Example #1
// AssertChannelExists asserts that an active channel identified by
// channelPoint is known to exist from the point-of-view of node..
func (n *networkHarness) AssertChannelExists(ctx context.Context,
	node *lightningNode, chanPoint *wire.OutPoint) error {

	req := &lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest{}
	resp, err := node.ListChannels(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable fetch node's channels: %v", err)

	for _, channel := range resp.Channels {
		if channel.ChannelPoint == chanPoint.String() {
			return nil

	return fmt.Errorf("channel not found")
Example #2
func testMultiHopPayments(net *networkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
	const chanAmt = btcutil.Amount(100000)
	ctxb := context.Background()
	timeout := time.Duration(time.Second * 5)

	// Open a channel with 100k satoshis between Alice and Bob with Alice
	// being the sole funder of the channel.
	ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	chanPointAlice := openChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, net.Alice,
		net.Bob, chanAmt)

	aliceChanTXID, err := wire.NewShaHash(chanPointAlice.FundingTxid)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create sha hash: %v", err)
	aliceFundPoint := wire.OutPoint{
		Hash:  *aliceChanTXID,
		Index: chanPointAlice.OutputIndex,

	// Create a new node (Carol), load her with some funds, then establish
	// a connection between Carol and Alice with a channel that has
	// identical capacity to the one created above.
	// The network topology should now look like: Carol -> Alice -> Bob
	carol, err := net.NewNode(nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create new nodes: %v", err)
	if err := net.ConnectNodes(ctxb, carol, net.Alice); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to connect carol to alice: %v", err)
	err = net.SendCoins(ctxb, btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin, carol)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to send coins to carol: %v", err)
	ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	chanPointCarol := openChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, carol,
		net.Alice, chanAmt)

	carolChanTXID, err := wire.NewShaHash(chanPointCarol.FundingTxid)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create sha hash: %v", err)
	carolFundPoint := wire.OutPoint{
		Hash:  *carolChanTXID,
		Index: chanPointCarol.OutputIndex,

	// Create 5 invoices for Bob, which expect a payment from Carol for 1k
	// satoshis with a different preimage each time.
	const numPayments = 5
	const paymentAmt = 1000
	rHashes := make([][]byte, numPayments)
	for i := 0; i < numPayments; i++ {
		preimage := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(i)}, 32)
		invoice := &lnrpc.Invoice{
			Memo:      "testing",
			RPreimage: preimage,
			Value:     paymentAmt,
		resp, err := net.Bob.AddInvoice(ctxb, invoice)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unable to add invoice: %v", err)

		rHashes[i] = resp.RHash

	// Carol's routing table should show a path from Carol -> Alice -> Bob,
	// with the two channels above recognized as the only links within the
	// network.
	req := &lnrpc.ShowRoutingTableRequest{}
	routingResp, err := carol.ShowRoutingTable(ctxb, req)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to query for carol's routing table: %v", err)
	if len(routingResp.Channels) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("only two channels should be seen as active in the "+
			"network, instead %v are", len(routingResp.Channels))
	for _, link := range routingResp.Channels {
		switch {
		case link.Outpoint == aliceFundPoint.String():
			switch {
			case link.Id1 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == net.Bob.PubKeyStr:
			case link.Id1 == net.Bob.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr:
				t.Fatalf("unkown link within routing "+
					"table: %v", spew.Sdump(link))
		case link.Outpoint == carolFundPoint.String():
			switch {
			case link.Id1 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == carol.PubKeyStr:
			case link.Id1 == carol.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr:
				t.Fatalf("unkown link within routing "+
					"table: %v", spew.Sdump(link))
			t.Fatalf("unkown channel %v found in routing table, "+
				"only %v and %v should exist", link.Outpoint,
				aliceFundPoint, carolFundPoint)

	// Using Carol as the source, pay to the 5 invoices from Bob created above.
	carolPayStream, err := carol.SendPayment(ctxb)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create payment stream for carol: %v", err)

	// Concurrently pay off all 5 of Bob's invoices. Each of the goroutines
	// will unblock on the recv once the HTLC it sent has been fully
	// settled.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, rHash := range rHashes {
		sendReq := &lnrpc.SendRequest{
			PaymentHash: rHash,
			Dest:        net.Bob.PubKey[:],
			Amt:         paymentAmt,

		go func() {
			if err := carolPayStream.Send(sendReq); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("unable to send payment: %v", err)
			if _, err := carolPayStream.Recv(); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("unable to recv pay resp: %v", err)

	finClear := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {

	select {
	case <-time.After(time.Second * 10):
		t.Fatalf("HTLC's not cleared after 10 seconds")
	case <-finClear:

	assertAsymmetricBalance := func(node *lightningNode,
		chanPoint wire.OutPoint, localBalance,
		remoteBalance int64) {

		channelName := ""
		switch chanPoint {
		case carolFundPoint:
			channelName = "Carol(local) => Alice(remote)"
		case aliceFundPoint:
			channelName = "Alice(local) => Bob(remote)"

		checkBalance := func() error {
			listReq := &lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest{}
			resp, err := node.ListChannels(ctxb, listReq)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("unable to for node's "+
					"channels: %v", err)
			for _, channel := range resp.Channels {
				if channel.ChannelPoint != chanPoint.String() {

				if channel.LocalBalance != localBalance {
					return fmt.Errorf("%v: incorrect local "+
						"balances: %v != %v", channelName,
						channel.LocalBalance, localBalance)

				if channel.RemoteBalance != remoteBalance {
					return fmt.Errorf("%v: incorrect remote "+
						"balances: %v != %v", channelName,
						channel.RemoteBalance, remoteBalance)

				return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("channel not found")

		// As far as HTLC inclusion in commitment transaction might be
		// postponed we will try to check the balance couple of
		// times, and then if after some period of time we receive wrong
		// balance return the error.
		// TODO(roasbeef): remove sleep after invoice notification hooks
		// are in place
		var timeover uint32
		go func() {
			<-time.After(time.Second * 20)
			atomic.StoreUint32(&timeover, 1)

		for {
			isTimeover := atomic.LoadUint32(&timeover) == 1
			if err := checkBalance(); err != nil {
				if isTimeover {
					t.Fatalf("Check balance failed: %v", err)
			} else {

	// At this point all the channels within our proto network should be
	// shifted by 5k satoshis in the direction of Bob, the sink within the
	// payment flow generated above. The order of asserts corresponds to
	// increasing of time is needed to embed the HTLC in commitment
	// transaction, in channel Carol->Alice->Bob, order is Bob,Alice,Carol.
	const sourceBal = int64(95000)
	const sinkBal = int64(5000)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(net.Bob, aliceFundPoint, sinkBal, sourceBal)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(net.Alice, aliceFundPoint, sourceBal, sinkBal)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(net.Alice, carolFundPoint, sinkBal, sourceBal)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(carol, carolFundPoint, sourceBal, sinkBal)

	ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	closeChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, net.Alice, chanPointAlice)
	ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	closeChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, carol, chanPointCarol)