func testTopology(t *testing.T, g *graph.Graph, cmds []helper.Cmd, onChange func(ws *websocket.Conn)) { cmdIndex := 0 or := func(w *websocket.Conn) { // ready to exec the first cmd if cmdIndex < len(cmds) { helper.ExecCmds(t, cmds[cmdIndex]) cmdIndex++ } } oc := func(ws *websocket.Conn) { onChange(ws) // exec the following command if cmdIndex < len(cmds) { helper.ExecCmds(t, cmds[cmdIndex]) cmdIndex++ } } err := startTopologyClient(t, g, or, oc) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } }
func TestSFlowProbePathOvsInternalNetNS(t *testing.T) { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } ts := NewTestStorage() aa := helper.NewAgentAnalyzerWithConfig(t, confAgentAnalyzer, ts) aa.Start() defer aa.Stop() client := api.NewCrudClientFromConfig(&http.AuthenticationOpts{}) capture := &api.Capture{ProbePath: "*/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]"} if err := client.Create("capture", &capture); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) setupCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl add-br br-sflow", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow sflow-intf1 -- set interface sflow-intf1 type=internal", true}, {"ip netns add sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip link set sflow-intf1 netns sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ip address add dev sflow-intf1", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ip link set sflow-intf1 up", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ping -c 15 -I sflow-intf1", false}, } tearDownCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ip netns del sflow-vm1", true}, {"ovs-vsctl del-br br-sflow", true}, } helper.ExecCmds(t, setupCmds...) defer helper.ExecCmds(t, tearDownCmds...) aa.Flush() ok := false for _, f := range ts.GetFlows() { if f.ProbeGraphPath == hostname+"[Type=host]/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]" && f.LayersPath == "Ethernet/ARP/Payload" { ok = true break } } if !ok { t.Error("Unable to find a flow with the expected probePath") } client.Delete("capture", "*/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]") }
func TestPCAPProbe(t *testing.T) { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } ts := NewTestStorage() aa := helper.NewAgentAnalyzerWithConfig(t, confAgentAnalyzer, ts) aa.Start() defer aa.Stop() client := api.NewCrudClientFromConfig(&http.AuthenticationOpts{}) capture := &api.Capture{ProbePath: "*/br-pcap[Type=bridge]"} if err := client.Create("capture", &capture); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) setupCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"brctl addbr br-pcap", true}, {"ip link set br-pcap up", true}, {"ip address add dev br-pcap", true}, {"ping -c 3", false}, } tearDownCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ip link set br-pcap down", true}, {"brctl delbr br-pcap", true}, } helper.ExecCmds(t, setupCmds...) defer helper.ExecCmds(t, tearDownCmds...) aa.Flush() ok := false flows := ts.GetFlows() for _, f := range flows { if f.ProbeGraphPath == hostname+"[Type=host]/br-pcap[Type=bridge]" { ok = true break } } if !ok { t.Error("Unable to find a flow with the expected probePath") } client.Delete("capture", "*/br-pcap[Type=bridge]") }
func testTopology(t *testing.T, g *graph.Graph, cmds []helper.Cmd, onChange func(ws *websocket.Conn)) { cmdIndex := 0 cmdChan := make(chan helper.Cmd, len(cmds)) defer close(cmdChan) go func() { for cmd := range cmdChan { helper.ExecCmds(t, cmd) } }() or := func(w *websocket.Conn) { // ready to exec the first cmd if cmdIndex < len(cmds) { cmdChan <- cmds[cmdIndex] cmdIndex++ } } oc := func(ws *websocket.Conn) { onChange(ws) // exec the following command if cmdIndex < len(cmds) { cmdChan <- cmds[cmdIndex] cmdIndex++ } } err := startTopologyClient(t, g, or, oc) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } }
func TestSFlowWithPCAP(t *testing.T) { ts := NewTestStorage() aa := helper.NewAgentAnalyzerWithConfig(t, confAgentAnalyzer, ts) aa.Start() defer aa.Stop() client := api.NewCrudClientFromConfig(&http.AuthenticationOpts{}) capture := &api.Capture{ProbePath: "*/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]"} if err := client.Create("capture", &capture); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) setupCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl add-br br-sflow", true}, } tearDownCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl del-br br-sflow", true}, } helper.ExecCmds(t, setupCmds...) defer helper.ExecCmds(t, tearDownCmds...) time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // FIX(safchain): need to be reworked as there is no more static sflow agent // running at a specific port and agent couldn't speak sflow at all for _, trace := range flowsTraces { fulltrace, _ := filepath.Abs(trace.filename) err := tools.PCAP2SFlowReplay("localhost", 55000, fulltrace, 1000, 5) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error during the replay: %s", err.Error()) } aa.Flush() pcapTraceValidate(t, ts.GetFlows(), &trace) } client.Delete("capture", "*/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]") }
func TestSFlowProbPath(t *testing.T) { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } ts := NewTestStorage() agent, analyzer := helper.StartAgentAndAnalyzerWithConfig(t, confAgentAnalyzer, ts) defer agent.Stop() defer analyzer.Stop() time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) setupCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl add-br br-sflow", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow sflow-intf1 -- set interface sflow-intf1 type=internal", true}, {"ip address add dev sflow-intf1", true}, {"ip link set sflow-intf1 up", true}, {"ping -c 15 -I sflow-intf1", false}, } tearDownCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl del-br br-sflow", true}, } helper.ExecCmds(t, setupCmds...) defer helper.ExecCmds(t, tearDownCmds...) ok := false for _, f := range ts.GetFlows() { if f.ProbeGraphPath == hostname+"/br-sflow" && f.LayersPath == "Ethernet/ARP/Payload" { ok = true break } } if !ok { t.Error("Unable to find a flow with the expected probePath") } }
func TestSFlowSrcDstPath(t *testing.T) { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } ts := NewTestStorage() aa := helper.NewAgentAnalyzerWithConfig(t, confAgentAnalyzer, ts) aa.Start() defer aa.Stop() client := api.NewCrudClientFromConfig(&http.AuthenticationOpts{}) capture := &api.Capture{ProbePath: "*/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]"} if err := client.Create("capture", &capture); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) setupCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl add-br br-sflow", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow sflow-intf1 -- set interface sflow-intf1 type=internal", true}, {"ip netns add sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip link set sflow-intf1 netns sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ip address add dev sflow-intf1", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ip link set sflow-intf1 up", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow sflow-intf2 -- set interface sflow-intf2 type=internal", true}, {"ip netns add sflow-vm2", true}, {"ip link set sflow-intf2 netns sflow-vm2", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm2 ip address add dev sflow-intf2", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm2 ip link set sflow-intf2 up", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ping -c 25 -I sflow-intf1", false}, } tearDownCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ip netns del sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip netns del sflow-vm2", true}, {"ovs-vsctl del-br br-sflow", true}, } helper.ExecCmds(t, setupCmds...) defer helper.ExecCmds(t, tearDownCmds...) aa.Flush() ok := false for _, f := range ts.GetFlows() { // we can have both way depending on which packet has been seen first if (f.IfSrcGraphPath == hostname+"[Type=host]/sflow-vm1[Type=netns]/sflow-intf1[Type=internal]" && f.IfDstGraphPath == hostname+"[Type=host]/sflow-vm2[Type=netns]/sflow-intf2[Type=internal]") || (f.IfSrcGraphPath == hostname+"[Type=host]/sflow-vm2[Type=netns]/sflow-intf2[Type=internal]" && f.IfDstGraphPath == hostname+"[Type=host]/sflow-vm1[Type=netns]/sflow-intf1[Type=internal]") { ok = true break } } if !ok { t.Errorf("Unable to find flows with the expected path: %v\n %s", ts.GetFlows(), aa.Agent.Graph.String()) } client.Delete("capture", "*/br-sflow[Type=ovsbridge]") }
func TestSFlowTwoProbePath(t *testing.T) { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } ts := NewTestStorage() aa := helper.NewAgentAnalyzerWithConfig(t, confAgentAnalyzer, ts) aa.Start() defer aa.Stop() client := api.NewCrudClientFromConfig(&http.AuthenticationOpts{}) capture1 := &api.Capture{ProbePath: "*/br-sflow1[Type=ovsbridge]"} if err := client.Create("capture", &capture1); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } capture2 := &api.Capture{ProbePath: "*/br-sflow2[Type=ovsbridge]"} if err := client.Create("capture", &capture2); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) setupCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ovs-vsctl add-br br-sflow1", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow1 sflow-intf1 -- set interface sflow-intf1 type=internal", true}, {"ip netns add sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip link set sflow-intf1 netns sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ip address add dev sflow-intf1", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm1 ip link set sflow-intf1 up", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-br br-sflow2", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow2 sflow-intf2 -- set interface sflow-intf2 type=internal", true}, {"ip netns add sflow-vm2", true}, {"ip link set sflow-intf2 netns sflow-vm2", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm2 ip address add dev sflow-intf2", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm2 ip link set sflow-intf2 up", true}, // interfaces used to link br-sflow1 and br-sflow2 without a patch {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow1 sflow-link1 -- set interface sflow-link1 type=internal", true}, {"ip link set sflow-link1 up", true}, {"ovs-vsctl add-port br-sflow2 sflow-link2 -- set interface sflow-link2 type=internal", true}, {"ip link set sflow-link2 up", true}, {"brctl addbr br-link", true}, {"ip link set br-link up", true}, {"brctl addif br-link sflow-link1", true}, {"brctl addif br-link sflow-link2", true}, {"ip netns exec sflow-vm2 ping -c 15 -I sflow-intf2", false}, } tearDownCmds := []helper.Cmd{ {"ip netns del sflow-vm1", true}, {"ip netns del sflow-vm2", true}, {"ovs-vsctl del-br br-sflow1", true}, {"ovs-vsctl del-br br-sflow2", true}, {"ip link set br-link down", true}, {"brctl delbr br-link", true}, } helper.ExecCmds(t, setupCmds...) defer helper.ExecCmds(t, tearDownCmds...) aa.Flush() flows := []*flow.Flow{} for _, f := range ts.GetFlows() { if f.LayersPath == "Ethernet/IPv4/ICMPv4/Payload" { flows = append(flows, f) } } if len(flows) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should have 2 flow entries one per probepath got: %d", len(flows)) } if flows[0].ProbeGraphPath != hostname+"[Type=host]/br-sflow1[Type=ovsbridge]" && flows[0].ProbeGraphPath != hostname+"[Type=host]/br-sflow2[Type=ovsbridge]" { t.Errorf("Bad probepath for the first flow: %s", flows[0].ProbeGraphPath) } if flows[1].ProbeGraphPath != hostname+"[Type=host]/br-sflow1[Type=ovsbridge]" && flows[1].ProbeGraphPath != hostname+"[Type=host]/br-sflow2[Type=ovsbridge]" { t.Errorf("Bad probepath for the second flow: %s", flows[1].ProbeGraphPath) } if flows[0].FlowUUID != flows[1].FlowUUID { t.Errorf("Both flows should have the same FlowUUID: %v", flows) } if flows[0].UUID == flows[1].UUID { t.Errorf("Both flows should have different UUID: %v", flows) } client.Delete("capture", "*/br-sflow1[Type=ovsbridge]") client.Delete("capture", "*/br-sflow2[Type=ovsbridge]") }