Example #1
// SendStatusUpdate sends status updates to the slave.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) SendStatusUpdate(taskStatus *mesosproto.TaskStatus) (mesosproto.Status, error) {
	log.V(3).Infoln("Sending task status update: ", taskStatus.String())

	if stat := driver.Status(); stat != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
		return stat, fmt.Errorf("Unable to SendStatusUpdate, expecting driver.status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, stat)

	if taskStatus.GetState() == mesosproto.TaskState_TASK_STAGING {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Executor is not allowed to send TASK_STAGING status update. Aborting!")
		if err0 := driver.stop(mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED); err0 != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error while stopping the driver", err0)

		return driver.Status(), err

	// Set up status update.
	update := driver.makeStatusUpdate(taskStatus)
	log.Infof("Executor sending status update %v\n", update.String())

	// Capture the status update.
	driver.updates[uuid.UUID(update.GetUuid()).String()] = update

	// Put the status update in the message.
	message := &mesosproto.StatusUpdateMessage{
		Update: update,
		Pid:    proto.String(driver.self.String()),
	// Send the message.
	if err := driver.send(driver.slaveUPID, message); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to send %v: %v\n", message, err)
		return driver.status, err

	return driver.Status(), nil