// dev func dev(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // PreRun: boot // don't rebuild if !nobuild { // if the vm has no been created or deployed, the rebuild flag, or the VM has // recently been reloaded do a deploy if Vagrant.Status() == "not created" || !config.VMfile.HasDeployed() || rebuild || config.VMfile.HasReloaded() { fmt.Printf(stylish.Bullet("Deploying codebase...")) // remount the engine file at ~/.nanobox/apps/<app>/<engine> so any new scripts // will be used during the deploy if err := engineutil.RemountLocal(); err != nil { config.Error("[util/vagrant/init] engineutil.RemountLocal() failed", err.Error()) } // run a deploy if err := Server.Deploy(""); err != nil { Config.Fatal("[commands/dev] server.Deploy() failed - ", err.Error()) } // stream log output go Mist.Stream([]string{"log", "deploy"}, Mist.PrintLogStream) // listen for status updates errch := make(chan error) go func() { errch <- Mist.Listen([]string{"job", "deploy"}, Mist.DeployUpdates) }() // wait for a status update (blocking) err := <-errch // if err != nil { fmt.Printf(err.Error()) return } } } // if err := Server.Exec("develop", ""); err != nil { config.Error("[commands/dev] Server.Exec failed", err.Error()) } // PostRun: halt }
// execute func execute(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // PreRun: boot // if len(args) == 0 { args = append(args, Print.Prompt("Please specify a command you wish to exec: ")) } // v := url.Values{} // if a container is found that matches args[0] then set that as a qparam, and // remove it from the argument list if isContainer(args) { v.Add("container", args[0]) args = args[1:] } v.Add("cmd", strings.Join(args, " ")) // fmt.Printf(stylish.Bullet("Executing command in nanobox...")) if err := server.Exec(v.Encode()); err != nil { config.Error("[commands/exec] server.Exec failed", err.Error()) } // PostRun: halt }
// NotifyServer func NotifyServer(event *fsnotify.Event) error { // if there is no timeout reader create one and open a request; if there is no // timeout reader there wont be an open request, so checking for timeoutReader // is enough tr := timeoutReader if tr == nil { // create a new timeout reader tr = &TimeoutReader{ Files: make(chan string), timeout: 10 * time.Second, } timeoutReader = tr // launch a new request that is held open until EOF from the timeoutReader go func() { if _, err := Post("/file-changes", "text/plain", tr); err != nil { config.Error("file changes error", err.Error()) } }() } // strip the current working directory from the filepath relPath := strings.Replace(event.Name, config.CWDir, "", -1) // for any event other than Chmod, append the filepath to the list of files to // be read if event.Op != fsnotify.Chmod { tr.Files <- relPath } return nil }
// console func console(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // PreRun: boot // switch { // if no args are passed provide instruction case len(args) == 0: fmt.Printf(stylish.ErrBullet("Unable to console. Please provide a service to connect to.\n")) // if 1 args is passed it's assumed to be a container to console into case len(args) == 1: if err := server.Exec("console", "container="+args[0]); err != nil { config.Error("[commands/console] Server.Exec failed", err.Error()) } } // PostRun: halt }
// deploy func deploy(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // PreRun: boot fmt.Printf(stylish.Bullet("Deploying codebase...")) // stream deploy output go Mist.Stream([]string{"log", "deploy"}, Mist.PrintLogStream) // listen for status updates errch := make(chan error) go func() { errch <- Mist.Listen([]string{"job", "deploy"}, Mist.DeployUpdates) }() v := url.Values{} v.Add("reset", strconv.FormatBool(config.Force)) v.Add("run", strconv.FormatBool(install)) // remount the engine file at ~/.nanobox/apps/<app>/<engine> so any new scripts // will be used during the deploy if err := engineutil.RemountLocal(); err != nil { config.Error("[util/vagrant/init] engineutil.RemountLocal() failed", err.Error()) } // run a deploy if err := Server.Deploy(v.Encode()); err != nil { Config.Fatal("[commands/deploy] server.Deploy() failed - ", err.Error()) } // wait for a status update (blocking) err := <-errch // if err != nil { fmt.Printf(err.Error()) return } // PostRun: halt }
// update func update(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { update, err := updatable() if err != nil { config.Error("Unable to determing if updates are available", err.Error()) return } // if the md5s don't match or it's been forced, update switch { case update, config.Force: if err := runUpdate(); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*os.LinkError); ok { fmt.Println(`Nanobox was unable to update, try again with admin privilege (ex. "sudo nanobox update")`) } else { config.Fatal("[commands/update] runUpdate() failed", err.Error()) } } default: fmt.Printf(stylish.SubBullet("[√] Nanobox is up-to-date")) } }
// build func build(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // PreRun: boot fmt.Printf(stylish.Bullet("Building codebase...")) // stream build output go Mist.Stream([]string{"log", "deploy"}, Mist.PrintLogStream) // listen for status updates errch := make(chan error) go func() { errch <- Mist.Listen([]string{"job", "build"}, Mist.BuildUpdates) }() // remount the engine file at ~/.nanobox/apps/<app>/<engine> so any new scripts // are used during the build if err := engineutil.RemountLocal(); err != nil { config.Error("[util/vagrant/init] engineutil.RemountLocal() failed", err.Error()) } // run a build if err := Server.Build(""); err != nil { Config.Fatal("[commands/build] server.Build() failed - ", err.Error()) } // wait for a status update (blocking) err := <-errch // if err != nil { fmt.Printf(err.Error()) return } // PostRun: halt }
// run func run(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // PreRun: boot fmt.Printf(stylish.Bullet("Deploying codebase...")) // stream deploy output go Mist.Stream([]string{"log", "deploy"}, Mist.PrintLogStream) // listen for status updates errch := make(chan error) go func() { errch <- Mist.Listen([]string{"job", "deploy"}, Mist.DeployUpdates) }() // remount the engine file at ~/.nanobox/apps/<app>/<engine> so any new scripts // will be used during the deploy if err := engineutil.RemountLocal(); err != nil { config.Error("[util/vagrant/init] engineutil.RemountLocal() failed", err.Error()) } // run a deploy if err := Server.Deploy("run=true"); err != nil { Config.Fatal("[commands/run] server.Deploy() failed - ", err.Error()) } // wait for a status update (blocking) err := <-errch // if err != nil { fmt.Printf(err.Error()) return } fmt.Printf(` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [√] APP SUCCESSFULLY BUILT /// DEV URL : %v -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `, config.Nanofile.Domain) // if in background mode just exist w/o streaming logs or watching files if config.VMfile.IsBackground() { fmt.Println(` To stream logs and watch files while in 'background mode' you can use 'nanobox log' and 'nanobox watch' `) return } // if not in background mode begin streaming logs and watching files fmt.Printf(` ++> STREAMING LOGS (ctrl-c to exit) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `) // stream app output go Mist.Stream([]string{"log", "app"}, Mist.ProcessLogStream) // begin watching for file changes (blocking) if err := Notify.Watch(config.CWDir, Server.NotifyRebuild); err != nil { fmt.Printf(err.Error()) } // PostRun: halt }
// Init func Init() { // create Vagrantfile vagrantfile, err := os.Create(config.AppDir + "/Vagrantfile") if err != nil { config.Fatal("[util/vagrant/init] ioutil.WriteFile() failed", err.Error()) } defer vagrantfile.Close() // // create synced folders // mount code directory (mounted as nfs by default) synced_folders := fmt.Sprintf(`nanobox.vm.synced_folder "%s", "/vagrant/code/%s"`, config.CWDir, config.Nanofile.Name) // mount code directory as NFS unless configured otherwise; if not mounted in // this way Vagrant will just decide what it thinks is best if config.Nanofile.MountNFS { synced_folders += `, type: "nfs", mount_options: ["nfsvers=3", "proto=tcp"]` } // "mount" the engine file localy at ~/.nanobox/apps/<app>/<engine> name, path, err := engineutil.MountLocal() if err != nil { config.Error("Engine failed to mount and will not work!", err.Error()) } // "mount" the engine into the VM (if there is one) if name != "" && path != "" { synced_folders += fmt.Sprintf(` nanobox.vm.synced_folder "%s", "/vagrant/engines/%s"`, path, name) // mount engine directory as NFS unless configured otherwise; if not mounted in // this way Vagrant will just decide what it thinks is best if config.Nanofile.MountNFS { synced_folders += `, type: "nfs", mount_options: ["nfsvers=3", "proto=tcp"]` } } // // nanofile config // create nanobox private network and unique forward port network := fmt.Sprintf("nanobox.vm.network \"private_network\", ip: \"%s\"", config.Nanofile.IP) sshport := fmt.Sprintf("nanobox.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: %v, id: 'ssh'", util.StringToPort(config.Nanofile.Name)) // provider := fmt.Sprintf(`# VirtualBox nanobox.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |p| p.name = "%v" p.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"] p.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "%v"] p.cpus = %v p.memory = %v end`, config.Nanofile.Name, config.Nanofile.CPUCap, config.Nanofile.CPUs, config.Nanofile.RAM) // // insert a provision script that will indicate to nanobox-server to boot into // 'devmode' var devmode string if config.Devmode { fmt.Printf(stylish.Bullet("Configuring vm to run in 'devmode'")) devmode = `# added because --dev was detected; boots the server into 'devmode' config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-DEVMODE echo "Starting VM in dev mode..." mkdir -p /mnt/sda/var/nanobox touch /mnt/sda/var/nanobox/DEV DEVMODE` } // // write to Vagrantfile vagrantfile.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(` ################################################################################ ## ## ## *** ## ## ********* ## ## ******************* ## ## *************************** ## ## ******************* ## ## ... ********* ... ## ## ... *** ... ## ## +++ ... ... +++ ## ## +++ ... +++ ## ## \\\ +++ +++ /// ## ## \\\ +++ /// ## ## \\ // ## ## \// ## ## ## ## _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ## ## |\ | |__| |\ | | | |__) | | \/ ## ## | \| | | | \| |__| |__) |__| _/\_ ## ## ## ## This file was generated by nanobox. Any modifications to it may cause your ## ## nanobox VM to fail! To regenerate this file, delete it and run ## ## 'nanobox init' ## ## ## ################################################################################ # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| # add the boot2docker user credentials to allow nanobox to freely ssh into the vm # w/o requiring a password config.ssh.shell = "bash" config.ssh.username = "******" config.ssh.password = "******" config.vm.define :'%s' do |nanobox| ## Set the hostname of the vm to the app domain nanobox.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SCRIPT sudo hostname %s SCRIPT ## Wait for nanobox-server to be ready before vagrant exits nanobox.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-WAIT echo "Waiting for nanobox server..." while ! nc -z 1757; do sleep 1; done; WAIT ## box nanobox.vm.box = "nanobox/boot2docker" ## network # add custom private network and ip and custom ssh port forward %s %s ## shared folders # disable default /vagrant share (overridden below) nanobox.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true # add nanobox shared folders nanobox.vm.synced_folder "~/.ssh", "/mnt/ssh" %s ## provider configs %s ## wait for the dhcp service to come online nanobox.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-WAIT attempts=0 while [[ ! -f /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid && $attempts -lt 30 ]]; do let attempts++ sleep 1 done WAIT # kill the eth1 dhcp server so that it doesn't override the assigned ip when # the lease is up nanobox.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-KILL if [ -f /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid ]; then echo "Killing eth1 dhcp..." kill -9 $(cat /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid) fi KILL %s end end`, config.Nanofile.Name, config.Nanofile.Domain, network, sshport, synced_folders, provider, devmode))) }
// Watch func Watch(path string, handle func(e *fsnotify.Event) error) error { var err error // setFileLimit() // get a list of directories that should not be watched; this is done because // there is a limit to how many files can be watched at a time, so folders like // node_modules, bower_components, vendor, etc... getIgnoreDirs() // add source control files to be ignored (git, mercuriel, svn) ignoreDirs = append(ignoreDirs, ".git", ".hg", "trunk") // create a new file watcher watcher, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok { return fmt.Errorf(` ! WARNING ! Failed to watch files, max file descriptor limit reached. Nanobox will not be able to propagate filesystem events to the virtual machine. Consider increasing your max file descriptor limit to re-enable this functionality. `) } config.Fatal("[util/notify/notify] watcher.NewWatcher() failed - ", err.Error()) } // return this err because that means the path to the file they are trying to // watch doesn't exist fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { return err } switch { // if the file is a directory, recursively add each subsequent directory to // the watch list; fsnotify will watch all files in a directory case fi.Mode().IsDir(): if err = filepath.Walk(path, watchDir); err != nil { return err } // if the file is just a file, add only it to the watch list case fi.Mode().IsRegular(): if err = watcher.Add(path); err != nil { return err } } // watch for interrupts exit := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(exit, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) // watch for file events (blocking) for { select { // handle any file events by calling the handler function case event := <-watcher.Events: // I use fileinfo here instead of error simply to avoid err collisions; the // error would be just as good at indicating if the file existed or not fi, _ := os.Stat(event.Name) switch event.Op { // the watcher needs to watch itself to see if any files are added to then // add them to the list of watched files case fsnotify.Create: // ensure that the file still exists before trying to watch it; ran into // a case with VIM where some tmp file (.swpx) was create and removed in // the same instant causing the watch to panic if fi != nil && fi.Mode().IsDir() { // just ignore errors here since there isn't really anything that can // be done about it watchDir(event.Name, fi, err) } // the watcher needs to watch itself to see if any directories are removed // to then remove them from the list of watched files case fsnotify.Remove: // ensure thath the file is still available to be removed before attempting // to remove it; the main reason for manually removing files is to help // spare the ulimit if fi != nil { if err := watcher.Remove(event.Name); err != nil { config.Fatal("[util/notify/notify] watcher.Remove() failed - ", err.Error()) } } } // call the handler for each even fired if err := handle(&event); err != nil { config.Error("[util/notify/notify] handle error - ", err.Error()) } // handle any errors by calling the handler function case <-watcher.Errors: // do something with watch errors? // listen for any signals and retun execution back to the CLI to finish // w/e it might need to finish case <-exit: return nil } } }