Example #1
func InsensitiveDecodeSpec(c gs.Context) {
	tme, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, time.RFC3339[:len(time.RFC3339)-5])
	if err != nil {
	expected := Insensitive{
		TopString: "string",
		TopInt:    1,
		TopFloat:  1.1,
		TopBool:   true,
		TopDate:   tme,
		TopArray:  []string{"array"},
		MatcH:     "i should be in MatcH only",
		Match:     "i should be in Match only",
		Field:     "neat", // encoding/json would store "messy" here
		Once:      "just once",
		OncE:      "just once", // wait, what?
		Nest: InsensitiveNest{
			Ed: InsensitiveEd{NestedString: "another string"},
	var got Insensitive
	_, err = Decode(caseToml, &got)
	c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
	c.Assume(reflect.DeepEqual(expected, got), gs.IsTrue)
Example #2
func StatsdInputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := &pipeline_ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	pConfig := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
	ith := new(plugins_ts.InputTestHelper)
	ith.Msg = pipeline_ts.GetTestMessage()
	ith.Pack = NewPipelinePack(pConfig.InputRecycleChan())
	ith.PackSupply = make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)

	// Specify localhost, but we're not really going to use the network
	ith.AddrStr = "localhost:55565"
	ith.ResolvedAddrStr = ""

	// set up mock helper, input runner, and stat accumulator
	ith.MockHelper = NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)
	ith.MockInputRunner = NewMockInputRunner(ctrl)
	mockStatAccum := NewMockStatAccumulator(ctrl)

	c.Specify("A StatsdInput", func() {
		statsdInput := StatsdInput{}
		config := statsdInput.ConfigStruct().(*StatsdInputConfig)

		config.Address = ith.AddrStr
		err := statsdInput.Init(config)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		realListener := statsdInput.listener
		c.Expect(realListener.LocalAddr().String(), gs.Equals, ith.ResolvedAddrStr)
		mockListener := pipeline_ts.NewMockConn(ctrl)
		statsdInput.listener = mockListener

		ith.MockHelper.EXPECT().StatAccumulator("StatAccumInput").Return(mockStatAccum, nil)

		c.Specify("sends a Stat to the StatAccumulator", func() {
			statName := "sample.count"
			statVal := 303
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d|c\n", statName, statVal)
			expected := Stat{statName, strconv.Itoa(statVal), "c", float32(1)}
			readCall := mockListener.EXPECT().Read(make([]byte, 512))
			readCall.Return(len(msg), nil)
			readCall.Do(func(msgBytes []byte) {
				copy(msgBytes, []byte(msg))
			var wg sync.WaitGroup
			go func() {
				err = statsdInput.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
Example #3
func TcpInputSpecFailure(c gs.Context) {
	tcpInput := TcpInput{}
	err := tcpInput.Init(&TcpInputConfig{Net: "udp", Address: "localhost:55565",
		Decoder:    "ProtobufDecoder",
		ParserType: "message.proto"})
	c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
	c.Assume(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "ListenTCP failed: unknown network udp\n")

Example #4
func UdpInputSpecFailure(c gs.Context) {
	udpInput := UdpInput{}
	err := udpInput.Init(&UdpInputConfig{Net: "tcp", Address: "localhost:55565",
		Decoder:    "ProtobufDecoder",
		ParserType: "message.proto"})
	c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
	c.Assume(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "ResolveUDPAddr failed: unknown network tcp\n")

Example #5
func UdpInputSpecFailure(c gs.Context) {
	udpInput := UdpInput{}
	err := udpInput.Init(&UdpInputConfig{
		Net:     "tcp",
		Address: "localhost:55565",
	c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
	c.Assume(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "ResolveUDPAddr failed: unknown network tcp\n")

Example #6
func TcpInputSpecFailure(c gs.Context) {
	tcpInput := TcpInput{}
	err := tcpInput.Init(&TcpInputConfig{
		Net:     "udp",
		Address: "localhost:55565",
	c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
	c.Assume(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "ResolveTCPAddress failed: unknown network udp\n")

Example #7
func GeoIpDecoderSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := &ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()
	pConfig := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
	pConfig.Globals.ShareDir = "/foo/bar/baz"

	c.Specify("A GeoIpDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(GeoIpDecoder)
		rec := new(geoip.GeoIPRecord)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*GeoIpDecoderConfig)

		c.Expect(conf.DatabaseFile, gs.Equals, "/foo/bar/baz/GeoLiteCity.dat")

		supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)

		nf, _ := message.NewField("remote_host", "", "")

		decoder.SourceIpField = "remote_host"
		conf.SourceIpField = "remote_host"

		rec.CountryCode = "US"
		rec.CountryCode3 = "USA"
		rec.CountryName = "United States"
		rec.Region = "CA"
		rec.City = "Mountain View"
		rec.PostalCode = "94043"
		rec.Latitude = 37.4192
		rec.Longitude = -122.0574
		rec.AreaCode = 650
		rec.CharSet = 1
		rec.ContinentCode = "NA"

		c.Specify("Test GeoIpDecoder Output", func() {
			buf := decoder.GeoBuff(rec)
			nf, _ = message.NewField("geoip", buf.Bytes(), "")

			b, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("geoip")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)

			c.Expect(string(b.([]byte)), gs.Equals, `{"latitude":37.4192008972168,"longitude":-122.0574035644531,"location":[-122.0574035644531,37.4192008972168],"coordinates":["-122.0574035644531","37.4192008972168"],"countrycode":"US","countrycode3":"USA","countryname":"United States","region":"CA","city":"Mountain View","postalcode":"94043","areacode":650,"charset":1,"continentcode":"NA"}`)

Example #8
func DecodeSpec(c gs.Context) {
	var val simple

	md, err := Decode(testSimple, &val)
	c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
	c.Assume(md.IsDefined("Annoying", "Cats", "plato"), gs.IsTrue)
	c.Assume(md.IsDefined("Cats", "Stinky"), gs.IsFalse)
	var colors = [][]string{[]string{"red", "green", "blue"},
		[]string{"cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "black"}}
	for ridx, row := range colors {
		for cidx, _ := range row {
			c.Assume(val.Colors[ridx][cidx], gs.Equals, colors[ridx][cidx])
	c.Assume(val, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
func check(c gs.Context, in, out string) (err error) {
	tmpl := fmt.Sprintf("<%d>%%s %%s syslog_test[%%d]: %s\n", syslog.LOG_USER+syslog.LOG_INFO, in)
	if hostname, err := os.Hostname(); err != nil {
		return errors.New("Error retrieving hostname")
	} else {
		var parsedHostname, timestamp string
		var pid int

		// The stdlib tests that hostname matches parsedHostname, we
		// don't bother
		if n, err := fmt.Sscanf(out, tmpl, &timestamp, &parsedHostname, &pid); n != 3 || err != nil || hostname != parsedHostname {
			return errors.New("Error extracting timestamp, parsedHostname, pid")
		computed_in := fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, timestamp, parsedHostname, pid)
		c.Expect(computed_in, gs.Equals, out)

	return nil
Example #10
func InputRunnerSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := &ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	globals := &GlobalConfigStruct{
		PluginChanSize: 5,

	mockHelper := NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)

	c.Specify("Runner restarts a plugin on the first time only", func() {
		var pluginGlobals PluginGlobals
		pluginGlobals.Retries = RetryOptions{
			MaxDelay:   "1us",
			Delay:      "1us",
			MaxJitter:  "1us",
			MaxRetries: 1,
		pc := new(PipelineConfig)
		pc.inputWrappers = make(map[string]*PluginWrapper)

		pw := &PluginWrapper{
			Name:          "stopping",
			ConfigCreator: func() interface{} { return nil },
			PluginCreator: func() interface{} { return new(StoppingInput) },
		pc.inputWrappers["stopping"] = pw

		input := new(StoppingInput)
		iRunner := NewInputRunner("stopping", input, &pluginGlobals, false)
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		cfgCall := mockHelper.EXPECT().PipelineConfig().Times(7)
		iRunner.Start(mockHelper, &wg)
		c.Expect(stopinputTimes, gs.Equals, 2)
Example #11
func CheckTypeSpec(c gs.Context) {
	var err error

	var tomlBlob = `
ranking = ["Springsteen", "J Geils"]

type = "ignore_this"
started = 1973
albums = ["Greetings", "WIESS", "Born to Run", "Darkness"]
not_albums = ["Greetings", "WIESS", "Born to Run", "Darkness"]

[bands.J Geils]
started = 1970
albums = ["The J. Geils Band", "Full House", "Blow Your Face Out"]

	type classics struct {
		Ranking []string
		Bands   map[string]Primitive

	c.Specify("check mapping", func() {
		// Do the initial decode. Reflection is delayed on Primitive values.
		var music classics
		var md MetaData
		md, err = Decode(tomlBlob, &music)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		empty_ignore := map[string]interface{}{}
		err = CheckType(md.mapping, music, empty_ignore)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
// decodeMessageAndVerifyOutput takes a decoder conf, message payload, and a fn -> the fn is a number of
// assertions to verify that the message after decoding is as expected.
func decodeMessageAndVerifyOutput(c gs.Context, conf *JsonDecoderConfig, payload string, fn packVerifier) {
	t := &pipeline_ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	// 1. Initialize test decoder
	decoder := new(JsonDecoder)
	err := decoder.Init(conf)
	c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
	dRunner := pipelinemock.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)

	// 2. Set payload to be tested, and decode it
	supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
	pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)
	_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)

	// 3. Assert outcome of decoding
	fn(c, pack)
Example #13
func DashboardOutputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	c.Specify("A FileOutput", func() {
		dashboardOutput := new(DashboardOutput)

		config := dashboardOutput.ConfigStruct().(*DashboardOutputConfig)
		c.Specify("Init halts if basedirectory is not writable", func() {
			tmpdir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "tmpdir")
			err := os.MkdirAll(tmpdir, 0400)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			config.WorkingDirectory = tmpdir
			err = dashboardOutput.Init(config)
			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			} else {
				c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
Example #14
func DashboardOutputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(pipeline_ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()
	NewPipelineConfig(nil) // Needed for side effect of setting up Globals :P

	if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
		c.Specify("A DashboardOutput", func() {
			dashboardOutput := new(DashboardOutput)

			config := dashboardOutput.ConfigStruct().(*DashboardOutputConfig)
			c.Specify("Init halts if basedirectory is not writable", func() {
				tmpdir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "tmpdir")
				err := os.MkdirAll(tmpdir, 0400)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				config.WorkingDirectory = tmpdir
				err = dashboardOutput.Init(config)
				c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
Example #15
func UdpInputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := &pipeline_ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	config := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
	ith := new(plugins_ts.InputTestHelper)
	ith.Msg = pipeline_ts.GetTestMessage()
	ith.Pack = NewPipelinePack(config.InputRecycleChan())

	ith.AddrStr = "localhost:55565"
	ith.ResolvedAddrStr = ""

	// set up mock helper, decoder set, and packSupply channel
	ith.MockHelper = pipelinemock.NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)
	ith.MockInputRunner = pipelinemock.NewMockInputRunner(ctrl)
	ith.Decoder = pipelinemock.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
	ith.PackSupply = make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
	ith.DecodeChan = make(chan *PipelinePack)

	c.Specify("A UdpInput", func() {
		udpInput := UdpInput{}
		err := udpInput.Init(&UdpInputConfig{Net: "udp", Address: ith.AddrStr,
			Decoder:    "ProtobufDecoder",
			ParserType: "message.proto"})
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		realListener := (udpInput.listener).(*net.UDPConn)
		c.Expect(realListener.LocalAddr().String(), gs.Equals, ith.ResolvedAddrStr)

		mbytes, _ := proto.Marshal(ith.Msg)
		header := &message.Header{}

		mockDecoderRunner := ith.Decoder.(*pipelinemock.MockDecoderRunner)
		encCall := ith.MockHelper.EXPECT().DecoderRunner("ProtobufDecoder", "UdpInput-ProtobufDecoder")
		encCall.Return(ith.Decoder, true)

		c.Specify("reads a message from the connection and passes it to the decoder", func() {
			hbytes, _ := proto.Marshal(header)
			go func() {
				udpInput.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)
			conn, err := net.Dial("udp", ith.AddrStr) // a mock connection will not work here since the mock read cannot block
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			buf := encodeMessage(hbytes, mbytes)
			_, err = conn.Write(buf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			ith.PackSupply <- ith.Pack
			packRef := <-ith.DecodeChan
			c.Expect(ith.Pack, gs.Equals, packRef)
			c.Expect(string(ith.Pack.MsgBytes), gs.Equals, string(mbytes))
			c.Expect(ith.Pack.Decoded, gs.IsFalse)

	c.Specify("A UdpInput Multiline input", func() {
		ith.AddrStr = "localhost:55566"
		ith.ResolvedAddrStr = ""
		udpInput := UdpInput{}
		err := udpInput.Init(&UdpInputConfig{Net: "udp", Address: ith.AddrStr,
			Decoder:    "test",
			ParserType: "token"})
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		realListener := (udpInput.listener).(*net.UDPConn)
		c.Expect(realListener.LocalAddr().String(), gs.Equals, ith.ResolvedAddrStr)

		mockDecoderRunner := ith.Decoder.(*pipelinemock.MockDecoderRunner)
		encCall := ith.MockHelper.EXPECT().DecoderRunner("test", "UdpInput-test")
		encCall.Return(ith.Decoder, true)

		c.Specify("reads two messages from a packet and passes them to the decoder", func() {
			go func() {
				udpInput.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)
			conn, err := net.Dial("udp", ith.AddrStr) // a mock connection will not work here since the mock read cannot block
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			_, err = conn.Write([]byte("message1\nmessage2\n"))
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			ith.PackSupply <- ith.Pack
			packRef := <-ith.DecodeChan
			c.Expect(string(packRef.Message.GetPayload()), gs.Equals, "message1\n")
			ith.PackSupply <- ith.Pack
			packRef = <-ith.DecodeChan
			c.Expect(string(packRef.Message.GetPayload()), gs.Equals, "message2\n")
func HttpInputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := &ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	pConfig := pipeline.NewPipelineConfig(nil)

	jsonPost := `{"uuid": "xxBI3zyeXU+spG8Uiveumw==", "timestamp": 1372966886023588, "hostname": "Victors-MacBook-Air.local", "pid": 40183, "fields": [{"representation": "", "value_type": "STRING", "name": "cef_meta.syslog_priority", "value_string": [""]}, {"representation": "", "value_type": "STRING", "name": "cef_meta.syslog_ident", "value_string": [""]}, {"representation": "", "value_type": "STRING", "name": "cef_meta.syslog_facility", "value_string": [""]}, {"representation": "", "value_type": "STRING", "name": "cef_meta.syslog_options", "value_string": [""]}], "logger": "", "env_version": "0.8", "type": "cef", "payload": "Jul 04 15:41:26 Victors-MacBook-Air.local CEF:0|mozilla|weave|3|xx\\\\|x|xx\\\\|x|5|cs1Label=requestClientApplication cs1=MySuperBrowser requestMethod=GET request=/ src= dest= suser=none", "severity": 6}'`

	c.Specify("A HttpInput", func() {

		httpInput := pipeline.HttpInput{}

		c.Specify("honors time ticker to flush", func() {
			ith := new(pipeline.InputTestHelper)
			ith.MockHelper = NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)
			ith.MockInputRunner = NewMockInputRunner(ctrl)
			startInput := func() {
				go func() {
					err := httpInput.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			ith.Pack = NewPipelinePack(pConfig.inputRecycleChan)
			ith.PackSupply = make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
			ith.PackSupply <- ith.Pack

			ith.Decoders = make([]DecoderRunner, int(message.Header_JSON+1))
			ith.Decoders[message.Header_JSON] = NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			ith.MockDecoderSet = NewMockDecoderSet(ctrl)

			// Spin up a http server
			server, err := ts.NewOneHttpServer(jsonPost, "localhost", 9876)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			go server.Start("/")
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

			config := httpInput.ConfigStruct().(*HttpInputConfig)
			config.DecoderName = "JsonDecoder"
			config.Url = "http://localhost:9876/"
			tickChan := make(chan time.Time)



			mockDecoderRunner := ith.Decoders[message.Header_JSON].(*MockDecoderRunner)

			// Stub out the DecoderRunner input channel so that we can
			// inspect bytes later on
			dRunnerInChan := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)

			dset := ith.MockDecoderSet.EXPECT().ByName("JsonDecoder")
			dset.Return(ith.Decoders[message.Header_JSON], true)

			err = httpInput.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			tickChan <- time.Now()

			// We need for the pipeline to finish up
			time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)

		c.Specify("short circuits packs into the router", func() {
			ith := new(InputTestHelper)
			ith.MockHelper = NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)
			ith.MockInputRunner = NewMockInputRunner(ctrl)
			startInput := func() {
				go func() {
					err := httpInput.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			ith.Pack = NewPipelinePack(pConfig.inputRecycleChan)
			ith.PackSupply = make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
			ith.PackSupply <- ith.Pack

			ith.Decoders = make([]DecoderRunner, int(message.Header_JSON+1))
			ith.Decoders[message.Header_JSON] = NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			ith.MockDecoderSet = NewMockDecoderSet(ctrl)
			config := httpInput.ConfigStruct().(*HttpInputConfig)
			config.Url = "http://localhost:9876/"
			tickChan := make(chan time.Time)



			err := httpInput.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			tickChan <- time.Now()

			// We need for the pipeline to finish up
			time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)

Example #17
func LoadFromConfigSpec(c gs.Context) {
	origGlobals := Globals

	origAvailablePlugins := make(map[string]func() interface{})
	for k, v := range AvailablePlugins {
		origAvailablePlugins[k] = v

	pipeConfig := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
	defer func() {
		Globals = origGlobals
		AvailablePlugins = origAvailablePlugins

	c.Assume(pipeConfig, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))

	c.Specify("Config file loading", func() {
		c.Specify("works w/ good config file", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			// We use a set of Expect's rather than c.Specify because the
			// pipeConfig can't be re-loaded per child as gospec will do
			// since each one needs to bind to the same address

			// and the inputs section loads properly with a custom name
			udp, ok := pipeConfig.InputRunners["UdpInput"]
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			// and the decoders sections load
			_, ok = pipeConfig.DecoderWrappers["JsonDecoder"]
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, false)
			_, ok = pipeConfig.DecoderWrappers["ProtobufDecoder"]
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			// and the outputs section loads
			_, ok = pipeConfig.OutputRunners["LogOutput"]
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			// and the filters sections loads
			_, ok = pipeConfig.FilterRunners["sample"]
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			// Shut down UdpInput to free up the port for future tests.

		c.Specify("works w/ decoder defaults", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test_defaults.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))

			// Only the ProtobufDecoder is loaded
			c.Expect(len(pipeConfig.DecoderWrappers), gs.Equals, 1)

		c.Specify("works w/ MultiDecoder", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test_multidecoder.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			hasSyncDecoder := false

			// ProtobufDecoder will always be loaded
			c.Assume(len(pipeConfig.DecoderWrappers), gs.Equals, 2)

			// Check that the MultiDecoder actually loaded
			for k, _ := range pipeConfig.DecoderWrappers {
				if k == "syncdecoder" {
					hasSyncDecoder = true
			c.Assume(hasSyncDecoder, gs.IsTrue)

		c.Specify("explodes w/ bad config file", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_bad_test.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), ts.StringContains, "2 errors loading plugins")
			c.Expect(pipeConfig.LogMsgs, gs.ContainsAny, gs.Values("No such plugin: CounterOutput"))

		c.Specify("handles missing config file correctly", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("no_such_file.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
				c.Expect(err.Error(), ts.StringContains, "open no_such_file.toml: The system cannot find the file specified.")
			} else {
				c.Expect(err.Error(), ts.StringContains, "open no_such_file.toml: no such file or directory")

		c.Specify("errors correctly w/ bad outputs config", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_bad_outputs.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), ts.StringContains, "1 errors loading plugins")
			msg := pipeConfig.LogMsgs[0]
			c.Expect(msg, ts.StringContains, "No such plugin")

		c.Specify("for a DefaultsTestOutput", func() {
			RegisterPlugin("DefaultsTestOutput", func() interface{} {
				return new(DefaultsTestOutput)
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test_defaults2.toml")
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			runner, ok := pipeConfig.OutputRunners["DefaultsTestOutput"]
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			ticker := runner.Ticker()
			c.Expect(ticker, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			matcher := runner.MatchRunner().MatcherSpecification().String()
			c.Expect(matcher, gs.Equals, messageMatchStr)

		c.Specify("can render JSON reports as pipe delimited data", func() {
			RegisterPlugin("DefaultsTestOutput", func() interface{} {
				return new(DefaultsTestOutput)
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test_defaults2.toml")
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			data := `{"globals":[{"Name":"inputRecycleChan","InChanCapacity":{"value":"100", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"99", "representation":"count"}},{"Name":"injectRecycleChan","InChanCapacity":{"value":"100", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"98", "representation":"count"}},{"Name":"Router","InChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"ProcessMessageCount":{"value":"26", "representation":"count"}}], "inputs": [{"Name": "TcpInput"}], "decoders": [{"Name":"ProtobufDecoder","InChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"}}], "filters": [{"Name":"OpsSandboxManager","RunningFilters":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"ProcessMessageCount":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"InChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchAvgDuration":{"value":"0", "representation":"ns"}},{"Name":"hekabench_counter","Memory":{"value":"20644", "representation":"B"},"MaxMemory":{"value":"20644", "representation":"B"},"MaxInstructions":{"value":"18", "representation":"count"},"MaxOutput":{"value":"0", "representation":"B"},"ProcessMessageCount":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"InjectMessageCount":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"ProcessMessageAvgDuration":{"value":"0", "representation":"ns"},"TimerEventAvgDuration":{"value":"78532", "representation":"ns"},"InChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchAvgDuration":{"value":"445", "representation":"ns"}}], "outputs": [{"Name":"LogOutput","InChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchAvgDuration":{"value":"406", "representation":"ns"}},{"Name":"DashboardOutput","InChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"InChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanCapacity":{"value":"50", "representation":"count"},"MatchChanLength":{"value":"0", "representation":"count"},"MatchAvgDuration":{"value":"336", "representation":"ns"}}]} `

			report := pipeConfig.FormatTextReport("heka.all-report", data)

			expected := `========[heka.all-report]========

    InChanCapacity: 100
    InChanLength: 99
    InChanCapacity: 100
    InChanLength: 98
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    ProcessMessageCount: 26


    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0

    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 0
    ProcessMessageCount: 0
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 445
    ProcessMessageCount: 0
    InjectMessageCount: 0
    Memory: 20644
    MaxMemory: 20644
    MaxInstructions: 18
    MaxOutput: 0
    ProcessMessageAvgDuration: 0
    TimerEventAvgDuration: 78532

    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 406
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 336

			c.Expect(report, gs.Equals, expected)

		c.Specify("works w/ bad param config file", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_bad_params.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))

		c.Specify("works w/ common parameters that are not part of the struct", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test_common.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)



	c.Specify("Config directory helpers", func() {
		Globals().BaseDir = "/base/dir"
		Globals().ShareDir = "/share/dir"

		c.Specify("PrependBaseDir", func() {
			c.Specify("prepends for relative paths", func() {
				dir := filepath.FromSlash("relative/path")
				result := PrependBaseDir(dir)
				c.Expect(result, gs.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("/base/dir/relative/path"))

			c.Specify("doesn't prepend for absolute paths", func() {
				dir := filepath.FromSlash("/absolute/path")
				result := PrependBaseDir(dir)
				c.Expect(result, gs.Equals, dir)

		c.Specify("PrependShareDir", func() {
			c.Specify("prepends for relative paths", func() {
				dir := filepath.FromSlash("relative/path")
				result := PrependShareDir(dir)
				c.Expect(result, gs.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("/share/dir/relative/path"))

			c.Specify("doesn't prepend for absolute paths", func() {
				dir := filepath.FromSlash("/absolute/path")
				result := PrependShareDir(dir)
				c.Expect(result, gs.Equals, dir)

	c.Specify("PluginHelper", func() {
		c.Specify("starts and stops DecoderRunners appropriately", func() {
			err := pipeConfig.LoadFromConfigFile("./testsupport/config_test.toml")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			// Start two DecoderRunners.
			dr1, ok := pipeConfig.DecoderRunner("ProtobufDecoder", "ProtobufDecoder_1")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			dr2, ok := pipeConfig.DecoderRunner("ProtobufDecoder", "ProtobufDecoder_2")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			// Stop the second one.
			ok = pipeConfig.StopDecoderRunner(dr2)
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			// Verify that it's stopped, i.e. InChan is closed.
			_, ok = <-dr2.InChan()
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

			// Verify that dr1 is *not* stopped, i.e. InChan is still open.
			rChan := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
			pack := NewPipelinePack(rChan)
			dr1.InChan() <- pack // <-- Failure case means this will panic.

			// Try to stop dr2 again. Shouldn't fail, but ok should be false.
			ok = pipeConfig.StopDecoderRunner(dr2)
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

			// Clean up our UdpInput.
			udp, _ := pipeConfig.InputRunners["UdpInput"]
Example #18
func MatcherSpecificationSpec(c gospec.Context) {
	msg := getTestMessage()
	uuidStr := msg.GetUuidString()
	data := []byte("data")
	date := "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
	field1, _ := NewField("bytes", data, "")
	field2, _ := NewField("int", int64(999), "")
	field3, _ := NewField("double", float64(99.9), "")
	field4, _ := NewField("bool", true, "")
	field5, _ := NewField("foo", "alternate", "")
	field6, _ := NewField("Payload", "name=test;type=web;", "")
	field7, _ := NewField("Timestamp", date, "date-time")
	field8, _ := NewField("zero", int64(0), "")
	field9, _ := NewField("string", "43", "")

	c.Specify("A MatcherSpecification", func() {
		malformed := []string{
			"Type = 'test'",                                               // invalid operator
			"Pid == 'test='",                                              // Pid is not a string
			"Type == 'test' && (Severity==7 || Payload == 'Test Payload'", // missing paren
			"Invalid == 'bogus'",                                          // unknown variable name
			"Fields[]",                                                    // empty name key
			"Fields[test][]",                                              // empty field index
			"Fields[test][a]",                                             // non numeric field index
			"Fields[test][0][]",                                           // empty array index
			"Fields[test][0][a]",                                          // non numeric array index
			"Fields[test][0][0][]",                                        // extra index dimension
			"Fields[test][xxxx",                                           // unmatched bracket
			"Pid =~ /6/",                                                  // regex not allowed on numeric
			"Pid !~ /6/",                                                  // regex not allowed on numeric
			"Type =~ /test",                                               // unmatched slash
			"Type == /test/",                                              // incorrect operator
			"Type =~ 'test'",                                              // string instead of regexp
			"Type =~ /\\ytest/",                                           // invalid escape character
			"Type != 'test\"",                                             // mis matched quote types
			"Pid =~ 6",                                                    // number instead of regexp
			"NIL",                                                         // invalid use of constant
			"Type == NIL",                                                 // existence check only works on fields
			"Fields[test] > NIL",                                          // existence check only works with equals and not equals

		negative := []string{
			"Type == 'test'&&(Severity==7||Payload=='Test Payload')",
			"EnvVersion == '0.9'",
			"EnvVersion != '0.8'",
			"EnvVersion > '0.9'",
			"EnvVersion >= '0.9'",
			"EnvVersion < '0.8'",
			"EnvVersion <= '0.7'",
			"Severity == 5",
			"Severity != 6",
			"Severity < 6",
			"Severity <= 5",
			"Severity > 6",
			"Severity >= 7",
			"Fields[foo] == 'ba'",
			"Fields[foo][1] == 'bar'",
			"Fields[foo][0][1] == 'bar'",
			"Fields[bool] == FALSE",
			"Type =~ /Test/",
			"Type !~ /TEST/",
			"Payload =~ /^Payload/",
			"Type == \"te'st\"",
			"Type == 'te\"st'",
			"Fields[int] =~ /999/",
			"Fields[zero] == \"0\"",
			"Fields[string] == 43",
			"Fields[int] == NIL",
			"Fields[int][0][1] == NIL",
			"Fields[missing] != NIL",
			"Type =~ /^te/",
			"Type =~ /st$/",
			"Type !~ /^TE/",
			"Type !~ /ST$/",
			"Logger =~ /./ && Type =~ /^anything/",

		positive := []string{
			"(Severity == 7 || Payload == 'Test Payload') && Type == 'TEST'",
			"EnvVersion == \"0.8\"",
			"EnvVersion == '0.8'",
			"EnvVersion != '0.9'",
			"EnvVersion > '0.7'",
			"EnvVersion >= '0.8'",
			"EnvVersion < '0.9'",
			"EnvVersion <= '0.8'",
			"Hostname != ''",
			"Logger == 'GoSpec'",
			"Pid != 0",
			"Severity != 5",
			"Severity < 7",
			"Severity <= 6",
			"Severity == 6",
			"Severity > 5",
			"Severity >= 6",
			"Timestamp > 0",
			"Type != 'test'",
			"Type == 'TEST' && Severity == 6",
			"Type == 'test' && Severity == 7 || Payload == 'Test Payload'",
			"Type == 'TEST'",
			"Type == 'foo' || Type == 'bar' || Type == 'TEST'",
			fmt.Sprintf("Uuid == '%s'", uuidStr),
			"Fields[foo] == 'bar'",
			"Fields[foo][0] == 'bar'",
			"Fields[foo][0][0] == 'bar'",
			"Fields[foo][1] == 'alternate'",
			"Fields[foo][1][0] == 'alternate'",
			"Fields[foo] == 'bar'",
			"Fields[bytes] == 'data'",
			"Fields[int] == 999",
			"Fields[int][0][1] == 1024",
			"Fields[double] == 99.9",
			"Fields[bool] == TRUE",
			"Type =~ /TEST/",
			"Type !~ /bogus/",
			"Type =~ /TEST/ && Payload =~ /Payload/",
			"Fields[foo][1] =~ /alt/",
			"Fields[Payload] =~ /name=\\w+/",
			"Type =~ /(ST)/",
			"Fields[int] != NIL",
			"Fields[int][0][1] != NIL",
			"Fields[int][0][2] == NIL",
			"Fields[missing] == NIL",
			"Type =~ /^TE/",
			"Type =~ /ST$/",
			"Type !~ /^te/",
			"Type !~ /st$/",

		c.Specify("malformed matcher tests", func() {
			for _, v := range malformed {
				_, err := CreateMatcherSpecification(v)
				c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))

		c.Specify("negative matcher tests", func() {
			for _, v := range negative {
				ms, err := CreateMatcherSpecification(v)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				match := ms.Match(msg)
				c.Expect(match, gs.IsFalse)

		c.Specify("positive matcher tests", func() {
			for _, v := range positive {
				ms, err := CreateMatcherSpecification(v)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				match := ms.Match(msg)
				c.Expect(match, gs.IsTrue)
Example #19
func compareCaptures(c gospec.Context, m1, m2 map[string]string) {
	for k, v := range m1 {
		v1, _ := m2[k]
		c.Expect(v, gs.Equals, v1)
Example #20
func DecoderSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	pConfig := pipeline.NewPipelineConfig(nil)

	c.Specify("A SandboxDecoder", func() {

		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)

		c.Specify("that uses lpeg and inject_message", func() {
			conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/decoder.lua"
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
				data := "1376389920 debug id=2321 url=example.com item=1"
				_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


				c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

				var ok bool
				var value interface{}
				value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("id")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
				c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "2321")

				value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("url")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
				c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "example.com")

				value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("item")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
				c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "1")

			c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
				data := "1376389920 bogus id=2321 url=example.com item=1"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
				c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
				c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

			c.Specify("Preserves data", func() {
				conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/serialize.lua"
				conf.PreserveData = true
				err := decoder.Init(conf)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				_, err = os.Stat("sandbox_preservation/serialize.data")
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				err = os.Remove("sandbox_preservation/serialize.data")
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("that only uses write_message", func() {
			conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/write_message_decoder.lua"
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("adds a string field to the message", func() {
				data := "string field scribble"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("scribble")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(value.(string), gs.Equals, "foo")

			c.Specify("adds a numeric field to the message", func() {
				data := "num field scribble"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("scribble")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(value.(float64), gs.Equals, float64(1))

			c.Specify("adds a boolean field to the message", func() {
				data := "bool field scribble"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("scribble")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(value.(bool), gs.Equals, true)

			c.Specify("sets type and payload", func() {
				data := "set type and payload"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				c.Expect(pack.Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "my_type")
				c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "my_payload")

			c.Specify("sets field value with representation", func() {
				data := "set field value with representation"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				fields := pack.Message.FindAllFields("rep")
				c.Expect(len(fields), gs.Equals, 1)
				field := fields[0]
				values := field.GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "foo")
				c.Expect(field.GetRepresentation(), gs.Equals, "representation")

			c.Specify("sets multiple field string values", func() {
				data := "set multiple field string values"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				fields := pack.Message.FindAllFields("multi")
				c.Expect(len(fields), gs.Equals, 2)
				values := fields[0].GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "first")
				values = fields[1].GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "second")

			c.Specify("sets field string array value", func() {
				data := "set field string array value"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				fields := pack.Message.FindAllFields("array")
				c.Expect(len(fields), gs.Equals, 1)
				values := fields[0].GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 2)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "first")
				c.Expect(values[1], gs.Equals, "second")

	c.Specify("A Multipack SandboxDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/multipack_decoder.lua"
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 3)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		pack.Message = getTestMessage()

		pack1 := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		pack2 := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)

		c.Specify("decodes into multiple packs", func() {
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 3)
			c.Expect(packs[0].Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "message one")
			c.Expect(packs[1].Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "message two")
			c.Expect(packs[2].Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "message three")

			for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "TEST")
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetHostname(), gs.Equals, "my.host.name")
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetLogger(), gs.Equals, "GoSpec")
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(6))


	c.Specify("Linux Cpu Stats decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/linux_loadavg.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes a message", func() {
			payload := "0.00 0.01 0.05 3/153 660\n"
			f, err := message.NewField("FilePath", "/proc/loadavg", "")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("1MinAvg")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, 0.00)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("5MinAvg")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, 0.01)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("15MinAvg")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, 0.05)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("NumProcesses")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(3))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("FilePath")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "/proc/loadavg")

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid message", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("Linux Mem Stats decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/linux_memstats.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes a message", func() {
			payload := `MemTotal:        4047616 kB
MemFree:         3135780 kB
HugePages_Free:        0
			f, err := message.NewField("FilePath", "/proc/meminfo", "")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("MemTotal")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, 4.047616e+06)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("MemFree")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, 3.13578e+06)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("HugePages_Free")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(0))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("FilePath")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "/proc/meminfo")

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid message", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("Linux Disk Stats decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/linux_diskstats.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes a message", func() {
			payload := "   13903    11393   969224    49444    10780    10161  1511920     4104        0     5064    53468\n"
			f, err := message.NewField("FilePath", "/sys/block/sda/stat", "")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			f, err = message.NewField("TickerInterval", int64(2), "")
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			// These are in the same order the payload should be
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("ReadsCompleted")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(13903))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("ReadsMerged")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(11393))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("SectorsRead")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(969224))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("TimeReading")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(49444))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("WritesCompleted")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(10780))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("WritesMerged")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(10161))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("SectorsWritten")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(1511920))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("TimeWriting")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(4104))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("NumIOInProgress")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(0))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("TimeDoingIO")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(5064))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("WeightedTimeDoingIO")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(53468))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("TickerInterval")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(2))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("FilePath")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "/sys/block/sda/stat")

		c.Specify("decodes a message with no leading space", func() {
			payload := "19092852        0 510563170 15817012 46452019        0 1546950712 262535124        0 23823976 278362684\n"

			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("ReadsCompleted")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(19092852))

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid message", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("Nginx access log decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/nginx_access.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["log_format"] = "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\""
		conf.Config["user_agent_transform"] = true
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			data := " - - [10/Feb/2014:08:46:41 -0800] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 304 0 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0\""
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("remote_addr")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_browser")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "Firefox")
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_version")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(26))
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_os")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "Linux")
			_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("http_user_agent")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, false)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("body_bytes_sent")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(0))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("status")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(304))

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("Apache access log decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/apache_access.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["log_format"] = "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
		conf.Config["user_agent_transform"] = true
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			data := " - - [10/Feb/2014:08:46:41 -0800] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 304 0 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0\""
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("remote_addr")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_browser")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "Firefox")
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_version")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(26))
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_os")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "Linux")
			_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("http_user_agent")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, false)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("body_bytes_sent")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(0))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("status")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(304))

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("rsyslog decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/rsyslog.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["type"] = "MyTestFormat"
		conf.Config["template"] = "%pri% %TIMESTAMP% %TIMEGENERATED:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n"
		conf.Config["tz"] = "America/Los_Angeles"
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			data := "28 Feb 10 12:58:58 2014-02-10T12:58:59-08:00 testhost widget[4322]: test message.\n"
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			// Syslog timestamp doesn't support year, so we have to calculate
			// it for the current year or else this test will fail every
			// January.
			year := time.Now().Year()
			tStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d Feb 10 12:58:58 -0800", year)
			t, err := time.Parse("2006 Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700", tStr)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			unixT := t.UnixNano()

			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetTimestamp(), gs.Equals, unixT)

			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(4))
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetHostname(), gs.Equals, "testhost")
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPid(), gs.Equals, int32(4322))
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "test message.")
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, conf.Config["type"])

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("programname")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "widget")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("syslogfacility")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(3))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("timegenerated")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(1392065939000000000))


		c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("mysql decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/mysql_slow_query.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["truncate_sql"] = int64(5)
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decode standard slow query log", func() {
			data := `# User@Host: syncrw[syncrw] @  []
# Query_time: 2.964652  Lock_time: 0.000050 Rows_sent: 251  Rows_examined: 9773
use widget;
SET last_insert_id=999,insert_id=1000,timestamp=1399500744;
# administrator command: do something
/* [queryName=FIND_ITEMS] */ SELECT *
FROM widget
WHERE id = 10;`
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "/* [q...")
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "mysql.slow-query")


	c.Specify("mariadb decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/mariadb_slow_query.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["truncate_sql"] = int64(5)
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decode standard slow query log", func() {
			data := `# User@Host: syncrw[syncrw] @  []
# Thread_id: 110804  Schema: weave0  QC_hit: No
# Query_time: 1.178108  Lock_time: 0.000053  Rows_sent: 198  Rows_examined: 198
SET timestamp=1399500744;
/* [queryName=FIND_ITEMS] */ SELECT *
FROM widget
WHERE id = 10;`
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "/* [q...")
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "mariadb.slow-query")

Example #21
func LogstreamerInputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := &pipeline_ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	here, _ := os.Getwd()
	dirPath := filepath.Join(here, "../../logstreamer", "testdir", "filehandling/subdir")

	tmpDir, tmpErr := ioutil.TempDir("", "hekad-tests")
	c.Expect(tmpErr, gs.Equals, nil)
	defer func() {
		tmpErr = os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
		c.Expect(tmpErr, gs.IsNil)

	globals := DefaultGlobals()
	globals.BaseDir = tmpDir
	config := NewPipelineConfig(globals)
	ith := new(plugins_ts.InputTestHelper)
	ith.Msg = pipeline_ts.GetTestMessage()
	ith.Pack = NewPipelinePack(config.InputRecycleChan())

	// Specify localhost, but we're not really going to use the network
	ith.AddrStr = "localhost:55565"
	ith.ResolvedAddrStr = ""

	// set up mock helper, decoder set, and packSupply channel
	ith.MockHelper = pipelinemock.NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)
	ith.MockInputRunner = pipelinemock.NewMockInputRunner(ctrl)
	ith.Decoder = pipelinemock.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
	ith.PackSupply = make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
	ith.DecodeChan = make(chan *PipelinePack)

	c.Specify("A LogstreamerInput", func() {
		lsInput := &LogstreamerInput{pConfig: config}
		lsiConfig := lsInput.ConfigStruct().(*LogstreamerInputConfig)
		lsiConfig.LogDirectory = dirPath
		lsiConfig.FileMatch = `file.log(\.?)(?P<Seq>\d+)?`
		lsiConfig.Differentiator = []string{"logfile"}
		lsiConfig.Priority = []string{"^Seq"}
		lsiConfig.Decoder = "decoder-name"

		c.Specify("w/ no translation map", func() {
			err := lsInput.Init(lsiConfig)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(len(lsInput.plugins), gs.Equals, 1)
			mockDecoderRunner := pipelinemock.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)

			// Create pool of packs.
			numLines := 5 // # of lines in the log file we're parsing.
			packs := make([]*PipelinePack, numLines)
			ith.PackSupply = make(chan *PipelinePack, numLines)
			for i := 0; i < numLines; i++ {
				packs[i] = NewPipelinePack(ith.PackSupply)
				ith.PackSupply <- packs[i]

			c.Specify("reads a log file", func() {
				// Expect InputRunner calls to get InChan and inject outgoing msgs
				// Expect calls to get decoder and decode each message. Since the
				// decoding is a no-op, the message payload will be the log file
				// line, unchanged.
				pbcall := ith.MockHelper.EXPECT().DecoderRunner(lsiConfig.Decoder,
				pbcall.Return(mockDecoderRunner, true)

				decodeCall := mockDecoderRunner.EXPECT().InChan().Times(numLines)

				runOutChan := make(chan error, 1)
				go func() {
					err = lsInput.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)
					runOutChan <- err

				d, _ := time.ParseDuration("5s")
				timeout := time.After(d)
				timed := false
				for x := 0; x < numLines; x++ {
					select {
					case <-ith.DecodeChan:
					case <-timeout:
						timed = true
						x += numLines
					// Free up the scheduler while we wait for the log file lines
					// to be processed.
				c.Expect(timed, gs.Equals, false)
				c.Expect(<-runOutChan, gs.Equals, nil)

		c.Specify("with a translation map", func() {
			lsiConfig.Translation = make(ls.SubmatchTranslationMap)
			lsiConfig.Translation["Seq"] = make(ls.MatchTranslationMap)

			c.Specify("allows len 1 translation map for 'missing'", func() {
				lsiConfig.Translation["Seq"]["missing"] = 9999
				err := lsInput.Init(lsiConfig)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("doesn't allow len 1 map for other keys", func() {
				lsiConfig.Translation["Seq"]["missin"] = 9999
				err := lsInput.Init(lsiConfig)
				c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
				c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals,
					"A translation map with one entry ('Seq') must be specifying a "+
						"'missing' key.")
Example #22
func OutputsSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	c.Specify("A FileWriter", func() {
		fileWriter := new(FileWriter)

		tmpFileName := fmt.Sprintf("fileoutput-test-%d", time.Now().UnixNano())
		tmpFilePath := fmt.Sprint(os.TempDir(), string(os.PathSeparator),
		config := fileWriter.ConfigStruct().(*FileWriterConfig)
		config.Path = tmpFilePath

		msg := getTestMessage()
		pipelinePack := getTestPipelinePack()
		pipelinePack.Message = msg
		pipelinePack.Decoded = true

		stopAndDelete := func() {

		toString := func(outData interface{}) string {
			return string(*(outData.(*[]byte)))

		c.Specify("makes a pointer to a byte slice", func() {
			outData := fileWriter.MakeOutData()
			_, ok := outData.(*[]byte)
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)

		c.Specify("zeroes a byte slice", func() {
			outBytes := make([]byte, 0, 100)
			str := "This is a test"
			outBytes = append(outBytes, []byte(str)...)
			c.Expect(len(outBytes), gs.Equals, len(str))
			c.Expect(len(outBytes), gs.Equals, 0)

		c.Specify("correctly formats text output", func() {
			_, err := fileWriter.Init(config)
			defer stopAndDelete()
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			outData := fileWriter.MakeOutData()

			c.Specify("by default", func() {
				fileWriter.PrepOutData(pipelinePack, outData, nil)
				c.Expect(toString(outData), gs.Equals, msg.Payload+"\n")

			c.Specify("w/ a prepended timestamp when specified", func() {
				fileWriter.prefix_ts = true
				fileWriter.PrepOutData(pipelinePack, outData, nil)
				// Test will fail if date flips btn PrepOutData and todayStr
				// calculation... should be extremely rare.
				todayStr := time.Now().Format("[2006/Jan/02:")
				strContents := toString(outData)
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringContains, msg.Payload)
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringStartsWith, todayStr)

		c.Specify("correctly formats JSON output", func() {
			config.Format = "json"
			_, err := fileWriter.Init(config)
			defer stopAndDelete()
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			outData := fileWriter.MakeOutData()

			c.Specify("when specified", func() {
				fileWriter.PrepOutData(pipelinePack, outData, nil)
				msgJson, err := json.Marshal(pipelinePack.Message)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(toString(outData), gs.Equals, string(msgJson)+"\n")

			c.Specify("and with a timestamp", func() {
				fileWriter.prefix_ts = true
				fileWriter.PrepOutData(pipelinePack, outData, nil)
				// Test will fail if date flips btn PrepOutData and todayStr
				// calculation... should be extremely rare.
				todayStr := time.Now().Format("[2006/Jan/02:")
				strContents := toString(outData)
				msgJson, err := json.Marshal(pipelinePack.Message)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringContains, string(msgJson)+"\n")
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringStartsWith, todayStr)

		c.Specify("writes out to a file", func() {
			outData := fileWriter.MakeOutData()
			outBytes := outData.(*[]byte)
			outStr := "Write me out to the log file"
			*outBytes = append(*outBytes, []byte(outStr)...)

			c.Specify("with default settings", func() {
				_, err := fileWriter.Init(config)
				defer stopAndDelete()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				err = fileWriter.Batch(outData)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				err = fileWriter.Commit()
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

				tmpFile, err := os.Open(tmpFilePath)
				defer tmpFile.Close()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tmpFile)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(string(contents), gs.Equals, outStr)

			c.Specify("honors different Perm settings", func() {
				config.Perm = 0600
				_, err := fileWriter.Init(config)
				defer stopAndDelete()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				err = fileWriter.Batch(outData)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				err = fileWriter.Commit()
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				tmpFile, err := os.Open(tmpFilePath)
				defer tmpFile.Close()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				fileInfo, err := tmpFile.Stat()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				fileMode := fileInfo.Mode()
				// 7 consecutive dashes implies no perms for group or other
				c.Expect(fileMode.String(), ts.StringContains, "-------")
Example #23
func DecoderSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	// NewPipelineConfig sets up Globals which is needed for the
	// pipeline.Prepend*Dir functions to not die during plugin Init().
	_ = pipeline.NewPipelineConfig(nil)

	c.Specify("A SandboxDecoder", func() {

		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		conf.ScriptType = "lua"

		c.Specify("that uses lpeg and inject_message", func() {
			conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/decoder.lua"
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
				data := "1376389920 debug id=2321 url=example.com item=1"
				_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


				c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

				var ok bool
				var value interface{}
				value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("id")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
				c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "2321")

				value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("url")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
				c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "example.com")

				value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("item")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
				c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "1")

			c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
				data := "1376389920 bogus id=2321 url=example.com item=1"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
				c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
				c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

			c.Specify("Preserves data", func() {
				conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/serialize.lua"
				conf.PreserveData = true
				err := decoder.Init(conf)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				_, err = os.Stat("sandbox_preservation/serialize.data")
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				err = os.Remove("sandbox_preservation/serialize.data")
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("that only uses write_message", func() {
			conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/write_message_decoder.lua"
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("adds a string field to the message", func() {
				data := "string field scribble"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("scribble")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(value.(string), gs.Equals, "foo")

			c.Specify("adds a numeric field to the message", func() {
				data := "num field scribble"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("scribble")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(value.(float64), gs.Equals, float64(1))

			c.Specify("adds a boolean field to the message", func() {
				data := "bool field scribble"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("scribble")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(value.(bool), gs.Equals, true)

			c.Specify("sets type and payload", func() {
				data := "set type and payload"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				c.Expect(pack.Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "my_type")
				c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "my_payload")

			c.Specify("sets field value with representation", func() {
				data := "set field value with representation"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				fields := pack.Message.FindAllFields("rep")
				c.Expect(len(fields), gs.Equals, 1)
				field := fields[0]
				values := field.GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "foo")
				c.Expect(field.GetRepresentation(), gs.Equals, "representation")

			c.Specify("sets multiple field string values", func() {
				data := "set multiple field string values"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				fields := pack.Message.FindAllFields("multi")
				c.Expect(len(fields), gs.Equals, 2)
				values := fields[0].GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "first")
				values = fields[1].GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "second")

			c.Specify("sets field string array value", func() {
				data := "set field string array value"
				packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(packs[0], gs.Equals, pack)
				fields := pack.Message.FindAllFields("array")
				c.Expect(len(fields), gs.Equals, 1)
				values := fields[0].GetValueString()
				c.Expect(len(values), gs.Equals, 2)
				c.Expect(values[0], gs.Equals, "first")
				c.Expect(values[1], gs.Equals, "second")

	c.Specify("A Multipack SandboxDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/multipack_decoder.lua"
		conf.ScriptType = "lua"
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 3)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		pack.Message = getTestMessage()

		pack1 := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		pack2 := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)

		c.Specify("decodes into multiple packs", func() {
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 3)
			c.Expect(packs[0].Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "message one")
			c.Expect(packs[1].Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "message two")
			c.Expect(packs[2].Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "message three")

			for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "TEST")
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetHostname(), gs.Equals, "my.host.name")
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetLogger(), gs.Equals, "GoSpec")
				c.Expect(packs[i].Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(6))


	c.Specify("Nginx access log decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/nginx_access.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.ScriptType = "lua"
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["log_format"] = "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\""
		conf.Config["user_agent_transform"] = true
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			data := " - - [10/Feb/2014:08:46:41 -0800] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 304 0 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0\""
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("remote_addr")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_browser")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "Firefox")
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_version")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(26))
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("user_agent_os")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "Linux")
			_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("http_user_agent")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, false)

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("body_bytes_sent")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(0))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("status")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(304))

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("rsyslog decoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../lua/decoders/rsyslog.lua"
		conf.ModuleDirectory = "../../../../../../modules"
		conf.MemoryLimit = 8e6
		conf.ScriptType = "lua"
		conf.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
		conf.Config["template"] = "%pri% %TIMESTAMP% %TIMEGENERATED:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n"
		conf.Config["tz"] = "America/Los_Angeles"
		supply := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(supply)
		dRunner := pm.NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		err := decoder.Init(conf)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			data := "28 Feb 10 12:58:58 2014-02-10T12:58:59-08:00 testhost kernel: imklog 5.8.6, log source = /proc/kmsg started.\n"
			_, err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(4))
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetHostname(), gs.Equals, "testhost")
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, "imklog 5.8.6, log source = /proc/kmsg started.")

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("syslogtag")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "kernel:")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("syslogfacility")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(3))

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("timegenerated")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, float64(1392065939000000000))


		c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
			data := "bogus message"
			packs, err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(len(packs), gs.Equals, 0)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))
Example #24
func DecodersSpec(c gospec.Context) {
	t := &ts.SimpleT{}
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	msg := getTestMessage()
	config := NewPipelineConfig(nil)

	c.Specify("A ProtobufDecoder", func() {
		encoded, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(config.inputRecycleChan)
		decoder := new(ProtobufDecoder)

		c.Specify("decodes a protobuf message", func() {
			pack.MsgBytes = encoded
			err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(pack.Message, gs.Equals, msg)
			v, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("foo")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(v, gs.Equals, "bar")

		c.Specify("returns an error for bunk encoding", func() {
			bunk := append([]byte{0, 0, 0}, encoded...)
			pack.MsgBytes = bunk
			err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))

	c.Specify("A MultiDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(MultiDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*MultiDecoderConfig)

		supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)

		conf.Name = "MyMultiDecoder"
		conf.Subs = make(map[string]interface{}, 0)

		conf.Subs["StartsWithM"] = make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
		withM := conf.Subs["StartsWithM"].(map[string]interface{})
		withM["type"] = "PayloadRegexDecoder"
		withM["match_regex"] = "^(?P<TheData>m.*)"
		withMFields := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
		withMFields["StartsWithM"] = "%TheData%"
		withM["message_fields"] = withMFields

		conf.Order = []string{"StartsWithM"}

		errMsg := "Unable to decode message with any contained decoder."

		dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		// An error will be spit out b/c there's no real *dRunner in there;
		// doesn't impact the tests.

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			regex_data := "matching text"
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetType(), gs.Equals, "heka.MyMultiDecoder")
			value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
			c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, regex_data)

		c.Specify("returns an error if all decoders fail", func() {
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			regex_data := "non-matching text"
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, errMsg)

		c.Specify("logs subdecoder failures when configured to do so", func() {
			conf.LogSubErrors = true
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			regex_data := "non-matching text"

			// Expect that we log an error for undecoded message.
			dRunner.EXPECT().LogError(fmt.Errorf("Subdecoder 'StartsWithM' decode error: No match"))

			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, errMsg)

		c.Specify("sets subdecoder runner correctly", func() {
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			// Call LogError to appease the angry gomock gods.

			// Now create a real *dRunner, pass it in, make sure a wrapper
			// gets handed to the subdecoder.
			dr := NewDecoderRunner(decoder.Name, decoder, new(PluginGlobals))
			sub := decoder.Decoders["StartsWithM"]
			subRunner := sub.(*PayloadRegexDecoder).dRunner
			subRunner, ok := subRunner.(*mDRunner)
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(subRunner.Name(), gs.Equals,
				fmt.Sprintf("%s-StartsWithM", decoder.Name))
			c.Expect(subRunner.Decoder(), gs.Equals, sub)

		c.Specify("with multiple registered decoders", func() {
			conf.Subs["StartsWithS"] = make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
			withS := conf.Subs["StartsWithS"].(map[string]interface{})
			withS["type"] = "PayloadRegexDecoder"
			withS["match_regex"] = "^(?P<TheData>s.*)"
			withSFields := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
			withSFields["StartsWithS"] = "%TheData%"
			withS["message_fields"] = withSFields

			conf.Subs["StartsWithM2"] = make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
			withM2 := conf.Subs["StartsWithM2"].(map[string]interface{})
			withM2["type"] = "PayloadRegexDecoder"
			withM2["match_regex"] = "^(?P<TheData>m.*)"
			withM2Fields := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
			withM2Fields["StartsWithM2"] = "%TheData%"
			withM2["message_fields"] = withM2Fields

			conf.Order = append(conf.Order, "StartsWithS", "StartsWithM2")

			var ok bool

			// Two more subdecoders means two more LogError calls.

			c.Specify("defaults to `first-wins` cascading", func() {
				err := decoder.Init(conf)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

				c.Specify("on a first match condition", func() {
					regexData := "match first"
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithS")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM2")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

				c.Specify("and a second match condition", func() {
					regexData := "second match"
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithS")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM2")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

				c.Specify("returning an error if they all fail", func() {
					regexData := "won't match"
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, errMsg)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithS")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM2")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

			c.Specify("and using `all` cascading", func() {
				conf.CascadeStrategy = "all"
				err := decoder.Init(conf)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

				c.Specify("matches multiples when appropriate", func() {
					regexData := "matches twice"
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithS")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM2")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)

				c.Specify("matches singles when appropriate", func() {
					regexData := "second match"
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithS")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM2")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

				c.Specify("returns an error if they all fail", func() {
					regexData := "won't match"
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, errMsg)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithS")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
					_, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StartsWithM2")
					c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

	c.Specify("A PayloadJsonDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(PayloadJsonDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*PayloadJsonDecoderConfig)
		supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			json_data := `{"statsd": {"count": 1, "name": "some.counter"}, "pid": 532, "timestamp": "2013-08-13T10:32:00.000Z"}`
			conf.JsonMap = map[string]string{"Count": "$.statsd.count",
				"Name":      "$.statsd.name",
				"Pid":       "$.pid",
				"Timestamp": "$.timestamp",

			conf.MessageFields = MessageTemplate{
				"Pid":       "%Pid%",
				"StatCount": "%Count%",
				"StatName":  "%Name%",
				"Timestamp": "%Timestamp%",
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPid(), gs.Equals, int32(532))


			var ok bool
			var name, count interface{}
			count, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StatCount")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(count, gs.Equals, "1")

			name, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("StatName")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(name, gs.Equals, "some.counter")

	c.Specify("A PayloadXmlDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(PayloadXmlDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*PayloadXmlDecoderConfig)
		supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			xml_data := `<library>
    <!-- Great book. -->
    <book id="b0836217462" available="true">
        <title lang="en">Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job</title>
        <quote>I'd dog paddle the deepest ocean.</quote>
        <author id="CMS">
            <?echo "go rocks"?>
            <name>Charles M Schulz</name>
        <character id="PP">
            <name>Peppermint Patty</name>
            <qualificati>bold, brash and tomboyish</qualificati>
        <character id="Snoopy">
            <qualificati>extroverted beagle</qualificati>

			conf.XPathMapConfig = map[string]string{"Isbn": "library/*/isbn",
				"Name":    "/library/book/character[born='1950-10-04']/name",
				"Patty":   "/library/book//node()[@id='PP']/name",
				"Title":   "//book[author/@id='CMS']/title",
				"Comment": "/library/book/preceding::comment()",

			conf.MessageFields = MessageTemplate{
				"Isbn":    "%Isbn%",
				"Name":    "%Name%",
				"Patty":   "%Patty%",
				"Title":   "%Title%",
				"Comment": "%Comment%",
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			var isbn, name, patty, title, comment interface{}
			var ok bool

			isbn, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("Isbn")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			name, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("Name")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			patty, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("Patty")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			title, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("Title")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			comment, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("Comment")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)

			c.Expect(isbn, gs.Equals, "0836217462")
			c.Expect(name, gs.Equals, "Snoopy")
			c.Expect(patty, gs.Equals, "Peppermint Patty")
			c.Expect(title, gs.Equals, "Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job")
			c.Expect(comment, gs.Equals, " Great book. ")

	c.Specify("A PayloadRegexDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(PayloadRegexDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*PayloadRegexDecoderConfig)
		supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)
		conf.TimestampLayout = "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"

		c.Specify("non capture regex", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `\d+`
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "PayloadRegexDecoder regex must contain capture groups")

		c.Specify("invalid regex", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `\mtest`
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "PayloadRegexDecoder: error parsing regexp: invalid escape sequence: `\\m`")

		c.Specify("reading an apache timestamp", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `\[(?P<Timestamp>[^\]]+)\]`
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			pack.Message.SetPayload("[18/Apr/2013:14:00:28 -0700]")
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetTimestamp(), gs.Equals, int64(1366318828000000000))

		c.Specify("uses kitchen timestamp", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `\[(?P<Timestamp>[^\]]+)\]`
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			now := time.Now()
			cur_date := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 17, 16, 0, 0,
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetTimestamp(), gs.Equals, cur_date.UnixNano())

		c.Specify("adjusts timestamps as specified", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `\[(?P<Timestamp>[^\]]+)\]`
			conf.TimestampLayout = "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05"
			conf.TimestampLocation = "America/Los_Angeles"
			timeStr := "18/Apr/2013:14:00:28"
			loc, err := time.LoadLocation(conf.TimestampLocation)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			expectedLocal, err := time.ParseInLocation(conf.TimestampLayout, timeStr, loc)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			err = decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			pack.Message.SetPayload("[" + timeStr + "]")
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetTimestamp(), gs.Equals, expectedLocal.UnixNano())

		c.Specify("apply representation metadata to a captured field", func() {
			value := "0.23"
			payload := "header"
			conf.MatchRegex = `(?P<ResponseTime>\d+\.\d+)`
			conf.MessageFields = MessageTemplate{
				"ResponseTime|s": "%ResponseTime%",
				"Payload|s":      "%ResponseTime%",
				"Payload":        payload,
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)

			f := pack.Message.FindFirstField("ResponseTime")
			c.Expect(f, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(f.GetValue(), gs.Equals, value)
			c.Expect(f.GetRepresentation(), gs.Equals, "s")

			f = pack.Message.FindFirstField("Payload")
			c.Expect(f, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(f.GetValue(), gs.Equals, value)
			c.Expect(f.GetRepresentation(), gs.Equals, "s")

			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetPayload(), gs.Equals, payload)


		c.Specify("reading test-zeus.log", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `(?P<Ip>([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}) (?P<Hostname>(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])) (?P<User>\w+) \[(?P<Timestamp>[^\]]+)\] \"(?P<Verb>[A-X]+) (?P<Request>\/\S*) HTTP\/(?P<Httpversion>\d\.\d)\" (?P<Response>\d{3}) (?P<Bytes>\d+)`
			conf.MessageFields = MessageTemplate{
				"hostname": "%Hostname%",
				"ip":       "%Ip%",
				"response": "%Response%",
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			filePath := "../testsupport/test-zeus.log"
			fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			fileStr := string(fileBytes)
			lines := strings.Split(fileStr, "\n")

			containsFieldValue := func(str, fieldName string, msg *message.Message) bool {
				raw, ok := msg.GetFieldValue(fieldName)
				if !ok {
					return false
				value := raw.(string)
				return strings.Contains(str, value)

			c.Specify("extracts capture data and puts it in the message fields", func() {
				var misses int
				for _, line := range lines {
					if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					if err != nil {
					c.Expect(containsFieldValue(line, "hostname", pack.Message), gs.IsTrue)
					c.Expect(containsFieldValue(line, "ip", pack.Message), gs.IsTrue)
					c.Expect(containsFieldValue(line, "response", pack.Message), gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(misses, gs.Equals, 3)

		c.Specify("reading test-severity.log", func() {
			conf.MatchRegex = `severity: (?P<Severity>[a-zA-Z]+)`
			conf.SeverityMap = map[string]int32{
				"emergency": 0,
				"alert":     1,
				"critical":  2,
				"error":     3,
				"warning":   4,
				"notice":    5,
				"info":      6,
				"debug":     7,
			reverseMap := make(map[int32]string)
			for str, i := range conf.SeverityMap {
				reverseMap[i] = str
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)

			filePath := "../testsupport/test-severity.log"
			fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			fileStr := string(fileBytes)
			lines := strings.Split(fileStr, "\n")

			c.Specify("sets message severity based on SeverityMap", func() {
				err := errors.New("Don't recognize severity: 'BOGUS'")
				for _, line := range lines {
					if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
					err = decoder.Decode(pack)
					if err != nil {
					c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
					if strings.Contains(line, "BOGUS") {
					strVal := reverseMap[pack.Message.GetSeverity()]
					c.Expect(strings.Contains(line, strVal), gs.IsTrue)

	c.Specify("A SandboxDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(SandboxDecoder)
		conf := decoder.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		conf.ScriptFilename = "../sandbox/lua/testsupport/decoder.lua"
		conf.ScriptType = "lua"
		supply := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
		pack := NewPipelinePack(supply)

		c.Specify("decodes simple messages", func() {
			data := "1376389920 debug id=2321 url=example.com item=1"
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)


			c.Expect(pack.Message.GetSeverity(), gs.Equals, int32(7))

			var ok bool
			var value interface{}
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("id")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "2321")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("url")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "example.com")

			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("item")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
			c.Expect(value, gs.Equals, "1")

		c.Specify("decodes an invalid messages", func() {
			data := "1376389920 bogus id=2321 url=example.com item=1"
			err := decoder.Init(conf)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
			err = decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Failed parsing: "+data)
			c.Expect(decoder.processMessageFailures, gs.Equals, int64(1))

	c.Specify("A StatsToFieldsDecoder", func() {
		decoder := new(StatsToFieldsDecoder)
		router := NewMessageRouter()
		router.inChan = make(chan *PipelinePack, 5)
		dRunner := NewMockDecoderRunner(ctrl)
		decoder.runner = dRunner

		pack := NewPipelinePack(config.inputRecycleChan)

		mergeStats := func(stats [][]string) string {
			lines := make([]string, len(stats))
			for i, line := range stats {
				lines[i] = strings.Join(line, " ")
			return strings.Join(lines, "\n")

		c.Specify("correctly converts stats to fields", func() {
			stats := [][]string{
				{"stat.one", "1", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.two", "2", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.three", "3", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.four", "4", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.five", "5", "1380047333"},
			err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			for i, stats := range stats {
				value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue(stats[0])
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				expected := float64(i + 1)
				c.Expect(value.(float64), gs.Equals, expected)

			value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("timestamp")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			expected, err := strconv.ParseInt(stats[0][2], 0, 32)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(value.(int64), gs.Equals, expected)

		c.Specify("generates multiple messages for multiple timestamps", func() {
			stats := [][]string{
				{"stat.one", "1", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.two", "2", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.three", "3", "1380047331"},
				{"stat.four", "4", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.five", "5", "1380047332"},
			// Prime the pack supply w/ two new packs.

			// Decode and check the main pack.
			err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			value, ok := pack.Message.GetFieldValue("timestamp")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			expected, err := strconv.ParseInt(stats[0][2], 0, 32)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(value.(int64), gs.Equals, expected)

			// Check the first extra.
			pack = <-router.inChan
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("timestamp")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			expected, err = strconv.ParseInt(stats[2][2], 0, 32)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(value.(int64), gs.Equals, expected)

			// Check the second extra.
			pack = <-router.inChan
			value, ok = pack.Message.GetFieldValue("timestamp")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			expected, err = strconv.ParseInt(stats[4][2], 0, 32)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(value.(int64), gs.Equals, expected)

		c.Specify("fails w/ invalid timestamp", func() {
			stats := [][]string{
				{"stat.one", "1", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.two", "2", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.three", "3", "1380047333c"},
				{"stat.four", "4", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.five", "5", "1380047332"},
			err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			expected := fmt.Sprintf("invalid timestamp: '%s'",
				strings.Join(stats[2], " "))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, expected)

		c.Specify("fails w/ invalid value", func() {
			stats := [][]string{
				{"stat.one", "1", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.two", "2", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.three", "3", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.four", "4d", "1380047333"},
				{"stat.five", "5", "1380047332"},
			err := decoder.Decode(pack)
			c.Expect(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			expected := fmt.Sprintf("invalid value: '%s'",
				strings.Join(stats[3], " "))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, expected)
Example #25
func OutputsSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	oth := NewOutputTestHelper(ctrl)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	inChan := make(chan *PipelinePack, 1)
	pConfig := NewPipelineConfig(nil)

	c.Specify("A FileOutput", func() {
		fileOutput := new(FileOutput)

		tmpFileName := fmt.Sprintf("fileoutput-test-%d", time.Now().UnixNano())
		tmpFilePath := fmt.Sprint(os.TempDir(), string(os.PathSeparator),
		config := fileOutput.ConfigStruct().(*FileOutputConfig)
		config.Path = tmpFilePath

		msg := getTestMessage()
		pack := NewPipelinePack(pConfig.inputRecycleChan)
		pack.Message = msg
		pack.Decoded = true

		toString := func(outData interface{}) string {
			return string(*(outData.(*[]byte)))

		c.Specify("correctly formats text output", func() {
			err := fileOutput.Init(config)
			defer os.Remove(tmpFilePath)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			outData := make([]byte, 0, 20)

			c.Specify("by default", func() {
				fileOutput.handleMessage(pack, &outData)
				c.Expect(toString(&outData), gs.Equals, *msg.Payload+"\n")

			c.Specify("w/ a prepended timestamp when specified", func() {
				fileOutput.prefix_ts = true
				fileOutput.handleMessage(pack, &outData)
				// Test will fail if date flips btn handleMessage call and
				// todayStr calculation... should be extremely rare.
				todayStr := time.Now().Format("[2006/Jan/02:")
				strContents := toString(&outData)
				payload := *msg.Payload
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringContains, payload)
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringStartsWith, todayStr)

		c.Specify("correctly formats JSON output", func() {
			config.Format = "json"
			err := fileOutput.Init(config)
			defer os.Remove(tmpFilePath)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			outData := make([]byte, 0, 200)

			c.Specify("when specified", func() {
				fileOutput.handleMessage(pack, &outData)
				msgJson, err := json.Marshal(pack.Message)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(toString(&outData), gs.Equals, string(msgJson)+"\n")

			c.Specify("and with a timestamp", func() {
				fileOutput.prefix_ts = true
				fileOutput.handleMessage(pack, &outData)
				// Test will fail if date flips btn handleMessage call and
				// todayStr calculation... should be extremely rare.
				todayStr := time.Now().Format("[2006/Jan/02:")
				strContents := toString(&outData)
				msgJson, err := json.Marshal(pack.Message)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringContains, string(msgJson)+"\n")
				c.Expect(strContents, ts.StringStartsWith, todayStr)

		c.Specify("correctly formats protocol buffer stream output", func() {
			config.Format = "protobufstream"
			err := fileOutput.Init(config)
			defer os.Remove(tmpFilePath)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			outData := make([]byte, 0, 200)

			c.Specify("when specified and timestamp ignored", func() {
				fileOutput.prefix_ts = true
				err := fileOutput.handleMessage(pack, &outData)
				c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
				b := []byte{30, 2, 8, uint8(proto.Size(pack.Message)), 31, 10, 16} // sanity check the header and the start of the protocol buffer
				c.Expect(bytes.Equal(b, outData[:len(b)]), gs.IsTrue)

		c.Specify("processes incoming messages", func() {
			err := fileOutput.Init(config)
			defer os.Remove(tmpFilePath)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			// Save for comparison.
			payload := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", pack.Message.GetPayload())

			go fileOutput.receiver(oth.MockOutputRunner, &wg)
			inChan <- pack
			outBatch := <-fileOutput.batchChan
			c.Expect(string(outBatch), gs.Equals, payload)

		c.Specify("Init halts if basedirectory is not writable", func() {
			tmpdir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "tmpdir")
			err := os.MkdirAll(tmpdir, 0400)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			config.Path = tmpdir
			err = fileOutput.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))

		c.Specify("commits to a file", func() {
			outStr := "Write me out to the log file"
			outBytes := []byte(outStr)

			c.Specify("with default settings", func() {
				err := fileOutput.Init(config)
				defer os.Remove(tmpFilePath)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

				// Start committer loop
				go fileOutput.committer(oth.MockOutputRunner, &wg)

				// Feed and close the batchChan
				go func() {
					fileOutput.batchChan <- outBytes
					_ = <-fileOutput.backChan // clear backChan to prevent blocking

				// Wait for the file close operation to happen.
				//for ; err == nil; _, err = fileOutput.file.Stat() {

				tmpFile, err := os.Open(tmpFilePath)
				defer tmpFile.Close()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tmpFile)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(string(contents), gs.Equals, outStr)

			c.Specify("with different Perm settings", func() {
				config.Perm = "600"
				err := fileOutput.Init(config)
				defer os.Remove(tmpFilePath)
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

				// Start committer loop
				go fileOutput.committer(oth.MockOutputRunner, &wg)

				// Feed and close the batchChan
				go func() {
					fileOutput.batchChan <- outBytes
					_ = <-fileOutput.backChan // clear backChan to prevent blocking

				// Wait for the file close operation to happen.
				//for ; err == nil; _, err = fileOutput.file.Stat() {

				tmpFile, err := os.Open(tmpFilePath)
				defer tmpFile.Close()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				fileInfo, err := tmpFile.Stat()
				c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
				fileMode := fileInfo.Mode()
				if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
					c.Expect(fileMode.String(), ts.StringContains, "-rw-rw-rw-")
				} else {
					// 7 consecutive dashes implies no perms for group or other
					c.Expect(fileMode.String(), ts.StringContains, "-------")

	c.Specify("A TcpOutput", func() {
		tcpOutput := new(TcpOutput)
		config := tcpOutput.ConfigStruct().(*TcpOutputConfig)
		tcpOutput.connection = ts.NewMockConn(ctrl)

		msg := getTestMessage()
		pack := NewPipelinePack(pConfig.inputRecycleChan)
		pack.Message = msg
		pack.Decoded = true

		c.Specify("correctly formats protocol buffer stream output", func() {
			outBytes := make([]byte, 0, 200)
			err := createProtobufStream(pack, &outBytes)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			b := []byte{30, 2, 8, uint8(proto.Size(pack.Message)), 31, 10, 16} // sanity check the header and the start of the protocol buffer
			c.Expect(bytes.Equal(b, (outBytes)[:len(b)]), gs.IsTrue)

		c.Specify("writes out to the network", func() {
			inChanCall := oth.MockOutputRunner.EXPECT().InChan().AnyTimes()

			collectData := func(ch chan string) {
				ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:9125")
				if err != nil {
					ch <- err.Error()
				ch <- "ready"
				conn, err := ln.Accept()
				if err != nil {
					ch <- err.Error()
				b := make([]byte, 1000)
				n, _ := conn.Read(b)
				ch <- string(b[0:n])
			ch := make(chan string, 1) // don't block on put
			go collectData(ch)
			result := <-ch // wait for server

			err := tcpOutput.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			outStr := "Write me out to the network"
			go func() {
				tcpOutput.Run(oth.MockOutputRunner, oth.MockHelper)
			inChan <- pack

			wg.Wait() // wait for close to finish, prevents intermittent test failures

			matchBytes := make([]byte, 0, 1000)
			err = createProtobufStream(pack, &matchBytes)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			result = <-ch
			c.Expect(result, gs.Equals, string(matchBytes))

	c.Specify("Runner restarts a plugin on the first time only", func() {
		pc := new(PipelineConfig)
		var pluginGlobals PluginGlobals
		pluginGlobals.Retries = RetryOptions{
			MaxDelay:   "1us",
			Delay:      "1us",
			MaxJitter:  "1us",
			MaxRetries: 1,
		pw := &PluginWrapper{
			name:          "stoppingOutput",
			configCreator: func() interface{} { return nil },
			pluginCreator: func() interface{} { return new(StoppingOutput) },
		output := new(StoppingOutput)
		pc.outputWrappers = make(map[string]*PluginWrapper)
		pc.outputWrappers["stoppingOutput"] = pw
		oRunner := NewFORunner("stoppingOutput", output, &pluginGlobals)
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		cfgCall := oth.MockHelper.EXPECT().PipelineConfig()
		oRunner.Start(oth.MockHelper, &wg) // no panic => success
		c.Expect(stopoutputTimes, gs.Equals, 2)

	c.Specify("Runner restarts plugin and resumes feeding it", func() {
		pc := new(PipelineConfig)
		var pluginGlobals PluginGlobals
		pluginGlobals.Retries = RetryOptions{
			MaxDelay:   "1us",
			Delay:      "1us",
			MaxJitter:  "1us",
			MaxRetries: 4,
		pw := &PluginWrapper{
			name:          "stoppingresumeOutput",
			configCreator: func() interface{} { return nil },
			pluginCreator: func() interface{} { return new(StopResumeOutput) },
		output := new(StopResumeOutput)
		pc.outputWrappers = make(map[string]*PluginWrapper)
		pc.outputWrappers["stoppingresumeOutput"] = pw
		oRunner := NewFORunner("stoppingresumeOutput", output, &pluginGlobals)
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		cfgCall := oth.MockHelper.EXPECT().PipelineConfig()
		oRunner.Start(oth.MockHelper, &wg) // no panic => success
		c.Expect(stopresumerunTimes, gs.Equals, 3)
		c.Expect(len(stopresumeHolder), gs.Equals, 2)
		c.Expect(stopresumeHolder[1], gs.Equals, "woot")
		c.Expect(oRunner.retainPack, gs.IsNil)
func KeenOutputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(universalT)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	c.Specify("A KeenOutput", func() {

		successTests := []SuccessfulTestCase{
				"successfully records a valid job-finished message",
				func(eventData map[string]interface{}) bool {
					return eventData["JobType"] == "nyc_aris" &&
						eventData["SystemId"] == "1234567890abcdefghijklmn" &&
						eventData["TimeCreated"] == "2014-07-03T23:35:24.000Z" &&
						eventData["Duration"] == float64(38900) &&
						eventData["Success"] == true &&
						eventData["Message"] == ""

		errorTests := []ErrorTestCase{
				"logs an error but does not crash when the message payload is not valid JSON",
				"not json",
				"invalid character 'o' in literal null (expecting 'u')",

		for _, test := range successTests {
			oth := NewOutputTestHelper(universalT, ctrl)
			output := new(KeenOutput)
			output.Init(&KeenOutputConfig{Collection: "job-finished"})
			mockClient := MockKeenClient{mock.Mock{}}
			output.client = &mockClient

			inChan := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
			mockClient.EXPECT().On("AddEvent", "job-finished", mock.Anything).Return(nil)

			pack := getEmptyKeenOutputPack()
			inChan <- pack

			output.Run(oth.MockOutputRunner, oth.MockHelper)

			ExpectCall(universalT, &mockClient.mock, "AddEvent with expected JSON", "AddEvent",
				func(args []interface{}) bool {
					if len(args) != 2 {
						return false
					eventData, ok := args[1].(map[string]interface{})
					return ok && test.IsEventDataCorrect(eventData)

		for _, test := range errorTests {
			oth := NewOutputTestHelper(universalT, ctrl)
			output := new(KeenOutput)
			mockClient := MockKeenClient{mock.Mock{}}
			output.client = &mockClient

			inChan := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
			oth.MockOutputRunner.EXPECT().On("LogError", mock.AnythingOfType(test.ExpectedErrorType)).Return()

			pack := getEmptyKeenOutputPack()
			inChan <- pack

			output.Run(oth.MockOutputRunner, oth.MockHelper)

			ExpectCall(universalT, &oth.MockOutputRunner.mock, "Log correct error", "LogError",
				func(args []interface{}) bool {
					if len(args) != 1 {
						return false
					err, ok := args[0].(error)
					return ok && err.Error() == test.ExpectedErrorMessage

Example #27
func FilterSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	fth := NewFilterTestHelper(ctrl)
	inChan := make(chan *pipeline.PipelinePack, 1)
	pConfig := pipeline.NewPipelineConfig(nil)

	c.Specify("A SandboxFilter", func() {
		sbFilter := new(SandboxFilter)
		config := sbFilter.ConfigStruct().(*sandbox.SandboxConfig)
		config.ScriptType = "lua"
		config.MemoryLimit = 32000
		config.InstructionLimit = 1000
		config.OutputLimit = 1024

		msg := getTestMessage()
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(pConfig.InjectRecycleChan())
		pack.Message = msg
		pack.Decoded = true

		c.Specify("Over inject messages from ProcessMessage", func() {
			var timer <-chan time.Time
			fth.MockFilterRunner.EXPECT().LogError(fmt.Errorf("exceeded InjectMessage count"))

			config.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/processinject.lua"
			err := sbFilter.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			inChan <- pack
			sbFilter.Run(fth.MockFilterRunner, fth.MockHelper)

		c.Specify("Over inject messages from TimerEvent", func() {
			var timer <-chan time.Time
			timer = time.Tick(time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond)
			fth.MockFilterRunner.EXPECT().LogError(fmt.Errorf("exceeded InjectMessage count"))

			config.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/timerinject.lua"
			err := sbFilter.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			go func() {
				time.Sleep(time.Duration(250) * time.Millisecond)
			sbFilter.Run(fth.MockFilterRunner, fth.MockHelper)

		c.Specify("Preserves data", func() {
			var timer <-chan time.Time

			config.ScriptFilename = "../lua/testsupport/serialize.lua"
			config.PreserveData = true
			err := sbFilter.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			sbFilter.Run(fth.MockFilterRunner, fth.MockHelper)
			_, err = os.Stat("sandbox_preservation/serialize.data")
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			err = os.Remove("sandbox_preservation/serialize.data")
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

	c.Specify("A SandboxManagerFilter", func() {
		sbmFilter := new(SandboxManagerFilter)
		config := sbmFilter.ConfigStruct().(*SandboxManagerFilterConfig)
		config.MaxFilters = 1

		origBaseDir := pipeline.Globals().BaseDir
		pipeline.Globals().BaseDir = os.TempDir()
		sbxMgrsDir := filepath.Join(pipeline.Globals().BaseDir, "sbxmgrs")
		defer func() {
			pipeline.Globals().BaseDir = origBaseDir
			tmpErr := os.RemoveAll(sbxMgrsDir)
			c.Expect(tmpErr, gs.IsNil)

		msg := getTestMessage()
		pack := pipeline.NewPipelinePack(pConfig.InputRecycleChan())
		pack.Message = msg
		pack.Decoded = true

		c.Specify("Control message in the past", func() {
			pack.Message.SetTimestamp(time.Now().UnixNano() - 5e9)
			fth.MockFilterRunner.EXPECT().LogError(fmt.Errorf("Discarded control message: 5 seconds skew"))
			inChan <- pack
			sbmFilter.Run(fth.MockFilterRunner, fth.MockHelper)

		c.Specify("Control message in the future", func() {
			pack.Message.SetTimestamp(time.Now().UnixNano() + 5.9e9)
			fth.MockFilterRunner.EXPECT().LogError(fmt.Errorf("Discarded control message: -5 seconds skew"))
			inChan <- pack
			sbmFilter.Run(fth.MockFilterRunner, fth.MockHelper)

		c.Specify("Generates the right default working directory", func() {
			name := "SandboxManagerFilter"
			sbmFilter.Run(fth.MockFilterRunner, fth.MockHelper)
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.workingDirectory, gs.Equals, sbxMgrsDir)
			_, err := os.Stat(sbxMgrsDir)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

		c.Specify("Sanity check the default sandbox configuration limits", func() {
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.memoryLimit, gs.Equals, uint(8*1024*1024))
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.instructionLimit, gs.Equals, uint(1e6))
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.outputLimit, gs.Equals, uint(63*1024))

		c.Specify("Sanity check the user specified sandbox configuration limits", func() {
			config.MemoryLimit = 123456
			config.InstructionLimit = 4321
			config.OutputLimit = 8765
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.memoryLimit, gs.Equals, config.MemoryLimit)
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.instructionLimit, gs.Equals, config.InstructionLimit)
			c.Expect(sbmFilter.outputLimit, gs.Equals, config.OutputLimit)
Example #28
func ReportSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	pConfig := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
	chanSize := pConfig.Globals.PluginChanSize

	checkForFields := func(c gs.Context, msg *message.Message) {
		f0Val, ok := msg.GetFieldValue(f0.GetName())
		c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
		c.Expect(f0Val.(int64), gs.Equals, f0.GetValue().(int64))
		f1Val, ok := msg.GetFieldValue(f1.GetName())
		c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
		c.Expect(f1Val.(string), gs.Equals, f1.GetValue().(string))

	hasChannelData := func(msg *message.Message) (ok bool) {
		capVal, _ := msg.GetFieldValue("InChanCapacity")
		lenVal, _ := msg.GetFieldValue("InChanLength")
		var i int64
		if i, ok = capVal.(int64); !ok {
		if ok = (i == int64(chanSize)); !ok {
		if i, ok = lenVal.(int64); !ok {
		ok = (i == int64(0))

	fName := "counter"
	filter := new(CounterFilter)
	fRunner := NewFORunner(fName, filter, nil, chanSize)
	var err error
	fRunner.matcher, err = NewMatchRunner("Type == ''", "", fRunner, chanSize)
	c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
	fRunner.matcher.inChan = make(chan *PipelinePack, chanSize)
	leakCount := 10

	iName := "stat_accum"
	input := new(StatAccumInput)
	iRunner := NewInputRunner(iName, input, nil, false)

	c.Specify("`PopulateReportMsg`", func() {
		msg := ts.GetTestMessage()

		c.Specify("w/ a filter", func() {
			err := PopulateReportMsg(fRunner, msg)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("invokes `ReportMsg` on the filter", func() {
				checkForFields(c, msg)

			c.Specify("adds the channel data", func() {
				c.Expect(hasChannelData(msg), gs.IsTrue)

			c.Specify("has its leak count set properly", func() {
				leakVal, ok := msg.GetFieldValue("LeakCount")
				c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				i, ok := leakVal.(int64)
				c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(int(i), gs.Equals, leakCount)

		c.Specify("w/ an input", func() {
			err := PopulateReportMsg(iRunner, msg)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			c.Specify("invokes `ReportMsg` on the input", func() {
				checkForFields(c, msg)

			c.Specify("doesn't add any channel data", func() {
				capVal, ok := msg.GetFieldValue("InChanCapacity")
				c.Expect(capVal, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)
				lenVal, ok := msg.GetFieldValue("InChanLength")
				c.Expect(lenVal, gs.IsNil)
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsFalse)

	c.Specify("PipelineConfig", func() {
		pc := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
		// Initialize all of the PipelinePacks that we'll need
		pc.reportRecycleChan <- NewPipelinePack(pc.reportRecycleChan)

		pc.FilterRunners = map[string]FilterRunner{fName: fRunner}
		pc.InputRunners = map[string]InputRunner{iName: iRunner}

		c.Specify("returns full set of accurate reports", func() {
			reportChan := make(chan *PipelinePack)
			go pc.reports(reportChan)

			reports := make(map[string]*PipelinePack)
			for r := range reportChan {
				iName, ok := r.Message.GetFieldValue("name")
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				name, ok := iName.(string)
				c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
				c.Expect(name, gs.Not(gs.Equals), "MISSING")
				reports[name] = r
				pc.reportRecycleChan <- NewPipelinePack(pc.reportRecycleChan)
			fReport := reports[fName]
			c.Expect(fReport, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			checkForFields(c, fReport.Message)
			c.Expect(hasChannelData(fReport.Message), gs.IsTrue)

			iReport := reports[iName]
			c.Expect(iReport, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			checkForFields(c, iReport.Message)

			recycleReport := reports["inputRecycleChan"]
			c.Expect(recycleReport, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			capVal, ok := recycleReport.Message.GetFieldValue("InChanCapacity")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(capVal.(int64), gs.Equals, int64(pConfig.Globals.PoolSize))

			injectReport := reports["injectRecycleChan"]
			c.Expect(injectReport, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			capVal, ok = injectReport.Message.GetFieldValue("InChanCapacity")
			c.Expect(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(capVal.(int64), gs.Equals, int64(pConfig.Globals.PoolSize))

			routerReport := reports["Router"]
			c.Expect(routerReport, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(hasChannelData(routerReport.Message), gs.IsTrue)
Example #29
func FilehandlingSpec(c gs.Context) {
	here, err := os.Getwd()
	c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
	dirPath := filepath.Join(here, "testdir", "filehandling")

	c.Specify("The directory scanner", func() {

		c.Specify("scans a directory properly", func() {
			matchRegex := regexp.MustCompile(dirPath + `/subdir/.*\.log(\..*)?`)
			results := ScanDirectoryForLogfiles(dirPath, matchRegex)
			c.Expect(len(results), gs.Equals, 3)

		c.Specify("scans a directory with a bad regexp", func() {
			matchRegex := regexp.MustCompile(dirPath + "/subdir/.*.logg(.*)?")
			results := ScanDirectoryForLogfiles(dirPath, matchRegex)
			c.Expect(len(results), gs.Equals, 0)

	c.Specify("Populating logfile with match parts", func() {
		logfile := Logfile{}

		c.Specify("works without errors", func() {
			subexpNames := []string{"MonthName", "LogNumber"}
			matches := []string{"October", "24"}
			translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
			logfile.PopulateMatchParts(subexpNames, matches, translation)
			c.Expect(logfile.MatchParts["MonthName"], gs.Equals, 10)
			c.Expect(logfile.MatchParts["LogNumber"], gs.Equals, 24)

		c.Specify("works with bad month name", func() {
			subexpNames := []string{"MonthName", "LogNumber"}
			matches := []string{"Octoberrr", "24"}
			translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
			err := logfile.PopulateMatchParts(subexpNames, matches, translation)
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Unable to locate month name: Octoberrr")

		c.Specify("works with missing value in submatch translation map", func() {
			subexpNames := []string{"MonthName", "LogNumber"}
			matches := []string{"October", "24"}
			translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
			translation["LogNumber"] = make(MatchTranslationMap)
			translation["LogNumber"]["23"] = 22
			translation["LogNumber"]["999"] = 999 // Non-"missing" submatches must be len > 1.
			err := logfile.PopulateMatchParts(subexpNames, matches, translation)
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(err.Error(), gs.Equals, "Value '24' not found in translation map 'LogNumber'.")

		c.Specify("works with custom value in submatch translation map", func() {
			subexpNames := []string{"MonthName", "LogNumber"}
			matches := []string{"October", "24"}
			translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
			translation["LogNumber"] = make(MatchTranslationMap)
			translation["LogNumber"]["24"] = 2
			translation["LogNumber"]["999"] = 999 // Non-"missing" submatches must be len > 1.
			logfile.PopulateMatchParts(subexpNames, matches, translation)
			c.Expect(logfile.MatchParts["MonthName"], gs.Equals, 10)
			c.Expect(logfile.MatchParts["LogNumber"], gs.Equals, 2)

	c.Specify("Populating logfiles with match parts", func() {
		translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
		matchRegex := regexp.MustCompile(dirPath + `/subdir/.*\.log\.?(?P<FileNumber>.*)?`)
		logfiles := ScanDirectoryForLogfiles(dirPath, matchRegex)

		c.Specify("is populated", func() {
			logfiles.PopulateMatchParts(matchRegex, translation)
			c.Expect(len(logfiles), gs.Equals, 3)
			c.Expect(logfiles[0].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, -1)
			c.Expect(logfiles[1].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 1)
			c.Expect(logfiles[1].StringMatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, "1")

		c.Specify("returns errors", func() {
			translation["FileNumber"] = make(MatchTranslationMap)
			translation["FileNumber"]["23"] = 22
			translation["FileNumber"]["999"] = 999 // Non-"missing" submatches must be len > 1.
			err := logfiles.PopulateMatchParts(matchRegex, translation)
			c.Assume(err, gs.Not(gs.IsNil))
			c.Expect(len(logfiles), gs.Equals, 3)

	c.Specify("Sorting logfiles", func() {
		translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
		matchRegex := regexp.MustCompile(dirPath + `/subdir/.*\.log\.?(?P<FileNumber>.*)?`)
		logfiles := ScanDirectoryForLogfiles(dirPath, matchRegex)

		c.Specify("with no 'missing' translation value", func() {
			err := logfiles.PopulateMatchParts(matchRegex, translation)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(len(logfiles), gs.Equals, 3)

			c.Specify("can be sorted newest to oldest", func() {
				byp := ByPriority{Logfiles: logfiles, Priority: []string{"FileNumber"}}
				c.Expect(logfiles[0].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, -1)
				c.Expect(logfiles[1].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 1)

			c.Specify("can be sorted oldest to newest", func() {
				byp := ByPriority{Logfiles: logfiles, Priority: []string{"^FileNumber"}}
				c.Expect(logfiles[0].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 2)
				c.Expect(logfiles[1].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 1)

		c.Specify("with 'missing' translation value", func() {
			translation["FileNumber"] = make(MatchTranslationMap)
			translation["FileNumber"]["missing"] = 5
			err := logfiles.PopulateMatchParts(matchRegex, translation)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(len(logfiles), gs.Equals, 3)

			c.Specify("honors 'missing' translation value", func() {
				byp := ByPriority{Logfiles: logfiles, Priority: []string{"FileNumber"}}
				c.Expect(logfiles[0].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 1)
				c.Expect(logfiles[1].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 2)
				c.Expect(logfiles[2].MatchParts["FileNumber"], gs.Equals, 5)

	c.Specify("Sorting out a directory of access/error logs", func() {
		translation := make(SubmatchTranslationMap)
		matchRegex := regexp.MustCompile(dirPath +
		logfiles := ScanDirectoryForLogfiles(dirPath, matchRegex)
		err := logfiles.PopulateMatchParts(matchRegex, translation)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		c.Expect(len(logfiles), gs.Equals, 52)

		c.Specify("can result in multiple logfile streams", func() {
			mfs := FilterMultipleStreamFiles(logfiles, []string{"Type"})
			c.Expect(len(mfs), gs.Equals, 2)
			access, ok := mfs["access"]
			c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(len(access), gs.Equals, 26)
			error, ok := mfs["error"]
			c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(len(error), gs.Equals, 26)

			c.Specify("can be individually sorted properly by access", func() {
				byp := ByPriority{Logfiles: mfs["access"], Priority: []string{"Year", "Month", "^Seq"}}
				lf := mfs["access"]
				c.Expect(lf[0].FileName, gs.Equals, dirPath+"/2010/05/access.log.3")
				c.Expect(lf[len(lf)-1].FileName, gs.Equals, dirPath+"/2013/08/access.log")

			c.Specify("can be individually sorted properly by error", func() {
				byp := ByPriority{Logfiles: mfs["error"], Priority: []string{"Year", "Month", "^Seq"}}
				lf := mfs["error"]
				c.Expect(lf[0].FileName, gs.Equals, dirPath+"/2010/07/error.log.2")
				c.Expect(lf[len(lf)-1].FileName, gs.Equals, dirPath+"/2013/08/error.log")

		c.Specify("Can result in multiple logfile streams with a prefix", func() {
			mfs := FilterMultipleStreamFiles(logfiles, []string{"website-", "Type"})
			c.Expect(len(mfs), gs.Equals, 2)
			access, ok := mfs["website-access"]
			c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(len(access), gs.Equals, 26)
			error, ok := mfs["website-error"]
			c.Assume(ok, gs.IsTrue)
			c.Expect(len(error), gs.Equals, 26)
Example #30
func FilePollingInputSpec(c gs.Context) {
	t := new(pipeline_ts.SimpleT)
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)

	tmpFileName := fmt.Sprintf("filepollinginput-test-%d", time.Now().UnixNano())
	tmpFilePath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), tmpFileName)

	defer func() {

	pConfig := NewPipelineConfig(nil)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	errChan := make(chan error, 1)
	bytesChan := make(chan []byte, 1)
	tickChan := make(chan time.Time)

	retPackChan := make(chan *PipelinePack, 2)
	defer close(retPackChan)

	c.Specify("A FilePollingInput", func() {
		input := new(FilePollingInput)

		ith := new(plugins_ts.InputTestHelper)
		ith.MockHelper = pipelinemock.NewMockPluginHelper(ctrl)
		ith.MockInputRunner = pipelinemock.NewMockInputRunner(ctrl)
		ith.MockSplitterRunner = pipelinemock.NewMockSplitterRunner(ctrl)

		config := input.ConfigStruct().(*FilePollingInputConfig)
		config.FilePath = tmpFilePath

		startInput := func(msgCount int) {
			go func() {
				errChan <- input.Run(ith.MockInputRunner, ith.MockHelper)


		c.Specify("gets updated information when reading a file", func() {

			err := input.Init(config)
			c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)

			splitCall := ith.MockSplitterRunner.EXPECT().SplitStream(gomock.Any(),
			splitCall.Do(func(f *os.File, del Deliverer) {
				fBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
				if err != nil {
					fBytes = []byte(err.Error())
				bytesChan <- fBytes


			f, err := os.Create(tmpFilePath)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			_, err = f.Write([]byte("test1"))
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(f.Close(), gs.IsNil)

			tickChan <- time.Now()

			msgBytes := <-bytesChan
			c.Expect(string(msgBytes), gs.Equals, "test1")

			f, err = os.Create(tmpFilePath)
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

			_, err = f.Write([]byte("test2"))
			c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
			c.Expect(f.Close(), gs.IsNil)

			tickChan <- time.Now()
			msgBytes = <-bytesChan
			c.Expect(string(msgBytes), gs.Equals, "test2")

			c.Expect(<-errChan, gs.IsNil)

