Example #1
File: demag.go Project: jmptrader/3
// Sets dst to the demag field, but cells where NoDemagSpins != 0 do not generate nor recieve field.
func setMaskedDemagField(dst *data.Slice) {
	// No-demag spins: mask-out geometry with zeros where NoDemagSpins is set,
	// so these spins do not generate a field

	buf := cuda.Buffer(SCALAR, geometry.Gpu().Size()) // masked-out geometry
	defer cuda.Recycle(buf)

	// obtain a copy of the geometry mask, which we can overwrite
	geom, r := geometry.Slice()
	if r {
		defer cuda.Recycle(geom)
	data.Copy(buf, geom)

	// mask-out
	cuda.ZeroMask(buf, NoDemagSpins.gpuLUT1(), regions.Gpu())

	// convolution with masked-out cells.
	demagConv().Exec(dst, M.Buffer(), buf, Bsat.gpuLUT1(), regions.Gpu())

	// After convolution, mask-out the field in the NoDemagSpins cells
	// so they don't feel the field generated by others.
	cuda.ZeroMask(dst, NoDemagSpins.gpuLUT1(), regions.Gpu())
Example #2
func FreezeSpins(dst *data.Slice) {
	if !FrozenSpins.isZero() {
		cuda.ZeroMask(dst, FrozenSpins.gpuLUT1(), regions.Gpu())