Example #1
// checkCheckPoint tests that a checkpoint happened at the requested delay
// in seconds (+/- margin)
func checkCheckPoint(testDir string, c *tomlParser.TestCase) error {
	path := file.GetOutputDir(testDir)

	stamp := filepath.Join(path, c.BaseName+".stamp")
	stampi, err := os.Stat(stamp)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stat file %s", stamp)
	stampTime := stampi.ModTime()

	checkpt := filepath.Join(path, c.BaseName+".cp")
	checkpti, err := os.Stat(checkpt)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stat file %s", checkpt)
	checkTime := checkpti.ModTime()

	if checkTime.Sub(stampTime).Seconds() < c.Delay-c.Margin {
		return fmt.Errorf("Realtime checkpoint scheduled for %f seconds but "+
			"time between timestamp and checkpoint is less than %f seconds",
			c.Delay, c.Delay-c.Margin)

	if checkTime.Sub(stampTime).Seconds() > c.Delay+c.Margin {
		return fmt.Errorf("Realtime checkpoint scheduled for %f seconds but "+
			"time between timestamp and checkpoint exceeds %f seconds", c.Delay,

	return nil
Example #2
// createSimJobs is responsible for filling a worker queue with
// jobs to be run via the simulation tool. It parses the test
// description, assembles a TestDescription struct and adds it
// to the simulation job queue.
func createSimJobs(includePath string, testPaths []string,
	simJobs chan *tester.TestData, testResults chan *tester.TestResult) {
	runID := 0
	for _, testDir := range testPaths {
		testFile := filepath.Join(testDir, "test_description.json")
		testDescription, err := jsonParser.Parse(testFile, includePath)
		if err != nil {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing test description in %s: %v", testDir, err)
			testResults <- &tester.TestResult{Path: testFile, Success: false,
				TestName: "parse description", ErrorMessage: msg}

		// create output directory
		outputDir := file.GetOutputDir(testDir)
		if err := os.Mkdir(outputDir, 0744); err != nil {
			msg := fmt.Sprint(err)
			testResults <- &tester.TestResult{Path: testFile, Success: false,
				TestName: "create test output directory", ErrorMessage: msg}

		// set path and pick a Seed value for run
		testDescription.Path = testDir
		testDescription.Run.RunID = runID

		// schedule requested number of Seeds; if there is just a single
		// Seed requested we pick one randomly
		switch testDescription.Run.NumSeeds {
		case 0: // user didn't set number of Seeds -- assume single Seed
			testDescription.Run.NumSeeds = 1
			testDescription.Run.Seed = rng.Intn(10000)
		case 1:
			testDescription.Run.Seed = rng.Intn(10000)
			for i := 1; i < testDescription.Run.NumSeeds; i++ {
				newTest := testDescription.Copy()
				newTest.Run.Seed = i
				testDescription.Run.Seed = i + 1
				simJobs <- &tester.TestData{newTest, nil}
		simJobs <- &tester.TestData{testDescription, nil}
Example #3
// simRunner runs mcell on the mdl file passed in as an
// absolute path. The working directory is set to the base path
// of the mdl file.
func simRunner(mcellPath string, test *tester.TestData,
	output chan *tester.TestData) {

	outputDir := file.GetOutputDir(test.Path)
	for i, runFile := range test.Run.MdlFiles {
		// create run command
		mdlPath := filepath.Join(test.Path, runFile)
		runLog := fmt.Sprintf("run_%d.%d.log", test.Run.Seed, i)
		errLog := fmt.Sprintf("err_%d.%d.log", test.Run.Seed, i)
		argList := append(test.Run.CommandlineOpts, "-seed", strconv.Itoa(test.Run.Seed),
			"-logfile", runLog, "-errfile", errLog, mdlPath)
		cmd := exec.Command(mcellPath, argList...)
		cmd.Dir = outputDir

		if err := misc.WriteCmdLine(mcellPath, outputDir, argList); err != nil {
			test.SimStatus = append(test.SimStatus, tester.RunStatus{Success: false,
				ExitMessage: fmt.Sprint(err), StdErrContent: "", ExitCode: -1})
			output <- test

		// connect stdout and stderr
		stdOutPath := fmt.Sprintf("stdout_%d.%d.log", test.Run.Seed, i)
		stdOut, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(outputDir, stdOutPath))
		if err != nil {
			test.SimStatus = append(test.SimStatus, tester.RunStatus{Success: false,
				ExitMessage: fmt.Sprint(err), StdErrContent: "", ExitCode: -1})
			output <- test
		defer stdOut.Close()
		cmd.Stdout = stdOut

		stdErrPath := fmt.Sprintf("stderr_%d.%d.log", test.Run.Seed, i)
		stdErr, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(outputDir, stdErrPath))
		if err != nil {
			test.SimStatus = append(test.SimStatus, tester.RunStatus{Success: false,
				ExitMessage: fmt.Sprint(err), StdErrContent: "", ExitCode: -1})
			output <- test
		defer stdErr.Close()
		cmd.Stderr = stdErr

		err = cmd.Run()
		if err != nil {
			stdErr, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(outputDir, errLog))
			exitCode, err := misc.DetermineExitCode(err)
			if err != nil {
				exitCode = -1
			test.SimStatus = append(test.SimStatus, tester.RunStatus{Success: false,
				ExitMessage: fmt.Sprint(err), StdErrContent: string(stdErr), ExitCode: exitCode})
		} else {
			test.SimStatus = append(test.SimStatus, tester.RunStatus{Success: true,
				ExitMessage: "", StdErrContent: "",
				ExitCode: 0})
	output <- test