Example #1
// Prints print wrapper for Message interface, implementing both JSON() and String() methods
func Prints(format string, message Message) {
	if !globalJSONFlag {
		console.Printf(format, message.String())
	console.Printf(format, message.JSON())
Example #2
// Print listen ips.
func printListenIPs(tls bool, hosts []string, port string) {
	for _, host := range hosts {
		if tls {
			console.Printf("    https://%s:%s\n", host, port)
		} else {
			console.Printf("    http://%s:%s\n", host, port)
Example #3
// Prints retry message upon a specific retry count.
func printRetryMsg(sErrs []error, storageDisks []StorageAPI) {
	for i, sErr := range sErrs {
		switch sErr {
		case errDiskNotFound, errFaultyDisk, errFaultyRemoteDisk:
			console.Printf("Disk %s is still unreachable, with error %s\n", storageDisks[i], sErr)
Example #4
func dodiffRecursive(firstClnt, secondClnt client.Client, ch chan DiffMessage) {
	firstTrie := patricia.NewTrie()
	secondTrie := patricia.NewTrie()
	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)

	type urlAttr struct {
		Size int64
		Type os.FileMode

	go func(ch chan<- DiffMessage) {
		defer wg.Done()
		for firstContentCh := range firstClnt.List(true) {
			if firstContentCh.Err != nil {
				ch <- DiffMessage{
					Error: firstContentCh.Err.Trace(firstClnt.URL().String()),
			firstTrie.Insert(patricia.Prefix(firstContentCh.Content.Name), urlAttr{firstContentCh.Content.Size, firstContentCh.Content.Type})
	go func(ch chan<- DiffMessage) {
		defer wg.Done()
		for secondContentCh := range secondClnt.List(true) {
			if secondContentCh.Err != nil {
				ch <- DiffMessage{
					Error: secondContentCh.Err.Trace(secondClnt.URL().String()),
			secondTrie.Insert(patricia.Prefix(secondContentCh.Content.Name), urlAttr{secondContentCh.Content.Size, secondContentCh.Content.Type})

	doneCh := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(doneCh)
	go func(doneCh <-chan struct{}) {
		cursorCh := cursorAnimate()
		for {
			select {
			case <-time.Tick(100 * time.Millisecond):
				if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
					console.PrintC("\r" + "Scanning.. " + string(<-cursorCh))
			case <-doneCh:
	doneCh <- struct{}{}
	if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
		console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
		console.Printf("%c[A", 27)

	matchNameCh := make(chan string, 10000)
	go func(matchNameCh chan<- string) {
		itemFunc := func(prefix patricia.Prefix, item patricia.Item) error {
			matchNameCh <- string(prefix)
			return nil
		defer close(matchNameCh)
	for matchName := range matchNameCh {
		firstURLDelimited := firstClnt.URL().String()[:strings.LastIndex(firstClnt.URL().String(), string(firstClnt.URL().Separator))+1]
		secondURLDelimited := secondClnt.URL().String()[:strings.LastIndex(secondClnt.URL().String(), string(secondClnt.URL().Separator))+1]
		firstURL := firstURLDelimited + matchName
		secondURL := secondURLDelimited + matchName
		if !secondTrie.Match(patricia.Prefix(matchName)) {
			ch <- DiffMessage{
				FirstURL:  firstURL,
				SecondURL: secondURL,
				Diff:      "only-in-first",
		} else {
			firstURLAttr := firstTrie.Get(patricia.Prefix(matchName)).(urlAttr)
			secondURLAttr := secondTrie.Get(patricia.Prefix(matchName)).(urlAttr)

			if firstURLAttr.Type.IsRegular() {
				if !secondURLAttr.Type.IsRegular() {
					ch <- DiffMessage{
						FirstURL:  firstURL,
						SecondURL: secondURL,
						Diff:      "type",

			if firstURLAttr.Type.IsDir() {
				if !secondURLAttr.Type.IsDir() {
					ch <- DiffMessage{
						FirstURL:  firstURL,
						SecondURL: secondURL,
						Diff:      "type",

			if firstURLAttr.Size != secondURLAttr.Size {
				ch <- DiffMessage{
					FirstURL:  firstURL,
					SecondURL: secondURL,
					Diff:      "size",
Example #5
// Implements a jitter backoff loop for formatting all disks during
// initialization of the server.
func retryFormattingDisks(firstDisk bool, endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI) error {
	if len(endpoints) == 0 {
		return errInvalidArgument
	if storageDisks == nil {
		return errInvalidArgument

	// Create a done channel to control 'ListObjects' go routine.
	doneCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)

	// Indicate to our routine to exit cleanly upon return.
	defer close(doneCh)

	// prepare getElapsedTime() to calculate elapsed time since we started trying formatting disks.
	// All times are rounded to avoid showing milli, micro and nano seconds
	formatStartTime := time.Now().Round(time.Second)
	getElapsedTime := func() string {
		return time.Now().Round(time.Second).Sub(formatStartTime).String()

	// Wait on the jitter retry loop.
	retryTimerCh := newRetryTimer(time.Second, time.Second*30, MaxJitter, doneCh)
	for {
		select {
		case retryCount := <-retryTimerCh:
			// Attempt to load all `format.json` from all disks.
			formatConfigs, sErrs := loadAllFormats(storageDisks)
			if retryCount > 5 {
				// After 5 retry attempts we start printing actual errors
				// for disks not being available.
				printRetryMsg(sErrs, storageDisks)
			if len(formatConfigs) == 1 {
				err := genericFormatCheckFS(formatConfigs[0], sErrs[0])
				if err != nil {
					// For an new directory or existing data.
					if err == errUnformattedDisk || err == errCorruptedFormat {
						return initFormatFS(storageDisks[0])
					return err
				return nil
			} // Check if this is a XL or distributed XL, anything > 1 is considered XL backend.
			// Pre-emptively check if one of the formatted disks
			// is invalid. This function returns success for the
			// most part unless one of the formats is not consistent
			// with expected XL format. For example if a user is trying
			// to pool FS backend.
			if err := checkFormatXLValues(formatConfigs); err != nil {
				return err
			switch prepForInitXL(firstDisk, sErrs, len(storageDisks)) {
			case Abort:
				return errCorruptedFormat
			case FormatDisks:
				printFormatMsg(endpoints, storageDisks, printOnceFn())
				return initFormatXL(storageDisks)
			case InitObjectLayer:
				// Validate formats loaded before proceeding forward.
				err := genericFormatCheckXL(formatConfigs, sErrs)
				if err == nil {
					printRegularMsg(endpoints, storageDisks, printOnceFn())
				return err
			case WaitForHeal:
				// Validate formats loaded before proceeding forward.
				err := genericFormatCheckXL(formatConfigs, sErrs)
				if err == nil {
					printHealMsg(endpoints, storageDisks, printOnceFn())
				return err
			case WaitForQuorum:
					"Initializing data volume. Waiting for minimum %d servers to come online. (elapsed %s)\n",
					len(storageDisks)/2+1, getElapsedTime(),
			case WaitForConfig:
				// Print configuration errors.
				printConfigErrMsg(storageDisks, sErrs, printOnceFn())
			case WaitForAll:
				console.Printf("Initializing data volume for first time. Waiting for other servers to come online (elapsed %s)\n", getElapsedTime())
			case WaitForFormatting:
				console.Printf("Initializing data volume for first time. Waiting for first server to come online (elapsed %s)\n", getElapsedTime())
		case <-globalServiceDoneCh:
			return errors.New("Initializing data volumes gracefully stopped")
Example #6
func doCopyCmdSession(session *sessionV2) {
	trapCh := signalTrap(os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

	if !session.HasData() {
		doPrepareCopyURLs(session, trapCh)

	var bar barSend
	if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag { // set up progress bar
		bar = newCpBar()

	// Prepare URL scanner from session data file.
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(session.NewDataReader())
	// isCopied returns true if an object has been already copied
	// or not. This is useful when we resume from a session.
	isCopied := isCopiedFactory(session.Header.LastCopied)

	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
	// Limit number of copy routines based on available CPU resources.
	cpQueue := make(chan bool, int(math.Max(float64(runtime.NumCPU())-1, 1)))
	defer close(cpQueue)

	// Status channel for receiveing copy return status.
	statusCh := make(chan copyURLs)

	// Go routine to monitor doCopy status and signal traps.
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		for {
			select {
			case cpURLs, ok := <-statusCh: // Receive status.
				if !ok { // We are done here. Top level function has returned.
					if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
				if cpURLs.Error == nil {
					session.Header.LastCopied = cpURLs.SourceContent.Name
				} else {
					// Print in new line and adjust to top so that we don't print over the ongoing progress bar
					if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
						console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
						console.Printf("%c[A", 27)
					errorIf(cpURLs.Error.Trace(), fmt.Sprintf("Failed to copy ‘%s’.", cpURLs.SourceContent.Name))
			case <-trapCh: // Receive interrupt notification.
				// Print in new line and adjust to top so that we don't print over the ongoing progress bar
				if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
					console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
					console.Printf("%c[A", 27)

	// Go routine to perform concurrently copying.
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		copyWg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
		defer close(statusCh)

		for scanner.Scan() {
			var cpURLs copyURLs
			json.Unmarshal([]byte(scanner.Text()), &cpURLs)
			if isCopied(cpURLs.SourceContent.Name) {
				doCopyFake(cpURLs, &bar)
			} else {
				// Wait for other copy routines to
				// complete. We only have limited CPU
				// and network resources.
				cpQueue <- true
				// Account for each copy routines we start.
				// Do copying in background concurrently.
				go doCopy(cpURLs, &bar, cpQueue, copyWg, statusCh)
Example #7
// doPrepareCopyURLs scans the source URL and prepares a list of objects for copying.
func doPrepareCopyURLs(session *sessionV2, trapCh <-chan bool) {
	// Separate source and target. 'cp' can take only one target,
	// but any number of sources, even the recursive URLs mixed in-between.
	sourceURLs := session.Header.CommandArgs[:len(session.Header.CommandArgs)-1]
	targetURL := session.Header.CommandArgs[len(session.Header.CommandArgs)-1] // Last one is target

	var totalBytes int64
	var totalObjects int

	// Create a session data file to store the processed URLs.
	dataFP := session.NewDataWriter()

	var scanBar scanBarFunc
	if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag { // set up progress bar
		scanBar = scanBarFactory("")

	URLsCh := prepareCopyURLs(sourceURLs, targetURL)
	done := false

	for done == false {
		select {
		case cpURLs, ok := <-URLsCh:
			if !ok { // Done with URL prepration
				done = true
			if cpURLs.Error != nil {
				// Print in new line and adjust to top so that we don't print over the ongoing scan bar
				if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
					console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
					console.Printf("%c[A", 27)
				errorIf(cpURLs.Error.Trace(), "Unable to prepare URLs for copying.")

			jsonData, err := json.Marshal(cpURLs)
			if err != nil {
				fatalIf(probe.NewError(err), "Unable to prepare URLs for copying. Error in JSON marshaling.")
			fmt.Fprintln(dataFP, string(jsonData))
			if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {

			totalBytes += cpURLs.SourceContent.Size
		case <-trapCh:
			// Print in new line and adjust to top so that we don't print over the ongoing scan bar
			if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
				console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
				console.Printf("%c[A", 27)
			session.Close() // If we are interrupted during the URL scanning, we drop the session.
	session.Header.TotalBytes = totalBytes
	session.Header.TotalObjects = totalObjects
Example #8
func serverMain(c *cli.Context) {
	// check 'server' cli arguments.

	// Initialize server config.

	// Server address.
	serverAddress := c.String("address")

	host, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(serverAddress)
	// If port empty, default to port '80'
	if port == "" {
		port = "80"
		// if SSL is enabled, choose port as "443" instead.
		if isSSL() {
			port = "443"

	// Check if requested port is available.
	checkPortAvailability(getPort(net.JoinHostPort(host, port)))

	// Save all command line args as export paths.
	exportPaths := c.Args()

	// Configure server.
	apiServer := configureServer(serverCmdConfig{
		serverAddr:  serverAddress,
		exportPaths: exportPaths,

	// Credential.
	cred := serverConfig.GetCredential()

	// Region.
	region := serverConfig.GetRegion()

	// Print credentials and region.
	console.Println("\n" + cred.String() + "  " + colorMagenta("Region: ") + colorWhite(region))

	hosts, port := getListenIPs(apiServer) // get listen ips and port.
	tls := apiServer.TLSConfig != nil      // 'true' if TLS is enabled.

	console.Println("\nMinio Object Storage:")
	// Print api listen ips.
	printListenIPs(tls, hosts, port)

	console.Println("\nMinio Browser:")
	// Print browser listen ips.
	printListenIPs(tls, hosts, port)

	console.Println("\nTo configure Minio Client:")

	// Figure out right endpoint for 'mc'.
	endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s", hosts[0], port)
	if tls {
		endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%s", hosts[0], port)

	// Download 'mc' info.
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		console.Printf("    Download 'mc' from https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/%s-%s/mc.exe\n", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		console.Printf("    $ mc.exe config host add myminio %s %s %s\n", endpoint, cred.AccessKeyID, cred.SecretAccessKey)
	} else {
		console.Printf("    $ wget https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/%s-%s/mc\n", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		console.Printf("    $ chmod 755 mc\n")
		console.Printf("    $ ./mc config host add myminio %s %s %s\n", endpoint, cred.AccessKeyID, cred.SecretAccessKey)

	// Start server.
	var err error
	// Configure TLS if certs are available.
	if isSSL() {
		err = apiServer.ListenAndServeTLS(mustGetCertFile(), mustGetKeyFile())
	} else {
		// Fallback to http.
		err = apiServer.ListenAndServe()
	fatalIf(err, "Failed to start minio server.")
Example #9
// Implements a jitter backoff loop for formatting all disks during
// initialization of the server.
func retryFormattingDisks(firstDisk bool, endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI) error {
	if len(endpoints) == 0 {
		return errInvalidArgument
	if storageDisks == nil {
		return errInvalidArgument

	// Create a done channel to control 'ListObjects' go routine.
	doneCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)

	// Indicate to our routine to exit cleanly upon return.
	defer close(doneCh)

	// Wait on the jitter retry loop.
	retryTimerCh := newRetryTimer(time.Second, time.Second*30, MaxJitter, doneCh)
	for {
		select {
		case retryCount := <-retryTimerCh:
			// Attempt to load all `format.json` from all disks.
			formatConfigs, sErrs := loadAllFormats(storageDisks)
			if retryCount > 5 {
				// After 5 retry attempts we start printing actual errors
				// for disks not being available.
				printRetryMsg(sErrs, storageDisks)
			// Check if this is a XL or distributed XL, anything > 1 is considered XL backend.
			if len(formatConfigs) > 1 {
				switch prepForInitXL(firstDisk, sErrs, len(storageDisks)) {
				case Abort:
					return errCorruptedFormat
				case FormatDisks:
					printFormatMsg(endpoints, storageDisks, printOnceFn())
					return initFormatXL(storageDisks)
				case InitObjectLayer:
					// Validate formats load before proceeding forward.
					err := genericFormatCheck(formatConfigs, sErrs)
					if err == nil {
						printRegularMsg(endpoints, storageDisks, printOnceFn())
					return err
				case WaitForHeal:
					// Validate formats load before proceeding forward.
					err := genericFormatCheck(formatConfigs, sErrs)
					if err == nil {
						printHealMsg(endpoints, storageDisks, printOnceFn())
					return err
				case WaitForQuorum:
						"Initializing data volume. Waiting for minimum %d servers to come online.\n",
				case WaitForConfig:
					// Print configuration errors.
					printConfigErrMsg(storageDisks, sErrs, printOnceFn())
				case WaitForAll:
					console.Println("Initializing data volume for first time. Waiting for other servers to come online")
				case WaitForFormatting:
					console.Println("Initializing data volume for first time. Waiting for first server to come online")
			} // else We have FS backend now. Check fs format as well now.
			if isFormatFound(formatConfigs) {
				// Validate formats load before proceeding forward.
				return genericFormatCheck(formatConfigs, sErrs)
			} // else initialize the format for FS.
			return initFormatFS(storageDisks[0])
		case <-globalServiceDoneCh:
			return errors.New("Initializing data volumes gracefully stopped")
Example #10
// doPrepareMirrorURLs scans the source URL and prepares a list of objects for mirroring.
func doPrepareMirrorURLs(session *sessionV2, trapCh <-chan bool) {
	sourceURL := session.Header.CommandArgs[0] // first one is source.
	targetURLs := session.Header.CommandArgs[1:]
	var totalBytes int64
	var totalObjects int

	// Create a session data file to store the processed URLs.
	dataFP := session.NewDataWriter()

	var scanBar scanBarFunc
	if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag { // set up progress bar
		scanBar = scanBarFactory("")

	URLsCh := prepareMirrorURLs(sourceURL, targetURLs)
	done := false
	for done == false {
		select {
		case sURLs, ok := <-URLsCh:
			if !ok { // Done with URL prepration
				done = true
			if sURLs.Error != nil {
				// Print in new line and adjust to top so that we don't print over the ongoing scan bar
				if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
					console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
					console.Printf("%c[A", 27)
				errorIf(sURLs.Error.Trace(), "Unable to prepare URLs for mirroring.")
			if sURLs.isEmpty() {
			jsonData, err := json.Marshal(sURLs)
			if err != nil {
				fatalIf(probe.NewError(err), "Unable to marshal URLs into JSON.")
			fmt.Fprintln(dataFP, string(jsonData))
			if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {

			totalBytes += sURLs.SourceContent.Size
		case <-trapCh:
			// Print in new line and adjust to top so that we don't print over the ongoing scan bar
			if !globalQuietFlag && !globalJSONFlag {
				console.Printf("%c[2K\n", 27)
				console.Printf("%c[A", 27)
			session.Close() // If we are interrupted during the URL scanning, we drop the session.
	session.Header.TotalBytes = totalBytes
	session.Header.TotalObjects = totalObjects