// RunReconcileClusterRoles contains all the necessary functionality for the OpenShift cli reconcile-cluster-roles command
func (o *ReconcileClusterRolesOptions) RunReconcileClusterRoles(cmd *cobra.Command, f *clientcmd.Factory) error {
	changedClusterRoles, err := o.ChangedClusterRoles()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(changedClusterRoles) == 0 {
		return nil

	if (len(o.Output) != 0) && !o.Confirmed {
		list := &kapi.List{}
		for _, item := range changedClusterRoles {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, o.Out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return err

	if o.Confirmed {
		return o.ReplaceChangedRoles(changedClusterRoles)

	return nil
Example #2
func (o *AppJSONOptions) Complete(f *clientcmd.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	version, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("output-version")
	for _, v := range strings.Split(version, ",") {
		gv, err := unversioned.ParseGroupVersion(v)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("provided output-version %q is not valid: %v", v, err)
		o.OutputVersions = append(o.OutputVersions, gv)
	o.OutputVersions = append(o.OutputVersions, registered.EnabledVersions()...)

	o.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	o.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create
	mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
	o.PrintObject = cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, o.Action.Out)

	o.Generator, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString("generator")

	ns, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	o.Namespace = ns

	o.Client, _, err = f.Clients()
	return err
// RunReconcileClusterRoles contains all the necessary functionality for the OpenShift cli reconcile-cluster-roles command
func (o *ReconcileClusterRolesOptions) RunReconcileClusterRoles(cmd *cobra.Command, f *clientcmd.Factory) error {
	changedClusterRoles, skippedClusterRoles, err := o.ChangedClusterRoles()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(skippedClusterRoles) > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "Skipped reconciling roles with the annotation %s=true\n", ReconcileProtectAnnotation)
		for _, role := range skippedClusterRoles {
			fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "skipped: clusterrole/%s\n", role.Name)

	if len(changedClusterRoles) == 0 {
		return nil

	if (len(o.Output) != 0) && !o.Confirmed {
		list := &kapi.List{}
		for _, item := range changedClusterRoles {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, o.Out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return err

	if o.Confirmed {
		return o.ReplaceChangedRoles(changedClusterRoles)

	return nil
Example #4
// RunReconcileSCCs contains the functionality for the reconcile-sccs command for making or
// previewing changes.
func (o *ReconcileSCCOptions) RunReconcileSCCs(cmd *cobra.Command, f *clientcmd.Factory) error {
	// get sccs that need updated
	changedSCCs, err := o.ChangedSCCs()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(changedSCCs) == 0 {
		return nil

	if !o.Confirmed {
		list := &kapi.List{}
		for _, item := range changedSCCs {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, o.Out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return err

	if o.Confirmed {
		return o.ReplaceChangedSCCs(changedSCCs)
	return nil
Example #5
// Complete sets any default behavior for the command
func (o *NewAppOptions) Complete(commandName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, c *cobra.Command, args []string, out io.Writer) error {
	o.Out = out
	o.ErrOut = c.Out()
	o.Output = kcmdutil.GetFlagString(c, "output")
	// Only output="" should print descriptions of intermediate steps. Everything
	// else should print only some specific output (json, yaml, go-template, ...)
	if len(o.Output) == 0 {
		o.Config.Out = o.Out
	} else {
		o.Config.Out = ioutil.Discard
	o.Config.ErrOut = o.ErrOut

	o.Action.Out, o.Action.ErrOut = o.Out, o.ErrOut
	o.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	o.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create
	// Retry is used to support previous versions of the API server that will
	// consider the presence of an unknown trigger type to be an error.
	o.Action.Bulk.Retry = retryBuildConfig

	o.Config.DryRun = o.Action.DryRun

	o.CommandPath = c.CommandPath()
	o.CommandName = commandName
	mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
	o.PrintObject = cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, c, mapper, out)
	o.LogsForObject = f.LogsForObject
	if err := CompleteAppConfig(o.Config, f, c, args); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := setAppConfigLabels(c, o.Config); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #6
// Complete sets any default behavior for the command
func (o *NewAppOptions) Complete(commandName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, c *cobra.Command, args []string, out io.Writer) error {
	o.Out = out
	o.ErrOut = c.Out()
	o.Output = kcmdutil.GetFlagString(c, "output")
	// Only output="" should print descriptions of intermediate steps. Everything
	// else should print only some specific output (json, yaml, go-template, ...)
	if len(o.Output) == 0 {
		o.Config.Out = o.Out
	} else {
		o.Config.Out = ioutil.Discard
	o.Config.ErrOut = o.ErrOut

	o.CommandPath = c.CommandPath()
	o.CommandName = commandName
	o.PrintObject = cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, c, out)
	o.LogsForObject = f.LogsForObject
	if err := CompleteAppConfig(o.Config, f, c, args); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := setAppConfigLabels(c, o.Config); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
func (o *ReconcileClusterRoleBindingsOptions) RunReconcileClusterRoleBindings(cmd *cobra.Command, f *clientcmd.Factory) error {
	changedClusterRoleBindings, fetchErr := o.ChangedClusterRoleBindings()
	if fetchErr != nil && !IsClusterRoleBindingLookupError(fetchErr) {
		// we got an error that isn't due to a partial match, so we can't continue
		return fetchErr

	if len(changedClusterRoleBindings) == 0 {
		return fetchErr

	if (len(o.Output) != 0) && !o.Confirmed {
		list := &kapi.List{}
		for _, item := range changedClusterRoleBindings {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, o.Out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return kutilerrors.NewAggregate([]error{fetchErr, err})

	if o.Confirmed {
		if err := o.ReplaceChangedRoleBindings(changedClusterRoleBindings); err != nil {
			return kutilerrors.NewAggregate([]error{fetchErr, err})

	return fetchErr
Example #8
// Run runs the ipfailover command.
func Run(f *clientcmd.Factory, options *ipfailover.IPFailoverConfigCmdOptions, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	name, err := getConfigurationName(args)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(options.ServiceAccount) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("you must specify a service account for the ipfailover pod with --service-account, it cannot be blank")

	options.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	options.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create

	if err := ipfailover.ValidateCmdOptions(options); err != nil {
		return err

	p, err := getPlugin(name, f, options)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	list, err := p.Generate()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, kClient, _, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)
	if err := validateServiceAccount(kClient, namespace, options.ServiceAccount); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ipfailover could not be created; %v", err)

	configList := []runtime.Object{
		&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: options.ServiceAccount}},

	list.Items = append(configList, list.Items...)

	if options.Action.ShouldPrint() {
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		return cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, options.Action.Out)(list)

	if errs := options.Action.WithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Creating IP failover %s", name), "created").Run(list, namespace); len(errs) > 0 {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit
	return nil
Example #9
// Complete sets any default behavior for the command
func (o *NewBuildOptions) Complete(baseName, commandName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, c *cobra.Command, args []string, out, errout io.Writer, in io.Reader) error {
	o.In = in
	o.Out = out
	o.ErrOut = errout
	o.Output = kcmdutil.GetFlagString(c, "output")
	// Only output="" should print descriptions of intermediate steps. Everything
	// else should print only some specific output (json, yaml, go-template, ...)
	o.Config.In = in
	if len(o.Output) == 0 {
		o.Config.Out = o.Out
	} else {
		o.Config.Out = ioutil.Discard
	o.Config.ErrOut = o.ErrOut

	o.Action.Out, o.Action.ErrOut = o.Out, o.ErrOut
	o.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	o.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create
	// Retry is used to support previous versions of the API server that will
	// consider the presence of an unknown trigger type to be an error.
	o.Action.Bulk.Retry = retryBuildConfig

	o.Config.DryRun = o.Action.DryRun
	o.Config.AllowNonNumericExposedPorts = true

	o.BaseName = baseName
	o.CommandPath = c.CommandPath()
	o.CommandName = commandName

	cmdutil.WarnAboutCommaSeparation(o.ErrOut, o.Config.Environment, "--env")

	mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
	o.PrintObject = cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, c, mapper, out)
	o.LogsForObject = f.LogsForObject
	if err := CompleteAppConfig(o.Config, f, c, args); err != nil {
		return err
	if o.Config.Dockerfile == "-" {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(in)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		o.Config.Dockerfile = string(data)
	if err := setAppConfigLabels(c, o.Config); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #10
// Run runs the ipfailover command.
func Run(f *clientcmd.Factory, options *ipfailover.IPFailoverConfigCmdOptions, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	name, err := getConfigurationName(args)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	options.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	options.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create

	if err := ipfailover.ValidateCmdOptions(options); err != nil {
		return err

	p, err := getPlugin(name, f, options)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	list, err := p.Generate()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if options.Action.ShouldPrint() {
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		return cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, options.Action.Out)(list)

	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if errs := options.Action.WithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Creating IP failover %s", name), "created").Run(list, namespace); len(errs) > 0 {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit
	return nil
Example #11
// RunCmdRegistry contains all the necessary functionality for the OpenShift cli registry command
func (opts *RegistryOptions) RunCmdRegistry() error {
	name := "docker-registry"

	var clusterIP string

	output := opts.Config.Action.ShouldPrint()
	generate := output
	if !generate {
		service, err := opts.serviceClient.Services(opts.namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			if !errors.IsNotFound(err) && !generate {
				return fmt.Errorf("can't check for existing docker-registry %q: %v", name, err)
			if !output && opts.Config.Action.DryRun {
				return fmt.Errorf("Docker registry %q service does not exist", name)
			generate = true
		} else {
			clusterIP = service.Spec.ClusterIP

	if !generate {
		fmt.Fprintf(opts.out, "Docker registry %q service exists\n", name)
		return nil

	// create new registry
	secretEnv := app.Environment{}
	switch {
	case len(opts.Config.ServiceAccount) == 0 && len(opts.Config.Credentials) == 0:
		return fmt.Errorf("registry could not be created; a service account or the path to a .kubeconfig file must be provided")
	case len(opts.Config.Credentials) > 0:
		clientConfigLoadingRules := &kclientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: opts.Config.Credentials}
		credentials, err := clientConfigLoadingRules.Load()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q could not be loaded: %v", opts.Config.Credentials, err)
		config, err := kclientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*credentials, &kclientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}).ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q could not be used: %v", opts.Config.Credentials, err)
		if err := restclient.LoadTLSFiles(config); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q could not load certificate info: %v", opts.Config.Credentials, err)
		insecure := "false"
		if config.Insecure {
			insecure = "true"
		} else {
			if len(config.KeyData) == 0 || len(config.CertData) == 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q are missing the client certificate and/or key", opts.Config.Credentials)

		secretEnv = app.Environment{
			"OPENSHIFT_MASTER":    config.Host,
			"OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA":   string(config.CAData),
			"OPENSHIFT_KEY_DATA":  string(config.KeyData),
			"OPENSHIFT_CERT_DATA": string(config.CertData),
			"OPENSHIFT_INSECURE":  insecure,

	needServiceAccountRole := len(opts.Config.ServiceAccount) > 0 && len(opts.Config.Credentials) == 0

	var servingCert, servingKey []byte
	if len(opts.Config.ServingCertPath) > 0 {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(opts.Config.ServingCertPath)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; could not load TLS certificate file %q: %v", opts.Config.ServingCertPath, err)
		servingCert = data
	if len(opts.Config.ServingKeyPath) > 0 {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(opts.Config.ServingKeyPath)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; could not load TLS private key file %q: %v", opts.Config.ServingKeyPath, err)
		servingCert = data

	env := app.Environment{}

	env["REGISTRY_MIDDLEWARE_REPOSITORY_OPENSHIFT_ENFORCEQUOTA"] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", opts.Config.EnforceQuota)
	healthzPort := defaultPort
	if len(opts.ports) > 0 {
		healthzPort = int(opts.ports[0].ContainerPort)
		env["REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR"] = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", healthzPort)
		env["REGISTRY_HTTP_NET"] = "tcp"
	secrets, volumes, mounts, extraEnv, tls, err := generateSecretsConfig(opts.Config, opts.namespace, servingCert, servingKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	livenessProbe := generateLivenessProbeConfig(healthzPort, tls)
	readinessProbe := generateReadinessProbeConfig(healthzPort, tls)

	mountHost := len(opts.Config.HostMount) > 0
	podTemplate := &kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Labels: opts.label},
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			NodeSelector: opts.nodeSelector,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "registry",
					Image: opts.image,
					Ports: opts.ports,
					Env:   env.List(),
					VolumeMounts: append(mounts, kapi.VolumeMount{
						Name:      "registry-storage",
						MountPath: opts.Config.Volume,
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &mountHost,
					LivenessProbe:  livenessProbe,
					ReadinessProbe: readinessProbe,
			Volumes: append(volumes, kapi.Volume{
				Name:         "registry-storage",
				VolumeSource: kapi.VolumeSource{},
			ServiceAccountName: opts.Config.ServiceAccount,
	if mountHost {
		podTemplate.Spec.Volumes[len(podTemplate.Spec.Volumes)-1].HostPath = &kapi.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: opts.Config.HostMount}
	} else {
		podTemplate.Spec.Volumes[len(podTemplate.Spec.Volumes)-1].EmptyDir = &kapi.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}

	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	for _, s := range secrets {
		objects = append(objects, s)
	if needServiceAccountRole {
		objects = append(objects,
			&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: opts.Config.ServiceAccount}},
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: fmt.Sprintf("registry-%s-role", opts.Config.Name)},
				Subjects: []kapi.ObjectReference{
						Kind:      "ServiceAccount",
						Name:      opts.Config.ServiceAccount,
						Namespace: opts.namespace,
				RoleRef: kapi.ObjectReference{
					Kind: "ClusterRole",
					Name: "system:registry",

	if opts.Config.DaemonSet {
		objects = append(objects, &extensions.DaemonSet{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				Name:   name,
				Labels: opts.label,
			Spec: extensions.DaemonSetSpec{
				Template: kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
					ObjectMeta: podTemplate.ObjectMeta,
					Spec:       podTemplate.Spec,
	} else {
		objects = append(objects, &deployapi.DeploymentConfig{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				Name:   name,
				Labels: opts.label,
			Spec: deployapi.DeploymentConfigSpec{
				Replicas: opts.Config.Replicas,
				Selector: opts.label,
				Triggers: []deployapi.DeploymentTriggerPolicy{
					{Type: deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnConfigChange},
				Template: podTemplate,

	objects = app.AddServices(objects, true)

	// Set registry service's sessionAffinity to ClientIP to prevent push
	// failures due to a use of poorly consistent storage shared by
	// multiple replicas. Also reuse the cluster IP if provided to avoid
	// changing the internal value.
	for _, obj := range objects {
		switch t := obj.(type) {
		case *kapi.Service:
			t.Spec.SessionAffinity = kapi.ServiceAffinityClientIP
			t.Spec.ClusterIP = clusterIP

	// TODO: label all created objects with the same label
	list := &kapi.List{Items: objects}

	if opts.Config.Action.ShouldPrint() {
		mapper, _ := opts.factory.Object(false)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(opts.factory.PrintObject, opts.cmd, mapper, opts.out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to print object: %v", err)
		return nil

	if errs := opts.Config.Action.WithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Creating registry %s", opts.Config.Name), "created").Run(list, opts.namespace); len(errs) > 0 {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit
	return nil
Example #12
// Run creates the GroupSyncer specified and runs it to sync groups
// the arguments are only here because its the only way to get the printer we need
func (o *SyncOptions) Run(cmd *cobra.Command, f *clientcmd.Factory) error {
	bindPassword, err := api.ResolveStringValue(o.Config.BindPassword)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	clientConfig, err := ldaputil.NewLDAPClientConfig(o.Config.URL, o.Config.BindDN, bindPassword, o.Config.CA, o.Config.Insecure)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not determine LDAP client configuration: %v", err)

	errorHandler := o.CreateErrorHandler()

	syncBuilder, err := buildSyncBuilder(clientConfig, o.Config, errorHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// populate schema-independent syncer fields
	syncer := &syncgroups.LDAPGroupSyncer{
		Host:        clientConfig.Host(),
		GroupClient: o.GroupInterface,
		DryRun:      !o.Confirm,

		Out: o.Out,
		Err: os.Stderr,

	switch o.Source {
	case GroupSyncSourceOpenShift:
		// when your source of ldapGroupUIDs is from an openshift group, the mapping of ldapGroupUID to openshift group name is logically
		// pinned by the existing mapping.
		listerMapper, err := getOpenShiftGroupListerMapper(clientConfig.Host(), o)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		syncer.GroupLister = listerMapper
		syncer.GroupNameMapper = listerMapper

	case GroupSyncSourceLDAP:
		syncer.GroupLister, err = getLDAPGroupLister(syncBuilder, o)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		syncer.GroupNameMapper, err = getGroupNameMapper(syncBuilder, o)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return fmt.Errorf("invalid group source: %v", o.Source)

	syncer.GroupMemberExtractor, err = syncBuilder.GetGroupMemberExtractor()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	syncer.UserNameMapper, err = syncBuilder.GetUserNameMapper()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Now we run the Syncer and report any errors
	openshiftGroups, syncErrors := syncer.Sync()
	if o.Confirm {
		return kerrs.NewAggregate(syncErrors)

	list := &kapi.List{}
	for _, item := range openshiftGroups {
		list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
	mapper, _ := f.Object()
	fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, o.Out)
	if err := fn(list); err != nil {
		return err

	return kerrs.NewAggregate(syncErrors)
Example #13
// RunCmdRegistry contains all the necessary functionality for the OpenShift cli registry command
func RunCmdRegistry(f *clientcmd.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, out io.Writer, cfg *RegistryConfig, args []string) error {
	var name string
	switch len(args) {
	case 0:
		name = "docker-registry"
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "No arguments are allowed to this command")

	ports, err := app.ContainerPortsFromString(cfg.Ports)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	label := map[string]string{
		"docker-registry": "default",
	if cfg.Labels != defaultLabel {
		valid, remove, err := app.LabelsFromSpec(strings.Split(cfg.Labels, ","))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if len(remove) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may not pass negative labels in %q", cfg.Labels)
		label = valid

	nodeSelector := map[string]string{}
	if len(cfg.Selector) > 0 {
		valid, remove, err := app.LabelsFromSpec(strings.Split(cfg.Selector, ","))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if len(remove) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may not pass negative labels in selector %q", cfg.Selector)
		nodeSelector = valid

	image := cfg.ImageTemplate.ExpandOrDie(cfg.Type)

	namespace, _, err := f.OpenShiftClientConfig.Namespace()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)
	_, kClient, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)

	cfg.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	cfg.Action.Out, cfg.Action.ErrOut = out, cmd.Out()
	cfg.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create

	var clusterIP string

	output := cfg.Action.ShouldPrint()
	generate := output
	if !generate {
		service, err := kClient.Services(namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			if !errors.IsNotFound(err) && !generate {
				return fmt.Errorf("can't check for existing docker-registry %q: %v", name, err)
			if !output && cfg.Action.DryRun {
				return fmt.Errorf("Docker registry %q service does not exist", name)
			generate = true
		} else {
			clusterIP = service.Spec.ClusterIP

	if !generate {
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "Docker registry %q service exists\n", name)
		return nil

	// create new registry
	secretEnv := app.Environment{}
	switch {
	case len(cfg.ServiceAccount) == 0 && len(cfg.Credentials) == 0:
		return fmt.Errorf("registry could not be created; a service account or the path to a .kubeconfig file must be provided")
	case len(cfg.Credentials) > 0:
		clientConfigLoadingRules := &kclientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: cfg.Credentials}
		credentials, err := clientConfigLoadingRules.Load()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q could not be loaded: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		config, err := kclientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*credentials, &kclientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}).ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q could not be used: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		if err := restclient.LoadTLSFiles(config); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q could not load certificate info: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		insecure := "false"
		if config.Insecure {
			insecure = "true"
		} else {
			if len(config.KeyData) == 0 || len(config.CertData) == 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; the provided credentials %q are missing the client certificate and/or key", cfg.Credentials)

		secretEnv = app.Environment{
			"OPENSHIFT_MASTER":    config.Host,
			"OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA":   string(config.CAData),
			"OPENSHIFT_KEY_DATA":  string(config.KeyData),
			"OPENSHIFT_CERT_DATA": string(config.CertData),
			"OPENSHIFT_INSECURE":  insecure,

	needServiceAccountRole := len(cfg.ServiceAccount) > 0 && len(cfg.Credentials) == 0

	var servingCert, servingKey []byte
	if len(cfg.ServingCertPath) > 0 {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfg.ServingCertPath)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; could not load TLS certificate file %q: %v", cfg.ServingCertPath, err)
		servingCert = data
	if len(cfg.ServingKeyPath) > 0 {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfg.ServingKeyPath)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("registry does not exist; could not load TLS private key file %q: %v", cfg.ServingKeyPath, err)
		servingCert = data

	env := app.Environment{}

	healthzPort := defaultPort
	if len(ports) > 0 {
		healthzPort = ports[0].ContainerPort
		env["REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR"] = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", healthzPort)
		env["REGISTRY_HTTP_NET"] = "tcp"
	secrets, volumes, mounts, extraEnv, tls, err := generateSecretsConfig(cfg, namespace, servingCert, servingKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	livenessProbe := generateLivenessProbeConfig(healthzPort, tls)
	readinessProbe := generateReadinessProbeConfig(healthzPort, tls)

	mountHost := len(cfg.HostMount) > 0
	podTemplate := &kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Labels: label},
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			NodeSelector: nodeSelector,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "registry",
					Image: image,
					Ports: ports,
					Env:   env.List(),
					VolumeMounts: append(mounts, kapi.VolumeMount{
						Name:      "registry-storage",
						MountPath: cfg.Volume,
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &mountHost,
					LivenessProbe:  livenessProbe,
					ReadinessProbe: readinessProbe,
			Volumes: append(volumes, kapi.Volume{
				Name:         "registry-storage",
				VolumeSource: kapi.VolumeSource{},
			ServiceAccountName: cfg.ServiceAccount,
	if mountHost {
		podTemplate.Spec.Volumes[len(podTemplate.Spec.Volumes)-1].HostPath = &kapi.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: cfg.HostMount}
	} else {
		podTemplate.Spec.Volumes[len(podTemplate.Spec.Volumes)-1].EmptyDir = &kapi.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}

	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	for _, s := range secrets {
		objects = append(objects, s)
	if needServiceAccountRole {
		objects = append(objects,
			&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: cfg.ServiceAccount}},
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: fmt.Sprintf("registry-%s-role", cfg.Name)},
				Subjects: []kapi.ObjectReference{
						Kind:      "ServiceAccount",
						Name:      cfg.ServiceAccount,
						Namespace: namespace,
				RoleRef: kapi.ObjectReference{
					Kind: "ClusterRole",
					Name: "system:registry",

	if cfg.DaemonSet {
		objects = append(objects, &extensions.DaemonSet{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				Name:   name,
				Labels: label,
			Spec: extensions.DaemonSetSpec{
				Template: kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
					ObjectMeta: podTemplate.ObjectMeta,
					Spec:       podTemplate.Spec,
	} else {
		objects = append(objects, &deployapi.DeploymentConfig{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				Name:   name,
				Labels: label,
			Spec: deployapi.DeploymentConfigSpec{
				Replicas: cfg.Replicas,
				Selector: label,
				Triggers: []deployapi.DeploymentTriggerPolicy{
					{Type: deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnConfigChange},
				Template: podTemplate,

	objects = app.AddServices(objects, true)

	// Set registry service's sessionAffinity to ClientIP to prevent push
	// failures due to a use of poorly consistent storage shared by
	// multiple replicas. Also reuse the cluster IP if provided to avoid
	// changing the internal value.
	for _, obj := range objects {
		switch t := obj.(type) {
		case *kapi.Service:
			t.Spec.SessionAffinity = kapi.ServiceAffinityClientIP
			t.Spec.ClusterIP = clusterIP

	// TODO: label all created objects with the same label
	list := &kapi.List{Items: objects}

	if cfg.Action.ShouldPrint() {
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to print object: %v", err)
		return nil

	if errs := cfg.Action.WithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Creating registry %s", cfg.Name), "created").Run(list, namespace); len(errs) > 0 {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit
	return nil
Example #14
// RunCmdRouter contains all the necessary functionality for the
// OpenShift CLI router command.
func RunCmdRouter(f *clientcmd.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, out, errout io.Writer, cfg *RouterConfig, args []string) error {
	switch len(args) {
	case 0:
		// uses default value
	case 1:
		cfg.Name = args[0]
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may pass zero or one arguments to provide a name for the router")
	name := cfg.Name

	var defaultOutputErr error

	if len(cfg.StatsUsername) > 0 {
		if strings.Contains(cfg.StatsUsername, ":") {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "username %s must not contain ':'", cfg.StatsUsername)

	if len(cfg.Subdomain) > 0 && len(cfg.ForceSubdomain) > 0 {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "only one of --subdomain, --force-subdomain can be specified")

	ports, err := app.ContainerPortsFromString(cfg.Ports)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse --ports: %v", err)

	// HostNetwork overrides HostPorts
	if cfg.HostNetwork {
		cfg.HostPorts = false

	// For the host networking case, ensure the ports match.
	if cfg.HostNetwork {
		for i := 0; i < len(ports); i++ {
			if ports[i].HostPort != 0 && ports[i].ContainerPort != ports[i].HostPort {
				return fmt.Errorf("when using host networking mode, container port %d and host port %d must be equal", ports[i].ContainerPort, ports[i].HostPort)

	if cfg.StatsPort > 0 {
		port := kapi.ContainerPort{
			Name:          "stats",
			ContainerPort: int32(cfg.StatsPort),
			Protocol:      kapi.ProtocolTCP,
		if cfg.HostPorts {
			port.HostPort = int32(cfg.StatsPort)
		ports = append(ports, port)

	label := map[string]string{"router": name}
	if cfg.Labels != defaultLabel {
		valid, remove, err := app.LabelsFromSpec(strings.Split(cfg.Labels, ","))
		if err != nil {
		if len(remove) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may not pass negative labels in %q", cfg.Labels)
		label = valid

	nodeSelector := map[string]string{}
	if len(cfg.Selector) > 0 {
		valid, remove, err := app.LabelsFromSpec(strings.Split(cfg.Selector, ","))
		if err != nil {
		if len(remove) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may not pass negative labels in selector %q", cfg.Selector)
		nodeSelector = valid

	image := cfg.ImageTemplate.ExpandOrDie(cfg.Type)

	namespace, _, err := f.OpenShiftClientConfig.Namespace()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)
	_, kClient, _, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)

	cfg.Action.Bulk.Mapper = clientcmd.ResourceMapper(f)
	cfg.Action.Out, cfg.Action.ErrOut = out, errout
	cfg.Action.Bulk.Op = configcmd.Create

	var clusterIP string

	output := cfg.Action.ShouldPrint()
	generate := output
	service, err := kClient.Services(namespace).Get(name)
	if err != nil {
		if !generate {
			if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
				return fmt.Errorf("can't check for existing router %q: %v", name, err)
			if !output && cfg.Action.DryRun {
				return fmt.Errorf("Router %q service does not exist", name)
			generate = true
	} else {
		clusterIP = service.Spec.ClusterIP

	if !generate {
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "Router %q service exists\n", name)
		return nil

	if len(cfg.ServiceAccount) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("you must specify a service account for the router with --service-account")

	if err := validateServiceAccount(kClient, namespace, cfg.ServiceAccount, cfg.HostNetwork, cfg.HostPorts); err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; %v", err)
		if !cfg.Action.ShouldPrint() {
			return err
		fmt.Fprintf(errout, "error: %v\n", err)
		defaultOutputErr = cmdutil.ErrExit

	// create new router
	secretEnv := app.Environment{}
	switch {
	case len(cfg.Credentials) == 0 && len(cfg.ServiceAccount) == 0:
		return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; you must specify a service account with --service-account, or a .kubeconfig file path containing credentials for connecting the router to the master with --credentials")
	case len(cfg.Credentials) > 0:
		clientConfigLoadingRules := &kclientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: cfg.Credentials, Precedence: []string{}}
		credentials, err := clientConfigLoadingRules.Load()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; the provided credentials %q could not be loaded: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		config, err := kclientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*credentials, &kclientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}).ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; the provided credentials %q could not be used: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		if err := restclient.LoadTLSFiles(config); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; the provided credentials %q could not load certificate info: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		insecure := "false"
		if config.Insecure {
			insecure = "true"
			"OPENSHIFT_MASTER":    config.Host,
			"OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA":   string(config.CAData),
			"OPENSHIFT_KEY_DATA":  string(config.KeyData),
			"OPENSHIFT_CERT_DATA": string(config.CertData),
			"OPENSHIFT_INSECURE":  insecure,
	createServiceAccount := len(cfg.ServiceAccount) > 0 && len(cfg.Credentials) == 0

	defaultCert, err := fileutil.LoadData(cfg.DefaultCertificate)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; error reading default certificate file: %v", err)

	if len(cfg.StatsPassword) == 0 {
		cfg.StatsPassword = generateStatsPassword()
		if !cfg.Action.ShouldPrint() {
			fmt.Fprintf(errout, "info: password for stats user %s has been set to %s\n", cfg.StatsUsername, cfg.StatsPassword)

	env := app.Environment{
		"ROUTER_SUBDOMAIN":                      cfg.Subdomain,
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_NAME":                   name,
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_NAMESPACE":              namespace,
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTP_PORT":              "80",
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT":             "443",
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HOSTNAME":         cfg.ExternalHost,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_USERNAME":         cfg.ExternalHostUsername,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PASSWORD":         cfg.ExternalHostPassword,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HTTP_VSERVER":     cfg.ExternalHostHttpVserver,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HTTPS_VSERVER":    cfg.ExternalHostHttpsVserver,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_INSECURE":         strconv.FormatBool(cfg.ExternalHostInsecure),
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PARTITION_PATH":   cfg.ExternalHostPartitionPath,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PRIVKEY":          privkeyPath,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_VXLAN_GW_CIDR":    cfg.ExternalHostVxLANGateway,
		"STATS_PORT":                            strconv.Itoa(cfg.StatsPort),
		"STATS_USERNAME":                        cfg.StatsUsername,
		"STATS_PASSWORD":                        cfg.StatsPassword,
	if len(cfg.ForceSubdomain) > 0 {
		env["ROUTER_SUBDOMAIN"] = cfg.ForceSubdomain
	if len(defaultCert) > 0 {
		if cfg.SecretsAsEnv {
			env.Add(app.Environment{"DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE": string(defaultCert)})
		} else {
			env.Add(app.Environment{"DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_PATH": defaultCertificatePath})
	env.Add(app.Environment{"DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_DIR": defaultCertificateDir})
	var certName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-certs", cfg.Name)
	secrets, volumes, mounts, err := generateSecretsConfig(cfg, kClient, namespace, defaultCert, certName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created: %v", err)

	livenessProbe := generateLivenessProbeConfig(cfg, ports)
	readinessProbe := generateReadinessProbeConfig(cfg, ports)

	exposedPorts := make([]kapi.ContainerPort, len(ports))
	copy(exposedPorts, ports)
	if !cfg.HostPorts {
		for i := range exposedPorts {
			exposedPorts[i].HostPort = 0
	containers := []kapi.Container{
			Name:            "router",
			Image:           image,
			Ports:           exposedPorts,
			Env:             env.List(),
			LivenessProbe:   livenessProbe,
			ReadinessProbe:  readinessProbe,
			ImagePullPolicy: kapi.PullIfNotPresent,
			VolumeMounts:    mounts,
			Resources: kapi.ResourceRequirements{
				Requests: kapi.ResourceList{
					kapi.ResourceCPU:    resource.MustParse("100m"),
					kapi.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("256Mi"),

	if cfg.StatsPort > 0 && cfg.ExposeMetrics {
		pc := generateMetricsExporterContainer(cfg, env)
		if pc != nil {
			containers = append(containers, *pc)

	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	for _, s := range secrets {
		objects = append(objects, s)
	if createServiceAccount {
		objects = append(objects,
			&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: cfg.ServiceAccount}},
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: generateRoleBindingName(cfg.Name)},
				Subjects: []kapi.ObjectReference{
						Kind:      "ServiceAccount",
						Name:      cfg.ServiceAccount,
						Namespace: namespace,
				RoleRef: kapi.ObjectReference{
					Kind: "ClusterRole",
					Name: "system:router",
	objects = append(objects, &deployapi.DeploymentConfig{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:   name,
			Labels: label,
		Spec: deployapi.DeploymentConfigSpec{
			Strategy: deployapi.DeploymentStrategy{
				Type:          deployapi.DeploymentStrategyTypeRolling,
				RollingParams: &deployapi.RollingDeploymentStrategyParams{MaxUnavailable: intstr.FromString("25%")},
			Replicas: cfg.Replicas,
			Selector: label,
			Triggers: []deployapi.DeploymentTriggerPolicy{
				{Type: deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnConfigChange},
			Template: &kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Labels: label},
				Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
					SecurityContext: &kapi.PodSecurityContext{
						HostNetwork: cfg.HostNetwork,
					ServiceAccountName: cfg.ServiceAccount,
					NodeSelector:       nodeSelector,
					Containers:         containers,
					Volumes:            volumes,

	objects = app.AddServices(objects, false)
	// set the service port to the provided output port value
	for i := range objects {
		switch t := objects[i].(type) {
		case *kapi.Service:
			t.Spec.ClusterIP = clusterIP
			for j, servicePort := range t.Spec.Ports {
				for _, targetPort := range ports {
					if targetPort.ContainerPort == servicePort.Port && targetPort.HostPort != 0 {
						t.Spec.Ports[j].Port = targetPort.HostPort
			if len(defaultCert) == 0 {
				// When a user does not provide the default cert (pem), create one via a Service annotation
				// The secret generated by the service annotaion contains a tls.crt and tls.key
				// which ultimately need to be combined into a pem
				t.Annotations = map[string]string{"service.alpha.openshift.io/serving-cert-secret-name": certName}
	// TODO: label all created objects with the same label - router=<name>
	list := &kapi.List{Items: objects}

	if cfg.Action.ShouldPrint() {
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, mapper, out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to print object: %v", err)
		return defaultOutputErr

	levelPrefixFilter := func(e error) string {
		// only ignore SA/RB errors if we were creating the service account
		if createServiceAccount && ignoreError(e, cfg.ServiceAccount, generateRoleBindingName(cfg.Name)) {
			return "warning"
		return "error"

	cfg.Action.Bulk.IgnoreError = func(e error) bool {
		return levelPrefixFilter(e) == "warning"

	if errs := cfg.Action.WithMessageAndPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("Creating router %s", cfg.Name), "created", levelPrefixFilter).Run(list, namespace); len(errs) > 0 {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit
	return nil
Example #15
// RunCmdRouter contains all the necessary functionality for the
// OpenShift CLI router command.
func RunCmdRouter(f *clientcmd.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, out io.Writer, cfg *RouterConfig, args []string) error {
	switch len(args) {
	case 0:
		// uses default value
	case 1:
		cfg.Name = args[0]
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may pass zero or one arguments to provide a name for the router")
	name := cfg.Name

	var defaultOutputErr error

	if len(cfg.StatsUsername) > 0 {
		if strings.Contains(cfg.StatsUsername, ":") {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "username %s must not contain ':'", cfg.StatsUsername)

	if len(cfg.Subdomain) > 0 && len(cfg.ForceSubdomain) > 0 {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "only one of --subdomain, --force-subdomain can be specified")

	ports, err := app.ContainerPortsFromString(cfg.Ports)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse --ports: %v", err)

	// HostNetwork overrides HostPorts
	if cfg.HostNetwork {
		cfg.HostPorts = false

	// For the host networking case, ensure the ports match.
	if cfg.HostNetwork {
		for i := 0; i < len(ports); i++ {
			if ports[i].HostPort != 0 && ports[i].ContainerPort != ports[i].HostPort {
				return fmt.Errorf("when using host networking mode, container port %d and host port %d must be equal", ports[i].ContainerPort, ports[i].HostPort)

	if cfg.StatsPort > 0 {
		port := kapi.ContainerPort{
			Name:          "stats",
			ContainerPort: cfg.StatsPort,
			Protocol:      kapi.ProtocolTCP,
		if cfg.HostPorts {
			port.HostPort = cfg.StatsPort
		ports = append(ports, port)

	label := map[string]string{"router": name}
	if cfg.Labels != defaultLabel {
		valid, remove, err := app.LabelsFromSpec(strings.Split(cfg.Labels, ","))
		if err != nil {
		if len(remove) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may not pass negative labels in %q", cfg.Labels)
		label = valid

	nodeSelector := map[string]string{}
	if len(cfg.Selector) > 0 {
		valid, remove, err := app.LabelsFromSpec(strings.Split(cfg.Selector, ","))
		if err != nil {
		if len(remove) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "You may not pass negative labels in selector %q", cfg.Selector)
		nodeSelector = valid

	image := cfg.ImageTemplate.ExpandOrDie(cfg.Type)

	namespace, _, err := f.OpenShiftClientConfig.Namespace()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)
	_, kClient, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)

	_, output, err := kcmdutil.PrinterForCommand(cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to configure printer: %v", err)

	generate := output
	if !generate {
		_, err = kClient.Services(namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
				return fmt.Errorf("can't check for existing router %q: %v", name, err)
			generate = true
	if !generate {
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "Router %q service exists\n", name)
		return nil

	if cfg.DryRun && !output {
		return fmt.Errorf("router %q does not exist (no service)", name)

	if len(cfg.ServiceAccount) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("you must specify a service account for the router with --service-account")

	if err := validateServiceAccount(kClient, namespace, cfg.ServiceAccount, cfg.HostNetwork, cfg.HostPorts); err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; %v", err)
		if !output {
			return err
		fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Out(), "error: %v\n", err)
		defaultOutputErr = cmdutil.ErrExit

	// create new router
	secretEnv := app.Environment{}
	switch {
	case len(cfg.Credentials) == 0 && len(cfg.ServiceAccount) == 0:
		return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; you must specify a service account with --service-account, or a .kubeconfig file path containing credentials for connecting the router to the master with --credentials")
	case len(cfg.Credentials) > 0:
		clientConfigLoadingRules := &kclientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: cfg.Credentials, Precedence: []string{}}
		credentials, err := clientConfigLoadingRules.Load()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; the provided credentials %q could not be loaded: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		config, err := kclientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*credentials, &kclientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}).ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; the provided credentials %q could not be used: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		if err := restclient.LoadTLSFiles(config); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; the provided credentials %q could not load certificate info: %v", cfg.Credentials, err)
		insecure := "false"
		if config.Insecure {
			insecure = "true"
			"OPENSHIFT_MASTER":    config.Host,
			"OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA":   string(config.CAData),
			"OPENSHIFT_KEY_DATA":  string(config.KeyData),
			"OPENSHIFT_CERT_DATA": string(config.CertData),
			"OPENSHIFT_INSECURE":  insecure,
	createServiceAccount := len(cfg.ServiceAccount) > 0 && len(cfg.Credentials) == 0

	defaultCert, err := fileutil.LoadData(cfg.DefaultCertificate)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created; error reading default certificate file: %v", err)

	if len(cfg.StatsPassword) == 0 {
		cfg.StatsPassword = generateStatsPassword()
		if !output {
			fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Out(), "info: password for stats user %s has been set to %s\n", cfg.StatsUsername, cfg.StatsPassword)

	env := app.Environment{
		"ROUTER_SUBDOMAIN":                    cfg.Subdomain,
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_NAME":                 name,
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_NAMESPACE":            namespace,
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTP_PORT":            "80",
		"ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT":           "443",
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HOSTNAME":       cfg.ExternalHost,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_USERNAME":       cfg.ExternalHostUsername,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PASSWORD":       cfg.ExternalHostPassword,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HTTP_VSERVER":   cfg.ExternalHostHttpVserver,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HTTPS_VSERVER":  cfg.ExternalHostHttpsVserver,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_INSECURE":       strconv.FormatBool(cfg.ExternalHostInsecure),
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PARTITION_PATH": cfg.ExternalHostPartitionPath,
		"ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PRIVKEY":        privkeyPath,
		"STATS_PORT":                          strconv.Itoa(cfg.StatsPort),
		"STATS_USERNAME":                      cfg.StatsUsername,
		"STATS_PASSWORD":                      cfg.StatsPassword,
	if len(cfg.ForceSubdomain) > 0 {
		env["ROUTER_SUBDOMAIN"] = cfg.ForceSubdomain
	if len(defaultCert) > 0 {
		if cfg.SecretsAsEnv {
			env.Add(app.Environment{"DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE": string(defaultCert)})
		} else {
			// TODO: make --credentials create secrets and bypass service account
			env.Add(app.Environment{"DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_PATH": defaultCertificatePath})

	secrets, volumes, mounts, err := generateSecretsConfig(cfg, kClient, namespace, defaultCert)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("router could not be created: %v", err)

	livenessProbe := generateLivenessProbeConfig(cfg, ports)
	readinessProbe := generateReadinessProbeConfig(cfg, ports)

	exposedPorts := make([]kapi.ContainerPort, len(ports))
	copy(exposedPorts, ports)
	if !cfg.HostPorts {
		for i := range exposedPorts {
			exposedPorts[i].HostPort = 0
	containers := []kapi.Container{
			Name:            "router",
			Image:           image,
			Ports:           exposedPorts,
			Env:             env.List(),
			LivenessProbe:   livenessProbe,
			ReadinessProbe:  readinessProbe,
			ImagePullPolicy: kapi.PullIfNotPresent,
			VolumeMounts:    mounts,

	if cfg.StatsPort > 0 && cfg.ExposeMetrics {
		pc := generateMetricsExporterContainer(cfg, env)
		if pc != nil {
			containers = append(containers, *pc)

	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	for _, s := range secrets {
		objects = append(objects, s)
	if createServiceAccount {
		objects = append(objects,
			&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: cfg.ServiceAccount}},
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: fmt.Sprintf("router-%s-role", cfg.Name)},
				Subjects: []kapi.ObjectReference{
						Kind:      "ServiceAccount",
						Name:      cfg.ServiceAccount,
						Namespace: namespace,
				RoleRef: kapi.ObjectReference{
					Kind: "ClusterRole",
					Name: "system:router",
	updatePercent := int(-25)
	objects = append(objects, &deployapi.DeploymentConfig{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:   name,
			Labels: label,
		Spec: deployapi.DeploymentConfigSpec{
			Strategy: deployapi.DeploymentStrategy{
				Type:          deployapi.DeploymentStrategyTypeRolling,
				RollingParams: &deployapi.RollingDeploymentStrategyParams{UpdatePercent: &updatePercent},
			Replicas: cfg.Replicas,
			Selector: label,
			Triggers: []deployapi.DeploymentTriggerPolicy{
				{Type: deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnConfigChange},
			Template: &kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Labels: label},
				Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
					SecurityContext: &kapi.PodSecurityContext{
						HostNetwork: cfg.HostNetwork,
					ServiceAccountName: cfg.ServiceAccount,
					NodeSelector:       nodeSelector,
					Containers:         containers,
					Volumes:            volumes,

	objects = app.AddServices(objects, false)
	// set the service port to the provided output port value
	for i := range objects {
		switch t := objects[i].(type) {
		case *kapi.Service:
			for j, servicePort := range t.Spec.Ports {
				for _, targetPort := range ports {
					if targetPort.ContainerPort == servicePort.Port && targetPort.HostPort != 0 {
						t.Spec.Ports[j].Port = targetPort.HostPort
	// TODO: label all created objects with the same label - router=<name>
	list := &kapi.List{Items: objects}

	if output {
		fn := cmdutil.VersionedPrintObject(f.PrintObject, cmd, out)
		if err := fn(list); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to print object: %v", err)
		return defaultOutputErr

	mapper, typer := f.Factory.Object()
	bulk := configcmd.Bulk{
		Mapper:            mapper,
		Typer:             typer,
		RESTClientFactory: f.Factory.ClientForMapping,

		After: configcmd.NewPrintNameOrErrorAfter(mapper, kcmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output") == "name", "created", out, cmd.Out()),
	if errs := bulk.Create(list, namespace); len(errs) != 0 {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit
	return nil