// load the content of the "balance/" folder func load_balance(showbalance bool) { var unknownInputs, multisigInputs int f, e := os.Open("balance/unspent.txt") if e != nil { println(e.Error()) return } rd := bufio.NewReader(f) for { l, _, e := rd.ReadLine() if len(l) == 0 && e != nil { break } if l[64] == '-' { txid := btc.NewUint256FromString(string(l[:64])) rst := strings.SplitN(string(l[65:]), " ", 2) vout, _ := strconv.ParseUint(rst[0], 10, 32) uns := new(btc.TxPrevOut) copy(uns.Hash[:], txid.Hash[:]) uns.Vout = uint32(vout) lab := "" if len(rst) > 1 { lab = rst[1] } if _, ok := loadedTxs[txid.Hash]; !ok { tf, _ := os.Open("balance/" + txid.String() + ".tx") if tf != nil { siz, _ := tf.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END) tf.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) buf := make([]byte, siz) tf.Read(buf) tf.Close() th := btc.Sha2Sum(buf) if bytes.Equal(th[:], txid.Hash[:]) { tx, _ := btc.NewTx(buf) if tx != nil { loadedTxs[txid.Hash] = tx } else { println("transaction is corrupt:", txid.String()) } } else { println("transaction file is corrupt:", txid.String()) os.Exit(1) } } else { println("transaction file not found:", txid.String()) os.Exit(1) } } unspentOuts = append(unspentOuts, uns) unspentOutsLabel = append(unspentOutsLabel, lab) // Sum up all the balance and check if we have private key for this input uo := UO(uns) totBtc += UO(uns).Value if !btc.IsP2SH(uo.Pk_script) { fnd := false for j := range publ_addrs { if publ_addrs[j].Owns(uo.Pk_script) { fnd = true break } } if showbalance && !fnd { unknownInputs++ if *verbose { ss := uns.String() ss = ss[:8] + "..." + ss[len(ss)-12:] fmt.Println(ss, "does not belong to your wallet (cannot sign it)") } } } else { if *verbose { ss := uns.String() ss = ss[:8] + "..." + ss[len(ss)-12:] fmt.Println(ss, "belongs to a multisig address") } multisigInputs++ } } } f.Close() fmt.Printf("You have %.8f BTC in %d unspent outputs. %d inputs are multisig type\n", float64(totBtc)/1e8, len(unspentOuts), multisigInputs) if showbalance { if unknownInputs > 0 { fmt.Printf("WARNING: Some inputs (%d) cannot be spent with this password (-v to print them)\n", unknownInputs) } } }
// load the content of the "balance/" folder func load_balance(showbalance bool) { var unknownInputs, multisigInputs int f, e := os.Open("balance/unspent.txt") if e != nil { println(e.Error()) return } rd := bufio.NewReader(f) for { l, _, e := rd.ReadLine() if len(l) == 0 && e != nil { break } if l[64] == '-' { txid := btc.NewUint256FromString(string(l[:64])) rst := strings.SplitN(string(l[65:]), " ", 2) vout, _ := strconv.ParseUint(rst[0], 10, 32) uns := new(btc.TxPrevOut) copy(uns.Hash[:], txid.Hash[:]) uns.Vout = uint32(vout) lab := "" if len(rst) > 1 { lab = rst[1] } str := string(l) if sti := strings.Index(str, "_StealthC:"); sti != -1 { c, e := hex.DecodeString(str[sti+10 : sti+10+64]) if e != nil { fmt.Println("ERROR at stealth", txid.String(), vout, e.Error()) } else { // add a new key to the wallet sec := btc.DeriveNextPrivate(first_seed[:], c) is_stealth[len(priv_keys)] = true priv_keys = append(priv_keys, sec) labels = append(labels, lab) pub_key := btc.PublicFromPrivate(sec, true) publ_addrs = append(publ_addrs, btc.NewAddrFromPubkey(pub_key, btc.AddrVerPubkey(*testnet))) compressed_key = append(compressed_key, true) // stealth keys are always compressed } } if _, ok := loadedTxs[txid.Hash]; !ok { tf, _ := os.Open("balance/" + txid.String() + ".tx") if tf != nil { siz, _ := tf.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END) tf.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) buf := make([]byte, siz) tf.Read(buf) tf.Close() th := btc.Sha2Sum(buf) if bytes.Equal(th[:], txid.Hash[:]) { tx, _ := btc.NewTx(buf) if tx != nil { loadedTxs[txid.Hash] = tx } else { println("transaction is corrupt:", txid.String()) } } else { println("transaction file is corrupt:", txid.String()) os.Exit(1) } } else { println("transaction file not found:", txid.String()) os.Exit(1) } } // Sum up all the balance and check if we have private key for this input uo := UO(uns) add_it := true if !btc.IsP2SH(uo.Pk_script) { fnd := false for j := range publ_addrs { if publ_addrs[j].Owns(uo.Pk_script) { fnd = true break } } if !fnd { if *onlvalid { add_it = false } if showbalance { unknownInputs++ if *verbose { ss := uns.String() ss = ss[:8] + "..." + ss[len(ss)-12:] fmt.Println(ss, "does not belong to your wallet (cannot sign it)") } } } } else { if *onlvalid { add_it = false } if *verbose { ss := uns.String() ss = ss[:8] + "..." + ss[len(ss)-12:] fmt.Println(ss, "belongs to a multisig address") } multisigInputs++ } if add_it { unspentOuts = append(unspentOuts, uns) unspentOutsLabel = append(unspentOutsLabel, lab) totBtc += UO(uns).Value } } } f.Close() fmt.Printf("You have %.8f BTC in %d unspent outputs. %d inputs are multisig type\n", float64(totBtc)/1e8, len(unspentOuts), multisigInputs) if showbalance { if unknownInputs > 0 { fmt.Printf("WARNING: Some inputs (%d) cannot be spent with this password (-v to print them)\n", unknownInputs) } } }