Example #1
func createHeartBeatConnection(
	c *C,
	readTimeout, writeTimeout int,
	readTimeoutError time.Duration) (*Conn, *fakeReaderWriter) {
	fc1, fc2 := testutil.NewFakeConn(c)
	stop := make(chan struct{})

	reader := frame.NewReader(fc2)
	writer := frame.NewWriter(fc2)

	go func() {
		f1, err := reader.Read()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(f1.Command, Equals, "CONNECT")
		c.Assert(f1.Header.Get("heart-beat"), Equals, "1,1")
		f2 := frame.New("CONNECTED", "version", "1.2")
		f2.Header.Add("heart-beat", fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", readTimeout, writeTimeout))

	conn, err := Connect(fc1,
		ConnOpt.HeartBeat(time.Millisecond, time.Millisecond),
	c.Assert(conn, NotNil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	return conn, &fakeReaderWriter{
		reader: reader,
		writer: writer,
		conn:   fc2,
Example #2
// Sets up a connection for testing
func connectHelper(c *C, version Version) (*Conn, *fakeReaderWriter) {
	fc1, fc2 := testutil.NewFakeConn(c)
	stop := make(chan struct{})

	reader := frame.NewReader(fc2)
	writer := frame.NewWriter(fc2)

	go func() {
		f1, err := reader.Read()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(f1.Command, Equals, "CONNECT")
		f2 := frame.New("CONNECTED", "version", version.String())

	conn, err := Connect(fc1)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(conn, NotNil)
	return conn, &fakeReaderWriter{
		reader: reader,
		writer: writer,
		conn:   fc2,
Example #3
func (s *StompSuite) Test_successful_connect_with_nonstandard_header(c *C) {
	fc1, fc2 := testutil.NewFakeConn(c)
	stop := make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		defer func() {
		reader := frame.NewReader(fc2)
		writer := frame.NewWriter(fc2)

		f1, err := reader.Read()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(f1.Command, Equals, "CONNECT")
		c.Assert(f1.Header.Get("login"), Equals, "guest")
		c.Assert(f1.Header.Get("passcode"), Equals, "guest")
		c.Assert(f1.Header.Get("host"), Equals, "/")
		c.Assert(f1.Header.Get("x-max-length"), Equals, "50")
		connectedFrame := frame.New("CONNECTED")
		connectedFrame.Header.Add("session", "session-0voRHrG-VbBedx1Gwwb62Q")
		connectedFrame.Header.Add("heart-beat", "0,0")
		connectedFrame.Header.Add("server", "RabbitMQ/3.2.1")
		connectedFrame.Header.Add("version", "1.0")

		f2, err := reader.Read()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(f2.Command, Equals, "DISCONNECT")
		receipt, _ := f2.Header.Contains("receipt")
		c.Check(receipt, Equals, "1")

		writer.Write(frame.New("RECEIPT", frame.ReceiptId, "1"))

	client, err := Connect(fc1,
		ConnOpt.Login("guest", "guest"),
		ConnOpt.Header("x-max-length", "50"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(client, NotNil)
	c.Assert(client.Version(), Equals, V10)
	c.Assert(client.Session(), Equals, "session-0voRHrG-VbBedx1Gwwb62Q")
	c.Assert(client.Server(), Equals, "RabbitMQ/3.2.1")

	err = client.Disconnect()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

Example #4
func (s *StompSuite) Test_unsuccessful_connect(c *C) {
	fc1, fc2 := testutil.NewFakeConn(c)
	stop := make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		defer func() {

		reader := frame.NewReader(fc2)
		writer := frame.NewWriter(fc2)
		f1, err := reader.Read()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(f1.Command, Equals, "CONNECT")
		f2 := frame.New("ERROR", "message", "auth-failed")

	conn, err := Connect(fc1)
	c.Assert(conn, IsNil)
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "auth-failed")
Example #5
// Go routine that processes all read frames and all write frames.
// Having all processing in one go routine helps eliminate any race conditions.
func (c *Conn) processLoop() {
	defer c.cleanupConn()

	c.writer = frame.NewWriter(c.rw)
	c.stateFunc = connecting
	for {
		var timerChannel <-chan time.Time
		var timer *time.Timer

		if c.writeTimeout > 0 {
			timer = time.NewTimer(c.writeTimeout)
			timerChannel = timer.C

		select {
		case f, ok := <-c.writeChannel:
			if !ok {
				// write channel has been closed, so
				// exit go-routine (after cleaning up)

			// have a frame to the client with
			// no acknowledgement required (topic)

			// stop the heart-beat timer
			if timer != nil {
				timer = nil

			c.allocateMessageId(f, nil)

			// write the frame to the client
			err := c.writer.Write(f)
			if err != nil {
				// if there is an error writing to
				// the client, there is not much
				// point trying to send an ERROR frame,
				// so just exit go-routine (after cleaning up)

			// if the frame just sent to the client is an error
			// frame, we disconnect
			if f.Command == frame.ERROR {
				// sent an ERROR frame, so disconnect

		case f, ok := <-c.readChannel:
			if !ok {
				// read channel has been closed, so
				// exit go-routine (after cleaning up)

			// Just received a frame from the client.
			// Validate the frame, checking for mandatory
			// headers and prohibited headers.
			if c.validator != nil {
				err := c.validator.Validate(f)
				if err != nil {
					log.Println("validation failed for", f.Command, "frame", err)
					c.sendErrorImmediately(err, f)

			// Pass to the appropriate function for handling
			// according to the current state of the connection.
			err := c.stateFunc(c, f)
			if err != nil {
				c.sendErrorImmediately(err, f)

		case sub, ok := <-c.subChannel:
			if !ok {
				// subscription channel has been closed,
				// so exit go-routine (after cleaning up)

			// have a frame to the client which requires
			// acknowledgement to the upper layer

			// stop the heart-beat timer
			if timer != nil {
				timer = nil

			// there is the possibility that the subscription
			// has been unsubscribed just prior to receiving
			// this, so we check
			if _, ok = c.subs[sub.id]; ok {
				// allocate a message-id, note that the
				// subscription id has already been set
				c.allocateMessageId(sub.frame, sub)

				// write the frame to the client
				err := c.writer.Write(sub.frame)
				if err != nil {
					// if there is an error writing to
					// the client, there is not much
					// point trying to send an ERROR frame,
					// so just exit go-routine (after cleaning up)

				if sub.ack == frame.AckAuto {
					// subscription does not require acknowledgement,
					// so send the subscription back the upper layer
					// straight away
					sub.frame = nil
					c.requestChannel <- Request{Op: SubscribeOp, Sub: sub}
				} else {
					// subscription requires acknowledgement
			} else {
				// Subscription no longer exists, requeue
				c.requestChannel <- Request{Op: RequeueOp, Frame: sub.frame}

		case _ = <-timerChannel:
			// write a heart-beat
			err := c.writer.Write(nil)
			if err != nil {
Example #6
func (s *StompSuite) Test_successful_connect_and_disconnect(c *C) {
	testcases := []struct {
		Options           []func(*Conn) error
		NegotiatedVersion string
		ExpectedVersion   Version
		ExpectedSession   string
		ExpectedHost      string
		ExpectedServer    string
			Options:         []func(*Conn) error{ConnOpt.Host("the-server")},
			ExpectedVersion: "1.0",
			ExpectedSession: "",
			ExpectedHost:    "the-server",
			ExpectedServer:  "some-server/1.1",
			Options:           []func(*Conn) error{},
			NegotiatedVersion: "1.1",
			ExpectedVersion:   "1.1",
			ExpectedSession:   "the-session",
			ExpectedHost:      "the-server",
			Options:           []func(*Conn) error{ConnOpt.Host("xxx")},
			NegotiatedVersion: "1.2",
			ExpectedVersion:   "1.2",
			ExpectedSession:   "the-session",
			ExpectedHost:      "xxx",

	for _, tc := range testcases {
		fc1, fc2 := testutil.NewFakeConn(c)
		stop := make(chan struct{})

		go func() {
			defer func() {
			reader := frame.NewReader(fc2)
			writer := frame.NewWriter(fc2)

			f1, err := reader.Read()
			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
			c.Assert(f1.Command, Equals, "CONNECT")
			host, _ := f1.Header.Contains("host")
			c.Check(host, Equals, tc.ExpectedHost)
			connectedFrame := frame.New("CONNECTED")
			if tc.NegotiatedVersion != "" {
				connectedFrame.Header.Add("version", tc.NegotiatedVersion)
			if tc.ExpectedSession != "" {
				connectedFrame.Header.Add("session", tc.ExpectedSession)
			if tc.ExpectedServer != "" {
				connectedFrame.Header.Add("server", tc.ExpectedServer)

			f2, err := reader.Read()
			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
			c.Assert(f2.Command, Equals, "DISCONNECT")
			receipt, _ := f2.Header.Contains("receipt")
			c.Check(receipt, Equals, "1")

			writer.Write(frame.New("RECEIPT", frame.ReceiptId, "1"))

		client, err := Connect(fc1, tc.Options...)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(client, NotNil)
		c.Assert(client.Version(), Equals, tc.ExpectedVersion)
		c.Assert(client.Session(), Equals, tc.ExpectedSession)
		c.Assert(client.Server(), Equals, tc.ExpectedServer)

		err = client.Disconnect()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

Example #7
// Connect creates a STOMP connection and performs the STOMP connect
// protocol sequence. The connection to the STOMP server has already
// been created by the program. The opts parameter provides the
// opportunity to specify STOMP protocol options.
func Connect(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, opts ...func(*Conn) error) (*Conn, error) {
	reader := frame.NewReader(conn)
	writer := frame.NewWriter(conn)

	c := &Conn{
		conn:    conn,
		readCh:  make(chan *frame.Frame, 100),
		writeCh: make(chan writeRequest, 100),

	options, err := newConnOptions(c, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if options.Host == "" {
		// host not specified yet, attempt to get from net.Conn if possible
		if connection, ok := conn.(net.Conn); ok {
			host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(connection.RemoteAddr().String())
			if err == nil {
				options.Host = host
		// if host is still blank, use default
		if options.Host == "" {
			options.Host = "default"

	connectFrame, err := options.NewFrame()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = writer.Write(connectFrame)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	response, err := reader.Read()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if response.Command != frame.CONNECTED {
		return nil, newError(response)

	c.server = response.Header.Get(frame.Server)
	c.session = response.Header.Get(frame.Session)

	if versionString := response.Header.Get(frame.Version); versionString != "" {
		version := Version(versionString)
		if err = version.CheckSupported(); err != nil {
			return nil, Error{
				Message: err.Error(),
				Frame:   response,
		c.version = version
	} else {
		// no version in the response, so assume version 1.0
		c.version = V10

	if heartBeat, ok := response.Header.Contains(frame.HeartBeat); ok {
		readTimeout, writeTimeout, err := frame.ParseHeartBeat(heartBeat)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, Error{
				Message: err.Error(),
				Frame:   response,

		c.readTimeout = readTimeout
		c.writeTimeout = writeTimeout

		if c.readTimeout > 0 {
			// Add time to the read timeout to account for time
			// delay in other station transmitting timeout
			c.readTimeout += options.HeartBeatError
		if c.writeTimeout > options.HeartBeatError {
			// Reduce time from the write timeout to account
			// for time delay in transmitting to the other station
			c.writeTimeout -= options.HeartBeatError

	// TODO(jpj): make any non-standard headers in the CONNECTED
	// frame available. This could be implemented as:
	// (a) a callback function supplied as an option; or
	// (b) a property of the Conn structure (eg CustomHeaders)
	// Neither options are particularly elegant, so wait until
	// there is a real need for this.

	go readLoop(c, reader)
	go processLoop(c, writer)

	return c, nil