Example #1
func init() {
	 * Controller & Action
		//Filters(new(TestControllerFilter)). // this filter is fot controller(all the actions)
		Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
			return ctx.Html("Hello World")

	// project root dir
	_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
	config.RootDir = path.Dir(filename)
Example #2
package controllers

import (


var _ = goku.Controller("discover").

	 * 未登陆用户首页
	Get("index", discover_index).

	 * 未登陆用户首页
	Get("loadmorelink", discover_loadMoreLink).

// END Controller & Action

// 发现 首页
Example #3
package controllers

import (

var _ = goku.Controller("link").
	 * 查看某评论
	Get("permacoment", link_permacoment).
	 * 查看一个链接的评论
	Get("show", link_show).

	 * 提交链接的表单页面
	Get("submit", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		ctx.ViewData["Values"] = map[string]string{
			"title":   ctx.Get("t"),
			"context": ctx.Get("u"),
Example #4
package controllers

import (

// home controller
var _ = goku.Controller("home").
	// index action
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
		ctx.ViewData["Message"] = "Hello World"
		return ctx.View(nil)
Example #5
		Error("required", "新密码必须填写").
		Error("range", "新密码长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	newPwd2 := form.NewCharField("new-pwd2", "确认密码", true).Min(6).Max(30).
		Error("required", "确认密码必须填写").
		Error("range", "确认密码长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	// add the fields to a form
	form := form.NewForm(oldPwd, newPwd, newPwd2)
	return form

 * Controller: user
var _ = goku.Controller("user").

	 * 查看用户设置页
	Get("setting", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		user := ctx.Data["user"].(*models.User)
		return ctx.View(models.User_ToVUser(user, ctx))


	 * 更新用户基本信息
	Post("update-base", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
Example #6

 * Controller: topic
var _ = goku.Controller("topic").

	 * 话题列表页
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		topics, _ := models.Topic_GetTops(1, 30)
		ctx.ViewData["TopTab"] = "topic"
		return ctx.View(models.Topic_ToVTopics(topics, ctx))


	 * 查看话题信息页
Example #7

type FavoriteResult struct {
	Success bool   `json:"success"`
	Errors  string `json:"errors"`

var _ = goku.Controller("favorite").
	 * 用户收藏link的首页
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		u, _ := ctx.Data["user"]
		user := u.(*models.User)
		links := models.FavoriteLink_ByUser(user.Id, 1, golink.PAGE_SIZE)
		ctx.ViewData["Links"] = models.Link_ToVLink(links, ctx)
		ctx.ViewData["HasMoreLink"] = len(links) >= golink.PAGE_SIZE
		ctx.ViewData["UserMenu"] = "um-favorite"

		return ctx.Render("/favorite/show", nil)

Example #8
type InviteResult struct {
	Result    bool
	Msg       string
	InviteUrl string

type InviteViewModel struct {
	Title                     string
	RegisterInviteRemainCount int

 * vote controller
var _ = goku.Controller("invite").
	 * 给指定的email发送邀请码
	Get("email", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
		inviteModel := &InviteViewModel{"邀请", 0}
		var userId int64 = (ctx.Data["user"].(*models.User)).Id
		inviteModel.RegisterInviteRemainCount = models.RegisterInviteRemainCount(userId)
		return ctx.Render("/invite/show", inviteModel)

	 * 给指定的email发送邀请码
	Post("email", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
Example #9
package controllers

import (
	// "github.com/QLeelulu/ohlala/golink/models"

var _ = goku.Controller("host").
	 * 查看一个host下的链接
	Get("show", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		return ctx.View(nil)
Example #10
package controllers

import (

var _ = goku.Controller("api").
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		return ctx.View(nil)
	 * 获取一个链接的信息
	Get("link_info", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
		return ctx.View(nil)

	 * 提交一个链接并保存到数据库
	Post("link_submit", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		f := forms.CreateLinkSubmitForm()
Example #11
File: todo.go Project: hoysoft/goku
		// {1} will replace with the max range value,
		Error("range", "值必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()
	// title
	title := form.NewTextField("title", "待办事项", true).Min(8).Max(200).
		Error("required", "必须填写事项内容").
		Error("range", "字数必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	// add the fields to a form
	form := form.NewForm(id, title)
	return form

 * todo controller
var _ = goku.Controller("todo").

	// todo.index action
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		todos, err := models.GetTodoLists()
		if err != nil {
			return ctx.Error(err)
		// you can pass a struct to ViewModel
		// then you can use it in template
		// like this: {{ .Model.xxx }}
		return ctx.View(todos)
	 * todo.new action
Example #12
// band
package controllers

import (

	//	"gocbweb/models"

var BandController = goku.Controller("band").
	Get("add", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
		ctx.ViewData["Title"] = "Adding A Band"
		locations := models2.GetAll(gocbweb.LOCTYPE)
		return ctx.View(locations)
		//return ctx.Html("not implemented")
	}).Post("verify", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
	ctx.ViewData["Title"] = "Verifying Band"
	name := ctx.Request.FormValue("name")
	loctype := ctx.Request.FormValue("loctype")
	var locationId string
	errorString := "no errors"
	switch loctype {
	case "existing":
		if ctx.Request.FormValue("location_id") == "" {
			errorString = "No location was selected"
		} else {
			locationId = ctx.Request.FormValue("location_id")
Example #13
package admin

import (

var adminController *goku.ControllerBuilder = goku.Controller("_golink_admin").

	// render the view and return a *ViewResult
	// it will find the view in these rules:
	//      1. /{ViewPath}/{Controller}/{action}
	//      2. /{ViewPath}/shared/{action}
	// func adminView(ctx *goku.HttpContext, viewData interface{}) *goku.ViewResult {
	//     return ctx.RenderWithLayout("", "adminLayout", viewModel)
	// }
Example #14

type CommentHtml struct {
	Html string

 * 评论
var _ = goku.Controller("comment").
	 * 加载更多评论
	Post("loadmore", comment_LoadMore).
	 * 收到的评论
	Get("inbox", comment_Inbox).Filters(filters.NewRequireLoginFilter())

 * 加载更多评论
func comment_LoadMore(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

	htmlObject := CommentHtml{""}
Example #15
package controllers

import (

var HomeController = goku.Controller("home").
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
		ctx.ViewData["Title"] = "CD Catalog Home Page"
		bands := models.GetAllBands()
		return ctx.View(bands)
	}).Get("genrelist", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
	ctx.ViewData["Title"] = "List of Genres"
	genres := models.GetAllGenres()
	return ctx.View(genres)
}).Get("bygenre", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
	rawId := ctx.RouteData.Params["id"]
	genreId := models.ConvertToId(rawId)
	genreName := models.GetGenreName(genreId)
	ctx.ViewData["Title"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s Albums", genreName)
	ctx.ViewData["GenreId"] = genreId
	bands := models.GetBandsByGenre(genreId)
	return ctx.View(bands)
Example #16
import (

 * vote controller
var _ = goku.Controller("vote").
	 * 投票链接
	Post("link", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		vote := &models.Vote{0, 0, false, "请求错误"}
		id, err1 := strconv.ParseInt(ctx.RouteData.Params["id"], 10, 64)
		votetype, err2 := strconv.Atoi(ctx.RouteData.Params["cid"])
		var score int = 1  //vote up
		if votetype == 2 { //vote down
			score = -1
		var userId int64 = (ctx.Data["user"].(*models.User)).Id

		if err1 == nil && err2 == nil {
Example #17
// album
package controllers

import (

var AlbumController = goku.Controller("album").
	Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
		bandId := ctx.RouteData.Params["id"]
		bandDoc := models2.GetDoc(bandId)
		bandValue := bandDoc.Value.(map[string]interface{})
		ctx.ViewData["Title"] = bandValue["Name"].(string)
		//	ctx.ViewData["Name"] = bandValue["Name"].(string)
		//	ctx.ViewData["Id"] = bandDoc.Id
		//	albums := bandValue["Albums"].([]models2.Album)
		//	albums := bandDoc.GetAlbums()
		return ctx.View(bandDoc)
	}).Get("add", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
	ctx.ViewData["Title"] = "Add Album"
	ctx.ViewData["Id"] = ctx.RouteData.Params["id"]
	genres := models2.GetAll(gocbweb.GENRETYPE)
	return ctx.View(genres)
}).Post("verify", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
	ctx.ViewData["Title"] = "Verifying Album"
	rawId := ctx.RouteData.Params["id"]
	name := ctx.Request.FormValue("name")