Example #1
func TestUpdateDirectory(t *testing.T) {
	_, svc, rc := testData()

	f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
	tf.Printer = &testPrinter{}
	tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
		Codec: codec,
		Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
			case strings.HasPrefix(p, "/namespaces/test/services/") && (m == "GET" || m == "PUT"):
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &svc.Items[0])}, nil
			case strings.HasPrefix(p, "/namespaces/test/replicationcontrollers/") && (m == "GET" || m == "PUT"):
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &rc.Items[0])}, nil
				t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
				return nil, nil
	tf.Namespace = "test"
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})

	cmd := NewCmdUpdate(f, buf)
	cmd.Flags().Set("filename", "../../../examples/guestbook")
	cmd.Flags().Set("namespace", "test")
	cmd.Run(cmd, []string{})

	if buf.String() != "replicationcontrollers/rc1\nservices/baz\nreplicationcontrollers/rc1\nservices/baz\nreplicationcontrollers/rc1\nservices/baz\n" {
		t.Errorf("unexpected output: %s", buf.String())
Example #2
func TestUpdateObject(t *testing.T) {
	_, _, rc := testData()

	f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
	tf.Printer = &testPrinter{}
	tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
		Codec: codec,
		Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
			case p == "/namespaces/test/replicationcontrollers/redis-master" && m == "GET":
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &rc.Items[0])}, nil
			case p == "/namespaces/test/replicationcontrollers/redis-master" && m == "PUT":
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &rc.Items[0])}, nil
				t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
				return nil, nil
	tf.Namespace = "test"
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})

	cmd := NewCmdUpdate(f, buf)
	cmd.Flags().Set("filename", "../../../examples/guestbook/redis-master-controller.yaml")
	cmd.Run(cmd, []string{})

	// uses the name from the file, not the response
	if buf.String() != "replicationcontrollers/rc1\n" {
		t.Errorf("unexpected output: %s", buf.String())
Example #3
func TestLog(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		name, version, podPath, logPath, container string
		pod                                        *api.Pod
			name:    "v1beta3 - pod log",
			version: "v1beta3",
			podPath: "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			logPath: "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo/log",
			pod:     testPod(),
			name:    "v1 - pod log",
			version: "v1",
			podPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			logPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo/log",
			pod:     testPod(),
	for _, test := range tests {
		logContent := "test log content"
		f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
		tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
			Codec: codec,
			Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
				switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
				case p == test.podPath && m == "GET":
					body := objBody(codec, test.pod)
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: body}, nil
				case p == test.logPath && m == "GET":
					body := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(logContent))
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: body}, nil
					// Ensures no GET is performed when deleting by name
					t.Errorf("%s: unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", test.name, req.URL, req)
					return nil, nil
		tf.Namespace = "test"
		tf.ClientConfig = &client.Config{Version: test.version}
		buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})

		cmd := NewCmdLog(f, buf)
		cmd.Flags().Set("namespace", "test")
		cmd.Run(cmd, []string{"foo"})

		if buf.String() != logContent {
			t.Errorf("%s: did not get expected log content. Got: %s", test.name, buf.String())
Example #4
func TestLabelMultipleObjects(t *testing.T) {
	pods, _, _ := testData()

	f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
	tf.Printer = &testPrinter{}
	tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
		Codec: codec,
		Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			switch req.Method {
			case "GET":
				switch req.URL.Path {
				case "/namespaces/test/pods":
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, pods)}, nil
					t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
					return nil, nil
			case "PUT":
				switch req.URL.Path {
				case "/namespaces/test/pods/foo":
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &pods.Items[0])}, nil
				case "/namespaces/test/pods/bar":
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &pods.Items[1])}, nil
					t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
					return nil, nil
				t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %s %#v\n%#v", req.Method, req.URL, req)
				return nil, nil
	tf.Namespace = "test"
	tf.ClientConfig = &client.Config{Version: testapi.Version()}
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})

	cmd := NewCmdLabel(f, buf)

	cmd.Flags().Set("all", "true")
	if err := RunLabel(f, buf, cmd, []string{"pods", "a=b"}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	if tf.Printer.(*testPrinter).Objects == nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected non print to default printer")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(tf.Printer.(*testPrinter).Objects[0].(*api.Pod).Labels, map[string]string{"a": "b"}) {
		t.Errorf("did not set labels: %#v", string(buf.Bytes()))
Example #5
func fakeClientWith(testName string, t *testing.T, data map[string]string) ClientMapper {
	return ClientMapperFunc(func(*meta.RESTMapping) (RESTClient, error) {
		return &client.FakeRESTClient{
			Codec: latest.Codec,
			Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
				p := req.URL.Path
				q := req.URL.RawQuery
				if len(q) != 0 {
					p = p + "?" + q
				body, ok := data[p]
				if !ok {
					t.Fatalf("%s: unexpected request: %s (%s)\n%#v", testName, p, req.URL, req)
				return &http.Response{
					StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
					Body:       stringBody(body),
				}, nil
		}, nil
func TestAddDeploymentHash(t *testing.T) {
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	codec := testapi.Codec()
	rc := &api.ReplicationController{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "rc"},
		Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
			Template: &api.PodTemplateSpec{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Labels: map[string]string{
						"foo": "bar",

	podList := &api.PodList{
		Items: []api.Pod{
			{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}},
			{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"}},
			{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "baz"}},

	seen := util.StringSet{}
	updatedRc := false
	fakeClient := &client.FakeRESTClient{
		Codec: codec,
		Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("pods", "default", "") && m == "GET":
				if req.URL.RawQuery != "labelSelector=foo%3Dbar" {
					t.Errorf("Unexpected query string: %s", req.URL.RawQuery)
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, podList)}, nil
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("pods", "default", "foo") && m == "PUT":
				obj := readOrDie(t, req, codec)
				podList.Items[0] = *(obj.(*api.Pod))
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &podList.Items[0])}, nil
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("pods", "default", "bar") && m == "PUT":
				obj := readOrDie(t, req, codec)
				podList.Items[1] = *(obj.(*api.Pod))
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &podList.Items[1])}, nil
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("pods", "default", "baz") && m == "PUT":
				obj := readOrDie(t, req, codec)
				podList.Items[2] = *(obj.(*api.Pod))
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &podList.Items[2])}, nil
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("replicationcontrollers", "default", "rc") && m == "PUT":
				updatedRc = true
				return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, rc)}, nil
				t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
				return nil, nil
	clientConfig := &client.Config{Version: testapi.Version()}
	client := client.NewOrDie(clientConfig)
	client.Client = fakeClient.Client

	if _, err := AddDeploymentKeyToReplicationController(rc, client, "dk", "hash", api.NamespaceDefault, buf); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	for _, pod := range podList.Items {
		if !seen.Has(pod.Name) {
			t.Errorf("Missing update for pod: %s", pod.Name)
	if !updatedRc {
		t.Errorf("Failed to update replication controller with new labels")
func TestUpdateWithRetries(t *testing.T) {
	codec := testapi.Codec()
	rc := &api.ReplicationController{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "rc",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
		Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
			Template: &api.PodTemplateSpec{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Labels: map[string]string{
						"foo": "bar",
				Spec: api.PodSpec{
					RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways,
					DNSPolicy:     api.DNSClusterFirst,

	// Test end to end updating of the rc with retries. Essentially make sure the update handler
	// sees the right updates, failures in update/get are handled properly, and that the updated
	// rc with new resource version is returned to the caller. Without any of these rollingupdate
	// will fail cryptically.
	newRc := *rc
	newRc.ResourceVersion = "2"
	newRc.Spec.Selector["baz"] = "foobar"
	updates := []*http.Response{
		{StatusCode: 500, Body: objBody(codec, &api.ReplicationController{})},
		{StatusCode: 500, Body: objBody(codec, &api.ReplicationController{})},
		{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, &newRc)},
	gets := []*http.Response{
		{StatusCode: 500, Body: objBody(codec, &api.ReplicationController{})},
		{StatusCode: 200, Body: objBody(codec, rc)},
	fakeClient := &client.FakeRESTClient{
		Codec: codec,
		Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("replicationcontrollers", "default", "rc") && m == "PUT":
				update := updates[0]
				updates = updates[1:]
				// We should always get an update with a valid rc even when the get fails. The rc should always
				// contain the update.
				if c, ok := readOrDie(t, req, codec).(*api.ReplicationController); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(rc, c) {
					t.Errorf("Unexpected update body, got %+v expected %+v", c, rc)
				} else if sel, ok := c.Spec.Selector["baz"]; !ok || sel != "foobar" {
					t.Errorf("Expected selector label update, got %+v", c.Spec.Selector)
				} else {
					delete(c.Spec.Selector, "baz")
				return update, nil
			case p == testapi.ResourcePath("replicationcontrollers", "default", "rc") && m == "GET":
				get := gets[0]
				gets = gets[1:]
				return get, nil
				t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
				return nil, nil
	clientConfig := &client.Config{Version: testapi.Version()}
	client := client.NewOrDie(clientConfig)
	client.Client = fakeClient.Client

	if rc, err := updateWithRetries(
		client.ReplicationControllers("default"), rc, func(c *api.ReplicationController) {
			c.Spec.Selector["baz"] = "foobar"
		}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	} else if sel, ok := rc.Spec.Selector["baz"]; !ok || sel != "foobar" || rc.ResourceVersion != "2" {
		t.Errorf("Expected updated rc, got %+v", rc)
	if len(updates) != 0 || len(gets) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Remaining updates %+v gets %+v", updates, gets)
Example #8
func TestRunExposeService(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name     string
		args     []string
		ns       string
		calls    map[string]string
		input    runtime.Object
		flags    map[string]string
		output   runtime.Object
		expected string
		status   int
			name: "expose-service-from-service",
			args: []string{"service", "baz"},
			ns:   "test",
			calls: map[string]string{
				"GET":  "/namespaces/test/services/baz",
				"POST": "/namespaces/test/services",
			input: &api.Service{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "baz", Namespace: "test", ResourceVersion: "12"},
				TypeMeta:   api.TypeMeta{Kind: "Service", APIVersion: "v1"},
				Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
					Selector: map[string]string{"app": "go"},
			flags: map[string]string{"selector": "func=stream", "protocol": "UDP", "port": "14", "name": "foo", "labels": "svc=test"},
			output: &api.Service{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "test", ResourceVersion: "12", Labels: map[string]string{"svc": "test"}},
				TypeMeta:   api.TypeMeta{Kind: "Service", APIVersion: "v1"},
				Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
					Ports: []api.ServicePort{
							Name:     "default",
							Protocol: api.Protocol("UDP"),
							Port:     14,
					Selector: map[string]string{"func": "stream"},
			status: 200,
			name: "no-name-passed-from-the-cli",
			args: []string{"service", "mayor"},
			ns:   "default",
			calls: map[string]string{
				"GET":  "/namespaces/default/services/mayor",
				"POST": "/namespaces/default/services",
			input: &api.Service{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "mayor", Namespace: "default", ResourceVersion: "12"},
				TypeMeta:   api.TypeMeta{Kind: "Service", APIVersion: "v1"},
				Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
					Selector: map[string]string{"run": "this"},
			// No --name flag specified below. Service will use the rc's name passed via the 'default-name' parameter
			flags: map[string]string{"selector": "run=this", "port": "80", "labels": "runas=amayor"},
			output: &api.Service{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "mayor", Namespace: "default", ResourceVersion: "12", Labels: map[string]string{"runas": "amayor"}},
				TypeMeta:   api.TypeMeta{Kind: "Service", APIVersion: "v1"},
				Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
					Ports: []api.ServicePort{
							Name:     "default",
							Protocol: api.Protocol("TCP"),
							Port:     80,
					Selector: map[string]string{"run": "this"},
			status: 200,
			name: "expose-external-service",
			args: []string{"service", "baz"},
			ns:   "test",
			calls: map[string]string{
				"GET":  "/namespaces/test/services/baz",
				"POST": "/namespaces/test/services",
			input: &api.Service{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "baz", Namespace: "test", ResourceVersion: "12"},
				TypeMeta:   api.TypeMeta{Kind: "Service", APIVersion: "v1"},
				Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
					Selector: map[string]string{"app": "go"},
			flags: map[string]string{"selector": "func=stream", "protocol": "UDP", "port": "14", "name": "foo", "labels": "svc=test", "create-external-load-balancer": "true"},
			output: &api.Service{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "test", ResourceVersion: "12", Labels: map[string]string{"svc": "test"}},
				TypeMeta:   api.TypeMeta{Kind: "Service", APIVersion: "v1"},
				Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
					Ports: []api.ServicePort{
							Name:     "default",
							Protocol: api.Protocol("UDP"),
							Port:     14,
					Selector: map[string]string{"func": "stream"},
					Type:     api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
			expected: "you will also need to explicitly open a firewall",
			status:   200,

	for _, test := range tests {
		f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
		tf.Printer = &testPrinter{}
		tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
			Codec: codec,
			Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
				switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
				case p == test.calls[m] && m == "GET":
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: test.status, Body: objBody(codec, test.input)}, nil
				case p == test.calls[m] && m == "POST":
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: test.status, Body: objBody(codec, test.output)}, nil
					t.Fatalf("unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", req.URL, req)
					return nil, nil
		tf.Namespace = test.ns
		buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})

		cmd := NewCmdExposeService(f, buf)
		for flag, value := range test.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(flag, value)
		cmd.Run(cmd, test.args)

		if len(test.expected) > 0 {
			out := buf.String()
			if !strings.Contains(out, test.expected) {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected output: %s", test.name, out)
Example #9
func TestExec(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name, version, podPath, execPath, container string
		pod                                         *api.Pod
		execErr                                     bool
			name:     "v1beta3 - pod exec",
			version:  "v1beta3",
			podPath:  "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			execPath: "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo/exec",
			pod:      execPod(),
			name:     "v1beta3 - pod exec error",
			version:  "v1beta3",
			podPath:  "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			execPath: "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo/exec",
			pod:      execPod(),
			execErr:  true,
			name:     "v1 - pod exec",
			version:  "v1",
			podPath:  "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			execPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo/exec",
			pod:      execPod(),
			name:     "v1 - pod exec error",
			version:  "v1",
			podPath:  "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			execPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo/exec",
			pod:      execPod(),
			execErr:  true,
	for _, test := range tests {
		f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
		tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
			Codec: codec,
			Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
				switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
				case p == test.podPath && m == "GET":
					body := objBody(codec, test.pod)
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: body}, nil
					// Ensures no GET is performed when deleting by name
					t.Errorf("%s: unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", test.name, req.URL, req)
					return nil, nil
		tf.Namespace = "test"
		tf.ClientConfig = &client.Config{Version: test.version}
		bufOut := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
		bufErr := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
		bufIn := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
		ex := &fakeRemoteExecutor{}
		if test.execErr {
			ex.execErr = fmt.Errorf("exec error")
		params := &execParams{
			podName:       "foo",
			containerName: "bar",
		cmd := &cobra.Command{}
		err := RunExec(f, cmd, bufIn, bufOut, bufErr, params, []string{"test", "command"}, ex)
		if test.execErr && err != ex.execErr {
			t.Errorf("%s: Unexpected exec error: %v", test.name, err)
		if !test.execErr && ex.req.URL().Path != test.execPath {
			t.Errorf("%s: Did not get expected path for exec request", test.name)
		if !test.execErr && err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: Unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
func TestPortForward(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		name, version, podPath, pfPath, container string
		pod                                       *api.Pod
		pfErr                                     bool
			name:    "v1beta3 - pod portforward",
			version: "v1beta3",
			podPath: "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			pfPath:  "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo/portforward",
			pod:     execPod(),
			name:    "v1beta3 - pod portforward error",
			version: "v1beta3",
			podPath: "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			pfPath:  "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/test/pods/foo/portforward",
			pod:     execPod(),
			pfErr:   true,
			name:    "v1 - pod portforward",
			version: "v1",
			podPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			pfPath:  "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo/portforward",
			pod:     execPod(),
			name:    "v1 - pod portforward error",
			version: "v1",
			podPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo",
			pfPath:  "/api/v1/namespaces/test/pods/foo/portforward",
			pod:     execPod(),
			pfErr:   true,
	for _, test := range tests {
		f, tf, codec := NewAPIFactory()
		tf.Client = &client.FakeRESTClient{
			Codec: codec,
			Client: client.HTTPClientFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
				switch p, m := req.URL.Path, req.Method; {
				case p == test.podPath && m == "GET":
					body := objBody(codec, test.pod)
					return &http.Response{StatusCode: 200, Body: body}, nil
					// Ensures no GET is performed when deleting by name
					t.Errorf("%s: unexpected request: %#v\n%#v", test.name, req.URL, req)
					return nil, nil
		tf.Namespace = "test"
		tf.ClientConfig = &client.Config{Version: test.version}
		ff := &fakePortForwarder{}
		if test.pfErr {
			ff.pfErr = fmt.Errorf("pf error")
		cmd := &cobra.Command{}
		podPtr := cmd.Flags().StringP("pod", "p", "", "Pod name")
		*podPtr = "foo"
		err := RunPortForward(f, cmd, []string{":5000", ":1000"}, ff)
		if test.pfErr && err != ff.pfErr {
			t.Errorf("%s: Unexpected exec error: %v", test.name, err)
		if !test.pfErr && ff.req.URL().Path != test.pfPath {
			t.Errorf("%s: Did not get expected path for portforward request", test.name)
		if !test.pfErr && err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: Unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)