Example #1
func (s *testColumnChangeSuite) checkAddWriteOnly(d *ddl, ctx context.Context, deleteOnlyTable, writeOnlyTable table.Table) error {
	// WriteOnlyTable: insert t values (2, 3)
	_, err := writeOnlyTable.AddRecord(ctx, types.MakeDatums(2, 3))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = ctx.CommitTxn()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = checkResult(ctx, writeOnlyTable, testutil.RowsWithSep(" ", "1 2 <nil>", "2 3 3"))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// DeleteOnlyTable: select * from t
	err = checkResult(ctx, deleteOnlyTable, testutil.RowsWithSep(" ", "1 2", "2 3"))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// WriteOnlyTable: update t set c1 = 2 where c1 = 1
	h, _, err := writeOnlyTable.Seek(ctx, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = writeOnlyTable.UpdateRecord(ctx, h, types.MakeDatums(1, 2), types.MakeDatums(2, 2), touchedMap(writeOnlyTable))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = ctx.CommitTxn()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// After we update the first row, its default value is also set.
	err = checkResult(ctx, writeOnlyTable, testutil.RowsWithSep(" ", "2 2 3", "2 3 3"))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// DeleteOnlyTable: delete from t where c2 = 2
	err = deleteOnlyTable.RemoveRecord(ctx, h, types.MakeDatums(2, 2))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = ctx.CommitTxn()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// After delete table has deleted the first row, check the WriteOnly table records.
	err = checkResult(ctx, writeOnlyTable, testutil.RowsWithSep(" ", "2 3 3"))
	return errors.Trace(err)
Example #2
func (s *testColumnChangeSuite) checkAddPublic(d *ddl, ctx context.Context, writeOnlyTable, publicTable table.Table) error {
	// publicTable Insert t values (4, 4, 4)
	h, err := publicTable.AddRecord(ctx, types.MakeDatums(4, 4, 4))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = ctx.CommitTxn()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// writeOnlyTable update t set c1 = 3 where c1 = 4
	oldRow, err := writeOnlyTable.RowWithCols(ctx, h, writeOnlyTable.WritableCols())
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	if len(oldRow) != 3 {
		return errors.Errorf("%v", oldRow)
	newRow := types.MakeDatums(3, 4, oldRow[2].GetValue())
	err = writeOnlyTable.UpdateRecord(ctx, h, oldRow, newRow, touchedMap(writeOnlyTable))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	err = ctx.CommitTxn()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// publicTable select * from t, make sure the new c3 value 4 is not overwritten to default value 3.
	err = checkResult(ctx, publicTable, testutil.RowsWithSep(" ", "2 3 3", "3 4 4"))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	return nil
Example #3
// Rows is similar to RowsWithSep, use white space as separator string.
func Rows(args ...string) [][]interface{} {
	return testutil.RowsWithSep(" ", args...)
Example #4
func (s *testSuite) TestExplain(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store)
	tk.MustExec("use test")
	tk.MustExec("drop table if exists t1, t2")
	tk.MustExec("create table t1 (c1 int primary key, c2 int, index c2 (c2))")
	tk.MustExec("create table t2 (c1 int unique, c2 int)")

	cases := []struct {
		sql    string
		result []string
			"select * from t1",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ALL | <nil> | <nil> | <nil> | <nil> | 0 | <nil>",
			"select * from t1 order by c2",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | index | c2 | c2 | <nil> | <nil> | 0 | <nil>",
			"select * from t2 order by c2",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t2 | ALL | <nil> | <nil> | <nil> | <nil> | 0 | Using filesort",
			"select * from t1 where t1.c1 > 0",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
			"select * from t1 where t1.c1 = 1",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
			"select * from t1 where t1.c2 = 1",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | range | c2 | c2 | -1 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
			"select * from t1 left join t2 on t1.c2 = t2.c1 where t1.c1 > 1",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t2 | eq_ref | c1 | c1 | -1 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
			"update t1 set t1.c2 = 2 where t1.c1 = 1",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
			"delete from t1 where t1.c2 = 1",
				"1 | SIMPLE | t1 | range | c2 | c2 | -1 | <nil> | 0 | Using where",
	for _, ca := range cases {
		result := tk.MustQuery("explain " + ca.sql)
		result.Check(testutil.RowsWithSep(" | ", ca.result...))