func TestRedisDo(t *testing.T) {

	// test database configuration
	pwd := ""
	dbPort := 13

	// establish a connection with the database
	Db := new(database.RedisDo)
	Db.Init(pwd, dbPort)
	defer Db.Close()

	testRunnerRedisDo(t, Db)
func StartServer() {
	log.Println("Starting API server now.")

	// configurate the database connection
	Db := new(database.RedisDo)
	Db.Init("", 10)

	// set up a nice glas of martini
	m := martini.Classic()

	// http://localhost:3000
	m.Get("/", func() string {
		return `{"result":"Hello world!"}`

	// eg: http://localhost:3000/relation/database
	m.Get("/relation/:word", func(params martini.Params) string {
		relations := Db.GetPopularWordRelations(params["word"])
		return `{"result": ["` + strings.Join(relations, `", "`) + `"]}`

	// eg: http://localhost:3000/popular-relations/
	m.Get("/popular-relations/", func(params martini.Params) string {
		relations := Db.GetMostPopularWords()
		return `{"result": ["` + strings.Join(relations, `", "`) + `"]}`

	// eg: http://localhost:3000/info/
	m.Get("/info/", func() string {
		info := Db.GetAnalysedTextBlocksCounter()
		return `{"result": {"analysedTextBlocks": "` + info + `"}}`

	// actual launch the server