func (m *MessagesController) voteMessage(ctx *gin.Context, messageIn *tat.MessageJSON, message tat.Message, user tat.User, topic tat.Topic) { info := "" errInfo := "" if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionVoteup { if err := messageDB.VoteUP(&message, user, topic); err != nil { errInfo = fmt.Sprintf("Error while vote up a message %s", err.Error()) } info = "Vote UP added to message" } else if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionVotedown { if err := messageDB.VoteDown(&message, user, topic); err != nil { errInfo = fmt.Sprintf("Error while vote down a message %s", err.Error()) } info = "Vote Down added to message" } else if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUnvoteup { if err := messageDB.UnVoteUP(&message, user, topic); err != nil { errInfo = fmt.Sprintf("Error while remove vote up from message %s", err.Error()) } info = "Vote UP removed from message" } else if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUnvotedown { if err := messageDB.UnVoteDown(&message, user, topic); err != nil { errInfo = fmt.Sprintf("Error while remove vote down from message %s", err.Error()) } info = "Vote Down removed from message" } else { ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("Invalid action: "+messageIn.Action)) return } if errInfo != "" { log.Errorf(errInfo) ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": errInfo}) return } if err := messageDB.FindByID(&message, messageIn.IDReference, topic); err != nil { ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "Error while fetching message after voting"}) return } out := &tat.MessageJSONOut{Info: info, Message: message} hook.SendHook(&tat.HookJSON{HookMessage: &tat.HookMessageJSON{MessageJSONOut: out, Action: messageIn.Action}}, topic) ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, out) }
func (m *MessagesController) messageDelete(ctx *gin.Context, cascade, force bool) { idMessageIn, err := GetParam(ctx, "idMessage") if err != nil { return } topicIn, err := GetParam(ctx, "topic") if err != nil { return } user, e := PreCheckUser(ctx) if e != nil { return } topic, errf := topicDB.FindByTopic(topicIn, true, false, false, &user) if errf != nil { log.Errorf("messageDelete> err:%s", errf) e := fmt.Sprintf("Topic %s does not exist", topicIn) ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e}) return } message := tat.Message{} if err = messageDB.FindByID(&message, idMessageIn, *topic); err != nil { ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": fmt.Sprintf("Message %s does not exist", idMessageIn)}) return } err = m.checkBeforeDelete(ctx, message, user, force, *topic) if err != nil { // ctx writes in checkBeforeDelete return } c := &tat.MessageCriteria{ InReplyOfID: message.ID, TreeView: tat.TreeViewOneTree, Topic: topic.Topic, } msgs, err := messageDB.ListMessages(c, "", *topic) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error while list Messages in Delete %s", err) ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "Error while list Messages in Delete"}) return } if cascade { for _, r := range msgs { errCheck := m.checkBeforeDelete(ctx, r, user, force, *topic) if errCheck != nil { // ctx writes in checkBeforeDelete return } } } else if len(msgs) > 0 { ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "Could not delete this message, this message have replies"}) return } if err = messageDB.Delete(&message, cascade, *topic); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error while delete a message %s", err) ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()}) return } ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"info": fmt.Sprintf("Message deleted from %s", topic.Topic)}) }
func (m *MessagesController) preCheckTopic(ctx *gin.Context, messageIn *tat.MessageJSON) (tat.Message, tat.Topic, *tat.User, error) { var message = tat.Message{} user, e := PreCheckUser(ctx) if e != nil { return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } topicIn, err := GetParam(ctx, "topic") if err != nil { return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, err } messageIn.Topic = topicIn if messageIn.Topic == "/" && messageIn.IDReference != "" { log.Warnf("preCheckTopic fallback to FindByIDDefaultCollection for %s", messageIn.IDReference) if efind := messageDB.FindByIDDefaultCollection(&message, messageIn.IDReference); efind != nil { e := errors.New("Invalid request, no topic and message " + messageIn.IDReference + " not found in default collection") ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } messageIn.Topic = message.Topic } topic, efind := topicDB.FindByTopic(messageIn.Topic, true, true, true, &user) if efind != nil { topica, _, edm := checkDMTopic(ctx, messageIn.Topic) if edm != nil { e := errors.New("Topic " + messageIn.Topic + " does not exist or you have no read access on it") ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } topic = topica } if messageIn.IDReference == "" && messageIn.TagReference == "" && messageIn.StartTagReference == "" && messageIn.LabelReference == "" && messageIn.StartLabelReference == "" { // nothing here } else if messageIn.IDReference != "" || messageIn.StartTagReference != "" || messageIn.TagReference != "" || messageIn.StartLabelReference != "" || messageIn.LabelReference != "" { if messageIn.IDReference != "" { if efind := messageDB.FindByID(&message, messageIn.IDReference, *topic); efind != nil { e := errors.New("Message " + messageIn.IDReference + " does not exist or you have no read access on it") ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } } else { // TagReference, StartTagReference,LabelReference, StartLabelReference onlyMsgRoot := tat.True // default value must be true if messageIn.OnlyRootReference == tat.False { onlyMsgRoot = tat.False } c := &tat.MessageCriteria{ AndTag: messageIn.TagReference, StartTag: messageIn.StartTagReference, AndLabel: messageIn.LabelReference, StartLabel: messageIn.StartLabelReference, OnlyMsgRoot: onlyMsgRoot, Topic: topic.Topic, } mlist, efind := messageDB.ListMessages(c, user.Username, *topic) if efind != nil { e := errors.New("Searched Message does not exist or you have no read access on it") ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } if len(mlist) != 1 { if messageIn.Action != "" { e := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Searched Message, expected 1 message and %d message(s) matching on tat", len(mlist))) ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } // take last root message if len(mlist) > 0 { message = mlist[0] } } else { message = mlist[0] } } topicName := "" if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUpdate { topicName = messageIn.Topic } else if messageIn.Action == "" || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionReply || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionLike || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUnlike || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionLabel || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUnlabel || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionVoteup || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionVotedown || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUnvoteup || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUnvotedown || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionRelabel || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionConcat { topicName = m.inverseIfDMTopic(ctx, message.Topic) } else if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionMove { topicName = topicIn } else if messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionTask || messageIn.Action == tat.MessageActionUntask { topicName = m.inverseIfDMTopic(ctx, message.Topic) } else { e := errors.New("Invalid Call. IDReference not empty with unknown action") ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } if topicName == "" && messageIn.Action == "" { topicName = messageIn.Topic } topic, err = topicDB.FindByTopic(topicName, true, true, true, &user) if err != nil { e := errors.New("Topic " + topicName + " does not exist") ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } } else { e := errors.New("Topic and Reference (ID, StartTag, Tag, StartLabel, Label) are null. Wrong request") ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": e.Error()}) return message, tat.Topic{}, nil, e } return message, *topic, &user, nil }