Example #1
// CreateApp is HTTP handler to creating new application
func CreateApp(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	// Capture current time in UTC unix
	time := core.NowUTCUnix()

	// Application instance
	app := App{
		ID:           bson.NewObjectId(),
		Name:         r.FormValue("name"),
		CompanyName:  r.FormValue("company_name"),
		CompanyEmail: r.FormValue("company_email"),
		CreatedAt:    time,
		UpdatedAt:    time,

	// Validation check
	if err := core.Bind.Validate.Struct(app); err != nil {
		core.Response.JSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, core.H{
			"errors":  core.ValidationErrorToStringArray(err),
			"message": "The param passed to the API is invalid or empty when required.",

	// Inserting to database
	if err := core.Session.DB(core.Config.UString("database.name")).C(core.Config.UString("database.collection.app")).Insert(app); err != nil {
		core.Response.JSON(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, core.H{
			"errors": []string{
			"message": "An error occurred when creating new application. Please try again later.",

	// Success response JSON
	core.Response.JSON(w, http.StatusOK, core.H{
		"message":        "Success to create new application.",
		"application_id": app.ID,
Example #2
// PspPush is HTTP handler to creating new application
func PspPush(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	token := mux.Vars(r)["psptoken"]

	// Select all apps based on token
	var app App
	pipeline := bson.M{
		"$or": []interface{}{
			bson.M{"psp_apns.token": token},
			bson.M{"psp_apns_sandbox.token": token},
			bson.M{"psp_gcm.token": token},
	if err := core.Session.DB(core.Config.UString("database.name")).C(core.Config.UString("database.collection.app")).Find(pipeline).One(&app); err != nil {
		core.Response.JSON(w, http.StatusNotFound, core.H{
			"errors": []string{
			"message": "Invalid push service provider token.",

	data := PspApns{
		Alert:       r.FormValue("alert"),
		Badge:       r.FormValue("badge"),
		Sound:       r.FormValue("sound"),
		DeviceToken: r.FormValue("device_token"),
		PushType:    r.FormValue("push_tipe"),

	// Check if struct passed is valid or not
	if err := core.Bind.Validate.Struct(data); err != nil {
		core.Response.JSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, core.H{
			"errors":  core.ValidationErrorToStringArray(err),
			"message": "Invalid parameter. Please check again.",

	// Determine which psp is this token?
	var pspType int
	var config Apns

	switch token {
	case app.PspApns.Token:
		pspType = TypeApns
		config = app.PspApns
	case app.PspApnsSandbox.Token:
		pspType = TypeApnsSandbox
		config = app.PspApnsSandbox
	case app.PspGcm.Token:
		pspType = TypeGcm
		// config = app.PspGcm

	go func() {
		// Sending to beanstalkd worker
		job := Job{
			ID:     bson.NewObjectId(),
			Data:   data,
			Config: config,
			Status: "queued",

		delay, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("delay"))
		if err != nil {
			delay = 0

		jobJSON, _ := json.Marshal(job)
		tube := &beanstalk.Tube{Conn: core.Queue, Name: "apns"}
		id, err := tube.Put(jobJSON, 1, time.Duration(delay)*time.Second, time.Second)
		if err != nil {

		job.JobID = id
		err = core.Session.DB(core.Config.UString("database.name")).C(core.Config.UString("database.collection.history")).Insert(job)
		if err != nil {

	// Response success
	core.Response.JSON(w, http.StatusOK, core.H{
		"message": "Success to queue push job",
		"token":   token,
		"type":    pspType,