Example #1
func (s *TestSuite) TestChannelsAfterReconnect(t *C) {
	 * Client send/recv chans should work after disconnect and reconnect.

	ws, err := client.NewWebsocketClient(s.logger, s.api, "agent", nil)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	defer ws.Stop()
	defer ws.Disconnect()

	c := <-mock.ClientConnectChan
	<-ws.ConnectChan() // connect ack

	// Send cmd and wait for reply to ensure we're fully connected.
	cmd := &proto.Cmd{
		User: "******",
		Ts:   time.Now(),
		Cmd:  "Status",
	c.SendChan <- cmd
	got := test.WaitCmd(ws.RecvChan())
	t.Assert(len(got), Equals, 1)
	reply := cmd.Reply(nil, nil)
	ws.SendChan() <- reply
	data := test.WaitData(c.RecvChan)
	t.Assert(len(data), Equals, 1)

	// Disconnect client.
	<-ws.ConnectChan() // disconnect ack

	// Reconnect client and send/recv again.
	c = <-mock.ClientConnectChan
	<-ws.ConnectChan() // connect ack

	c.SendChan <- cmd
	got = test.WaitCmd(ws.RecvChan())
	t.Assert(len(got), Equals, 1)
	reply = cmd.Reply(nil, nil)
	ws.SendChan() <- reply
	data = test.WaitData(c.RecvChan)
	t.Assert(len(data), Equals, 1)
func (s *TestSuite) TestChannels(t *C) {
	 * Agent uses send/recv channels instead of "direct" interface.

	ws, err := client.NewWebsocketClient(s.logger, s.api, "agent")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Start send/recv chans, but idle until successful Connect.
	defer ws.Stop()

	c := <-mock.ClientConnectChan

	// API sends Cmd to client.
	cmd := &proto.Cmd{
		User: "******",
		Ts:   time.Now(),
		Cmd:  "Status",
	c.SendChan <- cmd

	// If client's recvChan is working, it will receive the Cmd.
	got := test.WaitCmd(ws.RecvChan())
	t.Assert(len(got), Equals, 1)
	t.Assert(got[0], DeepEquals, *cmd)

	// Client sends Reply in response to Cmd.
	reply := cmd.Reply(nil, nil)
	ws.SendChan() <- reply

	// If client's sendChan is working, we/API will receive the Reply.
	data := test.WaitData(c.RecvChan)
	t.Assert(len(data), Equals, 1)

	// We're dealing with generic data again.
	m := data[0].(map[string]interface{})
	t.Assert(m["Cmd"], Equals, "Status")
	t.Assert(m["Error"], Equals, "")

	err = ws.Disconnect()
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)