Example #1
// This is copied from storage/metric/helpers_test.go, which is unfortunate but
// presently required to make things work.
func NewTestTieredStorage(t test.Tester) (storage *tiered.TieredStorage, closer test.Closer) {
	var directory test.TemporaryDirectory
	directory = test.NewTemporaryDirectory("test_tiered_storage", t)
	storage, err := tiered.NewTieredStorage(2500, 1000, 5*time.Second, 0*time.Second, directory.Path())

	if err != nil {
		if storage != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error creating storage: %s", err)

	if storage == nil {
		t.Fatalf("storage == nil")
	started := make(chan bool)
	go storage.Serve(started)
	closer = &testTieredStorageCloser{
		storage:   storage,
		directory: directory,
Example #2
func AppendRepeatingValuesTests(p metric.Persistence, t test.Tester) {
	m := clientmodel.Metric{
		clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "errors_total",
		"controller":                "foo",
		"operation":                 "bar",

	increments := 10
	repetitions := 500

	for i := 0; i < increments; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < repetitions; j++ {
			time := clientmodel.Timestamp(0).Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Hour).Add(time.Duration(j) * time.Second)
			testAppendSamples(p, &clientmodel.Sample{
				Value:     clientmodel.SampleValue(i),
				Timestamp: time,
				Metric:    m,
			}, t)

	v, ok := p.(metric.View)
	if !ok {
		// It's purely a benchmark for a Persistence that is not viewable.

	matchers := labelMatchersFromLabelSet(clientmodel.LabelSet{
		clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "errors_total",
		"controller":                "foo",
		"operation":                 "bar",

	for i := 0; i < increments; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < repetitions; j++ {
			fingerprints, err := p.GetFingerprintsForLabelMatchers(matchers)
			if err != nil {
			if len(fingerprints) != 1 {
				t.Fatalf("expected %d fingerprints, got %d", 1, len(fingerprints))

			time := clientmodel.Timestamp(0).Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Hour).Add(time.Duration(j) * time.Second)
			samples := v.GetValueAtTime(fingerprints[0], time)
			if len(samples) == 0 {
				t.Fatal("expected at least one sample.")

			expected := clientmodel.SampleValue(i)

			for _, sample := range samples {
				if sample.Value != expected {
					t.Fatalf("expected %v value, got %v", expected, sample.Value)
func AppendRepeatingValuesTests(p MetricPersistence, t test.Tester) {
	metric := model.Metric{
		model.MetricNameLabel: "errors_total",
		"controller":          "foo",
		"operation":           "bar",

	increments := 10
	repetitions := 500

	for i := 0; i < increments; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < repetitions; j++ {
			time := time.Time{}.Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Hour).Add(time.Duration(j) * time.Second)
			testAppendSample(p, model.Sample{
				Value:     model.SampleValue(i),
				Timestamp: time,
				Metric:    metric,
			}, t)

	if true {
		// XXX: Purely a benchmark.

	labelSet := model.LabelSet{
		model.MetricNameLabel: "errors_total",
		"controller":          "foo",
		"operation":           "bar",

	for i := 0; i < increments; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < repetitions; j++ {
			fingerprints, err := p.GetFingerprintsForLabelSet(labelSet)
			if err != nil {
			if len(fingerprints) != 1 {
				t.Fatalf("expected %d fingerprints, got %d", 1, len(fingerprints))

			time := time.Time{}.Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Hour).Add(time.Duration(j) * time.Second)
			sample, err := p.GetValueAtTime(fingerprints[0], time, StalenessPolicy{})
			if err != nil {
			if sample == nil {
				t.Fatal("expected non-nil sample.")

			expected := model.SampleValue(i)

			if sample.Value != expected {
				t.Fatalf("expected %d value, got %d", expected, sample.Value)
func newTestTieredStorage(t test.Tester) (storage Storage, closer test.Closer) {
	var directory test.TemporaryDirectory
	directory = test.NewTemporaryDirectory("test_tiered_storage", t)
	storage, err := NewTieredStorage(5000000, 2500, 1000, 5*time.Second, 15*time.Second, 0*time.Second, directory.Path())

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error creating storage: %s", err)

	if storage == nil {
		t.Fatalf("storage == nil")

	go storage.Serve()
	closer = &testTieredStorageCloser{
		storage:   storage,
		directory: directory,
Example #5
func GetLabelValuesForLabelNameTests(p metric.Persistence, t test.Tester) {
	testAppendSamples(p, &clientmodel.Sample{
		Value:     0,
		Timestamp: 0,
		Metric: clientmodel.Metric{
			clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "my_metric",
			"request_type":              "create",
			"result":                    "success",
	}, t)

	testAppendSamples(p, &clientmodel.Sample{
		Value:     0,
		Timestamp: 0,
		Metric: clientmodel.Metric{
			clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "my_metric",
			"request_type":              "delete",
			"outcome":                   "failure",
	}, t)

	expectedIndex := map[clientmodel.LabelName]clientmodel.LabelValues{
		clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: {"my_metric"},
		"request_type":              {"create", "delete"},
		"result":                    {"success"},
		"outcome":                   {"failure"},

	for name, expected := range expectedIndex {
		actual, err := p.GetLabelValuesForLabelName(name)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error getting values for label %s: %v", name, err)
		if len(actual) != len(expected) {
			t.Fatalf("Number of values don't match for label %s: got %d; want %d", name, len(actual), len(expected))
		for i := range expected {
			if actual[i] != expected[i] {
				t.Fatalf("%d. Got %s; want %s", i, actual[i], expected[i])
Example #6
func GetFingerprintsForLabelSetTests(p metric.Persistence, t test.Tester) {
	metrics := []clientmodel.Metric{
			clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "test_metric",
			"method":                    "get",
			"result":                    "success",
			clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "test_metric",
			"method":                    "get",
			"result":                    "failure",
			clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "test_metric",
			"method":                    "post",
			"result":                    "success",
			clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "test_metric",
			"method":                    "post",
			"result":                    "failure",

	newTestLabelMatcher := func(matchType metric.MatchType, name clientmodel.LabelName, value clientmodel.LabelValue) *metric.LabelMatcher {
		m, err := metric.NewLabelMatcher(matchType, name, value)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Couldn't create label matcher: %v", err)
		return m

	scenarios := []struct {
		in         metric.LabelMatchers
		outIndexes []int
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "test_metric"),
			outIndexes: []int{0, 1, 2, 3},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "non_existent_metric"),
			outIndexes: []int{},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "non_existent_metric"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, "result", "success"),
			outIndexes: []int{},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "test_metric"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, "result", "success"),
			outIndexes: []int{0, 2},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "test_metric"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.NotEqual, "result", "success"),
			outIndexes: []int{1, 3},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "test_metric"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.RegexMatch, "result", "foo|success|bar"),
			outIndexes: []int{0, 2},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "test_metric"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.RegexNoMatch, "result", "foo|success|bar"),
			outIndexes: []int{1, 3},
			in: metric.LabelMatchers{
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.Equal, clientmodel.MetricNameLabel, "test_metric"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.RegexNoMatch, "result", "foo|success|bar"),
				newTestLabelMatcher(metric.RegexMatch, "method", "os"),
			outIndexes: []int{3},

	for _, m := range metrics {
		testAppendSamples(p, &clientmodel.Sample{
			Value:     0,
			Timestamp: 0,
			Metric:    m,
		}, t)

	for i, s := range scenarios {
		actualFps, err := p.GetFingerprintsForLabelMatchers(s.in)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%d. Couldn't get fingerprints for label matchers: %v", i, err)

		expectedFps := clientmodel.Fingerprints{}
		for _, i := range s.outIndexes {
			fp := &clientmodel.Fingerprint{}
			expectedFps = append(expectedFps, fp)


		if len(actualFps) != len(expectedFps) {
			t.Fatalf("%d. Got %d fingerprints; want %d", i, len(actualFps), len(expectedFps))

		for j, actualFp := range actualFps {
			if !actualFp.Equal(expectedFps[j]) {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. Got fingerprint %v; want %v", i, j, actualFp, expectedFps[j])
Example #7
func testBuilder(t test.Tester) {
	type atTime struct {
		fingerprint string
		time        time.Time

	type atInterval struct {
		fingerprint string
		from        time.Time
		through     time.Time
		interval    time.Duration

	type atRange struct {
		fingerprint string
		from        time.Time
		through     time.Time

	type in struct {
		atTimes     []atTime
		atIntervals []atInterval
		atRanges    []atRange

	type out []struct {
		fingerprint string
		operations  ops

	var scenarios = []struct {
		in  in
		out out
		// // Ensure that the fingerprint is sorted in proper order.
			in: in{
				atTimes: []atTime{
						fingerprint: "0000000000000001111-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(100, 0),
						fingerprint: "0000000000000000000-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(100, 0),
			out: out{
					fingerprint: "00000000000000000000-a-4-a",
					fingerprint: "00000000000000001111-a-4-a",
		// // Ensure that the fingerprint-timestamp pairs are sorted in proper order.
			in: in{
				atTimes: []atTime{
						fingerprint: "1111-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(100, 0),
						fingerprint: "1111-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(200, 0),
						fingerprint: "0-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(100, 0),
						fingerprint: "0-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(0, 0),
			out: out{
					fingerprint: "00000000000000000000-a-4-a",
					fingerprint: "00000000000000001111-a-4-a",
		// Ensure grouping of operations
			in: in{
				atTimes: []atTime{
						fingerprint: "1111-a-4-a",
						time:        time.Unix(100, 0),
				atRanges: []atRange{
						fingerprint: "1111-a-4-a",
						from:        time.Unix(100, 0),
						through:     time.Unix(1000, 0),
						fingerprint: "1111-a-4-a",
						from:        time.Unix(100, 0),
						through:     time.Unix(9000, 0),
			out: out{
					fingerprint: "00000000000000001111-a-4-a",

	for i, scenario := range scenarios {
		builder := viewRequestBuilder{
			operations: map[model.Fingerprint]ops{},

		for _, atTime := range scenario.in.atTimes {
			fingerprint := model.NewFingerprintFromRowKey(atTime.fingerprint)
			builder.GetMetricAtTime(fingerprint, atTime.time)

		for _, atInterval := range scenario.in.atIntervals {
			fingerprint := model.NewFingerprintFromRowKey(atInterval.fingerprint)
			builder.GetMetricAtInterval(fingerprint, atInterval.from, atInterval.through, atInterval.interval)

		for _, atRange := range scenario.in.atRanges {
			fingerprint := model.NewFingerprintFromRowKey(atRange.fingerprint)
			builder.GetMetricRange(fingerprint, atRange.from, atRange.through)

		jobs := builder.ScanJobs()

		if len(scenario.out) != len(jobs) {
			t.Fatalf("%d. expected job length of %d, got %d\n", i, len(scenario.out), len(jobs))

		for j, job := range scenario.out {
			if jobs[j].fingerprint.ToRowKey() != job.fingerprint {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected fingerprint %s, got %s\n", i, j, job.fingerprint, jobs[j].fingerprint.ToRowKey())
func GetBoundaryValuesTests(persistenceMaker func() (MetricPersistence, test.Closer), t test.Tester) {
	type value struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value float32

	type input struct {
		openYear  int
		openMonth time.Month
		openDay   int
		openHour  int
		endYear   int
		endMonth  time.Month
		endDay    int
		endHour   int
		staleness time.Duration

	type output struct {
		open model.SampleValue
		end  model.SampleValue

	type behavior struct {
		name   string
		input  input
		output *output

	var contexts = []struct {
		name      string
		values    []value
		behaviors []behavior
			name:   "no values",
			values: []value{},
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "non-existent interval without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "non-existent interval with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
			name: "single value",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "on start but missing end without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "non-existent interval after within staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   31,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(4380) * time.Hour,
					name: "non-existent interval after without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   31,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "non-existent interval before with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    29,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "non-existent interval before without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    29,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "on end but not start without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "on end but not start without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "before point without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1982,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1983,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "before point with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1982,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1983,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "after point without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "after point with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "spanning point without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 9,
						openDay:   29,
						openHour:  12,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  9,
						endDay:    28,
						endHour:   12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "spanning point with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 9,
						openDay:   29,
						openHour:  12,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  9,
						endDay:    28,
						endHour:   12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
			name: "double values",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "on points without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						open: 0,
						end:  1,
					name: "on points with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						open: 0,
						end:  1,
					name: "on first before second outside of staleness",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  6,
						endDay:    29,
						endHour:   6,
						staleness: time.Duration(2190) * time.Hour,
					name: "on first before second within staleness",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  6,
						endDay:    29,
						endHour:   6,
						staleness: time.Duration(356*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "on first after second outside of staleness",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  6,
						endDay:    29,
						endHour:   6,
						staleness: time.Duration(1) * time.Hour,
					name: "on first after second within staleness",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  6,
						endDay:    29,
						endHour:   6,
						staleness: time.Duration(356*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						open: 0,
						end:  1,

	for i, context := range contexts {
		// Wrapping in function to enable garbage collection of resources.
		func() {
			p, closer := persistenceMaker()

			defer closer.Close()
			defer p.Close()

			m := model.Metric{
				model.MetricNameLabel: "age_in_years",

			for _, value := range context.values {
				testAppendSample(p, model.Sample{
					Value:     model.SampleValue(value.value),
					Timestamp: time.Date(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
					Metric:    m,
				}, t)

			for j, behavior := range context.behaviors {
				input := behavior.input
				open := time.Date(input.openYear, input.openMonth, input.openDay, input.openHour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
				end := time.Date(input.endYear, input.endMonth, input.endDay, input.endHour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
				interval := model.Interval{
					OldestInclusive: open,
					NewestInclusive: end,
				po := StalenessPolicy{
					DeltaAllowance: input.staleness,

				openValue, endValue, err := p.GetBoundaryValues(model.NewFingerprintFromMetric(m), interval, po)
				if err != nil {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Could not query for value: %q\n", i, j, behavior.name, err)

				if behavior.output == nil {
					if openValue != nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected open to be nil but got: %q\n", i, j, behavior.name, openValue)
					if endValue != nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected end to be nil but got: %q\n", i, j, behavior.name, endValue)
				} else {
					if openValue == nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected open to be %s but got nil\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output)
					if endValue == nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected end to be %s but got nil\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output)
					if openValue.Value != behavior.output.open {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected open to be %s but got %s\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output.open, openValue.Value)

					if endValue.Value != behavior.output.end {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected end to be %s but got %s\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output.end, endValue.Value)
func testOptimize(t test.Tester) {
	var (
		out ops

		scenarios = []struct {
			in  ops
			out ops
			// Empty set; return empty set.
				in:  ops{},
				out: ops{},
			// Single time; return single time.
				in: ops{
						time: testInstant,
				out: ops{
						time: testInstant,
			// Single range; return single range.
				in: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
			// Single interval; return single interval.
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
				out: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
			// Duplicate points; return single point.
				in: ops{
						time: testInstant,
						time: testInstant,
				out: ops{
						time: testInstant,
			// Duplicate ranges; return single range.
				in: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
			// Duplicate intervals; return single interval.
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
				out: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
			// Subordinate interval; return master.
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
				out: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
			// Subordinate range; return master.
				in: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
			// Equal range with different interval; return both.
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
				out: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
			// Different range with different interval; return best.
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
				out: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 5,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
			// Include Truncated Intervals with Range.
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second),
						from:     testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second),
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
			// Compacted Forward Truncation
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						from:     testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						through:  testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
			// Compacted Tail Truncation
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						from:     testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						through:  testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
			// Compact Interval with Subservient Range
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
			// Compact Ranges with Subservient Range
				in: ops{
						from:    testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						through: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
			// Carving Middle Elements
				in: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:    testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						through: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:     testInstant,
						through:  testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
						from:    testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute),
						through: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute),
						// Since the range operation consumes Now() + 3 Minutes, we start
						// an additional ten seconds later.
						from:     testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute).Add(10 * time.Second),
						through:  testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute),
						interval: time.Second * 10,
			// Compact Subservient Points with Range
			// The points are at half-minute offsets due to optimizeTimeGroups
			// work.
				in: ops{
						time: testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(2 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(3 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(4 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(6 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						from:    testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						through: testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						time: testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second),
						from:    testInstant.Add(1 * time.Minute),
						through: testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute),
						time: testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
						time: testInstant.Add(6 * time.Minute).Add(30 * time.Second),
			// Regression Validation 1: Multiple Overlapping Interval Requests
			//                          We expect to find compaction.
				in: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(5 * time.Minute),
						from:    testInstant.Add(15 * time.Second),
						through: testInstant.Add(15 * time.Second).Add(5 * time.Minute),
						from:    testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second),
						through: testInstant.Add(30 * time.Second).Add(5 * time.Minute),
						from:    testInstant.Add(45 * time.Second),
						through: testInstant.Add(45 * time.Second).Add(5 * time.Minute),
				out: ops{
						from:    testInstant,
						through: testInstant.Add(45 * time.Second).Add(5 * time.Minute),

	for i, scenario := range scenarios {
		// The compaction system assumes that values are sorted on input.

		out = optimize(scenario.in)

		if len(out) != len(scenario.out) {
			t.Fatalf("%d. expected length of %d, got %d", i, len(scenario.out), len(out))

		for j, op := range out {

			if actual, ok := op.(*getValuesAtTimeOp); ok {

				if expected, ok := scenario.out[j].(*getValuesAtTimeOp); ok {
					if expected.time.Unix() != actual.time.Unix() {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected time %s, got %s", i, j, expected.time, actual.time)
				} else {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected getValuesAtTimeOp, got %s", i, j, actual)

			} else if actual, ok := op.(*getValuesAtIntervalOp); ok {

				if expected, ok := scenario.out[j].(*getValuesAtIntervalOp); ok {
					// Shaving off nanoseconds.
					if expected.from.Unix() != actual.from.Unix() {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected from %s, got %s", i, j, expected.from, actual.from)
					if expected.through.Unix() != actual.through.Unix() {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected through %s, got %s", i, j, expected.through, actual.through)
					if expected.interval != (actual.interval) {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected interval %s, got %s", i, j, expected.interval, actual.interval)
				} else {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected getValuesAtIntervalOp, got %s", i, j, actual)

			} else if actual, ok := op.(*getValuesAlongRangeOp); ok {

				if expected, ok := scenario.out[j].(*getValuesAlongRangeOp); ok {
					if expected.from.Unix() != actual.from.Unix() {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected from %s, got %s", i, j, expected.from, actual.from)
					if expected.through.Unix() != actual.through.Unix() {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected through %s, got %s", i, j, expected.through, actual.through)
				} else {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected getValuesAlongRangeOp, got %s", i, j, actual)


func GetRangeValuesTests(persistenceMaker func() (MetricPersistence, test.Closer), t test.Tester) {
	type value struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value float32

	type input struct {
		openYear  int
		openMonth time.Month
		openDay   int
		openHour  int
		endYear   int
		endMonth  time.Month
		endDay    int
		endHour   int

	type output struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value float32

	type behavior struct {
		name   string
		input  input
		output []output

	var contexts = []struct {
		name      string
		values    []value
		behaviors []behavior
			name:   "no values",
			values: []value{},
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "non-existent interval",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
			name: "singleton value",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "start on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "end on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "overlap on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
			name: "two values",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "start on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "start on second value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "end on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "end on second value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 1,
						openDay:   1,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "overlap on values",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,

	for i, context := range contexts {
		// Wrapping in function to enable garbage collection of resources.
		func() {
			p, closer := persistenceMaker()

			defer closer.Close()
			defer p.Close()

			m := model.Metric{
				model.MetricNameLabel: "age_in_years",

			for _, value := range context.values {
				testAppendSample(p, model.Sample{
					Value:     model.SampleValue(value.value),
					Timestamp: time.Date(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
					Metric:    m,
				}, t)

			for j, behavior := range context.behaviors {
				input := behavior.input
				open := time.Date(input.openYear, input.openMonth, input.openDay, input.openHour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
				end := time.Date(input.endYear, input.endMonth, input.endDay, input.endHour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
				in := model.Interval{
					OldestInclusive: open,
					NewestInclusive: end,

				values, err := p.GetRangeValues(model.NewFingerprintFromMetric(m), in)
				if err != nil {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Could not query for value: %q\n", i, j, behavior.name, err)

				if values == nil && len(behavior.output) != 0 {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected %s but got: %s\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output, values)

				if behavior.output == nil {
					if values != nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected nil values but got: %s\n", i, j, behavior.name, values)
				} else {
					if len(behavior.output) != len(values.Values) {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected length %d but got: %d\n", i, j, behavior.name, len(behavior.output), len(values.Values))

					for k, actual := range values.Values {
						expected := behavior.output[k]

						if actual.Value != model.SampleValue(expected.value) {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.value, actual.Value)

						if actual.Timestamp.Year() != expected.year {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.year, actual.Timestamp.Year())
						if actual.Timestamp.Month() != expected.month {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.month, actual.Timestamp.Month())
						// XXX: Find problem here.
						// Mismatches occur in this and have for a long time in the LevelDB
						// case, however not im-memory.
						// if actual.Timestamp.Day() != expected.day {
						// 	t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.day, actual.Timestamp.Day())
						// }
						// if actual.Timestamp.Hour() != expected.hour {
						// 	t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.hour, actual.Timestamp.Hour())
						// }
Example #11
func testMakeView(t test.Tester) {
	type in struct {
		atTime     []getValuesAtTimeOp
		atInterval []getValuesAtIntervalOp
		alongRange []getValuesAlongRangeOp

	type out struct {
		atTime     [][]model.SamplePair
		atInterval [][]model.SamplePair
		alongRange [][]model.SamplePair
	var (
		instant     = time.Date(1984, 3, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
		metric      = model.Metric{model.MetricNameLabel: "request_count"}
		fingerprint = model.NewFingerprintFromMetric(metric)
		scenarios   = []struct {
			data []model.Sample
			in   in
			out  out
			// No sample, but query asks for one.
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant,
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{{}},
			// Single sample, query asks for exact sample time.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant,
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Single sample, query time before the sample.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant,
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
								Value:     0,
			// Single sample, query time after the sample.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant.Add(time.Second),
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Two samples, query asks for first sample time.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant,
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Three samples, query asks for second sample time.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     2,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant.Add(time.Second),
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
								Value:     1,
			// Three samples, query asks for time between first and second samples.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     2,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 4),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant.Add(time.Second),
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
								Value:     1,
			// Three samples, query asks for time between second and third samples.
				data: []model.Sample{
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
						Metric:    metric,
						Value:     2,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 4),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant.Add(time.Second * 3),
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
								Value:     1,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 4),
								Value:     2,
			// Two chunks of samples, query asks for values from first chunk.
				data: buildSamples(instant, instant.Add(time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2)*time.Second), time.Second, metric),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							time: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize/2) + 1),
				out: out{
					atTime: [][]model.SamplePair{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize/2)),
								Value:     100,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * (time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize/2) + 1)),
								Value:     101,

	for i, scenario := range scenarios {
		tiered, closer := newTestTieredStorage(t)
		defer closer.Close()

		for j, datum := range scenario.data {
			err := tiered.AppendSample(datum)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. failed to add fixture data: %s", i, j, err)


		requestBuilder := NewViewRequestBuilder()

		for _, atTime := range scenario.in.atTime {
			requestBuilder.GetMetricAtTime(fingerprint, atTime.time)

		for _, atInterval := range scenario.in.atInterval {
			requestBuilder.GetMetricAtInterval(fingerprint, atInterval.from, atInterval.through, atInterval.interval)

		for _, alongRange := range scenario.in.alongRange {
			requestBuilder.GetMetricRange(fingerprint, alongRange.from, alongRange.through)

		v, err := tiered.MakeView(requestBuilder, time.Second*5)

		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%d. failed due to %s", i, err)

		for j, atTime := range scenario.in.atTime {
			actual := v.GetValueAtTime(fingerprint, atTime.time)

			if len(actual) != len(scenario.out.atTime[j]) {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected %d output, got %d", i, j, len(scenario.out.atTime[j]), len(actual))

			for k, value := range scenario.out.atTime[j] {
				if value.Value != actual[k].Value {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d expected %v value, got %v", i, j, k, value.Value, actual[k].Value)
				if !value.Timestamp.Equal(actual[k].Timestamp) {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d expected %s timestamp, got %s", i, j, k, value.Timestamp, actual[k].Timestamp)

Example #12
func GetRangeValuesTests(persistenceMaker func() (metric.ViewablePersistence, test.Closer), onlyBoundaries bool, t test.Tester) {
	type value struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value clientmodel.SampleValue

	type input struct {
		openYear  int
		openMonth time.Month
		openDay   int
		openHour  int
		endYear   int
		endMonth  time.Month
		endDay    int
		endHour   int

	type output struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value clientmodel.SampleValue

	type behavior struct {
		name   string
		input  input
		output []output

	var contexts = []struct {
		name      string
		values    []value
		behaviors []behavior
			name:   "no values",
			values: []value{},
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "non-existent interval",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
			name: "singleton value",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "start on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "end on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "overlap on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
			name: "two values",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "start on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "start on second value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "end on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "end on second value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 1,
						openDay:   1,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "overlap on values",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
			name: "three values",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
					year:  1986,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 2,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "start on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1984,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "start on second value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
							year:  1986,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 2,
					name: "end on first value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1984,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
					name: "end on second value",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1985,
						openMonth: 1,
						openDay:   1,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1985,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
					name: "overlap on values",
					input: input{
						openYear:  1983,
						openMonth: 3,
						openDay:   30,
						openHour:  0,
						endYear:   1986,
						endMonth:  3,
						endDay:    30,
						endHour:   0,
					output: []output{
							year:  1984,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 0,
							year:  1985,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 1,
							year:  1986,
							month: 3,
							day:   30,
							hour:  0,
							value: 2,

	for i, context := range contexts {
		// Wrapping in function to enable garbage collection of resources.
		func() {
			p, closer := persistenceMaker()

			defer closer.Close()
			defer p.Close()

			m := clientmodel.Metric{
				clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "age_in_years",

			for _, value := range context.values {
				testAppendSamples(p, &clientmodel.Sample{
					Value:     clientmodel.SampleValue(value.value),
					Timestamp: clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(time.Date(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
					Metric:    m,
				}, t)

			for j, behavior := range context.behaviors {
				input := behavior.input
				open := clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(time.Date(input.openYear, input.openMonth, input.openDay, input.openHour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
				end := clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(time.Date(input.endYear, input.endMonth, input.endDay, input.endHour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
				in := metric.Interval{
					OldestInclusive: open,
					NewestInclusive: end,

				actualValues := metric.Values{}
				expectedValues := []output{}
				fp := &clientmodel.Fingerprint{}
				if onlyBoundaries {
					actualValues = p.GetBoundaryValues(fp, in)
					l := len(behavior.output)
					if l == 1 {
						expectedValues = behavior.output[0:1]
					if l > 1 {
						expectedValues = append(behavior.output[0:1], behavior.output[l-1])
				} else {
					actualValues = p.GetRangeValues(fp, in)
					expectedValues = behavior.output

				if actualValues == nil && len(expectedValues) != 0 {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected %v but got: %v\n", i, j, behavior.name, expectedValues, actualValues)

				if expectedValues == nil {
					if actualValues != nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected nil values but got: %s\n", i, j, behavior.name, actualValues)
				} else {
					if len(expectedValues) != len(actualValues) {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected length %d but got: %d\n", i, j, behavior.name, len(expectedValues), len(actualValues))

					for k, actual := range actualValues {
						expected := expectedValues[k]

						if actual.Value != clientmodel.SampleValue(expected.value) {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %v but got: %v\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.value, actual.Value)

						if actual.Timestamp.Time().Year() != expected.year {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.year, actual.Timestamp.Time().Year())
						if actual.Timestamp.Time().Month() != expected.month {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.month, actual.Timestamp.Time().Month())
						// XXX: Find problem here.
						// Mismatches occur in this and have for a long time in the LevelDB
						// case, however not im-memory.
						// if actual.Timestamp.Day() != expected.day {
						// 	t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.day, actual.Timestamp.Day())
						// }
						// if actual.Timestamp.Hour() != expected.hour {
						// 	t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s). Expected %d but got: %d\n", i, j, k, behavior.name, expected.hour, actual.Timestamp.Hour())
						// }
Example #13
func GetValueAtTimeTests(persistenceMaker func() (metric.ViewablePersistence, test.Closer), t test.Tester) {
	type value struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value clientmodel.SampleValue

	type input struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int

	type output []clientmodel.SampleValue

	type behavior struct {
		name   string
		input  input
		output output

	var contexts = []struct {
		name      string
		values    []value
		behaviors []behavior
			name:   "no values",
			values: []value{},
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "random target",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
			name: "singleton",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "exact",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "before",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 3,
						day:   29,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "after",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 3,
						day:   31,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
			name: "double",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "exact first",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "exact second",
					input: input{
						year:  1985,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "before first",
					input: input{
						year:  1983,
						month: 9,
						day:   29,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{
					name: "after second",
					input: input{
						year:  1985,
						month: 9,
						day:   28,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{
					name: "middle",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 9,
						day:   28,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{
			name: "triple",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
					year:  1986,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 2,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "exact first",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "exact second",
					input: input{
						year:  1985,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "exact third",
					input: input{
						year:  1986,
						month: 3,
						day:   30,
						hour:  0,
					output: output{
					name: "before first",
					input: input{
						year:  1983,
						month: 9,
						day:   29,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{
					name: "after third",
					input: input{
						year:  1986,
						month: 9,
						day:   28,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{
					name: "first middle",
					input: input{
						year:  1984,
						month: 9,
						day:   28,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{
					name: "second middle",
					input: input{
						year:  1985,
						month: 9,
						day:   28,
						hour:  12,
					output: output{

	for i, context := range contexts {
		// Wrapping in function to enable garbage collection of resources.
		func() {
			p, closer := persistenceMaker()

			defer closer.Close()
			defer p.Close()

			m := clientmodel.Metric{
				clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "age_in_years",

			for _, value := range context.values {
				testAppendSamples(p, &clientmodel.Sample{
					Value:     clientmodel.SampleValue(value.value),
					Timestamp: clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(time.Date(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
					Metric:    m,
				}, t)

			for j, behavior := range context.behaviors {
				input := behavior.input
				time := clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(time.Date(input.year, input.month, input.day, input.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
				fingerprint := &clientmodel.Fingerprint{}
				actual := p.GetValueAtTime(fingerprint, time)

				if len(behavior.output) != len(actual) {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s.%s). Expected %d samples but got: %v\n", i, j, context.name, behavior.name, len(behavior.output), actual)
				for k, samplePair := range actual {
					if samplePair.Value != behavior.output[k] {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d(%s.%s). Expected %s but got %s\n", i, j, k, context.name, behavior.name, behavior.output[k], samplePair)

func testHealthScheduler(t test.Tester) {
	now := time.Now()
	var scenarios = []struct {
		futureHealthState []TargetState
		preloadedTimes    []time.Time
		expectedSchedule  []time.Time
		// The behavior discussed in healthScheduler.Reschedule should be read
		// fully to understand the whys and wherefores.
			futureHealthState: []TargetState{UNKNOWN, ALIVE, ALIVE},
			preloadedTimes:    []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Minute), now.Add(time.Minute * 2)},
			expectedSchedule:  []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Minute), now.Add(time.Minute * 2)},
			futureHealthState: []TargetState{UNKNOWN, UNREACHABLE, UNREACHABLE},
			preloadedTimes:    []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Minute), now.Add(time.Minute * 2)},
			expectedSchedule:  []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Second * 2), now.Add(time.Minute).Add(time.Second * 4)},
			futureHealthState: []TargetState{UNKNOWN, UNREACHABLE, ALIVE},
			preloadedTimes:    []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Minute), now.Add(time.Minute * 2)},
			expectedSchedule:  []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Second * 2), now.Add(time.Minute * 2)},
			preloadedTimes:    []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Minute), now.Add(time.Minute * 2), now.Add(time.Minute * 3), now.Add(time.Minute * 4), now.Add(time.Minute * 5), now.Add(time.Minute * 6), now.Add(time.Minute * 7), now.Add(time.Minute * 8), now.Add(time.Minute * 9), now.Add(time.Minute * 10), now.Add(time.Minute * 11), now.Add(time.Minute * 12)},
			expectedSchedule:  []time.Time{now, now.Add(time.Second * 2), now.Add(time.Minute * 1).Add(time.Second * 4), now.Add(time.Minute * 2).Add(time.Second * 8), now.Add(time.Minute * 3).Add(time.Second * 16), now.Add(time.Minute * 4).Add(time.Second * 32), now.Add(time.Minute * 5).Add(time.Second * 64), now.Add(time.Minute * 6).Add(time.Second * 128), now.Add(time.Minute * 7).Add(time.Second * 256), now.Add(time.Minute * 8).Add(time.Second * 512), now.Add(time.Minute * 9).Add(time.Second * 1024), now.Add(time.Minute * 10).Add(time.Minute * 30), now.Add(time.Minute * 11).Add(time.Minute * 30)},

	for i, scenario := range scenarios {
		provider := test.NewInstantProvider(scenario.preloadedTimes)

		reporter := fakeHealthReporter{}
		for _, state := range scenario.futureHealthState {
			reporter.stateQueue = append(reporter.stateQueue, state)
		if len(scenario.preloadedTimes) != len(scenario.futureHealthState) || len(scenario.futureHealthState) != len(scenario.expectedSchedule) {
			t.Fatalf("%d. times and health reports and next time lengths were not equal.", i)

		time := utility.Time{
			Provider: provider,

		scheduler := healthScheduler{
			time:         time,
			target:       reporter,
			scheduledFor: now,

		for j := 0; j < len(scenario.preloadedTimes); j++ {
			futureState := scenario.futureHealthState[j]
			scheduler.Reschedule(scenario.preloadedTimes[j], futureState)
			nextSchedule := scheduler.ScheduledFor()
			if nextSchedule != scenario.expectedSchedule[j] {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d. Expected to be scheduled to %s, got %s", i, j, scenario.expectedSchedule[j], nextSchedule)
func GetValueAtTimeTests(persistenceMaker func() (MetricPersistence, test.Closer), t test.Tester) {
	type value struct {
		year  int
		month time.Month
		day   int
		hour  int
		value float32

	type input struct {
		year      int
		month     time.Month
		day       int
		hour      int
		staleness time.Duration

	type output struct {
		value model.SampleValue

	type behavior struct {
		name   string
		input  input
		output *output

	var contexts = []struct {
		name      string
		values    []value
		behaviors []behavior
			name:   "no values",
			values: []value{},
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "random target",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
			name: "singleton",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "exact without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "exact with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "before without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       29,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "before within staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       29,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "before outside staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       29,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(1) * time.Hour,
					name: "after without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       31,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "after within staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       31,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "after outside staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     4,
						day:       7,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(7*24) * time.Hour,
			name: "double",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "exact first without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "exact first with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "exact second without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						value: 1,
					name: "exact second with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 1,
					name: "before first without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1983,
						month:     9,
						day:       29,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "before first with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1983,
						month:     9,
						day:       29,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "after second with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 1,
					name: "after second without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "middle without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "middle with insufficient staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(364*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "middle with sufficient staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 0.5,
			name: "triple",
			values: []value{
					year:  1984,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 0,
					year:  1985,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 1,
					year:  1986,
					month: 3,
					day:   30,
					hour:  0,
					value: 2,
			behaviors: []behavior{
					name: "exact first without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "exact first with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 0,
					name: "exact second without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						value: 1,
					name: "exact second with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 1,
					name: "exact third without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1986,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					output: &output{
						value: 2,
					name: "exact third with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1986,
						month:     3,
						day:       30,
						hour:      0,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 2,
					name: "before first without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1983,
						month:     9,
						day:       29,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "before first with staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1983,
						month:     9,
						day:       29,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "after third within staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1986,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 2,
					name: "after third outside staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1986,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(1*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "after third without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1986,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "first middle without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "first middle with insufficient staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(364*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "first middle with sufficient staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1984,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 0.5,
					name: "second middle without staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(0),
					name: "second middle with insufficient staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(364*24) * time.Hour,
					name: "second middle with sufficient staleness policy",
					input: input{
						year:      1985,
						month:     9,
						day:       28,
						hour:      12,
						staleness: time.Duration(365*24) * time.Hour,
					output: &output{
						value: 1.5,

	for i, context := range contexts {
		// Wrapping in function to enable garbage collection of resources.
		func() {
			p, closer := persistenceMaker()

			defer closer.Close()
			defer p.Close()

			m := model.Metric{
				model.MetricNameLabel: "age_in_years",

			for _, value := range context.values {
				testAppendSample(p, model.Sample{
					Value:     model.SampleValue(value.value),
					Timestamp: time.Date(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
					Metric:    m,
				}, t)

			for j, behavior := range context.behaviors {
				input := behavior.input
				time := time.Date(input.year, input.month, input.day, input.hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
				sp := StalenessPolicy{
					DeltaAllowance: input.staleness,

				actual, err := p.GetValueAtTime(model.NewFingerprintFromMetric(m), time, sp)
				if err != nil {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Could not query for value: %q\n", i, j, behavior.name, err)

				if behavior.output == nil {
					if actual != nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected nil but got: %q\n", i, j, behavior.name, actual)
				} else {
					if actual == nil {
						t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected %s but got nil\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output)
					} else {
						if actual.Value != behavior.output.value {
							t.Fatalf("%d.%d(%s). Expected %s but got %s\n", i, j, behavior.name, behavior.output, actual)

Example #16
func testMakeView(t test.Tester, flushToDisk bool) {
	type in struct {
		atTime     []getValuesAtTimeOp
		atInterval []getValuesAtIntervalOp
		alongRange []getValuesAlongRangeOp

	type out struct {
		atTime     []metric.Values
		atInterval []metric.Values
		alongRange []metric.Values
	m := clientmodel.Metric{clientmodel.MetricNameLabel: "request_count"}
	fingerprint := &clientmodel.Fingerprint{}
	var (
		instant   = clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(time.Date(1984, 3, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local))
		scenarios = []struct {
			data     clientmodel.Samples
			in       in
			out      out
			diskOnly bool
			// No sample, but query asks for one.
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{{}},
			// Single sample, query asks for exact sample time.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Single sample, query time before the sample.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
								Value:     0,
			// Single sample, query time after the sample.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second)},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Two samples, query asks for first sample time.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Three samples, query asks for second sample time.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     2,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second)},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
								Value:     1,
			// Three samples, query asks for time between first and second samples.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     2,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 4),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second)},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
								Value:     1,
			// Three samples, query asks for time between second and third samples.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     1,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     2,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 4),
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second * 3)},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
								Value:     1,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * 4),
								Value:     2,
			// Two chunks of samples, query asks for values from second chunk.
				data: buildSamples(
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2) + clientmodel.MinimumTick)},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2)),
								Value:     200,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * (time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2) + 2)),
								Value:     201,
			// Two chunks of samples, query asks for values between both chunks.
				data: buildSamples(
				in: in{
					atTime: []getValuesAtTimeOp{
							baseOp: baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2) - clientmodel.MinimumTick)},
				out: out{
					atTime: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * (time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2) - 2)),
								Value:     199,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2)),
								Value:     200,
			// Two chunks of samples, getValuesAtIntervalOp spanning both.
				data: buildSamples(
				in: in{
					atInterval: []getValuesAtIntervalOp{
							getValuesAlongRangeOp: getValuesAlongRangeOp{
								baseOp:  baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2-4) - clientmodel.MinimumTick)},
								through: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2+4) + clientmodel.MinimumTick),
							interval: time.Second * 6,
				out: out{
					atInterval: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2-6)),
								Value:     197,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2-4)),
								Value:     198,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2)),
								Value:     200,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2+2)),
								Value:     201,
			// Three chunks of samples, getValuesAlongRangeOp spanning all of them.
				data: buildSamples(
				in: in{
					alongRange: []getValuesAlongRangeOp{
							baseOp:  baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2-4) - clientmodel.MinimumTick)},
							through: instant.Add(time.Second*time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*4+2) + clientmodel.MinimumTick),
				out: out{
					alongRange: []metric.Values{buildValues(
			// Three chunks of samples and a getValuesAlongIntervalOp with an
			// interval larger than the natural sample interval, spanning the gap
			// between the second and third chunks. To test two consecutive
			// ExtractSamples() calls for the same op, we need three on-disk chunks,
			// because the first two chunks are loaded from disk together and passed
			// as one unit into ExtractSamples(). Especially, we want to test that
			// the first sample of the last chunk is included in the result.
			// This is a regression test for an interval operator advancing too far
			// past the end of the currently available chunk, effectively skipping
			// over a value which is only available in the next chunk passed to
			// ExtractSamples().
			// Chunk and operator layout, assuming 200 samples per chunk:
			//         Chunk 1      Chunk 2        Chunk 3
			// Values: 0......199   200......399   400......599
			// Times:  0......398   400......798   800......1198
			//              |                          |
			//              |_________ Operator _______|
			//             395 399 ......  795  799  803
				data: buildSamples(
				in: in{
					atInterval: []getValuesAtIntervalOp{
							getValuesAlongRangeOp: getValuesAlongRangeOp{
								baseOp:  baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*2-5))},
								through: instant.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*leveldbChunkSize*4+3)),
							interval: time.Second * 4,
				out: out{
					atInterval: []metric.Values{
						// We need two overlapping buildValues() calls here since the last
						// value of the second chunk is extracted twice (value 399, time
						// offset 798s).
							// Values 197...399.
							// Times  394...798.
							// Values 399...402.
							// Times  798...804.
				// This example only works with on-disk chunks due to the repeatedly
				// extracted value at the end of the second chunk.
				diskOnly: true,
			// Single sample, getValuesAtIntervalOp starting after the sample.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant,
				in: in{
					atInterval: []getValuesAtIntervalOp{
							getValuesAlongRangeOp: getValuesAlongRangeOp{
								baseOp:  baseOp{current: instant.Add(time.Second)},
								through: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
							interval: time.Second,
				out: out{
					atInterval: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant,
								Value:     0,
			// Single sample, getValuesAtIntervalOp starting before the sample.
				data: clientmodel.Samples{
						Metric:    m,
						Value:     0,
						Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
				in: in{
					atInterval: []getValuesAtIntervalOp{
							getValuesAlongRangeOp: getValuesAlongRangeOp{
								baseOp:  baseOp{current: instant},
								through: instant.Add(time.Second * 2),
							interval: time.Second,
				out: out{
					atInterval: []metric.Values{
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
								Value:     0,
								Timestamp: instant.Add(time.Second),
								Value:     0,

	for i, scenario := range scenarios {
		if scenario.diskOnly && !flushToDisk {

		tiered, closer := NewTestTieredStorage(t)

		err := tiered.AppendSamples(scenario.data)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%d. failed to add fixture data: %s", i, err)

		if flushToDisk {

		requestBuilder := tiered.NewViewRequestBuilder()

		for _, atTime := range scenario.in.atTime {
			requestBuilder.GetMetricAtTime(fingerprint, atTime.current)

		for _, atInterval := range scenario.in.atInterval {
			requestBuilder.GetMetricAtInterval(fingerprint, atInterval.current, atInterval.through, atInterval.interval)

		for _, alongRange := range scenario.in.alongRange {
			requestBuilder.GetMetricRange(fingerprint, alongRange.current, alongRange.through)

		v, err := requestBuilder.Execute(time.Second*5, stats.NewTimerGroup())

		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%d. failed due to %s", i, err)

		// To get all values in the View, ask for the 'forever' interval.
		interval := metric.Interval{OldestInclusive: math.MinInt64, NewestInclusive: math.MaxInt64}

		for j, atTime := range scenario.out.atTime {
			actual := v.GetRangeValues(fingerprint, interval)

			if len(actual) != len(atTime) {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected %d output, got %d", i, j, len(atTime), len(actual))

			for k, value := range atTime {
				if value.Value != actual[k].Value {
					t.Errorf("%d.%d.%d expected %v value, got %v", i, j, k, value.Value, actual[k].Value)
				if !value.Timestamp.Equal(actual[k].Timestamp) {
					t.Errorf("%d.%d.%d expected %s (offset %ss) timestamp, got %s (offset %ss)", i, j, k, value.Timestamp, value.Timestamp.Sub(instant), actual[k].Timestamp, actual[k].Timestamp.Sub(instant))

		for j, atInterval := range scenario.out.atInterval {
			actual := v.GetRangeValues(fingerprint, interval)

			if len(actual) != len(atInterval) {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected %d output, got %d", i, j, len(atInterval), len(actual))

			for k, value := range atInterval {
				if value.Value != actual[k].Value {
					t.Errorf("%d.%d.%d expected %v value, got %v", i, j, k, value.Value, actual[k].Value)
				if !value.Timestamp.Equal(actual[k].Timestamp) {
					t.Errorf("%d.%d.%d expected %s (offset %ds) timestamp, got %s (offset %ds, value %s)", i, j, k, value.Timestamp, int(value.Timestamp.Sub(instant)/time.Second), actual[k].Timestamp, int(actual[k].Timestamp.Sub(instant)/time.Second), actual[k].Value)

		for j, alongRange := range scenario.out.alongRange {
			actual := v.GetRangeValues(fingerprint, interval)

			if len(actual) != len(alongRange) {
				t.Fatalf("%d.%d. expected %d output, got %d", i, j, len(alongRange), len(actual))

			for k, value := range alongRange {
				if value.Value != actual[k].Value {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d expected %v value, got %v", i, j, k, value.Value, actual[k].Value)
				if !value.Timestamp.Equal(actual[k].Timestamp) {
					t.Fatalf("%d.%d.%d expected %s (offset %ss) timestamp, got %s (offset %ss)", i, j, k, value.Timestamp, value.Timestamp.Sub(instant), actual[k].Timestamp, actual[k].Timestamp.Sub(instant))

Example #17
func StochasticTests(persistenceMaker func() (metric.Persistence, test.Closer), t test.Tester) {
	stochastic := func(x int) (success bool) {
		p, closer := persistenceMaker()
		defer closer.Close()
		defer p.Close()

		seed := rand.NewSource(int64(x))
		random := rand.New(seed)

		numberOfMetrics := random.Intn(stochasticMaximumVariance) + 1
		numberOfSharedLabels := random.Intn(stochasticMaximumVariance)
		numberOfUnsharedLabels := random.Intn(stochasticMaximumVariance)
		numberOfSamples := random.Intn(stochasticMaximumVariance) + 2
		numberOfRangeScans := random.Intn(stochasticMaximumVariance)

		metricTimestamps := map[int]map[int64]bool{}
		metricEarliestSample := map[int]int64{}
		metricNewestSample := map[int]int64{}

		for metricIndex := 0; metricIndex < numberOfMetrics; metricIndex++ {
			sample := &clientmodel.Sample{
				Metric: clientmodel.Metric{},

			v := clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("metric_index_%d", metricIndex))
			sample.Metric[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] = v

			for sharedLabelIndex := 0; sharedLabelIndex < numberOfSharedLabels; sharedLabelIndex++ {
				l := clientmodel.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("shared_label_%d", sharedLabelIndex))
				v := clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("label_%d", sharedLabelIndex))

				sample.Metric[l] = v

			for unsharedLabelIndex := 0; unsharedLabelIndex < numberOfUnsharedLabels; unsharedLabelIndex++ {
				l := clientmodel.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("metric_index_%d_private_label_%d", metricIndex, unsharedLabelIndex))
				v := clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("private_label_%d", unsharedLabelIndex))

				sample.Metric[l] = v

			timestamps := map[int64]bool{}
			metricTimestamps[metricIndex] = timestamps
			var newestSample int64 = math.MinInt64
			var oldestSample int64 = math.MaxInt64
			var nextTimestamp func() int64

			nextTimestamp = func() int64 {
				var candidate int64
				candidate = random.Int63n(math.MaxInt32 - 1)

				if _, has := timestamps[candidate]; has {
					// WART
					candidate = nextTimestamp()

				timestamps[candidate] = true

				if candidate < oldestSample {
					oldestSample = candidate

				if candidate > newestSample {
					newestSample = candidate

				return candidate

			// BUG(matt): Invariant of the in-memory database assumes this.
			sortedTimestamps := timeslice{}
			for sampleIndex := 0; sampleIndex < numberOfSamples; sampleIndex++ {
				sortedTimestamps = append(sortedTimestamps, clientmodel.TimestampFromUnix(nextTimestamp()))

			for sampleIndex := 0; sampleIndex < numberOfSamples; sampleIndex++ {
				sample.Timestamp = sortedTimestamps[sampleIndex]
				sample.Value = clientmodel.SampleValue(sampleIndex)

				err := p.AppendSamples(clientmodel.Samples{sample})

				if err != nil {

			metricEarliestSample[metricIndex] = oldestSample
			metricNewestSample[metricIndex] = newestSample

			for sharedLabelIndex := 0; sharedLabelIndex < numberOfSharedLabels; sharedLabelIndex++ {
				matchers := metric.LabelMatchers{{
					Type:  metric.Equal,
					Name:  clientmodel.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("shared_label_%d", sharedLabelIndex)),
					Value: clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("label_%d", sharedLabelIndex)),

				fingerprints, err := p.GetFingerprintsForLabelMatchers(matchers)
				if err != nil {
				if len(fingerprints) == 0 {
					t.Errorf("expected fingerprint count of %d, got %d", 0, len(fingerprints))

		for metricIndex := 0; metricIndex < numberOfMetrics; metricIndex++ {
			for unsharedLabelIndex := 0; unsharedLabelIndex < numberOfUnsharedLabels; unsharedLabelIndex++ {
				labelName := clientmodel.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("metric_index_%d_private_label_%d", metricIndex, unsharedLabelIndex))
				labelValue := clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("private_label_%d", unsharedLabelIndex))
				matchers := metric.LabelMatchers{{
					Type:  metric.Equal,
					Name:  labelName,
					Value: labelValue,

				fingerprints, err := p.GetFingerprintsForLabelMatchers(matchers)
				if err != nil {
				if len(fingerprints) != 1 {
					t.Errorf("expected fingerprint count of %d, got %d", 1, len(fingerprints))

			m := clientmodel.Metric{}
			m[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("metric_index_%d", metricIndex))

			for i := 0; i < numberOfSharedLabels; i++ {
				l := clientmodel.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("shared_label_%d", i))
				v := clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("label_%d", i))

				m[l] = v

			for i := 0; i < numberOfUnsharedLabels; i++ {
				l := clientmodel.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("metric_index_%d_private_label_%d", metricIndex, i))
				v := clientmodel.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("private_label_%d", i))

				m[l] = v

			for i := 0; i < numberOfRangeScans; i++ {
				timestamps := metricTimestamps[metricIndex]

				var first int64
				var second int64

				for {
					firstCandidate := random.Int63n(int64(len(timestamps)))
					secondCandidate := random.Int63n(int64(len(timestamps)))

					smallest := int64(-1)
					largest := int64(-1)

					if firstCandidate == secondCandidate {
					} else if firstCandidate > secondCandidate {
						largest = firstCandidate
						smallest = secondCandidate
					} else {
						largest = secondCandidate
						smallest = firstCandidate

					j := int64(0)
					for i := range timestamps {
						if j == smallest {
							first = i
						} else if j == largest {
							second = i


				begin := first
				end := second

				if second < first {
					begin, end = second, first

				interval := metric.Interval{
					OldestInclusive: clientmodel.TimestampFromUnix(begin),
					NewestInclusive: clientmodel.TimestampFromUnix(end),

				samples := metric.Values{}
				fp := &clientmodel.Fingerprint{}
				switch persistence := p.(type) {
				case metric.View:
					samples = persistence.GetRangeValues(fp, interval)
					if len(samples) < 2 {
						t.Fatalf("expected sample count greater than %d, got %d", 2, len(samples))
				case *LevelDBPersistence:
					var err error
					samples, err = levelDBGetRangeValues(persistence, fp, interval)
					if err != nil {
					if len(samples) < 2 {
						t.Fatalf("expected sample count greater than %d, got %d", 2, len(samples))
					t.Error("Unexpected type of metric.Persistence.")

		return true

	if err := quick.Check(stochastic, nil); err != nil {