Example #1
// doDiffMain runs the diff.
func doDiffMain(firstURL, secondURL string) {
	// Source and targets are always directories
	sourceSeparator := string(client.NewURL(firstURL).Separator)
	if !strings.HasSuffix(firstURL, sourceSeparator) {
		firstURL = firstURL + sourceSeparator
	targetSeparator := string(client.NewURL(secondURL).Separator)
	if !strings.HasSuffix(secondURL, targetSeparator) {
		secondURL = secondURL + targetSeparator

	// Expand aliased urls.
	firstAlias, firstURL, _ := mustExpandAlias(firstURL)
	secondAlias, secondURL, _ := mustExpandAlias(secondURL)

	firstClient, err := newClientFromAlias(firstAlias, firstURL)
	if err != nil {
		fatalIf(err.Trace(firstAlias, firstURL, secondAlias, secondURL),
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to diff '%s' and '%s'", firstURL, secondURL))
	difference, err := objectDifferenceFactory(secondAlias, secondURL)
	if err != nil {
		fatalIf(err.Trace(firstAlias, firstURL, secondAlias, secondURL),
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to diff '%s' and '%s'", firstURL, secondURL))
	isRecursive := true
	isIncomplete := false
	for sourceContent := range firstClient.List(isRecursive, isIncomplete) {
		if sourceContent.Err != nil {
			switch sourceContent.Err.ToGoError().(type) {
			// Handle this specifically for filesystem related errors.
			case client.BrokenSymlink, client.TooManyLevelsSymlink, client.PathNotFound, client.PathInsufficientPermission:
				errorIf(sourceContent.Err.Trace(firstURL, secondURL), fmt.Sprintf("Failed on '%s'", firstURL))
				fatalIf(sourceContent.Err.Trace(firstURL, secondURL), fmt.Sprintf("Failed on '%s'", firstURL))
		if sourceContent.Type.IsDir() {
		suffix := strings.TrimPrefix(sourceContent.URL.String(), firstURL)
		differ, err := difference(suffix, sourceContent.Type, sourceContent.Size)
		if err != nil {
			errorIf(sourceContent.Err.Trace(secondURL, suffix),
				fmt.Sprintf("Failed on '%s'", urlJoinPath(secondURL, suffix)))
		if differ == differNone {
			FirstURL:  sourceContent.URL.String(),
			SecondURL: urlJoinPath(secondURL, suffix),
			Diff:      differ,
Example #2
// urlJoinPath Join a path to existing URL.
func urlJoinPath(url1, url2 string) string {
	u1 := client.NewURL(url1)
	u2 := client.NewURL(url2)
	if u1.Path != string(u1.Separator) {
		u1.Path = filepath.Join(u1.Path, u2.Path)
	} else {
		u1.Path = u2.Path
	return u1.String()
Example #3
File: cp-url.go Project: dudymas/mc
// SINGLE SOURCE - Type C: copy(d1..., d2) -> []copy(d1/f, d1/d2/f) -> []A
// prepareCopyRecursiveURLTypeC - prepares target and source URLs for copying.
func prepareCopyURLsTypeC(sourceURL, targetURL string) <-chan copyURLs {
	copyURLsCh := make(chan copyURLs)
	go func(sourceURL, targetURL string, copyURLsCh chan copyURLs) {
		defer close(copyURLsCh)
		if !isURLRecursive(sourceURL) {
			// Source is not of recursive type.
			copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: errSourceNotRecursive(sourceURL).Trace()}

		// add `/` after trimming off `...` to emulate folders
		sourceURL = stripRecursiveURL(sourceURL)
		sourceClient, sourceContent, err := url2Stat(sourceURL)
		if err != nil {
			// Source does not exist or insufficient privileges.
			copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: err.Trace(sourceURL)}

		if !sourceContent.Type.IsDir() {
			// Source is not a dir.
			copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: errSourceIsNotDir(sourceURL).Trace()}

		for sourceContent := range sourceClient.List(true) {
			if sourceContent.Err != nil {
				// Listing failed.
				copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: sourceContent.Err.Trace()}

			if !sourceContent.Content.Type.IsRegular() {
				// Source is not a regular file. Skip it for copy.

			// All OK.. We can proceed. Type B: source is a file, target is a folder and exists.
			sourceURLParse := client.NewURL(sourceURL)
			targetURLParse := client.NewURL(targetURL)

			sourceURLDelimited := sourceURLParse.String()[:strings.LastIndex(sourceURLParse.String(),
			sourceContentName := sourceContent.Content.Name
			sourceContentURL := sourceURLDelimited + sourceContentName
			sourceContentParse := client.NewURL(sourceContentURL)

			// Construct target path from recursive path of source without its prefix dir.
			newTargetURLParse := *targetURLParse
			newTargetURLParse.Path = filepath.Join(newTargetURLParse.Path, sourceContentName)
			copyURLsCh <- prepareCopyURLsTypeA(sourceContentParse.String(), newTargetURLParse.String())
	}(sourceURL, targetURL, copyURLsCh)
	return copyURLsCh
Example #4
// this code is necessary since, share only operates on cloud storage URLs not filesystem
func isObjectKeyPresent(url string) bool {
	u := client.NewURL(url)
	path := u.Path
	matchS3, _ := filepath.Match("*.s3*.amazonaws.com", u.Host)
	if matchS3 {
		hostSplits := strings.SplitN(u.Host, ".", 2)
		path = string(u.Separator) + hostSplits[0] + u.Path
	matchGcs, _ := filepath.Match("*.storage.googleapis.com", u.Host)
	if matchGcs {
		hostSplits := strings.SplitN(u.Host, ".", 2)
		path = string(u.Separator) + hostSplits[0] + u.Path
	pathSplits := strings.SplitN(path, "?", 2)
	splits := strings.SplitN(pathSplits[0], string(u.Separator), 3)
	switch len(splits) {
	case 0, 1:
		return false
	case 2:
		return false
	case 3:
		if splits[2] == "" {
			return false
		return true
	return false
Example #5
// Validate command line arguments.
func checkRmSyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	args := ctx.Args()

	ishelp := ctx.GlobalBool("help")
	isForce := ctx.Bool("force")

	if !args.Present() || ishelp {
		exitCode := 1
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "rm", exitCode)

	URLs, err := args2URLs(args)
	fatalIf(err.Trace(ctx.Args()...), "Unable to parse arguments.")

	// If input validation fails then provide context sensitive help without displaying generic help message.
	// The context sensitive help is shown per argument instead of all arguments to keep the help display
	// as well as the code simple. Also most of the times there will be just one arg
	for _, url := range URLs {
		u := client.NewURL(url)
		if strings.HasSuffix(url, string(u.Separator)) {
				"‘"+url+"’ is a folder. To remove this folder recursively, please try ‘"+url+"...’ as argument.")
		if isURLRecursive(url) && !isForce {
				"Recursive removal requires --force option. Please review carefully before performing this operation.")
Example #6
// Remove all objects recursively.
func rmAll(url string, isIncomplete bool) {
	// Initialize new client.
	clnt, err := url2Client(url)
	if err != nil {
		errorIf(err.Trace(url), "Invalid URL ‘"+url+"’.")
		return // End of journey.

	isRecursive := false // Disable recursion and only list this folder's contents.
	for entry := range clnt.List(isRecursive, isIncomplete) {
		if entry.Err != nil {
			errorIf(entry.Err.Trace(url), "Unable to list ‘"+url+"’.")
			return // End of journey.

		if entry.Content.Type.IsDir() {
			// Add separator at the end to remove all its contents.
			url := entry.Content.URL.String()
			u := client.NewURL(url)
			url = url + string(u.Separator)

			// Recursively remove contents of this directory.
			rmAll(url, isIncomplete)
		// Regular type.
		rm(entry.Content.URL.String(), isIncomplete)
Example #7
// getHostConfig retrieves host specific configuration such as access keys, certs.
func getHostConfig(URL string) (hostConfig, *probe.Error) {
	config, err := getMcConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return hostConfig{}, err.Trace()
	url := client.NewURL(URL)
	// No host matching or keys needed for filesystem requests
	if url.Type == client.Filesystem {
		hostCfg := hostConfig{
			AccessKeyID:     "",
			SecretAccessKey: "",
			API:             "fs",
		return hostCfg, nil
	if _, ok := config.Hosts[url.Host]; ok {
		return config.Hosts[url.Host], nil
	for globURL, hostCfg := range config.Hosts {
		match, err := filepath.Match(globURL, url.Host)
		if err != nil {
			return hostConfig{}, errInvalidGlobURL(globURL, URL).Trace()
		if match {
			return hostCfg, nil
	return hostConfig{}, errNoMatchingHost(URL).Trace()
Example #8
File: fs.go Project: koolhead17/mc
// New - instantiate a new fs client
func New(path string) (client.Client, *probe.Error) {
	if strings.TrimSpace(path) == "" {
		return nil, probe.NewError(client.EmptyPath{})
	return &fsClient{
		PathURL: client.NewURL(normalizePath(path)),
	}, nil
Example #9
File: url.go Project: fwessels/mc
// guessURLContentType - guess content-type of the URL.
// on failure just return 'application/octet-stream'.
func guessURLContentType(urlStr string) string {
	url := client.NewURL(urlStr)
	extension := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(url.Path), ".")
	contentType, e := contentdb.Lookup(extension)
	if e != nil {
		return "application/octet-stream"
	return contentType
Example #10
File: cp-url.go Project: dudymas/mc
// SINGLE SOURCE - Type B: copy(f, d) -> copy(f, d/f) -> A
// prepareCopyURLsTypeB - prepares target and source URLs for copying.
func prepareCopyURLsTypeB(sourceURL string, targetURL string) copyURLs {
	_, sourceContent, err := url2Stat(sourceURL)
	if err != nil {
		// Source does not exist or insufficient privileges.
		return copyURLs{Error: err.Trace(sourceURL)}
	if !sourceContent.Type.IsRegular() {
		// Source is not a regular file.
		return copyURLs{Error: errInvalidSource(sourceURL).Trace()}

	// All OK.. We can proceed. Type B: source is a file, target is a folder and exists.
		sourceURLParse := client.NewURL(sourceURL)
		targetURLParse := client.NewURL(targetURL)
		targetURLParse.Path = filepath.Join(targetURLParse.Path, filepath.Base(sourceURLParse.Path))
		return prepareCopyURLsTypeA(sourceURL, targetURLParse.String())
Example #11
func checkRmSyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	args := ctx.Args()

	var force bool
	var incomplete bool
	if !args.Present() || args.First() == "help" {
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "rm", 1) // last argument is exit code.
	if len(args) == 1 && args.Get(0) == "force" {
	if len(args) == 2 && args.Get(0) == "force" && args.Get(1) == "incomplete" ||
		len(args) == 2 && args.Get(1) == "force" && args.Get(0) == "incomplete" {
	if args.Last() == "force" {
		force = true
		args = args[:len(args)-1]
	if args.Last() == "incomplete" {
		incomplete = true
		args = args[:len(args)-1]

	// By this time we have sanitized the input args and now we have only the URLs parse them properly
	// and validate.
	URLs, err := args2URLs(args)
	fatalIf(err.Trace(ctx.Args()...), "Unable to parse arguments.")

	// If input validation fails then provide context sensitive help without displaying generic help message.
	// The context sensitive help is shown per argument instead of all arguments to keep the help display
	// as well as the code simple. Also most of the times there will be just one arg
	for _, url := range URLs {
		u := client.NewURL(url)
		var helpStr string
		if strings.HasSuffix(url, string(u.Separator)) {
			if incomplete {
				helpStr = "Usage : mc rm " + url + recursiveSeparator + " incomplete force"
			} else {
				helpStr = "Usage : mc rm " + url + recursiveSeparator + " force"
			fatalIf(errDummy().Trace(), helpStr)
		if isURLRecursive(url) && !force {
			if incomplete {
				helpStr = "Usage : mc rm " + url + " incomplete force"
			} else {
				helpStr = "Usage : mc rm " + url + " force"
			fatalIf(errDummy().Trace(), helpStr)
Example #12
// SINGLE SOURCE - Type C: copy(d1..., d2) -> []copy(d1/f, d1/d2/f) -> []A
// prepareCopyRecursiveURLTypeC - prepares target and source URLs for copying.
func prepareCopyURLsTypeC(sourceURL, targetURL string) <-chan copyURLs {
	copyURLsCh := make(chan copyURLs)
	go func(sourceURL, targetURL string, copyURLsCh chan copyURLs) {
		defer close(copyURLsCh)
		if !isURLRecursive(sourceURL) {
			// Source is not of recursive type.
			copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: errSourceNotRecursive(sourceURL).Trace()}

		// add `/` after trimming off `...` to emulate folders
		sourceURL = stripRecursiveURL(sourceURL)
		sourceClient, sourceContent, err := url2Stat(sourceURL)
		if err != nil {
			// Source does not exist or insufficient privileges.
			copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: err.Trace(sourceURL)}

		if !sourceContent.Type.IsDir() {
			// Source is not a dir.
			copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: errSourceIsNotDir(sourceURL).Trace()}

		for sourceContent := range sourceClient.List(true, false) {
			if sourceContent.Err != nil {
				// Listing failed.
				copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: sourceContent.Err.Trace()}

			if !sourceContent.Content.Type.IsRegular() {
				// Source is not a regular file. Skip it for copy.

			// All OK.. We can proceed. Type B: source is a file, target is a folder and exists.
			newTargetURL := client.NewURL(targetURL)
			newTargetURL.Path = filepath.Join(newTargetURL.Path,
				strings.TrimPrefix(sourceContent.Content.URL.Path, url2Dir(sourceURL)))

			// verify if destination exists, and cpForceFlag is not set do not proceed.
			_, _, err := url2Stat(newTargetURL.String())
			if err == nil && !cpForceFlag {
				copyURLsCh <- copyURLs{Error: errOverWriteNotAllowed(newTargetURL.String()).Trace()}
			copyURLsCh <- prepareCopyURLsTypeA(sourceContent.Content.URL.String(), newTargetURL.String())
	}(sourceURL, targetURL, copyURLsCh)
	return copyURLsCh
Example #13
// just like filepath.Dir but always has a trailing url.Seperator
func url2Dir(urlStr string) string {
	url := client.NewURL(urlStr)
	if strings.HasSuffix(urlStr, string(url.Separator)) {
		return urlStr
	lastIndex := strings.LastIndex(urlStr, string(url.Separator))
	dirname := urlStr[:lastIndex+1]
	if dirname == "" {
		return "."
	return dirname
Example #14
// isValidHostURL - validate input host url.
func isValidHostURL(hostURL string) bool {
	if strings.TrimSpace(hostURL) == "" {
		return false
	url := client.NewURL(hostURL)
	if url.Scheme != "https" && url.Scheme != "http" {
		return false
	if url.Path != "" && url.Path != "/" {
		return false
	return true
Example #15
// JSON json message for share command
func (s shareMessage) JSON() string {
	var shareMessageBytes []byte
	var err error
	if len(s.DownloadURL) > 0 {
		shareMessageBytes, err = json.Marshal(struct {
			Expiry      humanizedTime `json:"expiry"`
			DownloadURL string        `json:"downloadUrl"`
			Key         string        `json:"keyName"`
			Expiry:      timeDurationToHumanizedTime(s.Expiry),
			DownloadURL: s.DownloadURL,
			Key:         s.Key,
	} else {
		var key string
		URL := client.NewURL(s.Key)
		postURL := URL.Scheme + URL.SchemeSeparator + URL.Host + string(URL.Separator)
		if !isBucketVirtualStyle(URL.Host) {
			postURL = postURL + s.UploadInfo["bucket"]
		postURL = postURL + " "
		curlCommand := "curl " + postURL
		for k, v := range s.UploadInfo {
			if k == "key" {
				key = v
			curlCommand = curlCommand + fmt.Sprintf("-F %s=%s ", k, v)
		curlCommand = curlCommand + fmt.Sprintf("-F key=%s ", key) + "-F file=@<FILE> "

		shareMessageBytes, err = json.Marshal(struct {
			Expiry        humanizedTime `json:"expiry"`
			UploadCommand string        `json:"uploadCommand"`
			Key           string        `json:"keyName"`
			Expiry:        timeDurationToHumanizedTime(s.Expiry),
			UploadCommand: curlCommand,
			Key:           s.Key,

	fatalIf(probe.NewError(err), "Failed to marshal into JSON.")

	// json encoding escapes ampersand into its unicode character which is not usable directly for share
	// and fails with cloud storage. convert them back so that they are usable
	shareMessageBytes = bytes.Replace(shareMessageBytes, []byte("\\u0026"), []byte("&"), -1)
	shareMessageBytes = bytes.Replace(shareMessageBytes, []byte("\\u003c"), []byte("<"), -1)
	shareMessageBytes = bytes.Replace(shareMessageBytes, []byte("\\u003e"), []byte(">"), -1)
	return string(shareMessageBytes)
Example #16
// checkMirrorSyntax(URLs []string)
func checkMirrorSyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	if len(ctx.Args()) < 2 || ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "mirror", 1) // last argument is exit code.

	// extract URLs.
	URLs, err := args2URLs(ctx.Args())
	fatalIf(err.Trace(ctx.Args()...), "Unable to parse arguments.")

	srcURL := URLs[0]
	tgtURLs := URLs[1:]

	/****** Generic rules *******/
	// Recursive source URL.
	newSrcURL := stripRecursiveURL(srcURL)
	_, srcContent, err := url2Stat(newSrcURL)
	fatalIf(err.Trace(srcURL), "Unable to stat source ‘"+newSrcURL+"’.")

	if !srcContent.Type.IsDir() {
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(srcContent.URL.String(), srcContent.Type.String()), fmt.Sprintf("Source ‘%s’ is not a folder. Only folders are supported by mirror.", srcURL))

	if len(tgtURLs) == 0 && tgtURLs == nil {
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), "Invalid number of target arguments to mirror command.")

	for _, tgtURL := range tgtURLs {
		// Recursive URLs are not allowed in target.
		if isURLRecursive(tgtURL) {
			fatalIf(errDummy().Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Recursive option is not supported for target ‘%s’ argument.", tgtURL))

		url := client.NewURL(tgtURL)
		if url.Host != "" {
			if url.Path == string(url.Separator) {
				fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Target ‘%s’ does not contain bucket name.", tgtURL))

		_, content, err := url2Stat(tgtURL)
		fatalIf(err.Trace(tgtURL), "Unable to stat target ‘"+tgtURL+"’.")
		if content != nil {
			if !content.Type.IsDir() {
				fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), "Target ‘"+tgtURL+"’ is not a folder.")
Example #17
// main for rm command.
func mainRm(ctx *cli.Context) {

	// rm specific flags.
	isForce := ctx.Bool("force")
	isIncomplete := ctx.Bool("incomplete")

	// Set color.
	console.SetColor("Remove", color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Bold))

	// Parse args.
	URLs, err := args2URLs(ctx.Args())
	fatalIf(err.Trace(ctx.Args()...), "Unable to parse arguments.")

	// Support multiple targets.
	for _, url := range URLs {
		if isURLRecursive(url) && isForce {
			url := stripRecursiveURL(url)
			removeTopFolder := false

			// find if the URL is dir or not.
			_, content, err := url2Stat(url)
			fatalIf(err.Trace(url), "Unable to stat ‘"+url+"’.")

			if content.Type.IsDir() {
				/* Determine whether to remove the top folder or only its
				contents. If the URL does not end with a separator, then
				include the top folder as well, otherwise not. */
				u := client.NewURL(url)
				if !strings.HasSuffix(url, string(u.Separator)) {
					// Add separator at the end to remove all its contents.
					url = url + string(u.Separator)
					// Remember to remove the top most folder.
					removeTopFolder = true
			// Remove contents of this folder.
			rmAll(url, isIncomplete)
			if removeTopFolder {
				// Remove top folder as well.
				rm(url, isIncomplete)

		} else {
			rm(url, isIncomplete)
Example #18
// Check if the target URL represents folder. It may or may not exist yet.
func isTargetURLDir(targetURL string) bool {
	targetURLParse := client.NewURL(targetURL)
	_, targetContent, perr := url2Stat(targetURL)
	if perr != nil {
		if targetURLParse.Path == string(targetURLParse.Separator) && targetURLParse.Scheme != "" {
			return false
		if strings.HasSuffix(targetURLParse.Path, string(targetURLParse.Separator)) {
			return true
		return false
	if !targetContent.Type.IsDir() { // Target is a dir.
		return false
	return true
Example #19
func checkCopySyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	if len(ctx.Args()) < 2 {
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "cp", 1) // last argument is exit code.

	// extract URLs.
	URLs := ctx.Args()
	if len(URLs) < 2 {
		fatalIf(errDummy().Trace(ctx.Args()...), fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse source and target arguments."))

	srcURLs := URLs[:len(URLs)-1]
	tgtURL := URLs[len(URLs)-1]
	isRecursive := ctx.Bool("recursive")

	/****** Generic Invalid Rules *******/
	// Check if bucket name is passed for URL type arguments.
	url := client.NewURL(tgtURL)
	if url.Host != "" {
		// This check is for type URL.
		if !isURLVirtualHostStyle(url.Host) {
			if url.Path == string(url.Separator) {
				fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Target ‘%s’ does not contain bucket name.", tgtURL))

	// Guess CopyURLsType based on source and target URLs.
	copyURLsType, err := guessCopyURLType(srcURLs, tgtURL, isRecursive)
	if err != nil {
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), "Unable to guess the type of copy operation.")
	switch copyURLsType {
	case copyURLsTypeA: // File -> File.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeA(srcURLs, tgtURL)
	case copyURLsTypeB: // File -> Folder.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeB(srcURLs, tgtURL)
	case copyURLsTypeC: // Folder... -> Folder.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeC(srcURLs, tgtURL, isRecursive)
	case copyURLsTypeD: // File1...FileN -> Folder.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeD(srcURLs, tgtURL)
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), "Unable to guess the type of copy operation.")
Example #20
func rmAll(url string) {
	urlDir := url2Dir(url)
	for rmListCh := range rmList(url) {
		if rmListCh.err != nil {
			// if rmList throws an error die here.
			fatalIf(rmListCh.err.Trace(), "Unable to list : "+url+" .")
		newURL := client.NewURL(urlDir)
		newURL.Path = filepath.Join(newURL.Path, rmListCh.keyName)
		newClnt, err := url2Client(newURL.String())
		if err != nil {
			errorIf(err.Trace(newURL.String()), "Unable to create client object : "+newURL.String()+" .")
		err = newClnt.Remove(false)
		errorIf(err.Trace(newURL.String()), "Unable to remove : "+newURL.String()+" .")
Example #21
File: cp-url.go Project: dudymas/mc
//   NOTE: All the parse rules should reduced to A: Copy(Source, Target).
//   =======================
//   A: copy(f, f) -> copy(f, f)
//   B: copy(f, d) -> copy(f, d/f) -> A
//   C: copy(d1..., d2) -> []copy(d1/f, d2/d1/f) -> []A
//   D: copy([]{d1... | f}, d2) -> []{copy(d1/f, d2/d1/f) | copy(f, d2/f )} -> []A
//   =========================
//   A: copy(d, *)
//   B: copy(d..., f)
//   C: copy(*, d...)
func checkCopySyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	if len(ctx.Args()) < 2 || ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "cp", 1) // last argument is exit code.
	// extract URLs.
	URLs, err := args2URLs(ctx.Args())
	fatalIf(err.Trace(ctx.Args()...), fmt.Sprintf("One or more unknown URL types passed."))

	srcURLs := URLs[:len(URLs)-1]
	tgtURL := URLs[len(URLs)-1]

	/****** Generic rules *******/
	// Recursive URLs are not allowed in target.
	if isURLRecursive(tgtURL) {
		fatalIf(errDummy().Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Recursive option is not supported for target ‘%s’ argument.", tgtURL))
	// scope locally
		url := client.NewURL(tgtURL)
		if url.Host != "" {
			// This check is for type URL.
			if url.Path == string(url.Separator) {
				fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Target ‘%s’ does not contain bucket name.", tgtURL))
			if strings.Count(url.Path, "/") < 2 {
				if err := bucketExists(tgtURL); err != nil {
					fatalIf(err.Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Unable to stat target ‘%s’.", tgtURL))
	switch guessCopyURLType(srcURLs, tgtURL) {
	case copyURLsTypeA: // File -> File.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeA(srcURLs, tgtURL)
	case copyURLsTypeB: // File -> Folder.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeB(srcURLs, tgtURL)
	case copyURLsTypeC: // Folder... -> Folder.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeC(srcURLs, tgtURL)
	case copyURLsTypeD: // File | Folder... -> Folder.
		checkCopySyntaxTypeD(srcURLs, tgtURL)
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), "Invalid arguments to copy command.")
Example #22
func rmAllIncompleteUploads(url string) {
	clnt, err := url2Client(url)
	if err != nil {
		errorIf(err.Trace(url), "Unable to get client object for "+url+" .")
	urlDir := url2Dir(url)
	for entry := range clnt.List(true, true) {
		newURL := client.NewURL(urlDir)
		newURL.Path = filepath.Join(newURL.Path, entry.Content.Name)
		newClnt, err := url2Client(newURL.String())
		if err != nil {
			errorIf(err.Trace(newURL.String()), "Unable to create client object : "+newURL.String()+" .")
		err = newClnt.Remove(true)
		errorIf(err.Trace(newURL.String()), "Unable to remove : "+newURL.String()+" .")
Example #23
// getNewClient gives a new client interface
func getNewClient(urlStr string, auth hostConfig) (client.Client, *probe.Error) {
	url := client.NewURL(urlStr)
	switch url.Type {
	case client.Object: // Minio and S3 compatible cloud storage
		s3Config := new(client.Config)
		s3Config.AccessKeyID = func() string {
			if auth.AccessKeyID == globalAccessKeyID {
				return ""
			return auth.AccessKeyID
		s3Config.SecretAccessKey = func() string {
			if auth.SecretAccessKey == globalSecretAccessKey {
				return ""
			return auth.SecretAccessKey
		s3Config.AppName = "Minio"
		s3Config.AppVersion = globalMCVersion
		s3Config.AppComments = []string{os.Args[0], runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH}
		s3Config.HostURL = urlStr
		s3Config.Debug = globalDebugFlag

		var s3Client client.Client
		var err *probe.Error
		if auth.API == "S3v2" {
			s3Client, err = s3v2.New(s3Config)
		} else {
			s3Client, err = s3v4.New(s3Config)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err.Trace()
		return s3Client, nil
	case client.Filesystem:
		fsClient, err := fs.New(urlStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err.Trace()
		return fsClient, nil
	return nil, errInitClient(urlStr).Trace()
Example #24
// String - regular colorized message
func (s ShareMessage) String() string {
	if len(s.DownloadURL) > 0 {
		return console.Colorize("Share", fmt.Sprintf("%s", s.DownloadURL))
	var key string
	URL := client.NewURL(s.Key)
	postURL := URL.Scheme + URL.SchemeSeparator + URL.Host + string(URL.Separator) + s.UploadInfo["bucket"] + " "
	curlCommand := "curl " + postURL
	for k, v := range s.UploadInfo {
		if k == "key" {
			key = v
		curlCommand = curlCommand + fmt.Sprintf("-F %s=%s ", k, v)
	curlCommand = curlCommand + fmt.Sprintf("-F key=%s ", key) + "-F file=@<FILE> "
	emphasize := console.Colorize("File", "<FILE>")
	curlCommand = strings.Replace(curlCommand, "<FILE>", emphasize, -1)
	return console.Colorize("Share", fmt.Sprintf("%s", curlCommand))
Example #25
// checkMirrorSyntax(URLs []string)
func checkMirrorSyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	if len(ctx.Args()) != 2 {
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "mirror", 1) // last argument is exit code.

	// extract URLs.
	URLs := ctx.Args()
	srcURL := URLs[0]
	tgtURL := URLs[1]

	/****** Generic rules *******/
	_, srcContent, err := url2Stat(srcURL)
	// incomplete uploads are not necessary for copy operation, no need to verify for them.
	isIncomplete := false
	if err != nil && !isURLPrefixExists(srcURL, isIncomplete) {
		fatalIf(err.Trace(srcURL), "Unable to stat source ‘"+srcURL+"’.")

	if err == nil && !srcContent.Type.IsDir() {
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(srcContent.URL.String(), srcContent.Type.String()), fmt.Sprintf("Source ‘%s’ is not a folder. Only folders are supported by mirror command.", srcURL))

	if len(tgtURL) == 0 && tgtURL == "" {
		fatalIf(errInvalidArgument().Trace(), "Invalid target arguments to mirror command.")

	url := client.NewURL(tgtURL)
	if url.Host != "" {
		if !isURLVirtualHostStyle(url.Host) {
			if url.Path == string(url.Separator) {
					fmt.Sprintf("Target ‘%s’ does not contain bucket name.", tgtURL))
	_, _, err = url2Stat(tgtURL)
	// we die on any error other than client.PathNotFound - destination directory need not exist.
	if _, ok := err.ToGoError().(client.PathNotFound); !ok {
		fatalIf(err.Trace(tgtURL), fmt.Sprintf("Unable to stat %s", tgtURL))
Example #26
File: s3v2.go Project: dudymas/mc
// New returns an initialized s3Client structure. if debug use a internal trace transport
func New(config *client.Config) (client.Client, *probe.Error) {
	u := client.NewURL(config.HostURL)
	transport := http.DefaultTransport
	if config.Debug == true {
		transport = httptracer.GetNewTraceTransport(NewTrace(), http.DefaultTransport)
	s3Conf := minio.Config{
		AccessKeyID:     config.AccessKeyID,
		SecretAccessKey: config.SecretAccessKey,
		Transport:       transport,
		Endpoint:        u.Scheme + u.SchemeSeparator + u.Host,
	s3Conf.AccessKeyID = config.AccessKeyID
	s3Conf.SecretAccessKey = config.SecretAccessKey
	s3Conf.Transport = transport
	s3Conf.SetUserAgent(config.AppName, config.AppVersion, config.AppComments...)
	s3Conf.Endpoint = u.Scheme + u.SchemeSeparator + u.Host
	api, err := minio.New(s3Conf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, probe.NewError(err)
	return &s3Client{api: api, hostURL: u}, nil
Example #27
// checkShareUploadSyntax - validate command-line args.
func checkShareUploadSyntax(ctx *cli.Context) {
	args := ctx.Args()
	if !args.Present() {
		cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "upload", 1) // last argument is exit code.

	// Set command flags from context.
	isRecursive := ctx.Bool("recursive")
	expireArg := ctx.String("expire")

	// Parse expiry.
	expiry := shareDefaultExpiry
	if expireArg != "" {
		var e error
		expiry, e = time.ParseDuration(expireArg)
		fatalIf(probe.NewError(e), "Unable to parse expire=‘"+expireArg+"’.")

	// Validate expiry.
	if expiry.Seconds() < 1 {
			"Expiry cannot be lesser than 1 second.")
	if expiry.Seconds() > 604800 {
			"Expiry cannot be larger than 7 days.")

	for _, targetURL := range ctx.Args() {
		url := client.NewURL(targetURL)
		if strings.HasSuffix(targetURL, string(url.Separator)) && !isRecursive {
				"Use --recursive option to generate curl command for prefixes.")
Example #28
// makeCurlCmd constructs curl command-line.
func makeCurlCmd(key string, isRecursive bool, uploadInfo map[string]string) string {
	URL := client.NewURL(key)
	postURL := URL.Scheme + URL.SchemeSeparator + URL.Host + string(URL.Separator)
	if !isBucketVirtualStyle(URL.Host) {
		postURL = postURL + uploadInfo["bucket"]
	postURL += " "
	curlCommand := "curl " + postURL
	for k, v := range uploadInfo {
		if k == "key" {
			key = v
		curlCommand += fmt.Sprintf("-F %s=%s ", k, v)
	// If key starts with is enabled prefix it with the output.
	if isRecursive {
		curlCommand += fmt.Sprintf("-F key=%s<NAME> ", key) // Object name.
	} else {
		curlCommand += fmt.Sprintf("-F key=%s ", key) // Object name.
	curlCommand += "-F file=@<FILE>" // File to upload.
	return curlCommand
Example #29
File: s3.go Project: koolhead17/mc
// New returns an initialized s3Client structure. if debug use a internal trace transport
func New(config *client.Config) (client.Client, *probe.Error) {
	u := client.NewURL(config.HostURL)
	transport := http.DefaultTransport
	if config.Debug == true {
		if config.Signature == "S3v4" {
			transport = httptracer.GetNewTraceTransport(NewTraceV4(), http.DefaultTransport)
		if config.Signature == "S3v2" {
			transport = httptracer.GetNewTraceTransport(NewTraceV2(), http.DefaultTransport)
	s3Conf := minio.Config{
		AccessKeyID:     config.AccessKeyID,
		SecretAccessKey: config.SecretAccessKey,
		Transport:       transport,
		Endpoint:        u.Scheme + u.SchemeSeparator + u.Host,
		Signature: func() minio.SignatureType {
			if config.Signature == "S3v2" {
				return minio.SignatureV2
			return minio.SignatureV4
	s3Conf.SetUserAgent(config.AppName, config.AppVersion, config.AppComments...)
	api, err := minio.New(s3Conf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, probe.NewError(err)
	s3Clnt := &s3Client{
		mu:           new(sync.Mutex),
		api:          api,
		hostURL:      u,
		virtualStyle: isVirtualHostStyle(u.Host),
	return s3Clnt, nil
Example #30
// makeCopyContentTypeB - CopyURLs content for copying.
func makeCopyContentTypeB(sourceAlias string, sourceContent *client.Content, targetAlias string, targetURL string) copyURLs {
	// All OK.. We can proceed. Type B: source is a file, target is a folder and exists.
	targetURLParse := client.NewURL(targetURL)
	targetURLParse.Path = filepath.Join(targetURLParse.Path, filepath.Base(sourceContent.URL.Path))
	return makeCopyContentTypeA(sourceAlias, sourceContent, targetAlias, targetURLParse.String())