func populateDB() {
	db, err := bslcvmpool.OpenDB(SQLITE_DB_FILE_PATH)

	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		vmID := i
		hostname := fmt.Sprintf("concurrency_test_%d", vmID)
		agentID := strconv.Itoa(i)
		vmInfoDB := bslcvmpool.NewVMInfoDB(vmID, hostname+"."+domain, "t", stemcellUuid, agentID, logger, db)
		defer vmInfoDB.CloseDB()

		err = vmInfoDB.InsertVMInfo(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
func insertVMInfo(init int) {
	db, err := bslcvmpool.OpenDB(SQLITE_DB_FILE_PATH)

	for i := init; i < init+1000; i++ {
		vmID := i
		hostname := fmt.Sprintf("concurrency_test_%d", vmID)
		agentID := strconv.Itoa(i)
		vmInfoDB := bslcvmpool.NewVMInfoDB(vmID, hostname+"."+domain, "t", stemcellUuid, agentID, logger, db)
		defer vmInfoDB.CloseDB()

		err = vmInfoDB.InsertVMInfo(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)

		time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Int63n(100)) * time.Millisecond)

	c <- "Done!"
func (vm SoftLayerVM) Delete(agentID string) error {
	if strings.ToUpper(common.GetOSEnvVariable("OS_RELOAD_ENABLED", "TRUE")) == "FALSE" {
		return vm.DeleteVM()

	err := bslcvmpool.InitVMPoolDB(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL, vm.logger)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to initialize VM pool DB")

	db, err := bslcvmpool.OpenDB(bslcvmpool.SQLITE_DB_FILE_PATH)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Opening DB")

	vmInfoDB := bslcvmpool.NewVMInfoDB(, "", "t", "", "", vm.logger, db)
	defer vmInfoDB.CloseDB()

	err = vmInfoDB.QueryVMInfobyID(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to query VM info by given ID %d",
	vm.logger.Info(SOFTLAYER_VM_LOG_TAG, fmt.Sprintf(" is %d", vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id))

	if vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id != 0 {
		if agentID != "" {
			vm.logger.Info(SOFTLAYER_VM_LOG_TAG, fmt.Sprintf("Release the VM with id %d back to the VM pool", vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id))
			vmInfoDB.VmProperties.InUse = "f"
			err = vmInfoDB.UpdateVMInfoByID(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
			if err != nil {
				return bosherr.WrapError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to query VM info by given ID %d",
			} else {
				return nil
		} else {
			return vm.DeleteVM()

	return nil
func (vm SoftLayerVM) DeleteVM() error {
	virtualGuestService, err := vm.softLayerClient.GetSoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Service()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Creating SoftLayer VirtualGuestService from client")

	vmCID := vm.ID()
	err = bslcommon.WaitForVirtualGuestToHaveNoRunningTransactions(vm.softLayerClient, vmCID)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for VirtualGuest `%d` to have no pending transactions before deleting vm", vmCID))

	deleted, err := virtualGuestService.DeleteObject(vm.ID())
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Deleting SoftLayer VirtualGuest from client")

	if !deleted {
		return bosherr.WrapError(nil, "Did not delete SoftLayer VirtualGuest from client")

	err = vm.postCheckActiveTransactionsForDeleteVM(vm.softLayerClient, vmCID)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if strings.ToUpper(common.GetOSEnvVariable("OS_RELOAD_ENABLED", "TRUE")) == "TRUE" {
		db, err := bslcvmpool.OpenDB(bslcvmpool.SQLITE_DB_FILE_PATH)
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Opening DB")

		vmInfoDB := bslcvmpool.NewVMInfoDB(vm.ID(), "", "", "", "", vm.logger, db)
		err = vmInfoDB.DeleteVMFromVMDB(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to delete the record from VM pool DB")

	return nil
func (c SoftLayerCreator) CreateNewVM(agentID string, stemcell bslcstem.Stemcell, cloudProps VMCloudProperties, networks Networks, env Environment) (VM, error) {

	virtualGuestTemplate, err := CreateVirtualGuestTemplate(stemcell, cloudProps)

	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Creating virtual guest template")

	virtualGuestService, err := c.softLayerClient.GetSoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Service()
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Creating VirtualGuestService from SoftLayer client")

	virtualGuest, err := virtualGuestService.CreateObject(virtualGuestTemplate)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Creating VirtualGuest from SoftLayer client")

	if cloudProps.EphemeralDiskSize == 0 {
		err = bslcommon.WaitForVirtualGuestLastCompleteTransaction(c.softLayerClient, virtualGuest.Id, "Service Setup")
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Waiting for VirtualGuest `%d` has Service Setup transaction complete", virtualGuest.Id)
	} else {
		err = bslcommon.AttachEphemeralDiskToVirtualGuest(c.softLayerClient, virtualGuest.Id, cloudProps.EphemeralDiskSize, c.logger)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Attaching ephemeral disk to VirtualGuest `%d`", virtualGuest.Id))

	virtualGuest, err = bslcommon.GetObjectDetailsOnVirtualGuest(c.softLayerClient, virtualGuest.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot get details from virtual guest with id: %d.", virtualGuest.Id)

	softlayerFileService := NewSoftlayerFileService(util.GetSshClient(), virtualGuest, c.logger, c.uuidGenerator, c.fs)
	agentEnvService := c.agentEnvServiceFactory.New(softlayerFileService, strconv.Itoa(virtualGuest.Id))

	if len(cloudProps.BoshIp) == 0 {
		// update /etc/hosts file of bosh-init vm
		c.updateEtcHostsOfBoshInit(fmt.Sprintf("%s  %s", virtualGuest.PrimaryBackendIpAddress, virtualGuest.FullyQualifiedDomainName))
		// Update mbus url setting for bosh director: construct mbus url with new director ip
		mbus, err := c.parseMbusURL(c.agentOptions.Mbus, virtualGuest.PrimaryBackendIpAddress)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot construct mbus url.")
		c.agentOptions.Mbus = mbus
	} else {
		// Update mbus url setting
		mbus, err := c.parseMbusURL(c.agentOptions.Mbus, cloudProps.BoshIp)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot construct mbus url.")
		c.agentOptions.Mbus = mbus
		// Update blobstore setting
		switch c.agentOptions.Blobstore.Type {
		case BlobstoreTypeDav:
			davConf := DavConfig(c.agentOptions.Blobstore.Options)
			c.updateDavConfig(&davConf, cloudProps.BoshIp)

	agentEnv := CreateAgentUserData(agentID, cloudProps, networks, env, c.agentOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot agent env for virtual guest with id: %d.", virtualGuest.Id)

	err = agentEnvService.Update(agentEnv)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Updating VM's agent env")

	vm := NewSoftLayerVM(virtualGuest.Id, c.softLayerClient, util.GetSshClient(), agentEnvService, c.logger)

	if strings.ToUpper(common.GetOSEnvVariable("OS_RELOAD_ENABLED", "TRUE")) == "TRUE" && !strings.Contains(cloudProps.VmNamePrefix, "-worker") {
		db, err := bslcvmpool.OpenDB(bslcvmpool.SQLITE_DB_FILE_PATH)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Opening DB")

		vmInfoDB := bslcvmpool.NewVMInfoDB(vm.ID(), virtualGuestTemplate.Hostname+"."+virtualGuestTemplate.Domain, "t", stemcell.Uuid(), agentID, c.logger, db)
		err = vmInfoDB.InsertVMInfo(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to insert the record into VM pool DB")

	return vm, nil
func (c SoftLayerCreator) Create(agentID string, stemcell bslcstem.Stemcell, cloudProps VMCloudProperties, networks Networks, env Environment) (VM, error) {
	if strings.ToUpper(common.GetOSEnvVariable("OS_RELOAD_ENABLED", "TRUE")) == "FALSE" {
		return c.CreateNewVM(agentID, stemcell, cloudProps, networks, env)

	err := bslcvmpool.InitVMPoolDB(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL, c.logger)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to initialize VM pool DB")

	if strings.Contains(cloudProps.VmNamePrefix, "-worker") {
		vm, err := c.CreateNewVM(agentID, stemcell, cloudProps, networks, env)
		return vm, err

	db, err := bslcvmpool.OpenDB(bslcvmpool.SQLITE_DB_FILE_PATH)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Opening DB")

	vmInfoDB := bslcvmpool.NewVMInfoDB(0, "", "f", "", agentID, c.logger, db)
	defer vmInfoDB.CloseDB()

	err = vmInfoDB.QueryVMInfobyAgentID(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to query VM info by given agent ID "+agentID)

	if vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id != 0 {
		c.logger.Info(SOFTLAYER_VM_CREATOR_LOG_TAG, fmt.Sprintf("OS reload on the server id %d with stemcell %d", vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id, stemcell.ID()))

		vm := NewSoftLayerVM(vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id, c.softLayerClient, util.GetSshClient(), nil, c.logger)

		bslcommon.TIMEOUT = 24 * time.Hour
		err = vm.ReloadOS(stemcell)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to reload OS")

		err = bslcommon.WaitForVirtualGuestLastCompleteTransaction(c.softLayerClient, vm.ID(), "Service Setup")
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Waiting for VirtualGuest `%d` has Service Setup transaction complete", vm.ID())

		virtualGuest, err := bslcommon.GetObjectDetailsOnVirtualGuest(c.softLayerClient, vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot get details from virtual guest with id: %d.", virtualGuest.Id)

		softlayerFileService := NewSoftlayerFileService(util.GetSshClient(), virtualGuest, c.logger, c.uuidGenerator, c.fs)
		agentEnvService := c.agentEnvServiceFactory.New(softlayerFileService, strconv.Itoa(virtualGuest.Id))

		if len(cloudProps.BoshIp) == 0 {
			// update /etc/hosts file of bosh-init vm
			c.updateEtcHostsOfBoshInit(fmt.Sprintf("%s  %s", virtualGuest.PrimaryBackendIpAddress, virtualGuest.FullyQualifiedDomainName))
			// Update mbus url setting for bosh director: construct mbus url with new director ip
			mbus, err := c.parseMbusURL(c.agentOptions.Mbus, virtualGuest.PrimaryBackendIpAddress)
			if err != nil {
				return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot construct mbus url.")
			c.agentOptions.Mbus = mbus
		} else {
			// Update mbus url setting
			mbus, err := c.parseMbusURL(c.agentOptions.Mbus, cloudProps.BoshIp)
			if err != nil {
				return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot construct mbus url.")
			c.agentOptions.Mbus = mbus
			// Update blobstore setting
			switch c.agentOptions.Blobstore.Type {
			case BlobstoreTypeDav:
				davConf := DavConfig(c.agentOptions.Blobstore.Options)
				c.updateDavConfig(&davConf, cloudProps.BoshIp)

		agentEnv := CreateAgentUserData(agentID, cloudProps, networks, env, c.agentOptions)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Cannot agent env for virtual guest with id: %d.", virtualGuest.Id)

		err = agentEnvService.Update(agentEnv)
		if err != nil {
			return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Updating VM's agent env")

		vm = NewSoftLayerVM(virtualGuest.Id, c.softLayerClient, util.GetSshClient(), agentEnvService, c.logger)

		c.logger.Info(SOFTLAYER_VM_CREATOR_LOG_TAG, fmt.Sprintf("Updated in_use flag to 't' for the VM %d in VM pool", vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id))
		vmInfoDB.VmProperties.InUse = "t"
		err = vmInfoDB.UpdateVMInfoByID(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
		if err != nil {
			return vm, bosherr.WrapError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to query VM info by given ID %d", vm.ID()))
		} else {
			return vm, nil


	vmInfoDB.VmProperties.InUse = ""
	err = vmInfoDB.QueryVMInfobyAgentID(bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_TIMEOUT, bslcvmpool.DB_RETRY_INTERVAL)
	if err != nil {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Failed to query VM info by given agent ID "+agentID)

	if vmInfoDB.VmProperties.Id != 0 {
		return SoftLayerVM{}, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Wrong in_use status in VM with agent ID "+agentID+", Do not create a new VM")
	} else {
		return c.CreateNewVM(agentID, stemcell, cloudProps, networks, env)