Example #1
// Save the domain object in the database and by consequence will also save the
// nameservers and ds set. On creation the domain object is going to receive the id that
// refers to the entry in the database
func (dao DomainDAO) Save(domain *model.Domain) error {
	// Check if the programmer forgot to set the database in DomainDAO object
	if dao.Database == nil {
		return ErrDomainDAOUndefinedDatabase

	// When creating a new domain object, the id will be probably nil (or kind of new
	// according to bson.ObjectId), so we must initialize it
	if len(domain.Id.Hex()) == 0 {
		domain.Id = bson.NewObjectId()

	// Every time we modified a domain object we increase the revision counter to identify
	// changes in high level structures. Maybe a better approach would be doing this on the
	// MongoDB server side, check out the link http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial
	// /optimize-query-performance-with-indexes-and-projections/ - Use the Increment
	// Operator to Perform Operations Server-Side
	domain.Revision += 1

	// Store the last time that the object was modified
	domain.LastModifiedAt = time.Now().UTC()

	// Upsert try to update the collection entry if exists, if not, it creates a new entry.
	// For all the domain objects we are going to use the collection "domain". We also avoid
	// concurency adding the revision as a paremeter for updating the entry
	_, err := dao.Database.C(domainDAOCollection).Upsert(bson.M{
		"_id":      domain.Id,
		"revision": domain.Revision - 1,
	}, domain)

	return err