func (i *InstallerTestSuite) TestIsSupportedMySQLVersion(t *C) {
	var got bool
	var err error

	agentConfig := &agent.Config{}
	flags := installer.Flags{}

	apiConnector := pct.NewAPI()
	api := api.New(apiConnector, false)
	logChan := make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 100)
	logger := pct.NewLogger(logChan, "instance-repo")
	instanceRepo := instance.NewRepo(logger, pct.Basedir.Dir("config"), apiConnector)
	terminal := term.NewTerminal(os.Stdin, false, true)
	inst := installer.NewInstaller(terminal, "", api, instanceRepo, agentConfig, flags)
	conn := mock.NewNullMySQL()
	errSomethingWentWrong := fmt.Errorf("Something went wrong")

	conn.SetAtLeastVersion(false, errSomethingWentWrong)
	got, err = inst.IsVersionSupported(conn)
	t.Assert(conn.Version, Equals, agent.MIN_SUPPORTED_MYSQL_VERSION)
	t.Assert(err, Equals, errSomethingWentWrong)
	t.Assert(got, Equals, false)

	conn.SetAtLeastVersion(true, nil)
	got, err = inst.IsVersionSupported(conn)
	t.Assert(conn.Version, Equals, agent.MIN_SUPPORTED_MYSQL_VERSION)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	t.Assert(got, Equals, true)

Example #2
func main() {

	agentConfig := &agent.Config{
		ApiHostname: flagApiHostname,
		ApiKey:      flagApiKey,
	// todo: do flags a better way
	if !flagMySQL {
		flagCreateMySQLUser = false
		flagCreateMySQLInstance = false
		flagStartMySQLServices = false
	flags := Flags{
		"debug":                  flagDebug,
		"create-server-instance": flagCreateServerInstance,
		"start-services":         flagStartServices,
		"create-mysql-user":      flagCreateMySQLUser,
		"create-mysql-instance":  flagCreateMySQLInstance,
		"start-mysql-services":   flagStartMySQLServices,
		"create-agent":           flagCreateAgent,
		"old-passwords":          flagOldPasswords,

	// Agent stores all its files in the basedir.  This must be called first
	// because installer uses pct.Basedir and assumes it's already initialized.
	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(flagBasedir); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error initializing basedir %s: %s\n", flagBasedir, err)

	installer := NewInstaller(NewTerminal(os.Stdin, flags), flagBasedir, pct.NewAPI(), agentConfig, flags)
	fmt.Println("CTRL-C at any time to quit")
	// todo: catch SIGINT and clean up
	if err := installer.Run(); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Install failed")
	fmt.Println("Install successful")
Example #3
func ConnectAPI(agentConfig *agent.Config) (*pct.API, error) {
	golog.Println("ApiHostname: " + agentConfig.ApiHostname)
	golog.Println("ApiKey: " + agentConfig.ApiKey)

	api := pct.NewAPI()
	backoff := pct.NewBackoff(5 * time.Minute)
	t0 := time.Now()
	for time.Now().Sub(t0) < time.Hour*24*7 {
		golog.Println("Connecting to API")
		if err := api.Connect(agentConfig.ApiHostname, agentConfig.ApiKey, agentConfig.AgentUuid); err != nil {
		golog.Println("Connected to API")
		return api, nil // success

	return nil, errors.New("Timeout connecting to " + agentConfig.ApiHostname)
Example #4
func main() {
	// It flag is unknown it exist with os.Exit(10),
	// so exit code=10 is strictly reserved for flags
	// Don't use it anywhere else, as shell script depends on it
	// NOTE: standard flag.Parse() was using os.Exit(2)
	//       which was the same as returned with ctrl+c
	if err := flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {

	agentConfig := &agent.Config{
		ApiHostname: flagApiHostname,
		ApiKey:      flagApiKey,
	// todo: do flags a better way
	if !flagMySQL {
		flagCreateMySQLInstance = false
		flagStartMySQLServices = false

	if flagMySQLSocket != "" && flagMySQLHost != "" {
		log.Println("Options -mysql-socket and -mysql-host are exclusive\n")

	if flagMySQLSocket != "" && flagMySQLPort != "" {
		log.Println("Options -mysql-socket and -mysql-port are exclusive\n")

	flags := installer.Flags{
		Bool: map[string]bool{
			"debug":                  flagDebug,
			"create-server-instance": flagCreateServerInstance,
			"start-services":         flagStartServices,
			"create-mysql-instance":  flagCreateMySQLInstance,
			"start-mysql-services":   flagStartMySQLServices,
			"create-agent":           flagCreateAgent,
			"old-passwords":          flagOldPasswords,
			"plain-passwords":        flagPlainPasswords,
			"interactive":            flagInteractive,
			"auto-detect-mysql":      flagAutoDetectMySQL,
			"create-mysql-user":      flagCreateMySQLUser,
			"mysql":                  flagMySQL,
		String: map[string]string{
			"app-host":            DEFAULT_APP_HOSTNAME,
			"mysql-defaults-file": flagMySQLDefaultsFile,
			"agent-mysql-user":    flagAgentMySQLUser,
			"agent-mysql-pass":    flagAgentMySQLPass,
			"mysql-user":          flagMySQLUser,
			"mysql-pass":          flagMySQLPass,
			"mysql-host":          flagMySQLHost,
			"mysql-port":          flagMySQLPort,
			"mysql-socket":        flagMySQLSocket,
		Int64: map[string]int64{
			"mysql-max-user-connections": flagMySQLMaxUserConnections,

	// Agent stores all its files in the basedir.  This must be called first
	// because installer uses pct.Basedir and assumes it's already initialized.
	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(flagBasedir); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error initializing basedir %s: %s\n", flagBasedir, err)

	apiConnector := pct.NewAPI()
	api := api.New(apiConnector, flagDebug)
	logChan := make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 100)
	logger := pct.NewLogger(logChan, "instance-repo")
	instanceRepo := instance.NewRepo(logger, pct.Basedir.Dir("config"), apiConnector)
	terminal := term.NewTerminal(os.Stdin, flagInteractive, flagDebug)
	agentInstaller := installer.NewInstaller(terminal, flagBasedir, api, instanceRepo, agentConfig, flags)
	fmt.Println("CTRL-C at any time to quit")
	// todo: catch SIGINT and clean up
	if err := agentInstaller.Run(); err != nil {