Example #1
// setupDB creates the database connection pool. This is shared across go-routines for all requests,
// and the pool management is managed automatically by the sql package.
func setupDB(config goss.ConfigProvider) error {
	// Get the properties we expect.
	driverName := config.AsString("goss.database.driverName")
	if driverName == "" {
		return errors.New("goss requires config property goss.database.driverName to be set.")

	dataSourceName := config.AsString("goss.database.dataSourceName")
	if dataSourceName == "" {
		return errors.New("goss requires config property goss.database.dataSourceName to be set.")

	maxIdleConnections := -1 // default is no idle connections
	mi := config.Get("goss.database.maxIdleConnections")
	mif, ok := mi.(float64)
	if ok {
		maxIdleConnections = int(mif)
	} else {
		return errors.New("goss expects config property goss.database.maxIdleConnections to be of type 'int'.")


	// put back in once at go 1.2
	maxOpenConnections := -1 // default is no limit on open connections
	mo := config.Get("goss.database.maxOpenConnections")
	mof, ok := mo.(float64)
	if ok {
		maxOpenConnections = int(mof)

	} else {
		return errors.New("goss expects config property goss.database.maxOpenConnections to be of type 'int'.")

	var e error
	database, e = sql.Open(driverName, dataSourceName)
	if e != nil {
		return e

	fmt.Printf("opened database %s: %s\n", driverName, dataSourceName)

	database.SetMaxOpenConns(maxOpenConnections) // requires go 1.2

	// @todo hack alert, refactor driver-specific things.
	if driverName == "mysql" {
		_, e = database.Query("SET GLOBAL sql_mode = 'ANSI'")
	return nil
Example #2
func setConfig(conf goss.ConfigProvider) error {
	i := conf.Get("goss.cache.menuTTL")
	ii, ok := i.(float64)
	if ok {
		configuration.cacheMenuTTL = int(ii)
	} else {
		return errors.New("goss expects config property goss.database.menuTTL to be of type 'int'.")

	i = conf.Get("goss.cache.siteConfigTTL")
	ii, ok = i.(float64)
	if ok {
		configuration.cacheSiteConfigTTL = int(ii)
	} else {
		return errors.New("goss expects config property goss.database.siteConfigTTL to be of type 'int'.")

	i = conf.Get("goss.cache.siteTreeTTL")
	ii, ok = i.(float64)
	if ok {
		configuration.cacheSiteTreeNavTTL = int(ii)
	} else {
		return errors.New("goss expects config property goss.database.siteTreeTTL to be of type 'int'.")

	return nil