Example #1
func isHWIDBanned(hwid int64) bool {
	// Query for data on the HWID
	var rows []*struct {
		Banned bool

	err := environment.Env.Database.Query(
		"SELECT banned FROM aci_hwid WHERE hwid = ?",

	if err != nil {
		return false

	// No data, not detected
	if len(rows) == 0 {
		return false

	// Return whether banned
	return rows[0].Banned
Example #2
func (a *HTTPServer) Start() {
	// Create a new token
	m := martini.Classic()

	// GET / - version info
	m.Get("/", func() string {
		// config.VERSION is a const containing the version string
		return "aiw3/np-server " + config.VERSION

	// Remote kick function. Secure before using.
	/*m.Get("/rkick/:name", func(params martini.Params) string {
			var rows []*struct {
				Id int

			err := environment.Env.Database.Query(`
		username = ?`, params["name"]).Rows(&rows)

			if err != nil {
				return err.Error()

			if len(rows) != 1 {
				return "User not found"

			npid := structs.IdToNpid(rows[0].Id)

			connection := storage.GetClientConnection(npid)

			if connection == nil {
				return "Not connected"

			connection.IsUnclean = true

			if connection.ServerId != 0 {
				err = utils.KickUser(connection.ServerId, npid, 10001)
				if err != nil {
					return "Cannot kick user"

				return "User marked as unclean and kicked"
			} else {
				// ehmehgehrd spam with packets
				for _, server := range storage.Servers {
					if server != nil && server.Valid {
						utils.KickUser(server.Npid, npid, 10001)

			return "User not connected to a server; marked as unclean"

	// GET /authenticate - remauth replacement
	m.Post("/authenticate", func(r *http.Request) string {
		// Read all data from the body into a variable
		// It might be insecure and cause high memory usage if anyone exploits it
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Error while reading from POST body", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		// As specified in the client, "username" (email in our usecase) and password are seperated by &&
		parts := strings.Split(string(body), "&&")

		// There MUST be two parts or the program will panic!
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Invalid request", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		// Trim newlines from the email and password
		// In original implementation \0 was also removed, but it seems that golang won't compile a const with \0
		email := strings.Trim(parts[0], trim_cutset)
		password := strings.Trim(parts[1], trim_cutset)

		// Not sure if it's performant, but that's just like the example in Jet documentation
		// This struct is used for query result mapping
		var rows []*struct {
			Id       int
			Username string
			Password string
			Rank     int
			Email    string
			Reason   string
			Expires  time.Time

		// The larger query seems to be faster than two seperate ones
		// Might be because Jet's mapper uses reflection which isn't that fast
		err = environment.Env.Database.Query(`
	u.id AS id,
	u.username AS username,
	u.password AS password,
	u.rank_id AS rank,
	u.email AS email,
	b.reason_user AS reason,
	b.expires AS expires
	misago_user AS u
	misago_ban AS b
	(b.test = 0 AND b.ban = u.username OR b.ban = u.email)
	(b.test = 1 AND b.ban = u.username)
	b.ban = u.email	
	u.email = ?`, email).Rows(&rows)

		// Probably MySQL went down
		if err != nil {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Database error", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		// There's no email like that!
		if len(rows) != 1 {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Wrong email or password", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		// Put it here, because we already know if the user is banned.
		// TODO: Escape #s, either here or in the GenerateResponse function
		if rows[0].Reason != "" && rows[0].Expires.After(time.Now()) {
			return GenerateResponse(
				"Your account is banned. Reason: "+strings.Trim(rows[0].Reason, "\n\r#"),

		// I'm too lazy to add the original Django hash implementation. Some people will have to login onto forums,
		// so Django's auth module can rehash their passwords.
		if rows[0].Password[:7] != "bcrypt$" {
			return GenerateResponse(
				"Your account is not compatible with the client. Please log in onto forums.",

		// I wonder if the bcrypt password checker is timing-attack proof
		err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(rows[0].Password[7:]), []byte(password))
		if err != nil {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Wrong email or password", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		// Unidecode the username
		username := unidecode.Unidecode(rows[0].Username)

		token := uniuri.NewLen(20)
		existing, err := environment.Env.Redis.Keys("session:" + strconv.Itoa(rows[0].Id) + ":*").Result()
		if err != nil {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Error while accessing session service", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		if len(existing) > 0 {
			removed, err := environment.Env.Redis.Del(existing...).Result()
			if err != nil {
				return GenerateResponse(false, "Error while accessing session service", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

			logger.Debugf("Removed %d old sessions while authenticating %s", removed, username)

		status, err := environment.Env.Redis.Set("session:"+strconv.Itoa(rows[0].Id)+":"+token, structs.StripPort(r.RemoteAddr)+";"+strconv.Itoa(rows[0].Rank)+";"+username).Result()
		if err != nil {
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Error while accessing session service", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		if status != "OK" {
			logger.Warning("Authentication of %s failed. Redis returned %s on set.", username, status)
			return GenerateResponse(false, "Error while accessing session service", 0, "Anonymous", "*****@*****.**", "0")

		// Return a "Success response"
		return GenerateResponse(
			strings.Trim(username, "\n\r#"),

	// Standard HTTP serving method
	logger.Infof("Serving auth server on %s", environment.Env.Config.HTTP.BindingAddress)
	http.ListenAndServe(environment.Env.Config.HTTP.BindingAddress, m)
func RPCAuthenticateWithTokenMessage(conn net.Conn, connection_data *structs.ConnData, packet_data *structs.PacketData) error {
	// Unmarshal the data
	msg := new(protocol.AuthenticateWithTokenMessage)
	err := proto.Unmarshal(packet_data.Content, msg)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Split the token
	token := string(msg.Token)
	parts := strings.Split(token, ":")

	// uid is the first part
	id, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[0])
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Convert it to the Npid
	npid := structs.IdToNpid(id)

	// Set connection data
	connection_data.Id = id
	connection_data.Npid = npid
	connection_data.Token = token

	// Verify!
	sess_string, err := environment.Env.Redis.Get("session:" + token).Result()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Format is: ip;rank;username
	sess_parts := strings.Split(sess_string, ";")

	// Verify that user has the same IP as the one used to log in
	if sess_parts[0] != structs.StripPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String()) {
		return WrongIPAddress

	// Get the rank id and save it in the session
	connection_data.RankId, err = strconv.Atoi(sess_parts[1])
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Authenticate the session
	connection_data.Authenticated = true
	connection_data.Username = sess_parts[2]

	// Add connection to the storage
	storage.SetClientConnection(npid, connection_data)

	// Return a response
	err = reply.Reply(conn, packet_data.Header.Id, &protocol.AuthenticateResultMessage{
		Result:       proto.Int32(0),
		Npid:         &npid,
		SessionToken: msg.Token,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// No idea what this thing is supposed to do
	time.AfterFunc(time.Millisecond*900, func() {
		err = reply.Reply(conn, 0, &protocol.AuthenticateExternalStatusMessage{
			Status: proto.Int32(0),

		if err != nil {

	return nil