Example #1
func updateSigs() (string, error) {
	url, _, _ := config.UpdateOptions()
	if url == "" {
		return "Update is not available for this distribution of siegfried", nil
	response, err := getHttp(url)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	var u Update
	if err := json.Unmarshal(response, &u); err != nil {
		return "", err
	version := config.Version()
	if version[0] < u.Version[0] || (version[0] == u.Version[0] && version[1] < u.Version[1]) || // if the version is out of date
		u.Version == [3]int{0, 0, 0} || u.Created == "" || u.Size == 0 || u.Path == "" { // or if the unmarshalling hasn't worked and we have blank values
		return "Your version of siegfried is out of date; please install latest from http://www.itforarchivists.com/siegfried before continuing.", nil
	s, err := siegfried.Load(config.Signature())
	if err == nil {
		if !s.Update(u.Created) {
			return "You are already up to date!", nil
	} else {
		// this hairy bit of golang exception handling is thanks to Ross! :)
		if _, err = os.Stat(config.Home()); err != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				err = os.MkdirAll(config.Home(), os.ModePerm)
				if err != nil {
					return "", fmt.Errorf("Siegfried: cannot create home directory %s, %v", config.Home(), err)
			} else {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("Siegfried: error opening directory %s, %v", config.Home(), err)
	fmt.Println("... downloading latest signature file ...")
	response, err = getHttp(u.Path)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Siegfried: error retrieving %s.\nThis may be a network or firewall issue. See https://github.com/richardlehane/siegfried/wiki/Getting-started for manual instructions.\nSystem error: %v", config.SignatureBase(), err)
	if len(response) != u.Size {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Siegfried: error retrieving %s; expecting %d bytes, got %d bytes", config.SignatureBase(), u.Size, len(response))
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(config.Signature(), response, os.ModePerm)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Siegfried: error writing to directory, %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("... writing %s ...\n", config.Signature())
	return "Your signature file has been updated", nil
Example #2
func blameSig(i int) error {
	if *inspectHome != config.Home() {
	s, err := siegfried.Load(config.Signature())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Println(s.Blame(i, *inspectCType, *inspectCName))
	return nil
Example #3
func inspectSig(t core.MatcherType) error {
	if *inspectHome != config.Home() {
	s, err := siegfried.Load(config.Signature())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #4
func setHarvestOptions() {
	if *harvestHome != config.Home() {
	if *harvestDroid != config.Droid() {
	if *timeout != htimeout {
	if *throttlef > 0 {
Example #5
func initSets() error {
	//  load all json files in the sets directory and add them to a single map
	sets = make(map[string][]string)
	wf := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New("error walking sets directory, must have a 'sets' directory in siegfried home: " + err.Error())
		if info.IsDir() {
			return nil
		switch filepath.Ext(path) {
			return nil // ignore non json files
		case ".json":
		set := make(map[string][]string)
		byts, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New("error loading " + path + " " + err.Error())
		err = json.Unmarshal(byts, &set)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New("error unmarshalling " + path + " " + err.Error())
		for k, v := range set {
			k = stripComment(k)
			v = stripComments(v)
			m, ok := sets[k]
			if !ok {
				sets[k] = v
			} else {
				// if we already have this key, add any new items in its list to the existing list
				for _, w := range v {
					idx := sort.SearchStrings(m, w)
					if idx == len(m) || m[idx] != w {
						m = append(m, w)
				sets[k] = m
		return nil
	return filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(config.Home(), "sets"), wf)
Example #6
func main() {
	go func() {
		log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))
	// configure home and signature if not default
	if *home != config.Home() {
	if *sig != config.SignatureBase() {
	// handle -update
	if *update {
		msg, err := updateSigs()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("[FATAL] failed to update signature file, %v", err)
	// handle -hash error
	hashT := getHash(*hashf)
	if *hashf != "" && hashT < 0 {
		log.Fatalf("[FATAL] invalid hash type; choose from %s", hashChoices)
	// load and handle signature errors
	s, err := siegfried.Load(config.Signature())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("[FATAL] error loading signature file, got: %v", err)
	// handle -version
	if *version {
		version := config.Version()
		fmt.Printf("siegfried %d.%d.%d\n%s", version[0], version[1], version[2], s)
	// handle -fpr
	if *fprflag {
		log.Printf("FPR server started at %s. Use CTRL-C to quit.\n", config.Fpr())
		serveFpr(config.Fpr(), s)
	// check -multi
	if *multi > maxMulti || *multi < 1 || (*archive && *multi > 1) {
		log.Println("[WARN] -multi must be > 0 and =< 1024. If -z, -multi must be 1. Resetting -multi to 1")
		*multi = 1
	// start logger
	lg, err := newLogger(*logf)
	if err != nil {
	if config.Slow() || config.Debug() {
		if *serve != "" || *fprflag {
			log.Fatalln("[FATAL] debug and slow logging cannot be run in server mode")
	// start throttle
	if *throttlef != 0 {
		throttle = time.NewTicker(*throttlef)
		defer throttle.Stop()
	// start the printer
	lenCtxts := *multi
	if lenCtxts == 1 {
		lenCtxts = 8
	ctxts := make(chan *context, lenCtxts)
	go printer(ctxts, lg)
	// set default writer
	var w writer
	switch {
	case *csvo:
		w = newCSV(os.Stdout)
	case *jsono:
		w = newJSON(os.Stdout)
	case *droido:
		w = newDroid(os.Stdout)
		if len(s.Fields()) != 1 || len(s.Fields()[0]) != 7 {
			log.Fatalln("[FATAL] DROID output is limited to signature files with a single PRONOM identifier")
		w = newYAML(os.Stdout)
	// overrite writer with nil writer if logging is to stdout
	if lg != nil && lg.w == os.Stdout {
		w = logWriter{}
	// setup default waitgroup
	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
	// setup context pool
	setCtxPool(s, w, wg, hashT, *archive)
	// handle -serve
	if *serve != "" {
		log.Printf("Starting server at %s. Use CTRL-C to quit.\n", *serve)
		listen(*serve, s, ctxts)
	// handle no file/directory argument
	if flag.NArg() != 1 {
		log.Fatalln("[FATAL] expecting a single file or directory argument")

	w.writeHead(s, hashT)
	// support reading list files from stdin
	if flag.Arg(0) == "-" {
		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
		for scanner.Scan() {
			info, err := os.Stat(scanner.Text())
			if err != nil {
				info, err = retryStat(scanner.Text(), err)
			if err != nil || info.IsDir() {
				ctx := getCtx(scanner.Text(), "", "", 0)
				ctx.res <- results{fmt.Errorf("failed to identify %s (in scanning mode, inputs must all be files and not directories), got: %v", scanner.Text(), err), nil, nil}
				ctxts <- ctx
			} else {
				identifyFile(getCtx(scanner.Text(), "", info.ModTime().Format(time.RFC3339), info.Size()), ctxts, getCtx)
	} else {
		err = identify(ctxts, flag.Arg(0), "", *nr, getCtx)
	// log time elapsed
	if !lg.start.IsZero() {
		fmt.Fprintf(lg.w, "%s %v\n", timeString, time.Since(lg.start))
	if err != nil {
Example #7
	errString  = "[ERROR]"
	warnString = "[WARN]"
	timeString = "[TIME]"

// flags
var (
	update    = flag.Bool("update", false, "update or install the default signature file")
	version   = flag.Bool("version", false, "display version information")
	logf      = flag.String("log", "error", "log errors, warnings, debug or slow output, knowns or unknowns to stderr or stdout e.g. -log error,warn,unknown,stdout")
	nr        = flag.Bool("nr", false, "prevent automatic directory recursion")
	csvo      = flag.Bool("csv", false, "CSV output format")
	jsono     = flag.Bool("json", false, "JSON output format")
	droido    = flag.Bool("droid", false, "DROID CSV output format")
	sig       = flag.String("sig", config.SignatureBase(), "set the signature file")
	home      = flag.String("home", config.Home(), "override the default home directory")
	serve     = flag.String("serve", "", "start siegfried server e.g. -serve localhost:5138")
	multi     = flag.Int("multi", 1, "set number of parallel file ID processes")
	archive   = flag.Bool("z", false, "scan archive formats (zip, tar, gzip, warc, arc)")
	hashf     = flag.String("hash", "", "calculate file checksum with hash algorithm; options "+hashChoices)
	throttlef = flag.Duration("throttle", 0, "set a time to wait between scanning files e.g. 50ms")

var (
	throttle *time.Ticker
	ctxPool  *sync.Pool

type WalkError struct {
	path string
	err  error
Example #8
func getOptions() []config.Option {
	if *home != config.Home() {
	if *inspectHome != config.Home() {
	opts := []config.Option{}
	// build options
	if *droid != config.Droid() {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetDroid(*droid))
	if *container != config.Container() {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetContainer(*container))
	if *mi != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetMIMEInfo(*mi))
	if *fdd != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(*fdd))
	if *locfdd {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(""))
	if *nopronom {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoPRONOM())
	if *name != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetName(*name))
	if *details != config.Details() {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetDetails(*details))
	if *extend != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetExtend(expandSets(*extend)))
	if *extendc != "" {
		if *extend == "" {
				`roy: warning! Unless the container extension only extends formats defined in 
the DROID signature file you should also include a regular signature extension 
(-extend) that includes a FileFormatCollection element describing the new formats.`)
		opts = append(opts, config.SetExtendC(expandSets(*extendc)))
	if *include != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetLimit(expandSets(*include)))
	if *exclude != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetExclude(expandSets(*exclude)))
	if *bof != 0 {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetBOF(*bof))
	if *eof != 0 {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetEOF(*eof))
	if *noeof {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoEOF())
	if *multi != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetMulti(strings.ToLower(*multi)))
	if *nocontainer {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoContainer())
	if *notext {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoText())
	if *noname {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoName())
	if *nomime {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoMIME())
	if *noxml {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoXML())
	if *noriff {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoRIFF())
	if *noreports {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetNoReports())
	if *doubleup {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetDoubleUp())
	if *rng != config.Range() {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetRange(*rng))
	if *distance != config.Distance() {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetDistance(*distance))
	if *choices != config.Choices() {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetChoices(*choices))
	// inspect options
	if *inspectMI != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetMIMEInfo(*inspectMI))
	if *inspectFDD != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(*fdd))
	if *inspectLOC {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(""))
	if *inspectInclude != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetLimit(expandSets(*inspectInclude)))
	if *inspectExclude != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetExclude(expandSets(*inspectExclude)))
	if *inspectExtend != "" {
		opts = append(opts, config.SetExtend(expandSets(*inspectExtend)))
	if *inspectExtendc != "" {
		if *inspectExtend == "" {
				`roy: warning! Unless the container extension only extends formats defined in 
the DROID signature file you should also include a regular signature extension 
(-extend) that includes a FileFormatCollection element describing the new formats.`)
		opts = append(opts, config.SetExtendC(expandSets(*inspectExtendc)))
	return opts
Example #9
      E.g. roy inspect -limit @pdfa priorities
   -mi, -loc, -fdd
      Specify particular MIME-info or LOC FDD signature files for inspecting
      formats or viewing priorities.
      Build from PRONOM reports files (rather than just using the DROID XML
      file as input). A bit slower but can be more accurate for a small set
      of formats like FLAC.
      Use a different siegfried home directory.

var (
	// BUILD, ADD flag sets
	build       = flag.NewFlagSet("build | add", flag.ExitOnError)
	home        = build.String("home", config.Home(), "override the default home directory")
	droid       = build.String("droid", config.Droid(), "set name/path for DROID signature file")
	mi          = build.String("mi", "", "set name/path for MIMEInfo signature file")
	fdd         = build.String("fdd", "", "set name/path for LOC FDD signature file")
	locfdd      = build.Bool("loc", false, "build a LOC FDD signature file")
	nopronom    = build.Bool("nopronom", false, "don't include PRONOM sigs with LOC signature file")
	container   = build.String("container", config.Container(), "set name/path for Droid Container signature file")
	name        = build.String("name", "", "set identifier name")
	details     = build.String("details", config.Details(), "set identifier details")
	extend      = build.String("extend", "", "comma separated list of additional signatures")
	extendc     = build.String("extendc", "", "comma separated list of additional container signatures")
	include     = build.String("limit", "", "comma separated list of PRONOM signatures to include")
	exclude     = build.String("exclude", "", "comma separated list of PRONOM signatures to exclude")
	bof         = build.Int("bof", 0, "define a maximum BOF offset")
	eof         = build.Int("eof", 0, "define a maximum EOF offset")
	noeof       = build.Bool("noeof", false, "ignore EOF segments in signatures")