Skip to cleanup)", err)
	// Vendored cleanup
	// VendoredCleanup. This should ONLY be run if UpdateVendored was specified.
	// When stripping VCS happens this will happen as well. No need for double
	// effort.
	if installer.UpdateVendored && !strip {

	// Write glide.yaml (Why? Godeps/GPM/GB?)
	// I think we don't need to write a new Glide file because update should not
	// change anything important. It will just generate information about
	// transative dependencies, all of which belongs exclusively in the lock
	// file, not the glide.yaml file.
	// TODO(mattfarina): Detect when a new dependency has been added or removed
	// from the project. A removed dependency should warn and an added dependency
	// should be added to the glide.yaml file. See issue #193.

	if stripVendor {
		confcopy = godep.RemoveGodepSubpackages(confcopy)

	if !skipRecursive {
		// Write lock
		hash, err := conf.Hash()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Failed to generate config hash. Unable to generate lock file.")
		lock := cfg.NewLockfile(confcopy.Imports, hash)
		wl := true
		if gpath.HasLock(base) {
			yml, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile))
			if err == nil {
				l2, err := cfg.LockfileFromYaml(yml)
				if err == nil {
					f1, err := l2.Fingerprint()
					f2, err2 := lock.Fingerprint()
					if err == nil && err2 == nil && f1 == f2 {
						wl = false
		if wl {
			if err := lock.WriteFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile)); err != nil {
				msg.Err("Could not write lock file to %s: %s", base, err)
		} else {
			msg.Info("Versions did not change. Skipping glide.lock update.")

		msg.Info("Project relies on %d dependencies.", len(confcopy.Imports))
	} else {
		msg.Warn("Skipping lockfile generation because full dependency tree is not being calculated")

	if strip {
		msg.Info("Removing version control data from vendor directory...")

	if stripVendor {
		msg.Info("Removing nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories...")
		err := gpath.StripVendor()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Unable to strip vendor directories: %s", err)
Example #5
// Update updates repos and the lock file from the main glide yaml.
func Update(installer *repo.Installer, skipRecursive, stripVendor bool) {

	base := "."
	conf := EnsureConfig()

	// Try to check out the initial dependencies.
	if err := installer.Checkout(conf); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to do initial checkout of config: %s", err)

	// Set the versions for the initial dependencies so that resolved dependencies
	// are rooted in the correct version of the base.
	if err := repo.SetReference(conf, installer.ResolveTest); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to set initial config references: %s", err)

	// Prior to resolving dependencies we need to start working with a clone
	// of the conf because we'll be making real changes to it.
	confcopy := conf.Clone()

	if !skipRecursive {
		// Get all repos and update them.
		err := installer.Update(confcopy)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Could not update packages: %s", err)

		// Set references. There may be no remaining references to set since the
		// installer set them as it went to make sure it parsed the right imports
		// from the right version of the package.
		msg.Info("Setting references for remaining imports")
		if err := repo.SetReference(confcopy, installer.ResolveTest); err != nil {
			msg.Err("Failed to set references: %s (Skip to cleanup)", err)

	err := installer.Export(confcopy)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Unable to export dependencies to vendor directory: %s", err)

	// Write glide.yaml (Why? Godeps/GPM/GB?)
	// I think we don't need to write a new Glide file because update should not
	// change anything important. It will just generate information about
	// transative dependencies, all of which belongs exclusively in the lock
	// file, not the glide.yaml file.
	// TODO(mattfarina): Detect when a new dependency has been added or removed
	// from the project. A removed dependency should warn and an added dependency
	// should be added to the glide.yaml file. See issue #193.

	if !skipRecursive {
		// Write lock
		hash, err := conf.Hash()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Failed to generate config hash. Unable to generate lock file.")
		lock, err := cfg.NewLockfile(confcopy.Imports, confcopy.DevImports, hash)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Failed to generate lock file: %s", err)
		wl := true
		if gpath.HasLock(base) {
			yml, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile))
			if err == nil {
				l2, err := cfg.LockfileFromYaml(yml)
				if err == nil {
					f1, err := l2.Fingerprint()
					f2, err2 := lock.Fingerprint()
					if err == nil && err2 == nil && f1 == f2 {
						wl = false
		if wl {
			if err := lock.WriteFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile)); err != nil {
				msg.Err("Could not write lock file to %s: %s", base, err)
		} else {
			msg.Info("Versions did not change. Skipping glide.lock update.")

		msg.Info("Project relies on %d dependencies.", len(confcopy.Imports))
	} else {
		msg.Warn("Skipping lockfile generation because full dependency tree is not being calculated")

	if stripVendor {
		msg.Info("Removing nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories...")
		err := gpath.StripVendor()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Unable to strip vendor directories: %s", err)