Example #1
// Crappy workaround. RSC doesn't return the body of the http request which contains
// the script source, so do the same lower level calls it does to get it.
func getSource(loc *cm15.RightScriptLocator) (respBody []byte, err error) {
	var params rsapi.APIParams
	var p rsapi.APIParams
	APIVersion := "1.5"
	client, _ := Config.Account.Client15()

	uri, err := loc.ActionPath("RightScript", "show_source")
	if err != nil {
		return respBody, err
	req, err := client.BuildHTTPRequest(uri.HTTPMethod, uri.Path, APIVersion, params, p)
	if err != nil {
		return respBody, err
	resp, err := client.PerformRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
		return respBody, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	respBody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 {
		return respBody, fmt.Errorf("invalid response %s: %s", resp.Status, string(respBody))
	return respBody, nil
Example #2
func (r *RightScript) PushLocal(prefix string) error {
	client, _ := Config.Account.Client15()

	createLocator := client.RightScriptLocator("/api/right_scripts")
	scriptName := r.Metadata.Name
	if prefix != "" {
		scriptName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, r.Metadata.Name)
	foundId, err := rightScriptIdByName(scriptName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fileSrc, err := ioutil.ReadFile(r.Path)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var rightscriptLocator *cm15.RightScriptLocator

	if foundId == "" {
		fmt.Printf("  Creating a new RightScript named '%s' from %s\n", scriptName, r.Path)
		// New one, perform create call
		params := cm15.RightScriptParam2{
			Name:        scriptName,
			Description: r.Metadata.Description,
			Packages:    r.Metadata.Packages,
			Source:      string(fileSrc),
		rightscriptLocator, err = createLocator.Create(&params)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("    RightScript created with HREF %s\n", rightscriptLocator.Href)
		r.Href = string(rightscriptLocator.Href)
	} else {
		// Found existing, do an update
		href := fmt.Sprintf("/api/right_scripts/%s", foundId)
		fmt.Printf("  Updating existing RightScript named '%s' with HREF %s from %s\n", scriptName, href, r.Path)

		params := cm15.RightScriptParam3{
			Name:        scriptName,
			Description: r.Metadata.Description,
			Packages:    r.Metadata.Packages,
			Source:      string(fileSrc),
		rightscriptLocator = client.RightScriptLocator(href)
		err = rightscriptLocator.Update(&params)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		r.Href = href

	attachmentsHref := fmt.Sprintf("%s/attachments", rightscriptLocator.Href)
	attachmentsLocator := client.RightScriptAttachmentLocator(attachmentsHref)
	attachments, err := attachmentsLocator.Index(rsapi.APIParams{})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	toUpload := make(map[string]string)                           // scripts we want to upload
	onRightscript := make(map[string]*cm15.RightScriptAttachment) // scripts attached to the rightsript
	for _, a := range r.Metadata.Attachments {
		fullPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(r.Path), "attachments", a)
		md5, err := fmd5sum(fullPath)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// We use a compound key with the name+md5 here to work around a couple corner cases
		//   - if the file is renamed, it'll be deleted and reuploaded
		//   - if two files have the same md5 for whatever reason they won't clash
		toUpload[path.Base(a)+"_"+md5] = a
	for _, a := range attachments {
		onRightscript[path.Base(a.Filename)+"_"+a.Digest] = a

	// Two passes. First pass we delete RightScripts. This comes up when a file was
	// removed from the RightScript, or when the contents of a file on disk changed.
	// In the second case, the second pass will reupload the correct attachment.
	for digestKey, a := range onRightscript {
		if _, ok := toUpload[digestKey]; !ok {
			loc := a.Locator(client)

			fmt.Printf("  Deleting attachment '%s' with HREF '%s'\n", a.Filename, loc.Href)
			err := loc.Destroy()
			if err != nil {
				return err

	// Second pass, now upload any missing attachment and any attachments that were
	// deleted because we changed file contents.
	for digestKey, name := range toUpload {
		digestKeyParts := strings.Split(digestKey, "_")
		md5 := digestKeyParts[len(digestKeyParts)-1]
		if _, ok := onRightscript[digestKey]; ok {
			fmt.Printf("  Attachment '%s' already uploaded with md5 %s\n", name, md5)
			// TBD -- update if a.Name != name?
		} else {
			fullPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(r.Path), "attachments", name)
			fmt.Printf("  Uploading attachment '%s' with md5 %s\n", name, md5)
			f, err := os.Open(fullPath)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// FileUpload represents payload fields that correspond to multipart file uploads.
			file := rsapi.FileUpload{Name: "right_script_attachment[content]", Reader: f, Filename: name}
			//params := cm15.RightScriptAttachmentParam{Content: &file, Name: a}
			err = uploadAttachment(attachmentsLocator, &file, path.Base(name))
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return err