Example #1
func checkTypesExpectation(e *expectation, pts pointer.PointsToSet, typ types.Type) bool {
	var expected typeutil.Map
	var surplus typeutil.Map
	exact := true
	for _, g := range e.types {
		if g == types.Typ[types.Invalid] {
			exact = false
		expected.Set(g, struct{}{})

	if !pointer.CanHaveDynamicTypes(typ) {
		e.errorf("@types expectation requires an interface- or reflect.Value-typed operand, got %s", typ)
		return false

	// Find the set of types that the probe's
	// argument (x in print(x)) may contain.
	for _, T := range pts.DynamicTypes().Keys() {
		if expected.At(T) != nil {
		} else if exact {
			surplus.Set(T, struct{}{})
	// Report set difference:
	ok := true
	if expected.Len() > 0 {
		ok = false
		e.errorf("interface cannot contain these types: %s", expected.KeysString())
	if surplus.Len() > 0 {
		ok = false
		e.errorf("interface may additionally contain these types: %s", surplus.KeysString())
	return ok