func BenchmarkProcessBookingSource(b *testing.B) { revel.Init("", "", "") revel.TRACE = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _, err := ProcessSource(revel.CodePaths) if err != nil { b.Error("Unexpected error:", err) } } }
func buildApp(args []string) { if len(args) != 2 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n%s", cmdBuild.UsageLine, cmdBuild.Long) return } appImportPath, destPath := args[0], args[1] if !revel.Initialized { revel.Init("", appImportPath, "") } os.RemoveAll(destPath) os.MkdirAll(destPath, 0777) app, reverr := harness.Build() panicOnError(reverr, "Failed to build") // Included are: // - run scripts // - binary // - revel // - app // Revel and the app are in a directory structure mirroring import path srcPath := path.Join(destPath, "src") tmpRevelPath := path.Join(srcPath, filepath.FromSlash(revel.REVEL_IMPORT_PATH)) mustCopyFile(path.Join(destPath, filepath.Base(app.BinaryPath)), app.BinaryPath) mustCopyDir(path.Join(tmpRevelPath, "conf"), path.Join(revel.RevelPath, "conf"), nil) mustCopyDir(path.Join(tmpRevelPath, "templates"), path.Join(revel.RevelPath, "templates"), nil) mustCopyDir(path.Join(srcPath, filepath.FromSlash(appImportPath)), revel.BasePath, nil) tmplData := map[string]interface{}{ "BinName": filepath.Base(app.BinaryPath), "ImportPath": appImportPath, } mustRenderTemplate( path.Join(destPath, ""), path.Join(revel.RevelPath, "cmd", ""), tmplData) mustRenderTemplate( path.Join(destPath, "run.bat"), path.Join(revel.RevelPath, "cmd", "package_run.bat.template"), tmplData) }
func runApp(args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { errorf("No import path given.\nRun 'revel help run' for usage.\n") } // Determine the run mode. mode := "dev" if len(args) >= 2 { mode = args[1] } // Find and parse app.conf revel.Init(mode, args[0], "") revel.LoadMimeConfig() // Determine the override port, if any. port := revel.HttpPort if len(args) == 3 { var err error if port, err = strconv.Atoi(args[2]); err != nil { errorf("Failed to parse port as integer: %s", args[2]) } } revel.INFO.Printf("Running %s (%s) in %s mode\n", revel.AppName, revel.ImportPath, mode) revel.TRACE.Println("Base path:", revel.BasePath) // If the app is run in "watched" mode, use the harness to run it. if revel.Config.BoolDefault("watch", true) && revel.Config.BoolDefault("watch.code", true) { revel.HttpPort = port harness.NewHarness().Run() // Never returns. } // Else, just build and run the app. app, err := harness.Build() if err != nil { errorf("Failed to build app: %s", err) } app.Port = port app.Cmd().Run() }
func TestProcessBookingSource(t *testing.T) { revel.Init("", "", "") sourceInfo, err := ProcessSource([]string{revel.AppPath}) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Failed to process booking source with error:", err) } CONTROLLER_PKG := "" expectedControllerSpecs := []*TypeInfo{ {"GorpController", CONTROLLER_PKG, "controllers", nil, nil}, {"Application", CONTROLLER_PKG, "controllers", nil, nil}, {"Hotels", CONTROLLER_PKG, "controllers", nil, nil}, } if len(sourceInfo.ControllerSpecs()) != len(expectedControllerSpecs) { t.Errorf("Unexpected number of controllers found. Expected %d, Found %d", len(expectedControllerSpecs), len(sourceInfo.ControllerSpecs())) } NEXT_TEST: for _, expected := range expectedControllerSpecs { for _, actual := range sourceInfo.ControllerSpecs() { if actual.StructName == expected.StructName { if actual.ImportPath != expected.ImportPath { t.Errorf("%s expected to have import path %s, actual %s", actual.StructName, expected.ImportPath, actual.ImportPath) } if actual.PackageName != expected.PackageName { t.Errorf("%s expected to have package name %s, actual %s", actual.StructName, expected.PackageName, actual.PackageName) } continue NEXT_TEST } } t.Errorf("Expected to find controller %s, but did not. Actuals: %s", expected.StructName, sourceInfo.ControllerSpecs()) } }
func packageApp(args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, cmdPackage.Long) return } appImportPath := args[0] revel.Init("", appImportPath, "") // Remove the archive if it already exists. destFile := path.Base(revel.BasePath) + ".tar.gz" os.Remove(destFile) // Collect stuff in a temp directory. tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", path.Base(revel.BasePath)) panicOnError(err, "Failed to get temp dir") buildApp([]string{args[0], tmpDir}) // Create the zip file. archiveName := mustTarGzDir(destFile, tmpDir) fmt.Println("Your archive is ready:", archiveName) }
func testApp(args []string) { var err error if len(args) == 0 { errorf("No import path given.\nRun 'revel help test' for usage.\n") } mode := "dev" if len(args) == 2 { mode = args[1] } // Find and parse app.conf revel.Init(mode, args[0], "") // Ensure that the testrunner is loaded in this mode. testRunnerFound := false for _, module := range revel.Modules { if module.ImportPath == "" { testRunnerFound = true break } } if !testRunnerFound { errorf(`Error: The testrunner module is not running. You can add it to a run mode configuration with the following line: module.testrunner = `) } // Create a directory to hold the test result files. resultPath := path.Join(revel.BasePath, "test-results") if err = os.RemoveAll(resultPath); err != nil { errorf("Failed to remove test result directory %s: %s", resultPath, err) } if err = os.Mkdir(resultPath, 0777); err != nil { errorf("Failed to create test result directory %s: %s", resultPath, err) } // Direct all the output into a file in the test-results directory. file, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(resultPath, "app.log"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { errorf("Failed to create log file: %s", err) } app, reverr := harness.Build() if reverr != nil { errorf("Error building: %s", reverr) } cmd := app.Cmd() cmd.Stderr = file cmd.Stdout = file // Start the app... cmd.Start() defer cmd.Kill() revel.INFO.Printf("Testing %s (%s) in %s mode\n", revel.AppName, revel.ImportPath, mode) // Get a list of tests. var testSuites []controllers.TestSuiteDesc baseUrl := fmt.Sprintf("", revel.HttpPort) resp, err := http.Get(baseUrl + "/@tests.list") if err != nil { errorf("Failed to request test list: %s", err) } defer resp.Body.Close() json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&testSuites) fmt.Printf("\n%d test suite%s to run.\n", len(testSuites), pluralize(len(testSuites), "", "s")) fmt.Println() // Load the result template, which we execute for each suite. TemplateLoader := revel.NewTemplateLoader(revel.TemplatePaths) if err := TemplateLoader.Refresh(); err != nil { errorf("Failed to compile templates: %s", err) } resultTemplate, err := TemplateLoader.Template("TestRunner/SuiteResult.html") if err != nil { errorf("Failed to load suite result template: %s", err) } // Run each suite. overallSuccess := true for _, suite := range testSuites { // Print the name of the suite we're running. name := suite.Name if len(name) > 22 { name = name[:19] + "..." } fmt.Printf("%-22s", name) // Run every test. startTime := time.Now() suiteResult := controllers.TestSuiteResult{Name: suite.Name, Passed: true} for _, test := range suite.Tests { testUrl := baseUrl + "/@tests/" + suite.Name + "/" + test.Name resp, err := http.Get(testUrl) if err != nil { errorf("Failed to fetch test result at url %s: %s", testUrl, err) } defer resp.Body.Close() var testResult controllers.TestResult json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&testResult) if !testResult.Passed { suiteResult.Passed = false } suiteResult.Results = append(suiteResult.Results, testResult) } overallSuccess = overallSuccess && suiteResult.Passed // Print result. (Just PASSED or FAILED, and the time taken) suiteResultStr, suiteAlert := "PASSED", "" if !suiteResult.Passed { suiteResultStr, suiteAlert = "FAILED", "!" } fmt.Printf("%8s%3s%6ds\n", suiteResultStr, suiteAlert, int(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())) // Create the result HTML file. suiteResultFilename := path.Join(resultPath, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.html", suite.Name, strings.ToLower(suiteResultStr))) suiteResultFile, err := os.Create(suiteResultFilename) if err != nil { errorf("Failed to create result file %s: %s", suiteResultFilename, err) } if err = resultTemplate.Render(suiteResultFile, suiteResult); err != nil { errorf("Failed to render result template: %s", err) } } fmt.Println() if overallSuccess { writeResultFile(resultPath, "result.passed", "passed") fmt.Println("All Tests Passed.") } else { writeResultFile(resultPath, "result.failed", "failed") errorf("Some tests failed. See file://%s for results.", resultPath) } }